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which was generally deemed impregnable. With respect to its relative position, it must be confidered, that it ftands on the principal road leading from Agra to Malwa, Guzerat, and the Decan; and that, too, near the place where it enters the hilly tract which advances from Bundelcund, Malwa, and Agimere, to a parallel with the river Jumnah, throughout the greateft part of its course. And from all thefe circumstances of general and particular fituation, together with its natural and acquired advantages as a fortrefs, the poffeffion of it was deemed as neceffary to the ruling Emperors of Hindostan, as Dover Caftle might have been to the Saxon and Norman Kings of England. Its palace was ufed as a ftate-prifon as early as 1317, and continued to be fuch until the downfal of the empire.

On the final difmemberment of the empire Gwalior appears to have fallen to the lot of a Rajah of the Jat tribe, who affumed the government of the diftri& in which it is immediately fituated, under the title of Rana of Gohud or Guhd. Since that period it has changed masters more than once; the Mahrattas, whose dominions extend to the neighbourhood of it, having fometimes pof feffed it, and at other times the Rana; but the means of transfer were always either famine or treachery, nothing like a siege having ever been attempted.

Gwalior was in the poffeffion of Madajee Scindia, a Mahratta Chief, in 1779, at the clofe of which year the Council General of Bengal concluded an alliance with the Rana; in confequence of which four battalions of f:poys, of five hundred men each, and fome pieces of artillery, were fent to his affiftance, his district being overrun by the Mahrattas, and himself almost shut up in his fort of Gohud. The grand object of his alliance was to penetrate into Sciudia's country, and finally to draw Scindia himself from the western side of India, where he was attending the motions of General Goddard, who was then employed in the reduction of Guzerat; it being Mr. Haftings's idea, that when Scindia found his own dominions in danger, he would detach himself from the Confederacy, of which he was the principal member, and thus leave matters open for an accommodation with the Court of Poonah. It fell out exactly as Mr. Haftings predicted. Major William Popham was appointed to the command of the little army fent to the Rana's affiftance and was very fuccefsful, as 'well in clearing his country of the enemy, as in driving them out of one of their own most valuable districts, and keeping poffeffion of It. And Mr. Haltings, who justly conclud. ed that the capture of Gwalior, if practicable, would not only open the way into Scin

dia's country, but would also add to the repu tation of our arms in a degree much beyond the rifque and expence of the undertaking, repeatedly expreffed his opinion to Major Popham, together with a with that it might be attempted; and founding his hopes of fuccefs on the confidence that the garrifon would probably have in the natural strength of the place.

It was accordingly undertaken; and the following account of the place, and the manner of our getting poffeffion of it, was writ ten by Captain Jonathan Scott, at that time Perfian Interpreter to Major Popham, to his brother Major John Scott.

The fortrefs of Gwalior ftands on a vaft rock of about four miles in length, but narrow and of unequal breadth, and nearly far at the top. The fides are fo fteep as to appear almoft perpendicular in every part; for where it was not naturally fo, it has been feraped away; and the height from the plain below is from two hundred to three hundred fect. The rampart conforms to the edge of the precipice all round; and the only entrance to it is by steps running up the fide of the rock, defended on the fide next the country by a wall and bastions, and farther guarded by feven stone gateways, at certain diftances from each other. The area within is full of noble buildings, refervoirs of water, wells, and cultivated fand; fo that it is really a little district in itself. At the northwest foot of the mountain is the town, pretty large, and well built; the houfes all of stone. To have befieged this place would be vain, for nothing but a furprize or blockade could have carried it.

