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day being in converfation with a furgeon, whofe name I inuch regret the having forgotten, he asked how it could be removed. The furgeon acquainted him with the length of the procefs; to which Mr. Stuart object.d on account of its interruption of his purfuits, and asked if he could not cut it out, and then it would be only neceffary to heal the part. The furgeon replied in the affirmative, but mentioned the very excruciating pain and danger of fuch an operation; upon which Mr. Stuart, after a minute's reflection, threw himfelf back in his chair, and faid, "I'll fit still, do it now."-The operation was performed with fuccels.

With fuch qualifications, though yet almoft in penury, he conceived the defign of feeing Rome and Athens; but the ties of filial and fraternal affection made him protract the journey till he could enfure a certain provifion for his mother, and his brother and fecond fifter.

His mother died: he had foon after the good fortune to place his brother and fifter in a fituation likely to produce them a comfortable fupport; and then, with a very feanty pittance in his pocket, he fet out on foot upon his expedition to Rome; and thus he performed the greatest part of his journey; travelling through Holland, France, &c. and stopping through necef fity at Paris, and feveral other places in his way, where by his ingenuity as an artift he procured fome moderate fupplies towards profecuting the reft of his journey.

When he arrived at Rome, he made himfelf known to the late Mr. Dawkins and Sir Jacob Bouverie, whofe adm ration of his great qualities and wonderful perfeverance fecured to him their patron. age; and it was under their that he went on to Athens, where he remained feveral years.-During his relidence here, he became a matter of architecture and fortification, and having no limits to which his mind could be restricted, he engaged in the army of the Queen of Hungary, where he ferved a campaign voluntarily as chief engineer.

On his return to Athens, he applied himself more clofely to make drawings, and take the exact measurements of the Athenian architecture, which he afterwards published on his return to England, after fourteen years abfence; and which work, from its claffical accuracy, will ever remain as an honour to this nation, and as a lasting monument of his skill.This work, and the long walk the au

thor took in order to cull materials to compofe it, have united themselves as the two nioft honourable lines of defcent from whence he derived the title of ATHENIAN STUART, accorded to him by all the learned in this country.

Upon his arrival in England he was re ceived into the late Mr. Dawkins's family, and among the many patrons which the report of his extraordinary qualifica tions acquired him, the late Lord Anton led him forward to the reward most ju-licioully calculated to fuit his talents and parfuits; it was by his Lordihip's ap pointment that Mr. Stuart became Sarveyor to Greenwich Hofpital, which he held till the day of his death with unvertal approbation.

He conftantly received the notice and efteen of Lord Rockingham, and most of the nobility and genury of tatte and power.

Betides his appointment at Greenwich Hofpital, all the additions, and rebuild. ing of that part which was deftroyed by the fire there, were conducted under his direction; he built feveral other houfes in London-Mr. Anfon's in St. James'square, Mrs. Montague's in Portinanfquare, &c. &c.

Whatever new project he engaged in, he purfued with fuch avidity, that he feldom quitted it while there was any thing further to be learnt or understood from it: thus he rendered himself skitful in the art of engraving; likewife of carv ing; and his enthufiaftic love for antique elegance, made him alfo an adept in all the remote refearches of an antiquarian. But in the midst of my difplay of his talents, let me not onit to offer a juft tribute to his memory as a man. Thole who knew hun intimately, and hed opportunities of remarking the noblenets of his foul, will join in claiming for him the title of Citizen of the World; and if he could be charged with poffeffing any partiality, it was to merit, in whomfoever he found it.

Railed by his own abilities and integrity from the utmost abyfs of penury to the moft pleasing condition of refpectable affluence, without fervility, without chicane, without any ftratagem, but by the bord efforts of unconquerable perfeverance, prudence, and an independent mind! rea der, can we refrain from his praife!

But with fuch a mind to occupied, and fuch an expedition in the younger part of his life, it is no impeachment to his feelings if they efcaped fo long the influence


of the belle paffion. We have now conducted him to his feventy-fecond year; a time when moft men have fallen fo long into their own ways, as to dread the thought of female interruption, and content themfelves with rallying the fmiles of the world upon their fullen celibacy. Mr. Stuart on the contrary now found himfelf the mafter of a very comfortable income, which he longed to divide with a companion, to whom his long feries of events would be amusing, and whofe fimiles would add comfort to his latter days, of which he always reflected, but did not feel the approach.

About the year 1731, being on a vifit at Sittingbourne, in Kent, he became acquainted with a young lady there about twenty years of age, whole perfonal qualifications were the univerfal admiration of every one who had ever felt the happinefs of feeing her. The old Athenian

having always ftudied the fine arts, was a fenfible judge and difcriminator of the juft line of beauty.-Though the experience of years had increafed his knowledge, yet it had not impaired the vigor of his robuft conftitution.-Difparity of age was no obstacle with the lady; and Mr. Stuart, at the age of feventy-two, felt and returned all the happiness of an accepted lover. The parties were foon after married, and the lady and her father and mother accompanied Mr. Stuart to his houfe in Leicester-fields, where the parents found a welcome beyond their utmoft hopes. The fruits of this marriage are four children. Mr. Stuart died poffeffed of a confiderable fortune, amaffed, as we have ften, by upright affiduity alone, and has left an example to his family and the world to be for ever revered.

