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ened over her pallid features, as she lay intensely gazing|tion of vengeance? Ha! and have I not obtained it? upon him. He laid his fingers softly upon her brow, Answer me there!" and put aside a lock of her hair; whilst half up was raised her head, as if to meet and acknowledge this sacred touch of filial love.

"My own mother! my true mother!" said he, in a low mournful tone, "are you going to leave me so soon?" With a convulsive shudder she turned her eyes from him; but in a moment again her face was towards him, and, starting up, she threw herself upon his neck, crying out, "Come near to me, my first-born one!-And let them all go-my long-lost boy! And tell your mother how it has fared with you in the hard world! Here am I to you-Oh!" Her voice failed, her eyelid twinkled, and in another minute her heart, with all its love, was turned to clay.


Without attempting to palliate the guilty rashness of my friend, Dr Arthur Bonnington, or the malignant vengeance of her who stole him away in boyhood, it must yet be acknowledged, that the first cause of all this ill lay in the cruel folly of his father, who spoilt this woman's young heart, and prepared it for its vindictive purpose, which, besides the intermediate sufferings it entailed on his innocent family, succeeded ultimately in cutting off his lineal name from the earth. Thus it is, that the great Tribunal of Justice above "of our pleasant vices makes whips to scourge us." Thus it is, that a man's sins are visited upon the “third and fourth generations" of his descendants. I may here remark, that Dr Bonnington caused this wretched woman to be attended in his own house with the utmost care, not sparing to procure for her the best medical skill which the neighbouring town could give ;that ere long she completely recovered; and that he dismissed her with a very considerable sum of money, enjoining her strictly, however, to quit that part of the country, and never presume again to appear in his sight. On the third day after Mrs Bonnington's funeral, I prepared to leave Mountcoin.

In the interval, betwixt Mrs Bonnington's death and funeral, I set myself to question the woman who was the original cause of all this evil, and who was now so well that she could stand examination, without the charge of inhumanity being brought against me. It is impossible to say distinctly in what mood of mind she was, in re ference to her evil doings against this family, unless we can suppose a strong spirit of malignant triumph, com patible with a mixture of penitent remorse, for the means "So," said Dr Bonnington, "you are going from me used to gratify such a spirit. The burden of her con too. I am like a man left alone in a theatre when the fession was as follows :—In her early life, she was court bustle is over, the music and the company gone, and the ed and seduced, under promise of marriage, by Dr Bon lights burning low. Calvert, I am now literally left nington's father, who cast her off, and married another. alone; and darkness, I suppose, in this sorrowful house of This set her upon thoughts of vengeance, and, as the most mine, must be the burier of the dead! My mother has told effectual way of embittering the life of her who had su- me, too, that Wardrop himself is off this mortal stage, so perseded her in his affections, she stole away her first-born I have missed some little work which might have kept In her deep purpose of revenge, she had concerted me for a while from the fearful thoughts that must now her measures coolly, and had taken provisions to a remote hunt me. I am very glad, however, that the poor dear cave in a wood, whither she fled with the child, and child Emily believed herself in reality his wife, even there abode for many weeks, without once leaving it, till though the marriage was a sham trick on his part. Madthe heat of search and pursuit was over. She then made ness itself I think shall not deprive me of that satisfacher way to Glasgow, where, some months afterwards, as tion. Yet oh! my beautiful and sorely-hurt sister! my she was begging with the child by the river side, he was Emily Bonnington! my young-hearted preserver! She seen and coveted by Mrs Hastings, who had no children has left me for ever! and my mother has left her firstof her own. To this lady she willingly disposed of young born! and that boy Harry Bonnington, the most inBonnington, under the name of Edward Bremner, de-nocent, and most sadly wronged of us all! O that I claring, of course, at the same time, that he was her own son. The conditions of this surrender were, that he should take the name of Hastings, that she should be allowed to visit him at Mountcoin once every year, but that she was never to claim relationship with him, or mention his real name. After giving up the child, she had lived in Glasgow, without once leaving it, till lately, when, believing her health irrecoverably gone, she began to feel the terrors of conscience, and set out to seek Mrs Bonnington, that she might restore her to her long-lost child, if mother and son were yet alive. She was the more confirmed in her purpose, when, on making enquianon, Calvert," was his first salutation to me as I entered ries in the neighbourhood of the place where Mrs Bon- the room where he was sitting. "One moment nownington formerly lived, she learned how her fortunes had suppose you are my brother Harry-well, where's the waned after the death of her husband, and by what an knife? Give me leave and grace now, and don't interunhappy fate she had lost her children. rupt me for a little while, John Calvert. I shall soon see it all.-Or suppose I had not met Emily that night on the street."-And on he thus went, arranging and confusing, and again arranging circumstances, by which he might have been prevented from slaying his brother; that fearful and never-ending process, which by day and in the night-watches keeps a man feverish and irritable, till whirling madness o'ermaster his dried brain, which to the outcast spirits must be the very worst mode of hell.