A tribe of banditti from the district of the Rana had been accustomed to rob about this town, and once in the dead of night had climbed up the rock, and got into the fort. This incelligence they had communicated to the Rana, who often thought of availing himself of it, but was fearful of undertaking an enterprize of fuch moment with his own troops. At length he informed Major Popham of it, who fent a party of the robbers to conduct fome of his own fpies to the spot. ' They accordingly climbed up in the night, and found that the guards generally went to fleep after their rounds. Popham now or dered ladders to be made, but with so much fecrecy, that until the night of furprize only myself and a few others knew it. On the 3d of Auguft, in the evening, a party was ordered to be in readiness to march under the command of Captain William Brace; and Popham put himfelf at the head of two battalions, which were immediately to follow the ftorming party. To prevent as much as peffible any noile in approaching or afcend


ing the Rock, a kind of foes of woollen cloth were made for the fepoys, and ftuffed with cotton. At eleven o'clock the whole detachment marched from the camp at Reypour, eight miles from Gwalior, thro' unfrequented paths, and reached it at a little before day-break. Juft as Captain Bruce arrived at the foot of the rock, he faw the lights which accompany the rounds moving along the rampart, and heard the fentinels cough, (the mode of fignifying that all is well in an Indian camp or garrifon) which might have damped the spirit of many men, but served only to inspire him with more confidence, as the moment for action, that is the interval between the paffing the rounds, was now af certained. Accordingly when the lights were gone, the wooden ladders were placed against the rock, and one of the robbers first mounted, and returned with an account that the guard was retired to fleep. Lieutenant Cameron, our engineer, next mounted, and tied a ropeladder to the battlements of the wall; this kind of ladder being the only one adapted to the purpofe of fcaling the wall in a body, (the wooden ones only ferving to afcend from crag to crag of the rock, and to affift in fixing the ropeladders. When all was ready, Captain Bruce, with twenty fepoys, grenadiers, afcended without being discovered, and fquatted down under the parapet; but, before a reinforcement arrived, three of the party had fo little recollection as to fire on some of the garrifon who happened to be lying afleep near them. This had nearly ruined the whole plan: the garrifan were, of course, alarmed, and ran in great numbers toward the place; but, ignorant of the ftrength of the affailants, (as the men fired on had been killed outright) they fuffered

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warm fre renadiers + confiderathe garri'ngs, and terwards the gate;

themfelves to be stop kept up by the fmall pa until Major Popham hinter ble reinforcement, came the fon then retreated to the discharged a few rockets, retreated precipitately t whilft the principal officers, thus deferted, affembled together in one house, and hung out a flag. Major Popham fent an officer to give them affurance of quarter and protection; and thus, in the space of two hours, this important and astonishing fortress was completely in our poffeffion; we had only twenty men wounded, and one killed. On the fide of the enemy, Bapogee the Governor was killed, and most of the principal officers wounded..

Thus fell the strongest fortress in Hindoftan, garrisoned by a chofen body of twelve hundred men, on August 4, 1780; and which, before the capture of it by the English, was pronounced by the Princes of Hindoftan, as far as their knowledge in the military art extended, to be impregnable. In the year 1783 Madajee Scindia besieged this fortress, then poffeffed by the Rana of Gohud, with an army of feventy thousand men, and effected the reduction by the treachery of one of the Rana's officers, who formed the plan of admission of a party of Scindia's troops; these were immediately fupported by another party, who attacked an opposite quarter, and got admis. fion alfo.

The First View is taken from the NorthWeft in order to shew the buildings, but the attack was made at the opposite fide or rather end, as is feen in the Second View, for the breadth only of the rock is exhibited in the First View.


London, Sept 30, 1721. PRIOR has had a narrow cfcape by dying, for, if he had lived, he had married a brimstone bitch, one Belly Cox, that keeps an akhouse in Long Acre. Her husband died about a month ago, and Prior has left his etare between his fervant Jonathan Drift and B: ffy Cox. Lewis got drunk with punch with Bess night before laft. Don't fay where you had this news of Prior. I hope all my Mittrels's Minifters will not behave theinfelves fo.

