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Educational Statistics, I, 640-651.
Anhalt. System of Public Instruction, XV, 344.
Austria. System of Public Instruction, IX. 589.
Educational Statistics, III, 275; IV. 257; XVI.
5, 337, 609: XVII. 127.

Baden. System of Public Instruction; Primary, X.
201. Secondary, XI. 233. Seminary for Orphans
at Beuggen, III, 383.

Lippe-Detmold and Schaumburg Lippe. System of
Public Instruction, XV, 473, 576.
Luxemburg and Limberg. System of Public Instruc-
tion, XIV, 664.

Mecklenburg. System of Public Instruction, XV.
459. Ignorance in, III, 278.

Portugal. System of Public Instruction, XVII.
Prussia. History and Statistics of Public Instruction,
IV. 245; VIII. 403-434; IX, 569. Expenditures
for Public Instruction in Prussia and France, II.
337. Public Schools of Berlin, VIII, 440. Fred-
eric William Gymnasium and Real Schools of Ber-
lin, V. 699. Burgher School at Halle, VIII. 434.
Higher Burgher School of Potsdam, VIII, 457.
Russia. National Education, XII, 725
Sardinia. System of Public Instruction, III. 513;
IV. 37, 479.

Nassau. System of Public Instruction, II, 444.
New South Wales. Statistics of Education, I. 639.
Bavaria. System of Public Instruction, VI. 273, 571; Norway. System of Public Instruction, VIII. 295.
VIII. 491. Educational Statistics, I, 625.
Belgium. System of Public Instruction, VIII, 581.
Brunswick. System of Public Instruction, XV, 447.
Canada. History and System of Public Instruction in
Upper Canada, by J. G. Hodgins, I, 186. Statistics
of Education in Upper Canada, XIII. 649. Edu-
cational Institutions in U. and L. Canada, II, 728.
Denmark. System of Public Instruction, XIV. 625.
England. Historical Sketch of Elementary Instruc-
tion, X. 323. British and Foreign School Society
and Borough Road Schools, X. 371-459. National
Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor,
X, 499-574. Home and Colonial Infant and Juve-
nile Society, IX, 449. Lord John Russell's Scheme
of National Education, I. 638. Ashburton Prizes
for Teaching Common Things, I, 629; X, 93. Miss
Coutts' Prizes, II, 708. Public Endowed or Found-
ation Schools, IV. 807; VIII, 257; XV. 81–117.
Appropriations to Education, Science, and Art, I.
385; II. 348; X. 347.

France. System of Public Instruction, VI, 293; IX.
481-412. Guizot's Ministry of Public Instruction,
XI. 254, 357. Statistics of Education. IV. 257.
Expenditures for Public Instruction, II. 337, 717.
Free Cities; Frankfort, Hamburg, Bremen, and Lü-.
beck. System of Public Instruction, XV, 333.
Germany. History and Course of Primary Instruction,
VIII. 348-402. Real Schools, V, 689-714. Edu-
cational Intelligence. III. 273; IV, 245.
Greece. System of Public Instruction, XII, 571-592.
Statistics of Education, I, 628.
Hanover. System of Public Instruction, IV. 250;
XV. 415, 752.

Hesse Cassel. System of Public Instruction, XV, 431.
Hesse Darmstadt. Public Instruction, XIV, 409-430.
Holland. System of Public Instruction, IV. 801;

VIII, 595; XIV. 495, 641-720. Proposed Revis-
ion of System, II. 719. Statistics of Public Schools,
I. 401. Scheme of Christian Education adopted at
Dort, 1618, V. 77.

Honduras. Condition of Education, II. 236.
India. Progress of Education, II. 727.
Ireland. Elementary Education, XI, 133-154. Sys-
tem of National Education, III. 272; IV. 363.
National Schools, XIII, 145.
priations. I, 390; II, 348, 716.

and English Schools, XV, 721.

Educational Appro-
Endowed Grammar

Italy. Institutions for Public Instruction, II. 721.
History of Education, VII, 413.

Saxony. System of Public Instruction, V. 350. Sec-
ondary Instruction, IV, 251. Burgher School, IX.


