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rencounter between a bear and one of the best chasseurs The proceedings, after the cordon had been completed, are of Dalecarlia Jans Svensson: thus narrated:

"Svensson had been twice wounded by bears; once under the following circumstances:

"On a certain occasion, himself and five or six other peasants had ringed a very large bear, which had previously been much hunted and shot at; when, placing his companions in ambush around the ring, he advanced alone upon the track of the animal, for the purpose of rousing him. Svensson had a capital dog, which, the moment it was slipped from its couplings, dashed towards the bear, and soon had him on foot. As Svensson had anticipated, the beast made towards his companions, one of whom got a shot at and desperately wounded him in the side; the ball, indeed, only missed his heart by a few inches.

"This injury the bear quickly revenged; for, dashing at his assailant, whose efforts to escape were fruitless, he laid him prostrate, and wounded him severely in the arms and back. Indeed, the poor fellow would probably have been minus of his scalp, had it not been for his hat, which the animal perforated with his teeth in seven different places.

"Here the mischief, as regarded this man, ended, for the attacks of the dog at last caused the bear to leave his fallen foe.

"The beast now retraced his steps into the ring, and soon came in contact with Svensson, who happened to be following upon the animal's tracks. He was in a gallop, and came end over, to use the man's own expression, like a horse. When, however, he was at about thirty paces' distance, Svensson discharged his rifle, and with so good an aim, that the bear directly fell.

"Svensson might now have got out of the way with every facility; but, thinking that the bear was either dead or desperately wounded, he commenced reloading his rifle; he had only placed the powder in the barrel, however, when the animal got on his legs again, and, fixing his eyes upon him, made right at him.

"Svensson now endeavoured to elude the attack, by springing on one side-a manœuvre which is often attended with success on like occasions; but the bear still kept pursuing him, and two or three doubles that he made were equally unsuccessful. Finding escape was impossible, Svensson therefore stood still, and when the bear came up to him, which he did on all-fours like a bull, he attempted to drive the muzzle of his gun down the throat of the enraged brute. The bear, however, laying hold of the gun, instantly wrested it out of Svensson's hand, when, seizing him by the arm, he bit him severely.

"The dog was not an idle spectator of what was going forward; for, seeing the jeopardy in which his master was placed, he gallantly fixed on the bear's hind-quarters. To get rid of this assailant, however, and not caring to quit his hold of Svensson, the bear threw himself on to his back, making with one paw a dash at the dog, and with the other holding Svensson, who was of course uppermost, in his embraces. This he repeated three several times, handling the poor man, to use his own expression, with as much ease as a cat would a mouse. In the intervals, however, between these manœuvres, he was either occupied in biting Svensson in different parts of the body, or he was standing still, as if stupified with the desperate wound he had received.

In this dreadful situation, Svensson thinks he must have remained for upwards of half an hour; and, during all this time, his gallant dog never ceased his attacks on the bear for a moment. At last the bear quitted him, and moving slowly to a tree at a few paces distant, seized it with his teeth; but he was in his last agonies, and presently fell dead on the ground."-Vol. ii. pp. 11-14.

"At about one o'clock, three shots, the one from the ctre, and the other from the wings of the opposite division, (the usual signals on these occasions,) together with the cries of the people, which might now be indistinctly heard in the distance, announced that it was advancing towards us. Two hours or more, however, must have elapsed, during which, from the quicksilver being little above zero, and from my only being provided with my common shootingjacket, I was almost perished with cold, before we heard another discharge, or saw any thing of the bears; for, now that these animals found themselves environed on every side, they kept the closest and most tangled brakes; and the people, as is usual on these occasions, proceeded at a very slow pace.

"Beginning to tire at last with remaining so long idle in the same position, I advanced alone about 50 paces farther within the cordon, when I stationed myself in such a situation, that I could command a tolerable view of the surrounding forest. This, however, for the reasons already given when speaking of the skall in Dalecarlia, was altogether contrary to rule.