London, C. 10, 1721. THERE is great care taken, now it is

too late, to keep Prior's will fecret, for it is thought not to be too reputable for Lord Harley to execute this will. Be fo kind as to fay nothing whence you had your intelligence. We are to have a bowl of punch at Beffy Cox's. She would fain have put it upon Lewis that he was his Emma; the owned, Flanders Jane was his Cloe. I know no fecurity from thefe dotages in batchelors, but to repent of their mif. fpent time, and marry with all fpeed. Pray tell your fellow-traveller




THE death of a nobleman which has lately happened, who did no less honour to his country than to the diftinguished clafs to which he belonged, seems to have been unaccountably paffed over with hardly any obfervation: even the notice of his departure was not announced in the newspapers until a month after the event took place. I know not to what cause to afcribe this inattention; for furely, the Earl of Kinnoul deferved more refpect. Perhaps you will allow a new correfpondent a place in your Magazine for the following performance, which he has every reason to believe the production of this nobleman.

THOMAS Earl of Kinnoul, and Lord Hay, was born in 1710. In his father's lifetime he ferved in parliament for the town of Cambridge, for which place he was chofen in 1741, 1747, and 1754; and in the two latt was chairman of the committee of privileges and elections. In May 1741, he was appointed one of the commiffioners of the revenue in Ireland, and in Nov. 1746, commitlioner of trade and plantations. In 1754, he was conftituted one of the lords of the treasury; and in 1755, joint paymaiter-general of his Majesty's land forces. On Jan. 24, 1758, he was named chancellor of the dutchy and county-palatine of Lancafter; and on the 27th, was fworn a member of the privy-council. In the fame month he was alfo chofen recorder of Cambridge; and on Nov. 27, 1759, was nominated ambaffidor-extraordinary, and plenipotentiary to the court of Portugal, from whence he returned to England in November the year following. When the prefent King afcended the chrone, his Lordship continued his office of chancellor of the du cay; but resigned. it in Dec. 1762. Since that period he lived retired, and died on 27th Nov. 1787, I am, &c, Edinburgh, Jan. 10, 1788.




MR.GILLIER's fentible plan for Mr. Hope's education fhews a reach of thought and extent of knowledge.

I agree with Mr. Gillier, that before Mr. Hope tudies the civil law, he fhould be acquainted with the Roman Hiftory.

For this purpote he may read Livy, Salluft, Hooke's Roman Hiftory; then Middleton's Life of Cicero, with Cicero's Letters, in the order of time as there quoted.

If he should choose to read at the fame time any French authors for his improvement in that language, Mably upon the Rife and Fall of the Romans, or Montelquieu fur la Decadence des Romaines, or Vertot's Roman Revolutions, will be entertaining and inftructive.

For Roman antiquities, Mr. Hope may read either Kennet's Roman Antiquities in English, or Newport's in Latin.

Heineccius's Antiquities are neceffary to one who is to study civil law, but they should be read with the Institutes, as will hereafter be mentioned.

If Mr. Hope, for his amusement or improvement in the Latin language, fhould VOL. XIII.

read fome of the Latin claffics, he may by confulting goed commentaries learn fomething of the manners of the Romans from the Poets, particularly Horace, Juvenal, and Ovid de Faftis.

As to the comic writers, Terence is pure and elegant; but Plautus's language is difficult, his meaning often fo obfcured by a prevailing turn to wit and humour as not to be found out without labour, and his characters are entirely Grecian.

When Mr. Hope is reading the Roman hiftory, a general and fuccinct view of the history of the world, previous to that time, may be useful. This may be acquired by reading,

Sleidan de Quatuor Monarchiis,
Boffuet's Hiltoire Universelle,
The fhort History of Greece printed
fone years ago at Edinburgh.

Mr. Gillier's fentiments are juft, that in order to form liberal notions of any fyl tem in law, the ground-work should be laid in the great foundations of justice and equity.

With this view, Mr. Hope, that he may be acquainted with moral philofo may


phy, and with the principles of the laws of nature and nations, fhould read,

ift, The English tranflation of Xenophon's Memorabilia, which comprehends the Socratic philofophy.

