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corps have exifted on paper, who, exclufive of the Commandant and Staff, never had any existence but on paper; and it will farther appear, that thofe Sepoys who have a real existence, are neither well difciplined, nor regularly paid. The decreasing produce of the country is confumed by the utinoit contrivance of profusion; and so wafteful is the mode of contribution, that the country of Oude, period after period, has fallen into arrears, leaving the exhausted Prince without means of fupporting his government, or of maintaining his family.

A concurring caufe of our mischiefs in India, is that the Supreme Board in Calcutta is ftationary at the fame time that it is paramount to all the other Prefidencies their induftry is by no means confined to Bengal and its adjacent provinces; they have an extended latitude of power: every other Board and Prefidency is fubject to their fway, and their controlling influence pervades the whole politics of India. Without difcuffing the merits of this unbounded interference, exper.ence has evinced, that in its prefent modification, it has difconcerted every measure of the other Governments, and funk them in the estimation of all neighbouring States; while the Supreme Board flationary in Calcutta has laboured under fuch impediments of diftance, local ignorance, and endless avocation, that in every inftance where they have defcended to fuch interference, they have exposed them felves to public ridicule; and after marring the business beyond all chance of remedy, have been forced at last to throw it from themfelves upon the Prefidency, to which from habit, vicinity, and connection, it did of right belong.

If it be judged expedient to have a Supreme Board of India, in whom all the controlling powers of Government fshall ultimately concentrate, in the name of common fenfe let it be a Board of Circuit ;-let it be a Board of Inspection, as well as of Control, compofed of Members from each Prefidency, detached from the embarraffments and corruption of provincial regulation :--let it be a Board that can obferve with impartiality, judge with accuracy, and act with vigour; that can move to any fpot in India, where public emergencies are most urgent, and call more imme lately for its prefer.ce. Thus, and thus only, can it become a Board of exfend d efficiency either to enforce obedience, restrain fubordinate misconduct, or unite in

one connected feries the vast and complicated mafs of Indian affairs *.

Almost all the powers in India are our open or concealed enemies; the Mogul, the Nizam, the Mahrattas, the Affghans, Pitans, Doranies, Abdallahs, Condaharṣ, Kashmirlans, and other hordes of Muffulmen who people the northern territories of Indoftan: - All thefe latter are brave, warlike, impatient of peace, and eager of adventure; fo unfettled is the prefent itate of all thofe northern countries adjoining to Bengal, that any refolute leader, black or white, of military reputation, might on the shortest notice raise an army of 100,000 men ready to follow him as long as he could feed and pay them. But these are inferior dangers when compared with the Atrength and menacing condition of Mysore : the recent growth and warlike advancement of that State, exhibit a phenomenon unparallelled in Hiftory-a mighty empire cre ated from nothing by the fuperior genius of

one man.

Hyder Naick, or Hyder Ally, the son of a Killidar who commanded a fort of fome ftrength on the confines of Myfore, foon rendered himself super.or to all the other commanders in the Myfore fervice. At the attack of the bloody Choultry on Seringham Inand, mentioned in Mr. Orme's invaluable Hiftory, he particularly distinguished himself, as well as on every other occafion in which he either acted or advised. Without dwelling on the gradations of his conduct, in attaining confidence and elevation, it is enough to say that he rofe to be the Prime General and Chief Minister of his master. Cloathed with the authority of thefe employments, and fupported by his afpiring talents, he foon left his Sovereign nothing but the name, and at last doomed him and his whole family to confinement, exhibiting them from time to time in great state, to soothe and please the people, while he in fact transferred the fceptre to his own hands. He trained his peaceful fubjects to the use of arms, by new modelling the military fyftem; by inviting all ranks of Moormen, Rajapoots, and other warlike cafts, to join his standard; by encouraging or rather alluring French and other Eurpopeans to enter into his fervice; and above all, by a course of severe and unremitting duty in the field. He attacked, and fucceffively subdued, the numerous Polygars, Chiefs, and petty Rajahs, whofe poffeffions lay within his reach. He extended his views against the countries

"The preceding remarks on the condition of Bengal and its adjacent territories are not the refult of perfonal obfervation, and therefore may be confidered as lefs deferving attention than thofe which I have ventured to offer on the affairs of Coromandel. There is little doubt, however, confidering the natural fertility of thofe countries, that a mild and permanent administration might foon restore them to profperity.}

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fouth of the Ghauts, as far as the confines of Tritchinopoly and Madura, on the Malabar coaft. He reduced the Zamorin or Sovereign of Calicut, the Rajah of Paligat, the other Malabar Rajahs, and rendered the Rajah of Cochin tributary to his Circar. He conquered Beddanore, Goutty, and Chitelldroog; the countries of Cudapah, Kanoul, and Savanore; thus extending his dominions as far north as Goa on the Malabar fea, and across the peninfula to the country of Palnaud and Ganjam, on the coaft of Coromandel.