"Here I had not remained a very long while, when a shot to my left gave me to understand that the bears were not far off; and the next minute, at about one hundred and fifty paces from where I stood, I caught a glimpse of them as they were crossing a small opening among the trees. The old bear was in advance, and the cubs, which were of a very large size, were following in succession upon her track. Ì might now, by possibility, have done execution; but thinking, from the direction they were taking, that they would come nearer to me, I refrained from firing. In this, however, I acted wrong; for, instead of facing towards me, as I had anticipated, they made for the opposite side of the ring; presently afterwards, indeed, the shouts of the people, together with several shots, plainly indicated that they had made their appearance in that direction.

"Some little while subsequent to this, I was joined by Lieutenant Oldenburg, of the Swedish army, who resided in the vicinity of my quarters at Stjern, and from whom, on various occasions, I have received much civility and attention. This gentleman and myself were conversing together in an under tone of voice, and I had my double-gun, which was on the full cock, in my hand, when two of the young bears, either of them nearly as large as 'animals of that species we are accustomed to see in England, suddenly made their appearance on the outskirts of a thick brake, at about twenty paces from where we stood. On seeing us, however, they squatted like rabbits; or at least this was the case with one of them, for of the other I got the merest glimpse possible.

"We both now fired, the Lieutenant a little after myself, and the foremost of the bears as instantly fell; but the other, at the same moment, disappearing in the brake, I had no time to discharge my second barrel. As that which was down, however, showed some disposition to get on his legs again, I ran close up to him, and sent a bullet through his skull. Besides the latter ball, the bear only received one other, which, on his body being opened at a subsequent period, was recognised to be mine. Indeed, when Lieutenant Oldenburg fired, the animal was in the act of falling; and of this he was himself fully aware. My first ball shattered the bear's right shoulder (the point exposed to me) to pieces, and after passing through his body and ribs, it lodged in the skin on the opposite side; in fact, it was within an ace of going through him altogether: the ball was, however, quite flattened, and as large as a halfpenny.

"For a while, all remained pretty quiet; but presently The bear is hunted both in summer and winter; but afterwards, the tremendous shouts of the people opposite to most frequently in the latter season. Indeed he is rarely us, and these, probably, at little more than two hundred pursued in summer, unless he has carried his attacks upon paces' distance, together with the very hearty firing that was the cattle of the peasantry too far to make him any longer vouring to make their escape in that direction. The scene kept up, plainly told us the remaining bears were endeatolerable as a neighbour. In an event of this kind, the had now become very animating, for at one period we countpeasantry of the district are summoned to form a skalled no less than ten shots in the space of about a minute. a rising en masse for the purpose of surrounding and driving the bears into a narrower space, where the huntsmen may have an opportunity of killing them-much after the fashion of the Highland "tinchal." Our author gives detailed accounts both of a winter and summer skall at which he was present.

In the former, a cordon of men was drawn round a space, within which the bears were ascertained to have taken up their winter quarters.

"After a time, however, the firing ceased altogether; and Lieutenant Oldenburg and myself were then almost led to conclude that the whole of the bears were slaughtered. In this supposition, nevertheless, we were mistaken; for presently we viewed the old bear, which, from the manner of dragging herself, was evidently much wounded, as she was slowly making her way across a small glade in the forest. Though Jan Finne, who by this time had joined us, called out to me, it was useless, I nevertheless sent a ball after

her; but as she quickly disappeared in a thick brake, we had no great reason to suppose it took the desired effect.

"A somewhat similar anecdote to the above was related to me by Lieutenant Oldenburg. Two of his friends, whose names I forget, when on a journey in the winter time, were accompanied by a favourite dog, which was following immediately in the rear of the sledge. All of a sudden, two famished wolves dashed at the dog, who ran to the side of the vehicle, and jumped over the shafts, between the horse and the body of the carriage. The wolves, nothing deterred, had the audacity to take a similar leap; when, as ill luck would have it, they got hold of the poor animal. The dog, however, was large and powerful, and his neck, besides, was armed with one of those formidable spiked

"In the space of two or three minutes, during which several shots were fired immediately opposite to us, we again saw the old bear. Owing to an intervening brake, however, my view of her was much more indistinct than that obtained by my companions, who were a pace or two to the left of me. At this time she was standing motionless, with her front towards us, and at about 90 paces distant. Jan Finne and Lieutenant Oldenburg now lost no time in discharging the rifles with which both of them were provided. Jan Finne fired the first; and, though without a rest of any kind, with so good an aim, that his ball, as he subse-collars so common in Sweden. From these causes, he was quently found, entered her breast near to the shoulder, and ran the whole length of her body, when it lodged in her haunches. She did not, however, alter her position, and only noticed the wound she had received by a little shake of her head. Lieut. Oldenburg was, however, more fortunate; for, dropping on one knee, and though, like Jan Finne, without a rest, he took so good a direction, that his ball entered the heart of the animal, when she instantly fell dead upon the spot.