had known him as my brother but for one year! And God be my judge, would I not fold my arms and lie down in the dust of death for him, if again he might be let up in his shining youth to the sweet sunlight of this world! Day and night, day and night, shall I cry upon him, but he will never come to me at all! Calvert, Calvert, you have approached too near me; no one prospers or lives that has been with me but a day; I am accursed of God; you have touched the plague, and cannot live!" About five months after his mother's death, I visited Dr Bonnington again at Mountcoin. "I shall be with you

Such was the purport of the explanations given me by this wretched woman, who, while she professed penitence, could not altogether forbear expressions of triumph over her rival in early love; and whose last haste to bring mother and son together was, if chiefly to make reparation to Mrs Bonnington, yet not without a wish at the same time, as I was led to calculate from the circumstance of her midnight visit to Mrs Bonnington's bedside, mortally to stab that mother's peace, by showing her son to be a fratricide. I could not refrain from giving vent to my indignation against her." But look at me now," she said, interrupting me; 66 a homeless wretch-every way degraded; and what was I once? In hope, in sta tion of life, in beauty, in innocence, equal to my rival. I had parents, and brothers, and sisters, who loved me; but they cast me off, when I was betrayed to shame and ruin! Do you wonder, then, that I sought the satisfac- | And the free maids that weave the thread with bones."

I shall proceed no farther with my unhappy record, but merely state that Dr Bonnington died within a year from the time when I first met him.

And now why have I entered upon this defence? Why have I opened the sacred cabinet of private friendship, and given the story of his life to the public? Assuredly I have not done it to make up a tale for "Knitters in the sun,

But I have heard it foully hinted that my late friend, as a jealous rival, slew his own brother, &c. &c. And surely I have done right in thus publicly stating the main circumstances of his life, that his memory may never henceforth be cast out to the shameless dogs of Calumny and Disrespect. Yea, so thoroughly convinced am I that he was a man of a lofty and tender heart, and so profoundly do I love his memory, that, were it the only way of leaving not one individual in this world doubtful of his character, nothing less would satisfy me than to send forth this Apology on leaves as numerous and as freely scattered as the leaves of Autumn that bedim the winds of the wilderness.

Now I solemnly swear, that I have set forth the particulars of Dr Arthur Bonnington's life, partly as I witnessed them myself, and partly as he communicated them to me, to the best of my recollection. So help me God!



London, Monday, 26th April, 1830. MIRABILE dictu! both our Patent Theatres are now flourishing; Covent Garden positively, and Drury Lane comparatively; since it is no less singular, perhaps, than true, that the latter concern has done much better since the abdication, or dethronement, whichever be the more correct phrase, of Mister Manager Price. At the rival house, Rophino Lacy's adaptation of Rossini's" Cenerentola" has been a complete hit; and from the prima donna, Lady William Lennox, downwards, does all parties concerned very great credit. The scenery and decorations are, in every respect, well worthy of the music; and the singing and acting no whit behind either. To meet and neutralize this attractive novelty, Drury Lane has an Anglicised version of Rossini's" Guillaume Tell," by Planché and Bishop, which is announced for Saturday next, under the title of "Hofer, the Tell of the Tyrol;" for which a deserved and lasting popularity is most confidently predicted. Miss Stephens's return here has proved her as great a favourite, though not so good a singer, as ever she was; and the only other circumstance worthy notice at this Theatre, has been the very unseemly squabbling of Madame Vestris and Mr Jonathan Rose Anderson, the new vocalist, who, on Tuesday last, seemed inclined to make the audience their bottleholders, by acting over their brouillerie close to the footlights. Who is right, or who is wrong, is a question of such entire indifference, as not to interest any body; but as the affair is to undergo legal investigation, it must be all public enough very speedily. So far as oratory was concerned, madame had by far the best of it, as she has also had in the letter-writing department since; but Mr Wallack, as stage-manager, certainly showed neither taste nor judgment, in suffering them to appear together at all, under existing circumstances, when such a disgraceful result might have been so easily foreseen.

