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you cordially for the Historical Dictionary, and must request you to tender my thanks and best regards to its author. The work is so well adapted, although on a novel plan, that I feel myself bound to acknowledge how much I am indebted for the acquisition. Already have my sons with their classes gone eagerly through it two or three times. I shall take a great deal of pleasure in introducing it among my friends, and do most devoutly hope it may become extensively known. As a little compend of useful knowledge in Natural History, I regard it as the best work of the size that I have ever seen in our language. The references to authorities from which this valuable miniature is drawn, will be found very serviceable."

The Rev. TIMOTHY CLOWES, Minister of the Episcopal Church in the city of Albany, has politely furnished us with the following recommendation : Albany, May 24, 1813.


At your request I have examined Mr. Sampson's Historical Dictionary, and have no hesitation in stating it as my opinion that the plan and execution of the work are alike excellent. Compilations of this kind are of more use than is generally imagined.The young and the ignorant need them; the better informed have frequent occasion to be reminded of what they formerly learned. Much is contained in this book which every child ought to know, and with which he has few opportunities of being acquainted in the course of a common school education. What is here compris. ed will have a beneficial tendency to excite curiosity in youth, and direct their attention to works of more established credit and greater pretensions. Were it to be introduced into schools as a class book, it would advance the pupils in the art of reading as rapidly as any other, while at the same time it would impart to their minds a store of useful and interesting knowledge. TIMOTHY CLOWES.


Mr. ROBERT O. K. BENNETT, whose reputation as a public Teacher of youth in the city of Albany, for many years, is of the first standing, has communicated to us his opinion, in the following Albany, May 27, 1813.

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I have no hesitation in saying that I wholly agree in the preceeding recommendations of the "Historical Dictionary." Perhaps there is not extant any other book which contains so many useful facts, and such a fund of useful information, in so small a compass. No fewer than eight hundred and fifty articles, of primary importance, are comprised in this small volume. I am heartily rejoiced that a discerning public has demanded a second edition, and those who have undertaken to supply that demand have my best wishes for their success. Yours,


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