Early School Code, VI, 432.
Scotland. Elementary Education, IX. 215. Paro-
chial School System, II, 716; VII, 319.
Spain. Public Instruction, XVII.
Sweden. Public Instruction, II. 720; XVI. 639.
Turkey. System of Education, II. 725.
Wurtemburg. Early School Code, VI. 426. System
of Public Instruction, XVII.
UNITED STATES. Official Exposition of Common
Schools, II. 257, 465-561. School Funds and Pub-
lic Instruction in the several States, I, 371, 447.
Statistics of Population, Area, and Education in
1850, I. 364. Statistics of Public Instruction in
Cities and large Towns, I. 458. Educational
Movements in the several States, I, 234, 641; II.
257, 452, 734; IV. 824. Plan of Central Agency
for Advancement of Education, by H. Barnard, I.
134. National Bureau of Education, XV, 180.
Lord Elgin on the American School System, III.
239. Education among the Cherokees, by W. P.
Ross, I. 120. Schools as they were Sixty Years
ago, XIII. 123, 737; XVI. National Departmen!
of Education, XVII. 49. Constitutional Provision,
XVII, 81. Educational Land Policy, XVII, 65.
Alabama. School Statistics, I. 368, 371; II, 464.
Constitutional Provision, XVII.
Arkansas. Statistics, I, 368, 371.
California. XVI. 625. Statistics, I, 372; II, 467.
Connecticut. History of Common Schools, by H
Barnard, IV, 657; V. 114; XIII. 725; XIV. 244;
XV. 2:5; XVI, 333. History of the School Fund,
VI. 367-415. Henry Barnard's Labors, I. 669.
Public Schools and other Educational Institutions,
XI. 305. Free Academy and School Movements
in Norwich, II, 665; III. 191. Statistics, I, 372;
II, 469. Constitutional Provision, XVII,

Delaware. Statistics, I. 368, 373; II, 474.

Florida. Statistics, I, 367, 374.

Georgia. I, 368, 374; II, 477.

Illinois. I. 368, 375; II. 479.
Indiana. I. 368, 375; II, 480.
lown. I. 368, 374; II.
Kansas. XVII.

Kentucky. I. 368, 377; II, 488.
Louisiana. I. 368, 377; II, 473.
Maine. I. 368, 378; II, 495.
Maryland. I, 368, 378.

Massachusetts. Doctrine of Free Schools, XV. 15.
Analysis of Horace Mann's Reports, V, 623. School
Superintendence; Memorial of American Institute
of Instruction, V. 653. Legal Recognition of
Teaching as a Profession; Memorial of Worcester
County Teachers' Association, X, 297. I. 368,
379; II, 499.

Michigan. I, 368, 447; II, 510.
Minnesota. I, 368.

Mississippi. I. 368, 447.

Missouri. I, 368, 448.

Nebraska. XVII.

Nevada. XVII.

New Hampshire. I, 368, 448; II, 510.

New Jersey. I. 368, 449; II, 517.

New York. I, 368, 449; II. 518

Oregon. I, 368; XVII,

Pennsylvania. History of Common Schools, VL. 107,
555; I, 368, 452; II. 541.

Rhode Island. I. 368, 454; II, 544. Labors of Henry
Barnard, I. 723.

South Carolina. I. 368, 455; II. 553. Marion on
Free Schools for, XVI, 119.

Tennessee. I, 368, 455.

Texas. I, 368, 445.

Vermont. I, 368, 466.

Virginia. I, 368, 457; Gov. Wise on Education, II.

West Virginia. XVII.
Wisconsin. I, 368, 457.
District of Columbia. XVII.

Cities. Statistics of Population, I. 479. Gradation
of Schools for, XV, 316, 309. Reports on, I. 458.
Boston: Edward Everett and the Boston Schools, L
642. Latin Grammar School of Boston, XII, 529.
Girls in the Public Schools of Boston, XIII, 243.
Dedication of the Everett School House, IX, 633.
Report of N. Bishop, I. 458. School Houses in,
XVI. 701.

Chicago High School, by W. H. Wells, III. 531.
Retirement of Mr. Wells, XIV, 811.

Cincinnati; Woodward High School, IV. 520.
New York City. Public School Society, XV, 489.