With thefe, and other interior acquifitions, the Rajahship of Myfore grew into a power ful ftate, 400 miles in length from north to fouth, and near 300 miles in breadth from east to weft, with a population of many millions; an army of 300,cco men, and 5,000,000l. of annual revenue. Thefe atchievements were the refult of intrepid perfeverance. He next ventured to try his ftrength with the Marat tas and with the English ;-though he could not vanquish them, yet he increased in felfconfidence and public eftimation. His very failures he turned to account, and, like Czar Peter, fubmitted to be worfled, that he might learn to be fuperior.

During the long interval of peace with the English from 1769 to 1780, the improve ment of his country, and the ftrictest executive administration, formed the conftant objeas of his care. Under his masterly control, they obtained a perfection never heard of under any other Indian Sovereign; the husband. man, the manufacturer, and the merchant, profpered in every part of his dominions; cultivation increased, new manufactures were ettablished, and wealth flowed into the king. dom. But againft negligence or malvei fation he was inexorable. The Renters, the Taxgatherers, and other officers of revenue, fulfilled their duty with fear and trembling; for the flightest defalcation was punished with the chaubuck *, or with death. He employed fpies and intelligencers in every corner of his own dominions, and in every court of India; and he had other persons in pay, who ferved as checks upon them, and watched all their operations

The minutest circumftance of detail, the produce of a crop, the cultivation of a district, the portion paid to the Circar, and that referved to the inhabitants, were accurately known to him:-Not a movement in the remotest corner could efcape him,—not a murmur or

intention of his neighbours, but flew to him; It will hardly appear exaggeration to say, that he was acquainted with every spot, and almoir with every perfon in his empire, when we confider that he was in a continued round of infpection.—In his Durbar, during the hours of business, reports from all corners were received: his fecretaries fucceffively read to him the whole correfpondence of the day :to each he dictated in few words the substance of the answer to be given; which was im mediately written, read to him, and dispatched.

On his right and left hand, during these hours, were placed bags of gold and silver; out of which, those who brought him intelligence were rewarded by one or more handfuls of coin, proportioned to their deserts; he was acceffible to all: every horfeman or fe poy, that wanted to enter his fervice, was infpected by himself; every Jemidar, or cfficer of any note, was intimately known to him. His troops were amply paid, but not a fraction was loft. Those who fupplied his camps, garrifons and cantonments, were all under fuch courribution, that almost the whole military disbursements reverted to his treasury. There was no contractor bold enough to hazard a public impofition. There was no commander ingenious enough to screen inability or difobedience, nor a defaulter that could elude derection. He poffeffed the happy fecret of uniting minuteness of detail with the utmost latitude of thought and enterprise. As his perfeverance and dispatch in business were only equalled by his pointedness of information, so his conciseness and decision in the executive departments of a great government, are probably unprecedented in the annals of men. Confcious from experience of his own ability, and of the weakness and dif traction of the English, he planned their extirpation from India. He fummoned all the native powers to join his caufe :-they hesita ted. He determined to act alone-and conquered the Carnatic.

His death, in December 1782, left the accomplishment of his farther designs to his fon and fucceffor Tippoo Sultaun, to whom he bequeathed an overflowing treasury, which he had filled, a powerful empire, which he had created, and an army of 300,000 men, whom he had formed, difciplined, and enured to conqueft.

[To be continued. ]

The chaubuck is an inftrument for fcourging criminals.


The London Medical Journal for the Year 1787, Part the Third. 8vo. Johnson. (Concluded from Vol. XII. page 388.)

2.ACCOUNT of a Cafe, in which a

confiderable portion of the loweft Jaw-bone was removed; to which are added fome Remarks on the Effects produced by Matter formed in the Socket of a Tooth, and confined there. By Mr. Jofeph Brandifh, Member of the Corporation of Surgeons of London, and Surgeon at Alcefter in Warwick fhire. Communicated in a Letter to Dr. Johnfone, Physician at Worcester; and by kim to Dr. Simmons.