"The firing in front of us was, at intervals, still kept up for a minute or two longer, and then ceased altogether. On this, Jan Finne, after we had advanced up to the bear, which Lieutenant Oldenburg and himself had just shot, hallooed to the people to halt: though at this time we were hardly 50 paces from them, not one of whom could we distinguish in consequence of the closeness of the cover. Jan Finne now informed Mr Falk, who was along with his division, and immediately opposite to us, that three of the bears were dead within the ring; for, independently of the two that we ourselves had killed, we observed a third lying hors de combat at some little distance. In reply, that gentleman told us a fourth was killed near to where he stood; so that the whole of those of which he had come in pursuit -and we had not the good fortune to meet with others in the same ring-were now all slaughtered."-Vol. i. p. 18792.

enabled to escape from the fangs of his assailants, when he at once sprang into the sledge, as if to claim protection from his masters. Here, however, the wolves were afraid to pursue him, though, for a considerable distance, they still continued to follow the vehicle. On this occasion, both of Lieutenant Oldenburg's friends were unarmed, and, in consequence, the beasts escaped with impunity."-Vol. ii. p. 170-2.

the lower animals, that the huntsmen have taken the hint It is from the knowledge of the wolf's predilection for of a lure for bringing him within shot. In one particular, he resembles a most respectable club in Edinburgh, (consisting chiefly of lawyers,) being very fond of a pig. The wolf-hunters take one of these animals in their sledge, and begin, as soon as they are in the forest, to pull his ears, or prick him with a corking pin. Its screams attract the wolves, who are dispatched as they approach, by the rifles of the huntsmen. This sport is not unaccompanied with danger. The horses are apt to get terrified by the approach of the wolves, and, in their agony, break the shafts, or overturn the sledge, in which event the wolves, having once tasted blood, have been known to attack the hunters. The most striking feature of the wolf's character is, that, however ferocious in the free forest, he becomes timid as soon as he is enclosed within a narrow space. We select the following for such of our readers as love to sup full of horrors:

"The following circumstance, showing the savage nature of the wolf, and interesting in more than one point of view, was related to me by a gentleman attached to the embassy at St Petersburg; it occurred in Russia some few years ago. "A woman, accompanied by three of her children, was one day in a sledge, when they were pursued by a number of wolves. On this, she put the horse into a gallop, and drove towards her home, from which she was not far distant, with all possible speed. All, however, would not avail; for the ferocious animals gained upon her, and, at last, were on the point of rushing on the sledge. For the preservation of her own life and that of the remaining chil

After the bear has been fairly ringed in, individual hunters sometimes venture to attack him. Sometimes he is found so immersed in his winter sleep, that his enemy is able to dispatch without awaking him. At other times he is on the alert, and either shows fight or bolts. When he has recourse to the latter alternative, the huntsman occasionally manages to overtake him on his skider, or snow skates; and some of the most interesting portions of the narrative now before us, are those in which the author is represented as gliding up and down the abrupt steeps of Wermeland and Dalecarlia, through their immense pine forests, sometimes alone, sometimes with a single attendant, encouraged to follow up the traces of the bear by the occasional challenging of his dog in the distance. It is in such situations that we feel the full romance and attrac-dren, the poor frantic creature now took one of her babes, tion of the bear-hunt. We regret that we have not found one manageable extract that could give our readers an idea of its fascination, and must therefore refer them to the book itself.