North Carolina. I, 368, 451; II, 527. Schools as Philadelphia High School, by J. S. Hart, I. 93. Report
they were in 1794, XVI, 1.

on Public Schools, I, 465.

Ohio. System of Common Schools, by W. T. Cogge- Providence: Report on, I, 468.
shall, VI, 81, 532; I, 368, 451; II. 531.

St. Louis System of Public Instruction, I, 348.

Anhalt. Gymnasiums and Higher Schools, XV. 346.
Austria. System and Statistics of Secondary Instruc-
tion, IX, 598. XVI. 465. XVII, 127.
Baden. System of Sec. Instruction, XI. 233-253.
Bavaria. Secondary Schools, VIII, 491–521.
Belgium. Secondary Schools, VIII, 587.
Brunswick. Classical Schools, XV, 456.
Canadu. Secondary Schools, XIII, 649.
Denmark. Outline of System and Statistics, XIV.

Hesse-Darmstadt. Classical, Real, Trades, and Higher
Female School Systems, XIV, 419.
Holland. Secondary Schools, XIV, 654.
Ireland. Endowed Grammar and English Schools,
XV. 721.

England. Public or Foundation Schools, VIII. 257 ;
XV. 81. Mr. Sewall's School at Radleigh, IV.
803. St. Mary's College at Winchester, XVI, 501.
St. Paul's School in London, XVI. 667. Eton
College, XVII.

France. Lyceums and Secondary Schools, VI, 294.
Statistics of Secondary Education in 1843, IX, 400.
Secondary Instruction under Guizot's Ministry, XI.
357. Schools of Preparation for the Polytechnic
School, XII, 47.

Free Cities. Gymnasiums and Secondary Institutions,
XV. 339.

Greece. Secondary Schools, Gymnasiums, &c., XII.


Hanover. Real Schools and Girls' High School, IV.
250. Secondary Instruction, XV, 753-781.
Hesse-Cassel. Secondary Institutions, XV, 435.

Mecklenburg. Secondary Schools, XV, 465.
Nassau. Secondary Education, II, 445.
Norway. Burgher, Real, and Learned Schools, VIII.

Prussia. Statistics of Secondary Instruction, II. 341;
IV. 247. Higher Institutions of Berlin, V. 699.
Secondary Education, IX, 569.

Sardinia. Secondary Instruction, III, 518; IV. 37.
Saxony. Real and Classical Schools, V, 354; IV.
251. Secondary Education, IX, 201.
United States. Historical Development of Incorpora-
ted Academies, XVI. 403. Statisties of Acade-
mies, &c. in 1850, I. 368; Lawrence Academy,
Groton, Mass., I. 49. Williston Seminary, East-
hampton, Mass., II, 173. Norwich Free Academy,
Norwich, Conn., II. 665; III, 190. Public High
School in Chicago, III. 531. Woodward High
School in Cincinnati, IV, 520. Phillips Academy,
Andover, Mass., VI, 73. Phillips Academy, Exe-
ter, N. H., VI. 76. Boston Latin School, XII, 529.
Public Grammar Schools of Philadelphia, XIII.



Signification of the term University, IX, 49–56.
University Honors, VIII, 313.

University Studies and Teaching, Raumer, VII. 201.
Classical Education. Erasmus' Views, IV, 729. Da-
vid Cole upon, I. 67. Discussion before the Amer-
ican Association, I. 86. S. P. Bates, XV. 155.
Speaking and Writing Latin, Raumer, VII. 471.
College Education and Self-Education, IV, 262.
Prayers in Colleges, by F. D. Huntington, IV, 23.
College Code of Honor, by Horace Mann, III, 65.
Authorities upon the History of Universities, and
Academical Degrees, II. 747; VII, 49; IX, 56.
Canada. University and Colleges of Upper and
Lower Canada, II, 728; VII, 188; XIII. 649.
England. Government Grants in 1856, II, 348. Ox-
ford Commemoration, II. 234. Expenses in Eton
College in 1560, IV. 259. University for Legal
Education, I, 386. Working Men's College, I, 389.
France. University and Colleges, VI, 296.
Germany. German Universities in the Sixteenth Cen-
tury, from Raumer, V. 535. History of German
Universities, from Raumer, VI, 9–65; VII. 47-152.
Student Societies in German Universities, VII. 160.
Essays on the Improvement of German Universities,
from Raumer, VII, 200-251. Statistics, I. 401.
Greece. The Otho University, XII, 591.
Holland. Condition of the Universities, I, 397.
Ireland. Queen's Colleges and University, IX. 579.
Prussia. Receipts and Expend. of Universities, II, 338.
Russia. Universities, I, 381.