I turn, however, to a far more pleasant subject, by noticing that one of the most attractive dramatic exhibi tions of the season will commence this evening, in Mathews's eleventh single-handed display of his inimitable imitations; and though the Adelphi curtain will rise only as the mail leaves London with this packet, yet, having been present at his dressed rehearsal to a few private friends on Saturday evening last, I am thus enabled to anticipate every other criticism, by a slight sketch of his new performance. It is, as usual, in three parts, most appropriately entitled, "Mathews's Comic Annual for 1830, with humorous cuts, and other embellishments;" and, taken as a whole, is fully equal, if not superior, to all its predecessors. Where all is good, it is extremely difficult to make any selection which can be fairly termed the

best, though both the anecdotes of Monsieur Vindrine,— all the adventures of Dispepys,-Mr Sadjolly and family,—and the Kingston negro ball in the West Indies, will doubtless be the most attractive sketches; and of the songs, the Zoological Gardens, the Corkcutter's Festival, and the Irish Berrin, will, par excellence, become the most popular. The third part is, selon la regle, a monopolylogue, called "The Lone House," which is six miles from a butcher's, six and a half from a baker's, seven from a public house, seven and a half from a doctor's, eight from the post office, and nine from church! In this piece my talented friend performs seven different characters, with a fidelity and excellence which those who know him may conceive, but which those who do not, never can; amongst which are the once celebrated highwaymen, Jeremiah Abbershaw and Jack Shephard; the latter of whom is a most amusing vagabond. The whole entertainment, which lasts about three hours and a half, is from the pen of R. B. Peake, who has written several of the preceding; and until the English Opera season commences in the same Theatre, early in July next, I unhesitatingly predict for it crowded audiences, and the most tumultuous applause.



Monday, April 26.

Dr CARSON in the Chair.

Present,-Rev. Dr Blair; Drs Hibbert and Moncrieff; John Anderson, John Sim, D. Laing, T. G. Repp, Alexander Macdonald, D. Gregory, Esquires, &c. &c. AFTER the announcement of a donation, by Mr Moubray, W.S. F.S. A. Scot., of a copy of the Genealogical Memoirs of the Royal Family of France, Dr Blair proceeded to read "a Letter intended for the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, President of the Society, with an account of the abuse and bishops and clergy of that realm in General Council assemruin of the Scottish Hospitals in France, given by the bled at Meaux, A.D. 825, in the reign of Charles the Bold; with many particulars regarding these and other ancient hospitals founded by Charlemagne and his successors."-No remarks were made by any of the gentlemen present upon this very learned paper, probably because the subject was new to the members. It is certainly not a little remarkable to find, as appears from the laborious researches of the reverend author, that at a time when it is usually supposed of Scotland should have endowed Hospitals in France, for our ancestors were a nation of barbarians, the holy men the comfort and support of the weary pilgrims of their nation.



By Henry G. Bell.

FLOWERS make me think of thee ;Thou hast a deep and gentle love for flowers, Those golden children of the summer sun; Their beauty and their innocence appeal With a soft magic to thy happy heart, And in their dewy fragrance there doth dwell A spirit like thine own, unseen and pure, For ever yielding to the perfumed air A richness like the breathings of fond love, When, as a flower, the proud high soul of man Is faint beneath the fulness of its joy ;

Flowers make me think of thee!

Streams make me think of thee;Whether they glide midst mossy banks away In sweet low murmurings to the distant main,

Or with a prattling merriment dance on
In mazy windings o'er the pebbled strand.