Next in importance are the wolves, which are generally met in droves. They are more bloodthirsty, but weaker and more cowardly, than the bear. They sometimes venture to attack him, but generally come off with the worst, notwithstanding their superior numbers. They seldom attack human beings if they can get any other food-a fact of which the following anecdotes are strongly corroborative :

"Some fifty years ago, and when quite a boy, Captain Eurenius was, one starlight and very cold night, returning from a dance in the vicinity of Wenersborg. It was Christmastime, and there were fifteen or sixteen sledges in company; most of the horses were provided with such bells as those of which I have made mention. In the middle of the cavalcade, was a sledge occupied by a lady; at the back of the vehicle, as is frequently the case, sat the servant, who was driving; whilst on a bear-skin, which covered her feet, a favourite lap-dog was reposing. In passing through a wood, however, and in spite of the jingling of the bells, &c., a large wolf suddenly sprang from the thicket, when, seizing the poor dog, he leaped over the sledge, and was out of sight, in a thick brake on the opposite side of the wood, in the course of a few seconds.

and cast it a prey to her bloodthirsty pursuers. This stopped their career for a moment; but after devouring the little innocent, they renewed the pursuit, and a second time came up with the vehicle. The mother, driven to desperation, resorted to the same horrible expedient, and threw her ferocious assailants another of her offspring. To cut short this sad story, a third child was sacrificed in a similar manner. Soon after this, the wretched being, whose feelings may more easily be conceived than described, reached her home in safety. Here she related what had happened, and endeavoured to palliate her own conduct, by describing the dreadful alternative to which she had been reduced. A peasant, however, who was among the bystanders, and heard the recital, took up an axe, and, with one blow, cleft her skull in two; saying, at the same time, that a mother who could thus sacrifice her children for the preservation of her own life, was no longer fit to live. This man was committed to prison, but the Emperor subsequently gave him a pardon.

This gentleman related to me another curious circumstance regarding wolves: it happened at no great distance from St Petersburg, only two years previously. A peasant, when one day in his sledge, was pursued by eleven of these ferocious animals; at this time, he was only about two miles from home, towards which he urged his horse at the very top of his speed. At the entrance to his residence was a gate, which happened to be closed at the time; but the horse dashed this open, and thus himself and his master found refuge within the court-yard. They were followed, however, by nine out of the eleven wolves; but,

very fortunately, at the instant these had entered the enclosure, the gate swung back on its hinges, and thus they were caught as in a trap. From being the most voracious of animals, the nature of these beasts, now that they found escape impossible, became completely changed; so far, indeed, from offering molestation to any one, they slunk into holes and corners, and allowed themselves to be slaughtered almost without making resistance."-Vol. ii. p. 173-5.

The only kind of game of much consequence in these northern regions is the elk, which, although only to be traced in its fossil relics in our latitude, still haunts the mountains of Norway. We are heartily sorry we have not time to follow this gigantic stag in his rapid flight over the rocky wild, where he sometimes leads the peasant a dance of many weeks. Our limits warn us to conclude, recommending Mr Lloyd to the serious attention of all true descendants of Nimrod.

The History of the Church, from the Creation of the World to the commencement of the Nineteenth Century, &c. By the late Alexander Smith Paterson. Edited by the Rev. James Brewster. 2 vols. Pp. 970. Edinburgh. For G. Clark and Son, Aberdeen. 1830.

such, especially, we would recommend this well-executed work. In point of information, it falls little short of the more celebrated works upon the subject. With regard to clear and distinct arrangement, it is superior to most ef them; while, in respect to condensation, cheapness, simplicity, and, consequently, general usefulness, it possesses a decided advantage over them all, with the exception o our own old favourite Gregory.

