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lands, by the character of their soils, and these again by the geological structure of the regions over which they extend, and from which they are generally derived. The broad treeless zone of calcareous marl, or rotten limestone-called the prairie or canebrake country-which crosses Alabama in an east and west direction,* owes its natural nakedness to the dry, waterless, chalky deposits, which for a depth of hundreds of feet form the uppermost rocks of the country; and the tenaceous, soapy, unctuous quality of the soils, with which the carriage wheels of travellers in that State, in wet weather, become familiar, is owing to the

same cause.

So your zones of differing timber, as you ascend from the alluvial swamps of the shores in your Southern states, across the eocene and Cretaceous beds to the mica slate, gneiss and granite of the Appalachian chain, are the consequences and indications of diversities in geological structure. The swamp willow, the cypresses, (thyoides and disticha) the swamp hickory, the green palmetto, the tall magnolia, the red maple, and the cotton wood of the lowest swampy spot-the hickory, oak, magnolia, beech, walnut, tulip tree, and holly, of the dry alluvial bluffs -the perpetual pines of the tertiary (eocene) sands-the naked prairie of the cretaceous marls-and the mixed oaks, hickory and pines which appear on the primary rocks-all these zones of different timber indicate the natural connection of the vegetation of a district with the nature of the rocks on which it rests.

Nor are these geological relations of vegetable life without their influence on the daily movements of your shifting population. I have elsewhere shown how directly the movements, the natural expansion I may call it, of our first class farmers in Scotland, is not only influenced but actually, as it were, prescribed, by the geological character of the district in which they have been brought up and to which they intend to move. So it is among you. "Those who who go southwards from Virginia to North and South Carolina, and thence to Georgia and Alabama, follow, as by instinct, the corresponding zones of country. The inhabitants of the red soil of the granitic region keep to their oak and hickory; the "crackers" of the tertiary pine barrens, to their light wood; and those who inhabit the newest geological formations in the sea islands, to their fish and oysters."

And to this illustration of a fact which may be proved, I believe, by observation in every country of the globe, Sir CHARLES LYELL adds a

• Lyell's Second Visit to the United States, p. 42, 89.

↑ See an article in the Edinburgh Review for March, 1849.

Lyell's Second Visit to the United States, p. 110.

sentence, from which I am sure you will at once draw an important, practical lesson. "On reaching Texas, all these different classes are at fault, because the cretaceous strata in that country consists of a hard, compact, siliceous limestone, which defies the decomposing action of the atmosphere, and forms table lands of bare rock, entirely unlike the marls, clay and sand, of the same age, in Alabama."

The tillers of the red land, of the pine barrens, of the marshy prairies, and of the sea island swamps, are equally at a loss when they migrate to a country of which the soils and surface differ from all they have left. And how is this? Because they have no familiarity with those general principles of chemical science on which all culture on all soils depends-because, if they wish to continue the same kind of tillage, and on soils similar to those they have left, they have not such a knowlege of the general principles of geology as would enable them at once to say, to this or to that country I must go, for there alone am I likely to find them.

In my own country I have been accustomed to press upon the agricultural community, the importance of such geological knowledge to them, because of the numerous colonies we possess in all parts of the world, and because of the swarms of emigrants we yearly send off to subdue and people them. But to you whom I now address, who already occupy, or in connection with kindred blood are destined to subdue and people, nearly half a world-how much more important must such knowledge be! Your westward movement will continue for many generations, and how much surer will the way to wealth be to your hardy pioneers, if they have been taught in their early homes, not only how to choose land, but where to look for the kind they wish to buy, and how to till it best, whatever it may be, when it has come into their possession.

I ought, perhaps, to apologise for saying so much on this subject. To you, who have expended so much public money, and so large a measure of talent in developing the geological structure and natural resources of this and other states, it may appear presumptuous in me to urge further upon your attention, what you have shown that you already so fully appreciate. I may plead as an excuse, that in a country where all action originates, and all power centres in the masses, a brief discussion of the subject before a great meeting like this, may help new listeners towards a proper general estimation of the practical value of scienceand that what I have said will not fail in being useful to scientific agri

• See the author's Elements of Agricultural Chemistry aud Geology. Fifth edition, p. 616.

culture, if it convince a single undecided voter in this great commonwealth of the worth of those aids which science offers you, in developing the resources of the soil.


Permit me now to say a few words on the subject of chemistry, in its relations to agriculture.

The special applications of this science, as many of you are already aware, are far too multiplied to admit even of enumeration. Of the practical ends which have been more or less perfectly attained by means of chemistry, I might mention such general ones as these:

Ist. In what general exhaustion consists, how it is produced, and how it may be repaired?

2d. In what special exhaustion consists, how it is brought about, either naturally or artificially, and how it is to be corrected?

3d. What plants, in general, require to make them grow well?

4th. What manures ought to contain, to be generally serviceable; what, with a view to special purposes, they ought specially to contain ; and how they are to be artificially prepared?

But such topics are too general and indefinite to make a sure impression on the mind of the practical farmer, in the brief moments I have spent in enumerating them.

