tal houfes in the cotton branch having topped payment. One of them has stopped for upwards of 400,000l. and it is faid is under acceptances to the amount of 1,000,000l. another is 200,oool. deficient, and many inferior houfes are involved in this unexpected event, which alfo extends to Liverpool, Manchefter, and many other trading towns. Thefe failures are likely to draw with them the moft extenfive confequences. The county of Lancaster, it is feared, will be much affected by them. In Manchester and its environs, it is computed that not less than 25,000l. worth of bills of only five pounds each, were in circulation amongst the working manufacturers. In London there are few monied perfons who are not billholders for large fums; upwards of 40,000 perfons in the various branches of their manufactures, and others depending on them in town and country, are, by this unfortunate circumftances, for a time out of bread. 8. Was held the Anniversary Meeting of the Sons of the Clergy. The fermon was preached by the Rev. Phipps Weston, B. D. Prebendary of Lincoln, Canon Refidentiary of Wells, and Rector of Witney, Oxfordshire, from the fixth chapter of St. Matthew, verfe 33. "But feek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all thefe things fhall be added unto you."-Total of this year's collection 10471. 10. One of his Majefty's meffengers arrived at the office of the Marquis of Carmarthen, his Majefty's principal fecretary of ftate for foreign affairs, with the ratification on the part of the States-General of the United Provinces, of the treaty of Defensive Alliance figned at the Hague the 15th of April laft, which was exchanged there on the 8th inft. with his Excellency Sir James Harris, K. B. his Majesty's Ambaffador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to their High Mightineffes, against his Majesty's ratification by the deputies of the States General. This Gazette contains the ceremony of invefting Sir George Yonge, and Sir Alexander Hood, vice-admiral of the blue, with the order of the Bath. 13. The expence already incurred by carrying on the profecution against Warren Haftings (as delivered to the House of Com mons) is as follows: Expence of erecting the Court Monies advanced to the Solicitors PREFERMENTS. THE Right Hon. Charles James Fox, Recorder of Bridgewater, vacant by the death of the late Earl Poulett. Dr. Benjamin Mofely, to be physician to his Royal Highness the Duke of York and his houfehold. The Rev. Mr. Potter, tranflator of fchylus and Sophocles, to a prebendal ftall in Norwich cathedral. The Right Hon. Hugh Lord Fortescue, to be Lord Lieutenant of the county of Devon, and the city and county of Exeter. The Rev. Francis Barnes, B. D. of King's College, to be Mafter of Peter Houfe, Cam. bridge. vice the late Bishop of Carlisle. Edward Chriftian, of Gray's-Inn, etq. to be profeifor of common law, at Cambridge, 3044 714 8058 vice Jeremiah Pemberton, efq. promoted to the chief justiceship of Nova-Scotia. The Rev. John Acland, rector of Broadclift, to a prebend of Exeter cathedral. The honour of knighthood on Col. James Campbell. Lord Belgrave has taken his feat in the Houfe of Commons, for Eaft Looe; Lord Bernard, for Totnefs; and Lord John Ruffeil, for Tavistock. The Rev. William Haggitt to be Chaplain to the Royal Hofpital near Chelfea, in the room of the Rev. William Jennings, de ceafed. Weitminster Regiment of Militia, Johu Macnamara, efq. to be Colonel, vice Col. Chauvel, deceased; and Tho. Gordon, efq. Lieutenant-Colonel, vice Dennis O`Kelly, elq. deceated. FRANCIS Fownes Luttrell, efq. of the ford, to Mifs Mary Acklom, daughter of Middle Temple, to Mifs Drewe, of Capt. Acklom. Grange, Devon, The Rev. John Rowe, of Shrewsbury, to Mifs Clarke, fifter of Richard Hall Clarke, efq. of Bridewell, Devon. Henry Read, efq. of Crowood, Wilts, to Mifs Edmonstone, daughter of Sir Archibald Edmonstone, hart. Richard Smith, of Bent-hall, near Chelms The Rev. Dr. Dowfor, P al of St. Edmund-Hall, to Mifs Hawkefwell, of Oxford. The Rev. Benjamin Newton, chaplain to the Duke of Portland, to Mifs Fendal, of Great Portland ftreet. The Rev. James Commeline, of Glocester, to Mifs Newton, of Hempitead. The The Rev. Thomas Hind, rector of Audley, in Oxfordshire, to Mifs Hamer, of HamerHall, near Rochdale. At Macclesfield, Mr. Tho. Mather, to Mifs Brocklehurit, a young lady poffeffed of 20,000l. Sir Egerton Leigh, bart. to Mrs. Beauchamp, daughter of the late Sir Edward Boughton, bart. Rich. Hope Price, efq. of Manchefter, to Mifs Maria Smilter, of Sheffield. J. H. Browne, of Badger, in Shropshire, efq. to Mifs Hay, eldest daughter of the late Hon. Edw. Hay, Governor of Barbadoes. Samuel Crawley, efq. of Keyfoe, in Bedfordshire, to Mifs Eliz. Rankin, niece of the late Charles Mellifh, efq. of Ragnall-hall. The Rev. Charles Afhfield, to Mifs Wodley, daughter of the Rev. Mr. Wodley, one of his Majesty's Juftices for Berks. 