2d, Cicero's philofophical works, viz. De Officiis, Senectute, Amicitiâ, Legibus, and Tufculanæ Quæftiones.

3d, Seneca's Morals.

Thefe will give him a pretty diftin&t notion of the most valuable part of heathen morality.

To these may be added,

ift, Hutchinfon's Moral Philofophy, or any good modern treatise on that fubject. Then he should read Puffendorf's Devoirs d'Homme et de Citoyen par Barbeyrac, or Burlemaqui's Droit Naturel.

stand the civil law in the view of practice, must be thoroughly mafter of Voet.

Cujaccius is a book by much too long to be read from beginning to end; but in all questions of difficulty, and likewise on any interefting fubject, recourfe should be had to him as the very best of all civilians.

In the courfe of reading the Pandects, Mr. Hope fhould have much recourse to the text of the Corpus Juris itself, from which he will draw real inttruction, and more entertainment than from any com


After reading the Inftitutes and Pandects in the manner above-mentioned, Mr. Hope may conclude with Vinnius upon the Institutes, as containing a clear and elegant fummary of the principles of the koman law, and which, if carefully perufed, will fix them on his memory.

2d, Montefquieu's Efprit des Loix. The Prefident and Mr. Solicitor Dundas are clearly of opinion, that Mr. Hope Mr. Gillier in his letter feems to think fhould be thoroughly grounded in the par- too much time bestowed upon the study of ticular studies already fuggetted, before he the Roman law; but upon re-confidering enters upon the study of the law; and for that opinion, he will alter it when he rethat reason they apprehend, that in his pre-flects that the grand principles of equity, fent fituation he cannot think of beginning the Institutes before the winter 1773-4. When Mr. Hope begins the ftudy of the civil law, let him be aware at firit of pufhing further into the fcience, than merely fixing the definitions and divifions in his memory.

For that purpofe Mr. Solicitor would recommend doing little more than reading the Institutes itflf with fome easy commentary. Although Huber and Hopins are not fo elegant and deep as Vinnius, they are more proper for a young begin


Although the Solicitor difapproved of going deeply into the science at firft he does not mean to diffuade Mr. Hope from cafting up and perufing the capital laws in the Corpus Juris, which may be quoted by Huber and Hopius. He does not mean to exclude Heineccius's Inititutes, for Heineccius has collected the definitions and divifions in a very methodical-man


Heineccius's Antiquities muft alfo be read at the fame time, as the titles in both exactly correfpond.

If Mr. Hope reads with attention what is here recommended as the work of one year, he will have laid a good foundation, and will find the study of the Pandects not only eafy, but agreeable.

Heineccius on the Pandects, and Voet, which is the moft pra&tical book, must be carefully perufed from beginning to end. For any young man who defires to under

justice, and the law of all modern nations are to be found there; and the deviations from the Roman law in any modei n country does not arife from the disapprobation of it, but from the manners, circumstances, and revolutions in that country.

Mr. Hope, after this course of the Roman law, may read Beinkeiftick's excellent Treatile upon the Law of Nations, with much pleature and inftruction.

After reading the civil law, before Mr. Hope fits down to the Scottish law, he thould be acquainted with the feudal fyftem, and should alfo be fo far matter of the hiftory of Scotland as to retain in his memory all those events which occafioned any alteration in the conftitution; for the revolutions in that itate give a tinge to the municipal law of any kingdom.

For the feudal lyftem, and likewise in order to form the connection between an. cient and modern history, Mr. Hope may read,

if, Tacitus, that most noble hiftorian, from whom he will receive much ente:tainment and instruction.

2d, Giannoni's History of Naples; and 3d, Robertfon's Hiftory of Charles V. particularly the Introduction to each, which contain moft excellent fummaries of the darker times, and explain the rife and progrefs of the feudal iyftem in a very afterly manner.

For the Scottish history no better occurs to me than Buchanan's Hiftory, Drummond of Hauthornden's Hiftory of the five


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