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It will be assumed that the number of bonds available for distribution is the number arrived at after crediting Germany with! the amounts debited to the Allied Powers in accordance with any such Inter-Allied Agreement.

Each Power will receive out of this assumed amount the share to which it is entitled under the Spa Financial Agreement less the difference, if any, between the value credited to Germany in respect of deliveries to that Power and the value debited in respect of the! same deliveries in accordance with any Inter-Allied Agreement.

In accordance with the Spa Financial Arrangement Belgium will not be debited with any sum on account of the ships allotted or transferred to her, and the above provision will not apply to Belgium in respect of such ships.

XIII. The present Agreement is made subject to any rights of the United States of America.

XIV. The Powers signatory to the present Agreement will endeavour to secure the early adherence to this Agreement of the other Allied and Associated Powers concerned.








(to be signed later [May 29, 1922])

PARIS, March 11, 1922.


Austrian Reparation: Agreement in regard to the Protocol of September1 8, 1919

The Governments of Belgium, France, Great Britain, Italy and Japan, recognising that it is desirable, in view of the postponement of their claims for reparation against Austria under the Treaty of Saint-Germain, that a new provision in the place of the Liberation Bonds should be made for the discharge of the obligation of Italy, the Serb-Croat-Slovene State and Roumania in respect of the ex

1 Dec. 8 is meant.

penses of liberating territories of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy transferred to them and also for the payment of the value of the property and possessions of that monarchy transferred to them.

Have agreed as follows:

1. Bonds of series "C" to be created and delivered under the Schedule of Payments notified to Germany under the Treaty of Versailles by the Reparation Commission on the 5th May, 1921, to an amount equal to the amounts already credited, or which should have been credited, to Austria under the Treaty of Saint-Germain in respect of property and possessions of the former AustroHungarian Monarchy transferred and of deliveries already made by Austria or otherwise, shall be distributed between the Powers entitled to reparation in the percentages in which the aggregate amount received under the head of reparation from Austria is to be divided according to the provisions of Article II (a) and (b) of the Agreement signed at Spa on the 16th July, 1920, and any Agreements supplementary to the Agreement.

2. Italy, the Serb-Croat-Slovene State and Roumania shall discharge their respective obligations for the payment of the value of property and possessions of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy transferred to them under the Treaty of Saint-Germain by surrendering to the Reparation Commission for cancellation bonds of the whole series "C" above mentioned, part of the said bonds to which they respectively will be entitled, to an amount equal in capital value to the capital value of the property and possessions of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy so transferred to them respectively. From the value of the property and possessions transferred to Italy shall be deducted the total cost of the Italian armies of occupation in Austrian territories.

3. Italy, the Serb-Croat-Slovene State and Roumania respectively shall discharge their obligations arising under the Agreements signed at Saint-Germain on the 10th September, 1919, and modified at Paris on the 8th December, 1919, for the payment of the expenses of liberating territories of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy transferred to them, by handing over to the Reparation Commission bonds of the said series "C", part of the said bonds to which they respectively will be entitled, to an amount equal in capital value to the amount of their respective obligations, less the percentages in which those States respectively share according to the repartition of the said sums established by Article II (a) and (b) of the Agreement signed at Spa on the 16th July, 1920.

4. The Reparation Commission shall divide the series "C" bonds handed over under the last preceding clause among the Powers, other than the Powers by whom the bonds are handed over, entitled to share in reparation payments in the same proportions as the interest of those Powers in bonds to be distributed under Clause 1 of this Agreement.

5. Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the distribution of receipts from Austria, Hungary, or Bulgaria on account of reparation or any adjustments to be made of any bonds of the said series "C" in consequence of such receipts.

If one of the Powers to which territories of Austria and Hungary have been ceded has not available series "C" Bonds in sufficient quantity to carry out the adjustments provided for above, the value of the possessions which have been transferred to such Power and its contribution to the costs of liberation shall be discharged, in so far as they cannot be satisfied by the delivery of series "C" Bonds, in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement of the 10th September, 1919, as modified by the Agreement of the 8th December.


6. This Agreement cancels all previous arrangements between the High Contracting Parties, whether contained in the said Agreements of September and December 1919 or the Agreement of Spal of the 16th July, 1920, or otherwise, in so far as such arrangements may be in conflict with the provisions of this Agreement.