This is a very curious hiftory of a boy five years old, who had a fore mouth, commonly called a canker. In the courfe of five months almoft the whole of one de of the lower jaw became loofe, and was extracted by the furgeon. An cngraving of it is given in the work. The boy did well, and is faid to be not the Leaft disfigured. Mr. Brandish adds fome remarks on difeafes of the gums and fockets of the teeth, which tend to corroborate fome of the opinions maintained by Mr. Hunter in his late publication on the venereal disease.

3. Additional Remarks on the fuppoted Influence of the Moon in Fevers Communicated in a Letter to Dr. Simmons, by Robert Jackson, M. D. Phyician at Stockton.

This is a paper of confiderable ingequity, and, in reply to fome objections offered in a former Journal to the author's doctrine by Dr. Lind, afferds additional arguments in favour of a lunar influence in fevers.

4. Case of a Rupture of the Tendo Achili's. Communicated in a Letter to Dr. Simmons, by Mr. John Rodbard, Surgeon at Ipfwich.

In this paper the author defcribes a method of treating accidents of this kind, which feems to be a confiderable improvement in furgery. It confifts in keeping the foot in its natural pofition, inftead of confining it to an extended polture, as hath been hitherto the practice.

5. An Account of a Peculiarity of Vifion in a Girl at East Dereham in Norfolk. Communicated in a Letter to Dr. Simmons, by Mr. J S. Wenter, Surgeon, at Eaft Dereham.

This account is fo curious, that we are induced to give it to our readers in the author's own words,

ly called, the owl-eyed girl, is thirteen years
HELEN BUNNETT, or, as she is common-
and has all her life enjoyed a good fate of
old, of a fair complexion, with brown hair,
longing to East Dereham, in the county of
She was born in a workhouse be-
Norfolk; but is now fupported in a Houfe of
Industry belonging to the hundreds of Milford
and Launditch, in the fame county.

der a peculiarity of vifion.
This girl has from her infancy laboured un-
What particularly
in the day-time, is, her looking towards the
ftrikes one's attention, on her entering arcom
ground, and her eyes appearing, as it were,
funk in her head; fo much fo, that the whole
and of courfe the eyelid fo covers it, that you
ball of the eye feems loft within its orbit,
would at first imagine the humours of the
eye had escaped from their coats.

the coats of the eye. The choroid is of a
No appearance of difcafe is perceptible in
whitish or light grey colour. The iris is pe
black; and the appearance of each eye is the
cularly perfect. The pupils are entirely

exhibiting large objects before her eyes, fuch
I first put her faculty of vifion to the teft by
as a watch, a broad button, the key of a door,
guish, though with difficulty; and I observed
Thefe the certainly was able to diftin-
that she is very near-fighted.

dicines of different colours, such as blue vitrio-
I next offered to her bottles filled with me-
hic water, vegeto-mineral water, and others;
in attempting to distinguish these the in gene-
ral failed.

I then presented to her view pins, &c. but these she could not discover at fmall objects, fuch as a fixpence, a shilling,


Upon closing the windows, and darkening the room fuddenly, I had my attention fixed pupils became as perfect, and as large in proupon her eyes, which inftantly dilated, and the port on, as in any human body whatever; on the contrary, upon opening the windows as fuddenly as i before had clofed them, the pupils became inftantly contracted, and the balls of the eyes appeared, as it were, funk. 1 then clofed her eye lids, and rubbed them frequently, but without obferving any appearance of dilatation in the eyes. Having now again darkened the room fo much that I could not myfelf diftinguith objects, I had in readiness likewife fome pieces of cloth of different cothe fame bottles of medicines as before, and lours that I had offered to her when the win


dows were not closed, and which she had then not been able to distinguish; but upon my again offering the fame to her in the darkened room, I was agreeably surprised to find that she could tell me the colours of the different fluids in the bottles, as well as the quantities therein contained, and also the various colours of the cloths,excepting of those which we may term mixed cloths; and perhaps in these the failed not from a want of perception, but from not being fufficiently practifed in the diftinctions of complicated colours. I likewife took a pin, and having dropped it upon the ground, at a confiderable distance from that part of the room where she stood, changed places with her, and defired her to look for the pin, which the very foon found. All the time the room remained darkened her eyes were fully dilated, and continued equally fo, neither contracting nor increafing in the dilatation.

The expreffion of owl-eyed girl, which I have made use of, is not a term given to her

by me, but is a distinction she goes by among the paupers in general in the houfe where the

now is.

I lately afked her the following questions,
which I fhall give you, with her answers, as
I minuted them upon the spot : 3
Q"How is your eyefight when in the


A. "I cannot then fee in the leaft. Q. "Are your eyes ever painful to you? A. "They are very painful in fummer and hot weather.