Democratic Tendencies of Science, D. Olmsted. I, 164.
Progress of Science in the United States, I. 641.
Science and Scientific Schools, by J. D. Dana, II, 349.
Schools of Science and Art, X, 216.

Physical Science. By H. J. Anderson, I, 515-532.
Scientific Schools in Europe, by D. C. Gilman, I, 315.
Department of Science and Art, Eng., II, 233, 715.
Higher Special Schools of Science and Literature in
France, by D. C. Gilman, II, 93.

Sardinia. University Education, IV. 43.
Saxony. University of Leipsic, V. 362.
Scotland. University of Edinburg, IV, 821.
Wurtemburg. University of Tübingen, IX, 57.
United States. Characteristics of American Colleges,
by C. C. Felton, IX. 122.

Improvements Practicable in American Colleges, by
F. A. P. Barnard, I, 175, 269.
Consolidation and other Modifications of American
Colleges, by Alonzo Potter, I. 471.

An American University, by B. A. Gould, II, 265-
293. By A. D. Bache, I, 477. By an Alabamian,
III. 213. Discussion, I, 86.
Society for the Promotion of Collegiate and Theolog
ical Education at the West, I. 235; XV. 261.
Statistics of New England Colleges in 1855-6, I. 405.
Harvard University. History, IX, 129. Grants and
Donations to. IX, 139-165. Progress under Pres.
Felton, X. 293. Museum of Zoology. IX, 613.
Yale College. History, V, 541-566, Elihu Yale, V.
715. List of Deceased Benefactors, X, 693. De-
partment of Philosophy and the Arts, I, 459, In-
fluence of, by F. A, P. Barnard, V, 723; by W.
B. Sprague, X, 681.

Illinois College. History, I, 225.
Transylvania University, Kentucky, III, 217.
Cumberland University, Tennessee; History, IV, 765.
University Convocation of New York, XV, 502.
St. John's College, Maryland, Charter, XVI, 549.
Report on Reorganization, XVI, 539.

Drawing; Report of a French Commission, II, 419.
Art Education, by Miss M. A. Dwight, II, 409–587;
III. 467; IV, 191; V. 305.

On a College of Architecture, by D. B. Reid, II, 629.
Dudley Observatory, II. 593. Uses of Astronomy,
by E. Everett, II, 605-628.

United States Coast Survey, I, 103.

Geological Hall and Agricultural Rooms of New
York, IV, 785.

Special Instruction in Science and Art in France, British Museum, VIII. 314. British Museum of
IX, 405.

Polytechnic Schools. At Paris, VIII, 661; XII,
51-130. Le Verrier's Report upon Mathematical
Study preparatory to the Polytechnic School of
Paris. I. 533-550; II, 177-192. Conditions for
Admission, XIII. 678. Polytechnic Institute at
Vienna, VIII, 670. Polytechnic School at Carls-
ruhe, XI. 209. Polytechnic School at Zürich, XI.
218. Polytechnic Schools of Bavaria, VIII, 510.
Russia. Schools of Special Instruction, I, 382.
Lawrence Scientific School at Cambridge, I, 216.
Scientific Department in Yale College, I, 359.
Cooper Scientific Union, New York, I, 652; IV. 526.
Industrial School at Chemnitz, III, 252; IV. 798.
School of Mines at Freyburg, Saxony, IX, 167,

Practical Geology, VI, 239. Museum of Comparn-
tive Zoology at Harvard, IX, 613. Eduenti nal
Uses of Museums, by Prof. E. Forbes, IV, 785.
Institute of Agriculture and Forestry at Hohenheim,
VIII, 564. At Tharand, Saxony, IV. 797.
Agricultural Education in France, VIII, 545–563.
In Ireland, VIII, 567–580.