Mr Paterson begins his history with the creation of the world, and brings it down to the commencement of the nineteenth century. His first volume concludes with th establishment of our holy religion by our Saviour and his disciples; the second contains what is properly calle Ecclesiastical History, viz. the history of the Christian church, with the persecutions, corruptions, and heresies, which retarded the progress of the true faith, or disturb ed the peace of the church. On so extensive and so difficult a subject, it was not to be expected that the author should have escaped committing some errors, especially ef strictures, and delivering opinions, to which we can by judgment; accordingly, we find him occasionally making no means subscribe. This, however, is a venial fault, so long as he faithfully communicates the facts, that we may be able to form our own judgment; for we care not

pure text. A more serious fault is his credulity, which is the more to be regretted, because, in the second volume, he has neglected to refer to his authorities, and the reader is thus left entirely dependent on his author's judgmen for facts, some of which stand on good, others on more questionable authority, and others, again, upon scarcely any authority at all. The omission of references, we think altogether unpardonable in a work of this kind; for, except in contemporary annals, where the events related fall under the writer's own observation, no historian has a right to expect that his work will be received as of authority, unless he refers to those sources whence he has derived his information. Every candid and honest historian will be anxious to do so, for the sake of his own reputation; and we can ascribe such omission by our author only to oversight, or perhaps to a reason which disarms all criticism, the want of time, which a mortal illness left him, for completing his labours. On the whole, we can recommend the work to the public in general, and particularly to the theological student, as a carefully executed and most useful Church History.

AN intimate acquaintance with Church History is in-greatly for the comment, provided we have always the dispensable to every Christian minister. It is one of the qualifications which our church most scrupulously requires in every candidate for her priesthood; and with good reason, since, without a competent knowledge of ecclesiastical history, the preacher would be unable to avail himself of some of the most powerful evidences of the canonical authority and integrity of those sacred writings which are the foundation of his faith, and the rule of his obedience, and of whose doctrines he has enlisted himself the champion. It is a mistake to suppose, however, that this study belongs exclusively to the professional theologian. Ecclesiastical, like general history, conveys important instruction under a captivating form; and from the variety of incident, the astonishing revolutions, the collision of parties, the opinions, actions, and character of men distinguished by their faults, their virtues, and their fortunes, which it subjects to our view, it possesses a powerful attraction even for the general reader, especially if he has had courage fairly to cross the threshold of this formidable study, and sufficient leisure to follow up its minute details; for otherwise, church history presents, at the very outset, difficulties, which few save the professional student are willing to encounter. Of these, one of the most formidable is the dry, immethodical, and tedious manner in which writers of church history have generally treated their subject. A clear, authentic, popular ecclesiastical history, is still, notwithstanding the voluminous works published under that name, a desideratum in our literature.

The work at present under our review is one of considerable merit; and it derives a peculiar interest from being the posthumous publication of a very young man, a probationer of our own church. It indicates a degree of learning, and especially research, highly creditable to the author, and leaves us reason to lament that his very promising talents have been so soon lost to the community. Some readers will esteem it an advantage, others a disadvantage, that the history is written in the form of question and answer. Unquestionably this form will render it more useful to public schools, and students whose object is to prepare themselves for sustaining probationary trials on Church history. To the general reader, however, who studies amusement as well as instruction, a continuity of narrative would be more pleasing; and he must feel it rather an annoyance than a help, to have the flow of narrative perpetually interrupted by the scholastic reciprocation of question and answer. For the student again, who wishes to impress on his own memory minute facts, and for the teacher, whose business it is to guide the studies of others, this form possesses a positive advantage; and to


The Lives of the most Eminent British Painters, Sculp
tors, and Architects. By Allan Cunningham.
III. (Family Library, No. XIII.) London. John
Murray. 1830.

THIS Volume contains the lives of our most eminent British sculptors, is dedicated to Chantrey, and is, in our opinion, superior to either of the two which have preceded it. It places the heroes of the story before us in their studio, and in their hours of leisure, depicts their aspirations after eminence in art, and their habits and manners, when the mind was at rest, and the possessor of a soaring spirit had subsided for a while into the class of ordinary men. It is at the same time arranged in such a manner, and contains such occasional disquisitions, as fit it to supply the place of a history of British sculpture, from the Revolution in 1688, down to the present time. It evinces in the author an extensive knowledge and just feeling the art. It is at once popular and instructive.

To Roubiliac, who, with exquisite mechanical dexteri ty and a lively fancy, is still apt to be frippery, succeeded Nollekens, Banks, Bacon, and Flaxman, who, by the aid of strong good sense and just feeling, and some of them by the superaddition of a higher ingredient, placed the sculpture of Britain on an equal footing with that of the continental nations. Townley and other amateurs worked by their side with zealous admiration; but the event

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which promises to exercise the best influence upon our sculptors is the acquisition of the Elgin marbles, upon which subject the feelings of the artists themselves are strong and decided.