Q." In what direction do you look when you wish to diftinguish any thing? A. From the corners of my eyes, as one cross-eyed."

She has informed me likewife, that the can diftinguish objects as well by moonlight, or in the twilight, as in the dark.

This Part of the Journal concludes, as ufual, with a Catalogue of New Medical Books.


Select Beauties of Ancient English Poetry, with Remarks by Henry Headley, A. B, 2 Vols. 12mo. 8s. Cadell. 1787. [From a CORRESPONDENT.]

T has been for fome time too common a practice to mangle the works of our later poets, and publish them by piecemeal, under the appellation of Beauties. The work before us is of a different defcription, as it contains felections from the more ancient English writers, many of whom have been long configned to neglect and obfcurity. It is evident from Mr. Headley's Extracts, that their un popularity does not proceed from their want of merit. So far indeed is Mr. H. from being of that opinion, that in the courfe of eftimating their value under the different heads of language, verfification, fyle, fentiment, and imagery, he expreffes his preference of them to the more modern votaries of the Mufes, "He grounds this predilection on their originality and immediate imitation of nature, from whofe eventful and important pages they tranfcribed more or lefs according to their neceffities. Succeeding bards have adopted much, and added little; have diftorted, frittered away, and fometimes totally new vampt, the ideas of their predeceffors. To a procefs not very diffimilar to this (fays Mr. H.) I am inclined to attribute the frequent lifeleffness of modern poetry, which too often refembles an artificial nofegay, the colours of which though fplendid are yet tawdry, and heightened far beyond the modesty of nature, without any pretenfions to fragrance; while that of a century and a half back, appears

as a garland fresh from the gardens of nature, and ftill moift and glittering with the dews of the morning."

The Biographical Sketches prefixed to the Select Pieces relate to Beaumont, Browne, Cartwright, Corbet, Carew, Crawfhaw, Daniel, Drummond, Davenant, Drayton, the Fletchers, the Earl of Surry, King, Lovelace, May, Niccols, Quarles, Raleigh, Lord Buckhurst, Warner, Sir H. Wooton, and Sir T. Wyat.-Among the chorus of "bards of other times, "whom Mr. H. has thus introduced, we are glad to find that Drummond has gained admittance. It would certainly have been unfair to have excluded fo elegant and tender a writer, because he was born on the other fide of the Tweed. To our readers we think no apology neceffary for introducing one of his Sonnets, and an extract from Fletcher's Purple Ifland, by way of specimens of the Select Beauties.


WHAT doth it ferve to fee Sunnes burn-
ing face?

And skies enamell'd with both Indies gold?
Or moon at night in jetty charior 1oll'd?
And all the glory of that itarry place?
What doth it ferve Earth's beautie to behold?
The mountains pride, the meadows flowrię


The ftatelie comelineffe of forefts old.
The sport of flowds which would themfelves
embrace ?


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Leffe he could like, if leffe his God had fent him.

And when he dies green turfs with graffie tombe content him.

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12 Cant. Purple Island, St. 2—

By PH. FLETCHER. Ed. 1633.

It may be remarked, that most of the felections are of a fombrous and melancholy caft. When Mr. H. fhall make good his promife of publishing again, we hope that he will turn his attention to ef fufions more enlivening and gay.

It is a tirefome though fometimes a fortunate employment to fearch for cor. nelians among the pebbles on the fea, fhore. Similar is the task of him who pores over the pages of black-letter and obfolete books in queft of poetical beauties. Mr. H. has been lucky enough to fucceed in his refearches, which appear to have been very minute and extenfive, Industry and tafte are very confpicuous in thefe volumes, which are calculated to afford high entertainment to all thofe who are fond of the fimple and genuine flowers of Parnaffus.

Strictures on Lieutenant-Colonel Tarleton's "Hiftory of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781 in the Southern Provinces of North-America." Wherein military Characters and Corps are vindicated from injurious Afperfions, and feveral important Tranfactions placed in their proper Point of View. In a Series of Letters to a Friend. By Roderick Mackenzie, late Lieutenant in the Seventy-first Regiment. To which is added, a Detail of the Siege of Ninety fix, and the Re❤ capture of the Ifland of New Providence. 8vo. 4s. Boards. Faulder. London, 8787.

HE attacks of Lieutenant-Colonel
Tareleton will, probably, ever be
treated with filent contempt by Earl Corn.
wallis, Lord Rawdon, and others; but
the author of the work before us appears

to be a difinterested volanteer in their defence, as well as thofe of his brother of ficers and foldiers, upon whom reflections have been made.

He feems to have been actuated with a jult

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