Heaven bless the streams! They are like sunny days
In life's long winter. Not a tone have they
That speaks not to my heart, and there awakes
An answering echo of remember'd joy!
And with remember'd joy is ever link'd
Thy queenly form, thy light elastic tread,
Thy voice, that like the wimpling crystal falls
In silvery clearness on affection's ear;—

Streams make me think of thee!

Hills make me think of thee;—
The lights and shadows that alternate blend,
Until the eye rests dazzled in the blaze
Of purple splendour flooding the high peak,
Illumine all my soul, so that it grows
A temple, dearest, not unworthy thee!
Hills are Creation's gift to our own land,—
The peerless feature of its scenery!
If love of nature and of country be
Humanity's prerogative, how can I feel
Their value as I ought, unless there rush
Into my heart thy image blent with theirs?—
Hills make me think of thee!

Stars make me think of thee ;

Beneath the silence of their holy beam
The bosom hath its own thoughts to itself,—
Thoughts which through all the day unheeded slept,
Lost midst the cares and false lights of the world;
But in the hush of evening they return,
Like Sabbath music to a sacred shrine,
And in their presence there is deep delight,
Devotion, and revival of old hopes
That long lay crush'd, and recollections bright,
And feelings to be cherish'd, but not told:
Small is that sister band of starry thoughts,
But one is in itself a galaxy,—

Stars make me think of thee!

When think I not of thee?

Nor flowers, nor streams, nor hills, nor stars alone,
Recall thee to a heart, in which thou liv'st
As perfume in the flower, light in the stream,
Beauty in hills, and God himself in stars!
I take thee with me wheresoe'er I go,
And in my spirit's wildest flights thy form,
As in a morning dream, shines by my side!
At home, abroad, alone, or in a crowd,

When think I not of thee?

SONG-THOU ART LONELY, MY HEART. THOU art lonely, my heart, as the lonely star

That shines on the brow of the deepening even, And sheds her pale light from her throne afar,

Ere her sisters come forth in full glory in heaven! Oh! many are round thee, yet none may tell

How mournful the thoughts in thy depths that be; While all have found kindred and friends to love, There are none, O my heart! who can feel with thee!

Thou art lonely, my heart, as the lonely tree

That stands on the dreary and sunless plain ; Without one bird on its leafless boughs,

To waken the morn with its blithesome strain. I have wander'd long, I have pined for a soul

Like mine in youth's summer as warm and free;
But, alas! while all have found something to love,
There are none, O my heart! who can feel with thee!

Thou art lonely, my heart, as the lonely wreck
Tossing for ever on ocean wide,

With its canvass shatter'd, its tall masts strewn
In ruin around on the heaving tide!

Yet less dreary the fate of that evening star,
That tree on the wild, and that bark at sea,
Than to roam o'er the earth, unloved and alone,
With none, O my heart! who can feel with thee!


We understand that Mr Pitcairn is preparing for publication a limited impression of an Historical and Genealogical Account of the principal families of the name of Kennedy, from a MS. in the Advocates' Library, written before 1610, with Notes and Illustrations. Mr Pitcairn's object in printing these Memoirs, is to illustrate the Auchindrane Trial, which will be given in Part VI. of his collection of Criminal Records. The narratives interspersed with this trial, afford the fullest account of the deadly feuds which gave rise to a series of bloodshed and violence, of which Sir Walter Scott has afforded but a faint outline in his Preface to the drama of Auchindrane. There are few things more extraordinary in the Scottish annals than this Family History, disclosing, as it does, a state of society in Carrick, of which few persons had any previous knowledge or idea. Literally, every man's hand was "against his brother." The houses of Cassillis, Bargany, and Colzean, having separate interests, and each struggling for the mastery, were involved in perpetual broils. The story of Auchindrane, interesting and unique as it certainly is, was a mere interlude in the general melée. The mere genealogical portion of Mr Pitcairn's forthcoming volume will form but a small part of the book, which might with more propriety be termed a His tory of Carrick, during the period embraced.

The Life of Alexander Alexander, written by himself, and edited by John Howell, author of "Journal of a Soldier," "Life of John Nicol," &c. is in the press. This singular piece of autobiography exhibits, most minutely and faithfully, the real adventures of Alexander Alexander, the disowned son of a gentleman in the West of Scotland. It commences with infancy, traverses three quarters of the globe, and comprehends a period of nearly fifty years of the life of a man who has been placed in many trying situations, as a soldier, an overseer in the West Indies, and an officer in the Patriot armies of South America.