Although our author does not in this volume enter into any discussion respecting the merits of the Royal Academy, he spares no opportunity of having a fling at it. We do not deny that his sneers have, in most instances, a just foundation; but we think that he, as well as some zother talented and influential writers who have shown themselves inimical to this institution, might do better service to art by labouring for its reformation, than by attempting to run it down.

The prevailing characteristics of this work are taste, Ejudgment, and energy.

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Introductions to the Study of the Greek Classic Poets. Designed principally for the use of Young Persons at School and College. By Henry Nelson Coleridge, Esq. M. A. Part I. Containing General Introduction, and Homer. London. John Murray. 1830. One vol. post Svo. Pp. 237.

This is a book which we are most anxious to see introduced into the senior classes of our schools, and the junior classes of our universities. It is the work of one who is

an enthusiastic admirer of Grecian literature; not after the narrow and pedantic fashion of those who know no other, but from a deep and just relish of the beauties of poetry. He expresses himself warmly and forcibly re*specting their merits, yet the opinions he utters must be approved of by the most fastidious taste. He has drunk deep at that fountain of philosophical criticism, which has been set a-flowing in our days, yet he is free from the affectation and exaggeration of almost all who speak under the influence of its intoxicating draughts. We do not know of any book so well qualified to inspire a young 3 man with a just and generous feeling of the beauties of the classics.

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The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck; a Romance, by the author of " Frankenstein." 3 vols. London. Colburn and Bentley. 1830.

Nor ranking ourselves among those weekly purveyors of literary criticism, who imagine that they furnish their readers with a review of a new book, if they write a dozen lines by way of introduction, and fill up the rest of their columns with quotations, tacked together by a single thread of narrative, we shall delay till next Saturday the remarks we have prepared upon this interesting work of Mrs Shelley, finding our space too much pre-occupied today. By way of foretaste, however, of the contents, we attach one short, but pleasing extract, descriptive of the parting between the Lady Elizabeth, the future queen of Henry VII., and the unfortunate Earl of Warwick:

"Two parties arrived on the same day at Sheriff-Hutton, on the different missions of conducting the Lady Elizabeth and the Earl of Warwick to London. On the morning of their departure, they met in the garden of their abode to take leave of each other. Elizabeth was nineteen years old, Warwick was the exact age of her brother, Edward the Fifth; he was now sixteen.

"We are about to travel the same road, with far different expectations,' said Warwick. I go to be a prisoner; you, fair cousin, to ascend a throne.'

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youth and beauty; the light spirit of expected triumph lighted up her lovely face. She was about to become the bride of a conqueror, yet one whose laurels would droop without her propping; she was to be Queen of her native land, the pearly clasp to unite the silken band with which peace now bound long discordant England. She was unable to communicate this spirit of hope to her desponding friend; he gazed on her beauty with admiration and deep grief, asking, with tearful eyes, Shall we ever meet again?' Yes! in London, in the Court of Henry, we shall again companions-friends.'


"I go to the Tower, not to the Court,' replied Warwick; 'and when those gloomy gates close on me, I shall pray that my head may soon repose on the cold stone that pillows my cousin Edward. I shall sleep uneasily till then.'

"Fie, cousin!' said Elizabeth; such thoughts ill beseem the nearest kinsman of the future Queen of England. You will remain but a short time in the Tower; but if you nurse thoughts like these, you will pine there as you did before I cheered your prison here, and the roses with which my care has painted your cheeks will again fade.'

"Wan and colourless will my cheek be ere your bright eyes look on it again. Is it not sufficient grief that I part from you, beloved friend?'

"A gush at once of sorrow, of affection, of long-suppressed love, overpowered the youth. I shall think of you,' he added, in my prison-house, and while I know that you regret my fate, I cannot be wholly a wretch. Do you not love me? And will you not, as a proof, give me one of those golden hairs, to soothe poor Warwick's misery? One only,' he said, taking from her braided locks the small gift he demanded. I will not diminish the rich beauty of your tresses, yet they will not look lovelier, pressed by the jewelled diadem of England, than under the green chaplet I crowned you with a few months past, my Queen of May!'