The provisions of Articles II. III and IV of this Agreement shall not come into force until Czechoslovakia and Poland shall have discharged their respective obligations under the said Agree ments of the 10th September and the 8th December, 1919, regard being had in so far as Poland is concerned to Article 10 of the Spa Agreement.

7. Agreement between the United States of America and Great Britain, France, Italy, and Belgium in regard to the Reimbursement of the Costs of the American Army of Occupation'

Signed at Paris, May 25, 1923; in force between governments from date of signing, subject to confirmation; superseded by the pro

1 File 462.00 R 294/256. Printed in Foreign Relations, 1923, 11, 180.

visions of article 3 of the Finance Ministers' agreement of January 14, 1925, in virtue of paragraph B, 3, thereof

THE PRESENT AGREEMENT is concluded between the Government of the United States of America, of the one part,

And the Governments of Great Britain, France, Italy, and Belgium of the other part.

The Governments of Great Britain, France, Italy and Belgium undertake to use every effort to secure the adherence to this Agreement of the other Allied Powers who have a right to participate in the payments affected by the said Agreement.


For the purpose of the present Agreement the net amount due to the Government of the United States for the costs of its Army of Occupation will be reckoned as follows:

The total net costs as they are certified by the United States Government and as they will figure in the accounts of the Reparation Commission after deducting the following sums, if they have not already been deducted:

(a) Any amount already collected by the United States Government in the form of the requisition of paper marks;

(b) The value of the Armistice material and material abandoned by Germany not possessing a military character.

The value in gold of the paper marks, of the Armistice material and of the abandoned material not possessing a military character, shall be fixed by the Reparation Commission and the Reparation Commission will agree with the Government of the United States as to the amount thereof to be deducted from the total net costs of the American Army of Occupation.


I. The net amount due to the United States will be paid in twelve equal yearly instalments, the first instalment to be paid on or before the 31st December 1923.

II. No interest will be charged; however, if the Allied Governments should decide at any time to charge interest from a fixed date for the unpaid costs of their Armies of Occupation, the same rate of interest commencing from the same date shall be allowed the Government of the United States for the unpaid balance of its claim. III. Each of the yearly instalments referred to in paragraph I of the present Article constitutes up to the 31st December 1926 a

first charge on the payments of all kinds to be credited to Germany's "Reparation" account' excluding those specially excepted by paragraph IV below, and, from the 1st January 1927, if the payments of all kinds to be placed to the credit of the Reparation account are insufficient, a first charge in addition on all the payments to be placed to the credit of Armies of Occupation account, exclusive of paper marks requisitioned to meet the needs of the Armies of Occupation for local currency during the year in the course of which the said yearly instalment should be paid to the Government of the United States. The charges established by the present paragraph are applicable whether these payments are made by Germany or for her account or by or for the account of another country from whom a similar payment may be exacted, to any organization which has been or may be designated to receive such payments and including the payments made directly to the interested Govern


IV. For the purpose of the execution of the present Agreement. the payments by the German Government subjected to the charges referred to in paragraph III above shall not include:

a) Deliveries in kind intended to be used in the interior of the receiving countries, their colonies and their dominions made by virtue of the various annexes to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles or of any other procedure approved to date by the Reparation Commission to the Allied countries having a credit on account of reparations;

b) The proceeds of the British Reparation Recovery Act or of any other similar legislation enacted or to be enacted by the other Allied Governments in pursuance of paragraph 2 of the decision of the Allied Governments of 3rd March 1921:3

c) The value of transfers and cessions of property, rights and interests made in execution of the Treaty of Versailles, unless such

'The "Reparation" account of Germany includes all payments in cash kind which are devoted to making good the damages for which the Allie have claimed compensation from Germany in accordance with the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. Accordingly, there are excluded from the "Reparation account such items as the costs of the Reparation Commission, the payments made through the Clearing Offices, and the cost of the Armies of Occupation [Footnote on the original.]

The other procedures approved to date by the Reparation Commission ar those of: (a) The Wiesbaden Agreements signed on the 6th and 7th Octobe 1921; (b) The Bemelmans-Cuntze Agreement of 2nd June, 1922; (c) The GillerRuppel Agreement of 2nd June, 1922. [Footnote on the original.]

* See p. 430.

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