Parochial Law; Embracing the Law of Scotland on the following subjects:-Churches-Church Officers-Church-yards-Parish Dues -Manses and Glebes-The Poor-Sacraments, Necessaries for the Administration of-and Schools, by Alexander Dunlop, Esq. Advocate, is announced.

The Practical Planter; containing Directions for the Planting of Waste Lands, and Management of Wood, by Thomas Cruickshank, Forester at Careston, will shortly be published.

The Greek Grammar of Dr Frederick Thiersch, translated from the German, with brief Remarks, by Professor Sandford, is in the press.

Attempts in Verse, by John Jones, an old servant; with some account of the Writer; and an Introductory Essay on the Lives and Works of uneducated Poets, by Robert Southey, LL.D., is preparing for publication.

The Progress of Society, a work by the late Dr Robert Hamilton. Professor of Mathematics in the Marischal College and University of Aberdeen, is about to appear. Dr Hamilton was engaged for many years in writing this work, and continued to revise and improve it until within a few days of his death.

Miss Anna Maria Porter's new work, which may be expected in a few days, is entitled the Barony, a Romance.

Mr Charles Heath, proprietor of the Keepsake, is preparing a set of plates similar to those which appear in his annual, to be entitled Heath's Historical Illustrations to the Waverley Novels. Six plates, illustrative of Guy Mannering, will be ready this month.

A new edition of Dr Ure's Dictionary of Chemistry, nearly rewritten, is in the press.

The Denounced, by the author of the O'Hara Tales, consisting of two stories, entitled the Last Baron of Cranagh, and the Conformists, will speedily appear.

The English at Home, by the author of the English in Italy, is announced.

The Anthology, an annual Reward Book for Midsummer and Christmas 1830, consisting of Selections, &c. by the Rev. J. D. Parry, M.A. will be ready in a few weeks.

MISS INVERARITY'S CONCERT.-Miss Inverarity was perhaps a little too ambitious in fixing on the Assembly Rooms for her concert which took place last Monday evening. The Rooms were not much more than one half filled, and the music, consequently, went off more flatly than it would otherwise have done. Miss Inverarity, however, acquitted herself exceedingly well, and she was ably supported by several of her professional brothers and sisters.

CHIT-CHAT FROM LONDON.-Hummel has arrived in London, and was to give a concert last Thursday. His great power consists in the beauty and variety of his extemporaneous performances. He is now about fifty years of age.-A very general feeling at present prevails that a reduction on the duty of newspapers and advertisements

should take place immediately. Various meetings have been held by different public bodies to bring the matter, in a proper point of view, under the attention of Government.-Almack's opened for the season a few days ago, and the attendance was numerous.-Joseph Hume has been elected one of the Vice-presidents of the Society of Arts.-There is at present exhibiting in London a curious and interesting specimen of Hindoo sculpture, consisting of a figure as large as life, representing a doorjee, or lady's tailor, seated at his work. It is a clay model, and evinces considerable mechanical skill, and some taste.-The Exhibition at Somerset House will this year be a very crowded one. It is said there is not room to hang half the pictures that have been sent in.-The Universal Library, announced by