"And thus, the eyes of each glistening with tears, they parted. For a moment Warwick looked as if he wished to press his cousin to his heart; and she, who loved him as a sister, would have yielded to his embrace; but before his arms enfolded her, he started back, bent one knee, pressed her hand to his lips, his eyes, his brow, and bending his head for an instant towards the ground, sprang up, and rushed down the avenue towards the gate at which his guard awaited him. Elizabeth stood motionless, watching him till out of sight. The sun sparkled brightly on a tuft of wild flowers at her feet. The glittering light caught her eye. It is noon,' she thought; the morning dew is dry; it is Warwick's tears that gem these leaves.' She gathered the flowers, and, first kissing them, placed them in her bosom; with slow steps, and a sorrowing heart, she re-entered the Castle.”—Vol. i. p. 55-9.

Our judgment on this work shall be given in detail

next week.

A System of Geography, Popular and Scientific; or a Physical, Political, and Statistical Account of the World and its various Divisions. By James Bell. Illustrated by a complete set of Maps, and other Engravings. Vol. III. Glasgow. Blackie, Fullarton, and Co. 1830. 8vo. Pp. 558.

We noticed, with much approbation, the first two volumes of this work, on their appearance some months ago. We observe with pleasure that the able editor is prosecuting his arduous, but useful task, with diligence and perseverance. The work, when finished, (it is to extend to six volumes,) will unquestionably be the completest yet published in this country upon the subject of which it treats. The third volume is devoted to the British Empire, and to that extensive, though least known, quarter of the globe, Africa. It contains upon these subjects all

the most important geographical and statistical details, and affords, likewise, a full and satisfactory view of the physical and political relations of these portions of the earth's surface. Eight well-executed maps, and two other

"There was a despondency in the youth's manner that deeply affected this Princess. 'Dear Edward,' she replied, clasping his hand, we have been fellow prisoners long, and sympathy has lightened the burden of our chains. Can I forget our walks in this beauteous park, and the love and confidence we have felt for each other? My dearest boy, when I am Queen, Esther will claim a boon from Ahasue-engravings, the one of Grand Cairo, and the other of rus, and Warwick shall be the chief noble in my train.' the Cape of Good Hope, illustrate and enhance the volume.

"She looked at him with a brilliant smile; her heart glowed with sisterly affection. She might well entertain high anticipations of future power; she was in the pride of

A Treatise on the Law of Scotland respecting Tithes, and the Stipends of the Parochial Clergy; with an Appendix, containing Illustrative Documents not before published. By Sir John Connell, Knt. Second Edition. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh. Thomas Clark. 1830.

THIS work, which is the only available one on the branch of law it discusses, has received some important additions in the present edition. It is unnecessary to enter into any detail concerning a book, which no lawyer or clergyman will go without, and which no other person will purchase. It is worth while, however, noticing in reference to it, the retributive justice by which the tithes of which our old barons despoiled the church, have become the veriest plague to which their descendants are liable-a source of incessant, petty, teasing annoyance.

New System of Commercial Arithmetic; or, Guide to B siness and Science; for the Use of Schools; in which the Principles of the Rules, and the Reasons of the Operations, are fully explained. By Robert Murray, Master of the Commercial and Mathematical Academy, 10, Nicolson Street. Edinburgh. John Boyd. 12me. Pp. 443.

ARITHMETIC, which is unquestionably one of the most important branches of education, has generally, we be lieve, been taught in a most superficial and unscientific manner. Neither the principles on which, as a science, it is founded, nor the application of these principles to the various departments of business, have been duly elucidated and inculcated; and young men, on leaving school, commonly find that their acquirements on this head are wofully deficient. This is to be attributed chiefly to the character of the class-books put into the hands of youth. The systems of arithmetic at present used in schools, The Wine Drinker's Manual. London. Marsh and whatever be their merits in other respects, are so exMiller. 1830. 12mo. Pp. 296.