H. A.


IT is, perhaps, a fingular appearance, in the natural hiftory of the world, that the vaft ridge of mountains, which, extending from Cape Comorin to the Eaft-India Company's Northern Circars, feparate the Coromandel coaft from that of Malabar, do not gradually culminate, as they recede from the level of the ocean, but rife on either coaft abruptly to their greatest height, and form a ftupendous bafis to a vaft plain ftretching along their top. They do not, like most other ranges of hills, refemble the roof of one of our houfes, but rather that of an eastern palace; and form a natural terrace, undoubtedly the nobleft in the world. It is not here intended to speak with geometrical exactneis. In that immenfe plain fupported by the chain of mountains which divide Hindoftan, beautiful eminences every where arife, covered with Mango and other trees, which are green all the year round; but ftill thefe bear no proportion

to the level space which they diverfify, On this plain, the Marrattas, the Myforeans, and other nations, that may be, not improperly, termed the Highlanders of Hindoftan, breed and train up their hoifes. In the northern countries of Europe the foil is commonly the more fertile the lower its fituation; because, in elevated fituations, the air becomes too cold for vegetation. But in this climate, elevated fituation is rather favourable to vegetation, at least to most vegetable productions: and the plains here defcribed are for the moft part as fruitful and verdant as any in the kingdom of Bengal. It is in thofe high lands that we meet with the most warlike tribes in India. Here, as in other countries, if we confine our obfervations to the native powers, the Gods of the hills have generally prevailed, in all contests, over the Gods of the plains.

ANECDOTE of the late Colonel JAMES CAMPBELL. IN the Introduction to Cunningham's Hitory of Great Britain lately publithed, which abounds with new and curious anecdotes, we meet with the following.

In the battle of Malplaquet, Colonel James Campbell, Lieutenant to the Earl of Stair, fignalized his valeur in fight of both the arinics; for while the victory

was yet doubtful, he rushed with great fury against the enemy with a party of his men, and cutting all before him, opened a way through the midst of the enemy, and returned by the fame way to his friends. The fuccefsful bravery of this youth encouraged the confederates, disheartened the enemy, and contributed not a little to turn the whole fortune of


the day. Whether through envy, or
from whatever caufe, the bravery of
Campbell was, by fome of our officers,
made an object of cenfure. Prince Eu-
gene, who greatly admired fo gallant an
action, and who conceived that a juncture
might exift in which tranfgreffion of rules
might be justified by emergencies, thought
LETTERS of the late Mr. STERNE. [Continued from p. 44.]

it not fufficient that Lieutenant-Colonel
Campbell fhould pafs uncenfured, but
returned him his thanks for exceeding his
orders, on the day after the battle, in the
face of the army. This was General Sir
James Campbell, who loft his life, in an
advanced age, commanding the British
horie at Fontenoy.

as I ought for your four letters, which THESE may be piping times to you, have remained fo long unanswered, and my dear friend, and I rejoice at it-particularly for the last of them.

but they are not dancing ones to me.

You will perceive, by the manner in which this letter is written, that if I dance, Holbein's piper must be the fidler. Since I wrote to you laft I have burft another veffel of my lungs, and loft blood enough to pull down a very strong man: what it has done then with my meagre form, bad as it is with infirmities, may be better imagined than defcribed. Indeed it is with difficulty and fome intervals of repofe that I can trail on my per ; and if it were not for the anxious forwardness of my fpirits, which aids me for a few minutes by its precious me chanifm, I fhould not be able to thank you at all-I know I cannot thank you

I really thought, my good friend, that I fhould have feen you no more, The grim fcare-crow feemed to have taken poft at the foot of my bed, and I had not ftrength to laugh him off as I had hitherto done-fo I bowed my head in patience, without the leaft expectation of moving it again from my pillow.

But fomehow or other he has, I believe, changed his purpole for the prefent; and we fhall, I truft, embrace once again.

I can only add, that while I live, I fhail be Most affectionately your's,

L. S.



You have perfectly understood my mean

ing in every particular. Goreham's firft poft is under the point of a hill, where there is a little road running from Dalling's old quarter to the River; the way down is very steep; but I believe the troops can march at low water all along the beach, from the point of Levy. I think it is not above a mile and a half, or two miles, from our batteries.