Messrs Colburn and Bentley, is a new work of the Constable's Miscellany species, which is to be edited by Mr Gleig. It will, of course, interfere a good deal with Murray's Family Library, but the profits of that work are so great, that there may possibly be room for both. -Messrs Whittaker and Co. are to publish a French Annual for 1851, the letter-press of which is to be supplied by the most eminent French authors, but the plates will be all engraved in this country. Theatrical Gossip.-Madame Malibran is to appear this evening at the King's Theatre, for the first time this season.-Lalande does not seem to have made a great hit. The London critics speak of her with cautious admiration. Her voice is a high soprano ;-she is not very young, but still in the full meridian of her vocal powers.-Mr Charles Kemble took for his benefit on Wednesday last, the tragedy of "Isabella, or the Fatal Marriage," to give his daughter an opportunity of personating the heroine.-It is stated that the clear profits of the season at Covent-Garden, up to the present time, have been L.13,000.-A Miss Hosac, who is said to excel in both tragedy and comedy, has arrived in London from America.-It is reported that Elliston is about to publish his life.-The Shakspearian Festival is now going on with great eclat at Stratford-on-Avon. Gorgeous processions, concerts, public breakfasts, banquets, and fireworks, are to constitute the Jubilee. The eating and drinking department is under the superintendence of Charles Wright.-There appears to be a good theatrical company at present at Birmingham. Among others, there are Miss Foote, Mrs Humby, Miss F. H. Kelly, Vandenhoff, and a Mr Pemberton, whom we have heard favourably spoken of. The company will proceed to Liverpool shortly.-When Mathews was last in Manchester, he introduced himself to the audience in these words: "Mr Pit, Mr Mathews-Mr Mathews, Mr Pit." This was thought an excellent joke.-Liston terminated a successful engagement with Seymour in Glasgow last Saturday evening, and has now returned to London.-Miss Jarman terminated a successful engagement with Alexander in Glasgow on Monday last, in the course of which she appeared four times in the drama of "Aloyse." Her benefit was very crowdedly attended. She is now in Belfast,Miss Fanny Ayton is at present in Glasgow.-We understand that the dispute between Alexander and Seymour concerning the patent is likely soon to be brought to a conclusion, and that the former manager will obtain it.-A new drama, called "The Brigand," was produced here on Wednesday evening. It had been previously performed at the Caledonian, and we regret to say, that it was better performed there than at the Theatre-Royal.-T. P. Cooke takes his benefit this evening. Next week the Theatre will be closed on account of the sacrament; but will re-open on Tuesday, the 11th, with Miss Isabella Paton and Wilson, who has been re-engaged. Mr Murray has gone to London to arrange concerning various matters connected with his establishment.-Powerful reasons, we understand, have prevented Mr Bass's appearance at the Caledonian for a week or two.

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WE are obliged to postpone several notices of Interesting new works till next week.

The paper "On Puppies" will be of use to us. We are afraid that none of the communications of "R." of Migvie will exactly suit us, -The hint of "A Well-wisher" shall be attended to.

The Lines entitled "The Meteor Star" will not suit us." Tears" by "Alpha," perhaps.

We beg to remind our Advertising Friends, in order to avoid disappointment, that Advertisements intended for the ensuing Saturday cannot be received later than Thursday evening, as the Journal always goes to press early on Friday.

[blocks in formation]

2. THE GREENHOUSE COMPANION, comprising a general course of greenhouse and conservatory practice throughout the year; a natural arrangement of all the greenhouse plants in cultivation; with a descriptive catalogue of the most desirable to form a collection, their proper soils, modes of propagation, gured. Also, the proper treatment of flowers in rooms, and bulbs in management, and references to botanical works in which they are fiwater glasses. In 8vo, with a coloured frontispiece, the 2d edition. 14s. bds.

3. A CONCISE and PRACTICAL TREATISE on the GROWTH and CULTURE of the CARNATION, PINK, AURICULA, POLYANTHUS, RANUNCULUS, TULIP, HYACINTH, ROSE, and other Flowers; including a dissertation on soils and manures, and catalogues of the most esteemed varieties of each flower. By THOMAS HOGG. A new Edition, in 12mo, with coloured Plates, 8s.

4. THE GARDENER'S MANUAL and ENGLISH BOTANIST'S COMPANION, being an introduction to Gardening, on philosophical principles. To which is added a Catalogue of British Plants, in the monthly order of their flowering. By a Horticultural Chemist. In 8vo, to be complete in 12 Nos. Is. each.

Three of the most widely circulated Weekly Newspapers published in London, at Sevenpence each. Sold by all Newspaper Agents in Town and Country.


Price Sevenpence.

A MONDAY EDITION of the OBSERVER is regularly published, containing the Latest News, Clerical Intelligence, the Corn Market, up to the Monday afternoon; always published sufficiently early for the Newsmen to send by the General Post. This edition is rendered particularly acceptable to persons in the country, and those residing abroad. The price of the Monday edition of The Observer is Sevenpence.-Printed and published by Mr WM. CLEMENT, adjoining the Office of the Morning Chronicle, in the Strand, London. BELL'S LIFE IN LONDON,

Price Sevenpence.