I mention further, therefore, such special points as the following: 1st. How to bring crops to earlier ripeness in late and elevated districts.

21. How to reduce the straw producing tendency of the land.

3d. How to hasten or promote, or to push forward laggard, yellow and stunted vegetation.

4th. How to strenge then the straw of your grain crops, where they are liable to be laid.

5th. How to fill the ear and make it larger, where long culture or natural poverty has reduced its size.

6th. How to improve the deficient feeding quality of turnip and other root crops, when grown on mossy land.

7th. To quicken the organic matter in dead, deaf, or peaty soils, and make it available for the nourishment of plants.

8th. To prepare artificial manures, which shall nourish any crop on any available soil.

9th. To promote growth on slow, and to retard it on quick soils.

10th. On newly brought up subsoils, and on trenched land, what manures ought to be used, and why.

11th. Why a rotation of manures, as it is called by practical men, is necessary and where.

12th. That the use of lime to a certain extent, and in a prudent way, is necessary to the highest fertility.

13th. That saline and nearly all other manures, do more good upon light and open, than they do upon stiff and close soils, and why.

14th. How to economise the consumption of vegetable food, and to adapt it to the purpose for which an animal is fed.

15th. How to prevent the disease called fingers and toes, in turnips and other roots, and how to render mildew and ague equally rare.

To do these and many other things economically, skilfully, and with more or less succes, are among the practical ends to which chemical ininvestigations have already led us.

They also supply answers to many practical questions, such as:

1st. Why cabbage crops so greatly exhaust the soil, and how such exhaustion is to be repaired?

2d. Why tares cut green exhaust the land, and give inferior wheat? 3d. Why tares are seldom good after crops of clover?

4th. Why lime produces a more marked benefit on one soil than it does upon another?

5th. Why one variety of lime is more useful generally, or in particular districts on particular farms and fields, than another?

Of special points and questions, I could enumerate many more, in regard to which chemistry may be said to have been, or to be capable of becoming, of obvious money value to the farmer. Even to such of you, however, as have not much attended to this subject, the above examples will sufficiently indicate both the kind of connection which exists between practical agriculture and practical chemistry; and the kind of uses to which such scientific knowledge may hereafter be put, in advancing the important art, which it is the first wish of this great society, and the individual interest of many of its members most zealously to promote.

LIMITS OF HUMAN SKILL.-But in dwelling upon and illustrating what is already in the power of man, and what he hopes to attain in reference to agriculture through the aids of science, I would not forget to acknowledge how very limited his knowledge is, and how feeble his capacities after all.

A mysterious fungus attacks the potato, and for years spreads famine and misery, and discontent and depression, among millions of industrious farmers.

A minute fly, season after season, hovers over our wheat fields, and from entire provinces and states almost banishes the cultivation of our most important grain.

A long continued drought, such as half a century past has scarcely seen, dries up our meadows and pastures, and drives the farmer to his wits end, to obtain winter sustenance for his necessary stock.

Such things as these ought to prevent us from boasting of our knowledge, and to enforce upon us that piety and humbleness of spirit, which rural occupations themselves so naturally foster, while at the same time they should not restrain us from any effort or enquiry by which the evils themselves may be mitigated or removed.

It is possible-nay, it is almost within the bounds of a reasonable expectation that the same intellectual research which has given us dominion over the proud waves-has made out the laws by which hurricanes are regulated; has already almost freed us from their most fierce influences, and has forced the fiery lightning to descend harmlessly from heaventhat the same research may finally free us from the visitations of the fungus and the insect, and may place the dreary droughts of summer under reasonable control. Such hopes we may entertain, not as sources of pride, but as stimulants to exertion; for in so greatly rewarding the past exercise of our intellectual powers, the Deity obviously intends still further to excite us to study and extract good from the living and dead things of nature, over which he has given us a general dominion.

OBSTACLES TO PROGRESS.-There are, however, in every country, certain obstacles which oppose themselves to the progress of scientific agriculture, as a branch of knowledge, or to its practical application in the improvement of the soil.

I do not refer to those physical or local obstacles of climate, elevation above the sea, low prices, distance from markets, and so on; but to those social and class obstacles, which, in so many places, and in so many ways, interfere not only with the rapid extension of our knowledge, but with the diffusion of what we already possess as to the application of science to the rural arts. I may enumerate as belonging to obstacles of this kind:

1st. The aversion to theory, as it is called, which is so generally professed by practical farmers in most countries of the world. Rash and hasty theorising in regard to agriculture, it is right to reject; the error lies in confounding with such theory every thing that does not appear to bear directly upon the more common operations of the farm: as if chemistry, or the chemist, for example, could be of no use to the farmer, because he does not interfere with the handling of the plough, or with the shape and management of the drill machine, or the harrow.

2d. The small amount of talent hitherto in all countries considered necessary to fit a man to become an excellent farmer. This not only lowers the general education and attainments of the agricultural class, and the estimation in which they are held—but it unfits them, as a body, readily to appreciate the labors, or to listen to the counsels of men of science, however prudent and practical they may be.

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