The deferter's intelligence, in respect to Monf. de Vaudreuil's movements, agrees in part with our obfervations; but it is abfolutely impoffible that the Marquis can have fo large a corps-I don't believe their whole army amounts to that number. That De Levy may be gone towards Montreal, is likely enough, and feems to mark our General's progress: the more neceffity for vigour on our fide to second his endeavours. Sixteen hundred of our men are upon the fouth fhore, to clean and refresh them and their tranfports; and indeed to fave the whole army, which must have perished, if they had

continued 48 hours longer on board. Tomorrow the troops reimbark, the fleet fails up the river, a little higher, as if intending to land above, upon the north hore-keeping a convenient distance, for the boats and armed veffels to fall down to the Toulon; and we count (if no accident of weather or other prevents) to make a powerful effort at that fpot, about four in the morning of the 13th *. At tenor eleven, or twelve at night, fooner or later as it may be neceffary, of Wednesday the 12th, we get into our boats.

If we are forced to alter thefe measures, you fhall know it; if not, it ftands fixed: be you careful not to drop it to any, for fear of desertion; and it would not be amifs, for Carleton to pafs his troops in the beginning of Wednesday night,

Crofton can file along the shore to his right, and meet you at the post you take: let the men have their blankets, and let the tents be ftruck, bundled up, and ready to bring over, If we fucceed in the first busi_ nefs, it may produce an action, which may

* That day-forty-eight hours after the writing of this letter-was the period of his life. The manner of his death is well known; but never was it more pathetically given, than in the fhort, unadorned words of Lord Chatham to the House of Commons-when describing the moment that victory was announced to him he put his hand upon his brave heart— "Looked up and expired !"


produce the total conqueft of Canada;-in all cafes, it is our duty to try the moft Eikely way, whatever may be the everWhat the deferter fays of the bread made of new wheat, is exacly what has been told me by other deferters, and I believe the scarcity in the Colony to be exceffive. Their army is kept together by the violent ftrong hand of the Government; and by the terror of Sayages, joined to a fituation, which makes it

difficult to evade: the Canadians have no affection for their Government, nor no tie fo ftrong as their wives and children; they are a disjointed, discontented, difpirited, peasantry, beat into cowardice by Cadet, Bigot, Montcalm, and the Savages.


Your's affectionately,
Sutherland above Cariouve,
Monday, Sept. 11, 1759.

VIEW of a MOSQUE GAZIPOOR is fituated on the river Ganges, about twenty miles below the city of Benares. This mofque is eemed a building of great beauty amongst the Moors; it has great fingula rily; and, I believe, will hardly be confidered by men of tafte in Europe in any other light. The minarets are curious in their form, particularly as we fce the Corinthian capital lengthened, and formed into the shafts of a column, and deco. rated with the fame leaves. The fwelling dome is certainly not a beauty; and how ever variety may be aimed at, verifimili, tude never should be departed from.


at GAZIPOOR. fible. For however tolerating the reli, gious fpirit of the Mahomedans in Hindoftan fince the acceffion of the Houfe of Timur to the throne of Delhi, and that of the Hindoos, whom, from the nature of their cafts and religion, admit of no profelytes, this toleration has been pretty generally confined fince the convulfions that followed Nadir Shah's invafion, to the laying no reftrictions on the public performance of the different rites and ceremonies of the respective perfuafions. For whenever the bodies that compofe th se, in their different fruggles for dominion from the ruins of the Mogul empire, got the bet ter of each other, in general the conquering party, to the advantages of their conqueft added the large revenues of the principal places of worthip of the fubdued to their fources of revenue; thus

The ample revenues with which this mofque had been endowed, did not, amongst the numerous ufurpations of Bulwant Sing, Rajah of Benares, (when Gangpoor was reduced by him and the Jate Nabob of Oude, Sujah ul Dow-feldom leaving fufficient for the properly Jah), efcape his rapacity thefe left to the molque at préfent not being fufficient for the maintenance of the dervifes and faquiers attending it and the tombs, and keeping them in proper repair, as well as a very large and beautiful ftone tank and gardens, which form append aces to the above places of Mahomedan worthip; and which, it is much to he lamented, will operate towards their ruin, the effects of decay being alieady too vi

keeping up of thefe religious eltablish ments.' And this has not only taken place under the above circumstances,, where the contention has been for uncontrouled dominion, but even is in the pre feat cafe, where the ruling power was depending on a Lord Paramount of a diffe rent perfuafion--the relation in which Blant Sing food with the late Nabohy of Oude, Sujah ul Dowla,

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P. 46. By a mistake of the printer, the Letter by Mr. Pope is faid to have been never before printed. In juftice to the print in which it first appeared, we defire to mention, that it was originally printed in fome one of the newfpapers.

P. 9. A correfpondent from Scotland informs us that, in Lord Kinnoul's Paper, for Mr. Gillier, we should read Mr. Gillies. He adds, that this Gentleman is now the celebrated Dr. Gillies, who travelled with Mr. Hops, and that Mr. Hope died


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