tremely limited in point of size and information, that no · THIS agreeable little work presents us with an account elucidation of principles, no analysis of rules, no “phileThe of the celebrated vineyards, and of the different processes sophy of arithmetic," can be expected from them. of wine-making in different countries. A value is given teacher, however able or zealous, has seldom time to supto both the picturesque details and the practical instruc-ply the deficiences by which these treatises are charactertions, by their being accompanied with a statement of the ised. Among the many improvements which education results of the most recent enquiries of men of experimental has recently undergone, and is still undergoing, we are science. Every body takes a greater or less interest in glad to see an attempt like that made in the work before wine, and every body, therefore, will find more or less us, to promote improvement in the department of arithamusement in the "Wine Drinker's Manual." metic, the most generally important branch of all. Murray's treatise, which extends to no fewer than 443 densely printed 12mo pages, we regard as by far the most valuable work on the subject that has yet appeared, being not more useful for schools than for private students. The Rules and Definitions are given with equal exactness and perspicuity, and the Examples are judicious; while the illustrative Notes, which embrace 150 pages,

Remarks on the Actual State of the University of Cambridge. London. Published by Charles Tilt. 1830. Svo. Pp. 47.


THEY who are entirely ignorant of the arrangements at the University of Cambridge, may pick up some in-contain the most full and satisfactory analysis of the formation from this pamphlet; but we should grossly principles of the rules exemplified in the body of the flatter the work, did we say that there was much to be work. These Notes, indeed, form the distinguishing learned from it by persons previously versed to any characteristic of the book, and constitute that portion of extent in the subject. The style is ambitious, and not it, in which the greatest ability and originality are disa little puerile. Take, for example, the magnificent com- played; and while they are abundantly plain to the mencement :-" It must be admitted, for it cannot be pupil, are yet of such a nature as to be interesting both denied, by all who are acquainted with the higher and to the teacher and the man of science. The work, bemore intellectual orders of British society, that the ma- sides, embraces various subjects, such as banking, stockjority of those members of the University of Cambridge jobbing, and insurance-office calculations, which we have who annually receive their primary degrees within its not seen treated so fully or in so business-like a manner precincts, are publicly accused of coming forth from in any other publication. There is also appended, a list thence into the world with a share of knowledge and in-of Questions," so extensive," says the author, “as not formation, much inferior to what they had justly been considered as capable of acquiring." The author thought, no doubt, that he was throwing a bomb into this learned institution, but it is only an ill-made squib, better calculated to fizz than to sparkle.

The Pocket French Grammatical and Critical Dictionary; containing the Rules of Grammar and Pronunciation, with the popular errors committed in French conversation, both in France and England; also, the Peculiarities, Niceties, and Difficulties attending French Composition, &c. &c. By Gabriel Surrenne, F. A. S. E. Edinburgh: Printed for the Author, and sold by Oliver and Boyd. 1830. 18mo. Pp. 356.

WE recommend this work to the attention of every one who wishes to perfect himself in the niceties of the French language. A people who laugh so unreservedly as we do, at the mistakes of foreigners, when attempting to speak our language, ought to be on their guard against retaliation. Mr Surrenne's little work is one of the best conceived and most completely executed for the purpose of advanced students that we have seen. It is the production of one who is thoroughly master of his own language, and has a head for scientific arrangement.

only to enable the pupil to elicit from the teacher all necessary information, and to furnish the teacher with the means of exercising the judgment and reasoning faculties of his pupils; but to put it also in the power of those concerned in the examination of schools to ascertain minutely the various degrees of proficiency attained." In short, though a rigid critic might probably discover some minor objections to some parts of this publication, we regard it not only, as we have already said, as the best work on arithmetic that has yet appeared, but as one of the most judicious on any subject, according to the intellectual system of education; and we venture to predict that its success and usefulness will correspond with the character we have given it.

Ireland and its Economy; being the Result of Observations made in a Tour through the Country in the Autumn of 1829. By J. E. Bicheno, Esq., F.R. S., &c. London. John Murray. 1830. 12mo. Pp. 308.

INTO the worse than Cretan labyrinth of Irish affairs, past and present, we have no desire to enter. To such of our readers, however, as feel interested in the subject, and it is an important one, we can safely recommend the

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