383 The Rev. Henry Wilson, rector of KirbyCrane, in Norfolk, to Mifs Sumpter, daughter! of Tho. Sumpter, efq. of Hifton. Capt. Simon Bailie, in the fervice of the East-India Company, to Mifs llifon, of Edinburgh. Tupper, daughter of Col, Tupper. place, to Mifs Emmeline Jelf, daughter of Col. Strawbenzee, in the fervice of the Hon. Eaft-India Company, to Mifs Cookson, of Wakefield. Gilbert East, efq. eldest fon of Sir William Eaft, bart. to Mifs Jolliffe, eldest daughter of William Jolliffe, efq. The Rev. Dr. Cleaver, firft Chaplain to his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ire John Mill, efq. of Lambeth, to Mifs Hodge, land, to Mifs Wynne, daughter to the Right. of Stepney Causeway. Sir Edmund Affleck, bart, rear-admiral of the red, and member for Colchester, to Mrs. Smithers, a widow la ly from New-York, Robert Entwistle, efq. of Bethnal-Green, to Mifs Ann Manfell. Dr. Davies physician at Carmarthen, to Mifs Sufan Saunders, fecond daughter of the late Erafmus Saunders, of Pentree, in Pembrokeshire, eiq. In Dublin, Mr. Whaley, fecond brother to the lady of the Attorney-General of that kingdom, to the Hon. Lady Ann Meade, daughter of the Earl of Clanwilliam. David Fell, efq. of Caversham-Grove, Oxfordshire, to Mifs Gardiner, of Reading. Edward Addison, efq. of Surrey-street, to Mifs Jane Campbell, daughter of Major James Campbell, member for Culrofs, &c. The Rev. Matthew Wilfon, A. M. fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, to Mifs Barwis, of Marshall's, near Romford. Rev. Mr. Hayes, of Dean's-yard, Westminster, to Mrs. Farar. At Milton, Mr. George Bayden, jun. of Pewley, to the Widow Chandler, of Little Salisbury. It is remarkable that this lady's first husband was twice as old as herself when married, and that he is as old again as her prefent husband. Hon. Owen Wynne. Sir Nicholas Conway Colthurft, bart. to Mifs Harriot Latouche, daughter of the Rt. Hon. David Latouche. Stephen Ludlow, efq. of Peney-Gored, Pembrokeshire, to Mrs. Mary Williamfon, of Duke-ftreet, Aldgate. Mr Stovin, of Newark-upon-Trent, to Company's artillery at Madrafs, to Mifs M. Dr. Hodfon, of Hatton-street, to Mifs Henry Strechy Amiel, efq. of Great Marybone-street, to Mifs Charlotte Court, of Cecil-ftreet. At Canterbury, the Rev. William Gregory, rector of St. Andrews, to Mifs Catharine Sayer. Navy, to Miís Crauford, College, Cambridge, to Mifs Yorke, daugh- MONTHLY OBITUARY for MAY 1788. APRIL 18, 1788. 20. Mr John Barrow, of Great George AT Paris, George le Clerc, Count de Street, Westminster. Buffon, Lord of Montbart, Marquis of Rougemont, Vifcount of Quincy, Intendant of the King's Gardens, Cabinets of Natural History, Member of the French Academy, Royal Society in London, Berlin, Peterburgh, Bologna, Florence, Edi bur h, Philadelphia, Don, &c. 21. Mr. Thomas Ridgeway, auctioneer. 22. Sir Charles Philip Jennings, bart. efq. 1744, The The Rev. Algernon Frampton, B. D. rector of Tokenham, in Wilts. Lady Fleming, aged 88, relict of Sir William Fleming, bart. of Rydal, in Weftmorland, Richard Sail, efq. of the General Poftoffice. Lately at Cork, Sir Paul Banks, knt. captain of the 20th regiment of foot. 9. Peter Denoyer, efq. John Edward Boutflower. efq. one of the fixty clerks of the Court of Chancery. Thomas Brandreth, efq at Houghton Regis, near Dunstable, juftice of peace for Bed 23. At Newcastle, Major March, late of fordshire. the 79th regiment. 26. Mr. William Blizard, at Barnes in Surry, aged 86. George Litchfield, efq. many years one of the Solicitors of the Customs. Lately Mrs. Elizabeth Ruffel, of Lewes, Suffex, aged 94. 27. John Ridley, efq. clerk of the weft road in the General Poft-office. 28. Leonard Samuel Nafkall, efq. formerly a barrister at law. Major Francis Drake, of Lillingston Lovel-Hall, Oxfordshire, Lately the Rev. Mr. Collinfon, Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. 29. Mr. Roger Hog, merchant, in Nicholas Lane. The Right Hon. Lord Boringdon, colonel of the Devonshire militia. He was created a peer in 1784. He married in 1769, Therefa, fifter of the late Earl of Grantham. Mrs. Mary House, at Wimbledon, aged 96 years. 