BELL'S LIFE IN LONDON is the best and cheapest Journal extant for Sporting varieties. It is a large folio twenty-column Weekly Journal, published in London every Saturday afternoon, in time for that day's post, and may be received at the distance of two hundred miles from London on Sunday. This paper combines, with the news of the week, a rich repository of Fashion, Wit, Humour, and other inte resting incidents of Real Life. The events in the Sporting Department are copiously detailed, and, for accuracy, stand unrivalled. The emblematical Illustrations, which head the articles on Drama, Poetry, the Turf, the Chase, the Ring, the Police, Cricketing, Pigeon-shooting, the Aquatic Register, and the affairs of the Fancy, were all designed by Cruikshank, in his most humorous and happy manner. These cuts alone are worth more than the price of this Newspaper, which is only Sevenpence. The sale of Bell's Life in London, and Sporting Chronicle, is the largest of any London Weekly Journal, except The Observer. Innkeepers and Publicans are likely to benefit by additional business to their house, from taking in Bell's Life in London, and Sporting Chronicle, being a Journal of comicality and fun, calculated to "drive dull care away," and dissipate the blue devils. Office, 169, Strand, London. THE ENGLISHMAN,

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This highly respectable and independent Weekly Newspaper is published at No. 170, in the Strand, every Sunday Morning, at 4 o'clock, at the price of Sevenpence only. The Englishman has now been published twenty-six years, and during that long period has invariably pursued the same course in all its departments-that of the strictest ímpartiality. It may be truly said of The Englishman, that it is open to all parties-influenced by none." As a Family Newspaper, The Englishman stands unrivalled; not a line, or an advertisement, of an immoral tendency, is allowed, under any circumstances, to stain its pages. The Englishman is a folio twenty-column Journal, the same size and price as The Observer. The paper upon which it is printed is an excellent sort, and the type almost new; indeed, for variety, quantity, and quality, it is the most perfect. In speaking of Sunday Newspapers it is proverbial to say, The Englishman is almost a library in itself; and to such readers who do not desire a party paper, a trial of the Englishman is strongly recommended as a gaged as cannot be excelled by any Weekly Newspaper whatever. neutral Journal, in which such a combination of literary talent is enThe Englishman is sent from London by the mails on Sunday, and may be had in the country on the blank post days.



THE Summer Courses of PRACTICAL CHE

MISTRY and PHARMACY, superintended by Dr HOPE, Professor of Chemistry, and conducted by Mr REID, Experimental Assistant, will commence on Monday the 3d of May, 1830.

Gentlemen who propose to attend, are requested to give in their Names to Mr REID, that the Hours for the different Classes may be arranged, as each Class can admit only a limited number of Pupils. The Introductory Lecture will be delivered by Dr Hore, on Monday, the 3d of May, at one o'clock. The Preliminary Demonstrations on the USE of the BLOW-PIPE and TUBE APPARATUS will be given by Mr REID on Tuesday and Wednesday, after which, the gentlemen attending will commence the different Processes and Experiments.-Ticket, Three Guineas.

** These Courses qualify for Examination before the Royal College of Surgeons.

Farther information may be obtained by applying to Mr REID, at the Experimental Rooms of the University.


Just published, by WHITTAKER, TREACHER, and Co., Ave. Maria Lane, London; and WAUGH and INNES, Edinburgh,

Just published,
Beautifully printed in foolscap 8vo,
Price 5s. extra boards,



By CHARLES DOYNE SILLERY, Esq. Author of "Vallery," &c.

"The book is a gem."-Edinburgh Observer. "There is a redeeming tone even in the very music of its verse." Edinburgh Literary Gazette.

"Mr Sillery is still a very young man. The proof of that fact is in his exuberant and unregulated fancy. His imagination 'gilds the gold and paints the lily.'"-The Atlas.

"Mr Sillery is himself an Irishman; and we have no doubt that he is capable of producing a poem really worthy of this beautiful isle of poetry and tears.'"-Dublin Literary Gazette.

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"He is obviously a being o'er-fraught with song,' and pours out a strain of imaginative thoughts, united to beautiful melody."Scots Times.

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