30. At Denver in Norfolk, the Reverend James Hicks, M. A. rector of that parish. Lately, at Colchester, John Whaley, efq. MAY 1. At Lord Corke's, Somersetshire, Jane Dowager Viscountess Galloway, 2. James Beck, efq. lately arrived from Bombay. Mrs. Pearfon, relict of Mr. James Pearfon, late minister of St. Julian's church, Shrewsbury. Nathaniel Peach, efq. at Bownham-houfe, Gloucestershire. Alexander Mitchel, efq. of Crayford, in Kent. 3. Mr. Alexander Eddie, feedfman, of the Strand. Lately, Mr. James Sorell, of Spital Square, 10. Mr. Godbehere, an American refugee. At Bath, the Hon. Mr. Radcliffe, fon te the Earl of Derwentwater, and uncle to the prefent Earl of Newburgh. ̧ Mrs. Foley, relict of William Foley, efq. 12. At Walton, Mrs. Catharine Haynes, aged 103 years. Mr. Jafper Thomas, formerly a merchant in London, aged 105 years and odd months. Mr. Thomas Hodgfon, at Mile End, aged 85. 14, At Stockton, Mr. Leonard Robinson, merchant at that place, and one of the partners in the Durham Bank. Mr. John Snaith, banker, Manfion-house ftreet. John Barrington, efq. of Hatfield Broad Oak, Essex, aged 78. Mr. Middleton, dancing-mafter. 16. Edward Taylor, efq. Brick Farm, Surry. Rachael Lady le Defpencer, aged 82, widow of Sir Robert Austen, bart. Mr. Adams, teacher of the mathematicks. Lately, Mrs. Mary Lekeux, relict of Peter Lekeux, efq. Church-ftreet, Spital Fields. 17. The Rev. Samuel Pratt, M. A. Fellow of Emanuel College, Cambridge, and fub-master of the free grammar-school, Norwich. 18. Henry Walter, efq. late of the Board of Trade at Bengal. Mrs. Elizabeth Pelham, fifter of the late Heury Pelham, efq. commiffioner of the Victualling-office. 19. Mifs Elizabeth Maria Gore, daughter of John Gore, efq. deputy-lieutenant of the Tower, aged 19. The Rev. Samuel Badcock, of South Molton, Devonshire, author of several polemical performances. 20. Jofeph Girdler, efq. juftice of peace for Middlefex, aged 80. for Sir Charles Knowles, ad Charles Knowler, THE European Magazine, AND LONDON REVIEW; 1788. [Embellished with, 1. A Portrait of Mr. NOLLIKINS, the Statuary. 2. A VIEW of the CHURCH OF STOKE POGEIS, where Mr. GRAY is buried. And 3. A VIEW of the THEATRE of BIRMINGHAM.] Authors On Signora Piozzi's Publication of Dr. Johníon's Letters. Stricture the Second. By Signor Baretti Obfervations made in a Tour in Swifferland, in 1786. By Monf. De Lazowski [continued] Fragments by Leo. No. XIII. including a Criti on the Samfon Agonistes of Milton, in Refutation of the Cenfures ⚫ of Dr. Johnson 391 393 399 401 406 Letters between Dr. Harris and Mrs. 409 Page 423 ib. 424 ib. Lady Hill's Addrefs to the Public Account of the Trial of Warren Haftings, Efq. (late Governor-General of Bengal) before the High Court of Parliament, for High Crimes and Mifdemeanors, [continued] 441 426 Account of Stoke Pogeis, in Bucks 440 Journal of the Proceedings of the Fifth Seffion of the Sixteenth Parliament of Great-Britain: including Lords Debates on the Infolvent Debtors and Interlude Bills -Commons Debates on firft Charge against Sir Elijah Impey-Canada Petition-Wool Bill-Expences of Haf tings' Impeachment-County Election Bill Sir W. Dolben's Bill for regulating the Transportation of Slaves to the West-Indies from Africa-Mr. Dundas's India. Budget-Increase of the India Company's Capital, &c. 442 Account of the Theatre at Birmingham 449 Theatrical Journal; including Account of feveral new Performers, with Mr. Poetry; including Noon, and other Pieces, Arts and Sciences, to the End of the Wilkins's Tranflation of the Heetopades 420 Printed for J. SEWELL, Cornhill; And J. DEBRETT, Piccadilly. [Entered at Stationers all.] The View from Liverpool is received, and is in the engraver's hands. We are obliged to our Correfpondent for it. Junius is mistaken in fuppofing we have any fpleen towards Mrs. Piozzi. The reverfe is the fact, if we have any bias at all. A Literary Journal should have no prejudices. As Mr. Baretti has given his name to the public, we do not think ourselves at liberty to print any anfwer unless authenticated with the writer's name. We apprehend alfo the Lady herself would not approve of fuch a defence as that fent us. The manuscript is destroyed (unfeen by any perfon), according to his defire. We have received a number of letters in the course of the month. The approach of fummer, and the recefs of Parliament, will shortly enable us to pay off our arrears. The Hymn to the Muses in our next.————— -Alfo answers to our Correspondents. |