Plan of Agricultural School, by J. A. Porter, I, 329.
Hartlib's Plan of a College of Husbandry, XI, 191.
Mechanics' Institutes in England. I, 388; II, 712.
Plan of a Trade School, by Sir W. Pelty, 1647, XI, 199.
Industrial Training of Poor, X, 81. Industrial Scho Is
in England, I. 653. Ireland, I, 545. Belgium, I.
384; VIII, 588. Bavaria, VIII, 510. Nassau. II.
446. Saxony, IV, 252, 798. Wurtemburg, IV, 7.9.


Physical and Military Exercises in Public Schools a
National Necessity, by E. L. Molineux, XI, 513.
Military Schools and Education in England, IV. 808;
XIV. 523. France, I. 626; XII. 7-274. Hol-
land, XIV. 241. Prussin, XII. 275-399; VIII.
437. Russia, I. 383; XIV, 503. Switzerland,
XIII, 689-710. Sardinia, XIII. 455. Austria,
XIII, 409-446, 711. Persia, II, 727.
United States; Military Academy at West Point,
XIII, 17-48. Regulations for Admission, XIII,

659. Report of Visitors, 1863, XIII, 661; XV.
51. On the Conditions for Admission, by H. Bar-
nard, XIV, 103-127. Military Academy at Nor-
wich, Vt., XIII. 65. Eagleswood Military Acad-
emy, at Perth Amboy, N. J., XIII, 471.
Naval and Navigation Schools in England, XIV.
627; XV. 65.

French Naval School at Brest, XII, 263.

United States Naval Academy; Report of Visitors,
1864, XV. 17-50.


Education a Preventive of Misery and Crime, by E.
C. Tainsch, XI. 77.

Crimes of Children and their Prevention, I, 345.
Publications on Reformatory Education, III, 812.
Family Training and Agricultural Labor in Reforma-
tory Education, I, 609-624.

Crime, Pauperism, and Education in G. Brit., VI. 311.
Preventive and Reformatory Education, III, 561-818.
Reform Schools in England, III, 753. In Ireland,
III, 807. In Scotland, III, 801. In France, III,
653. In Holland, III. 619. In Italy, II, 580.
In Switzerland, III, 591.

Reformatory Establishment of Dusselthal Abbey,
Prussia, II. 231.

Prison for Juvenile Criminals, Isle of Wight, III, 19.
Wichern and the Rauhe Haus, III, 5, 10, 603; IV.

Agricultural Reform Schools in Belgium and France,
III, 621-736.

Agricultural Colonies of France, particularly Mettray,
I, 609; III, 653.

Reformatory Education in the United States, IV. 824;
Statistics of State and City Reform Schools in the
United States, III, 811; VIII, 339.

State Industrial School for Girls, at Lancaster, Mass.,
IV. 359; XVI, 652.

Mode of Improving Factory Population, VIII.


Special Training of Women for Social Employments,
III, 485.

International Philanthropic Congress at Brussels, II.
236; II, 231.

Industrial Training of the Poor, I, 384, 635; II, 446;
III, 585; IV, 252, 798; X, 81.


Statistics of the Deaf, Dumb, Blind, Insane, and Account of Laura Bridgman, by S. G. Howe, IV, 383.
Idiotic in the U. S. in 1850, I, 650.

Statistics of the Deaf and Dumb Institutions in the

United States, I, 444.

American Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, I, 440.
N. Y. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, III, 347.
Institutions and Instruction for the Blind, by L. P.
Brockett, IV. 127.

Idiots and Institutions for their Training, by L. P.
Brockett, I, 593.

Origin of Treatment and Training of Idiots, by E.
Seguin, II, 145.

New York Asylum for Imbeciles at Syracuse. IV, 416.
Butler Hospital for the Insane, at Providence, R. I.,
III. 309.

Valentine Hally and the Instruction of the Blind, III. Insanity as the Result of Misdirected Education, by
177; IV. 130.

E. Jarvis, IV, 591.

Thoughts on Religion and Public Schools, by George
Burgess, II, 562.
Christianity in Education, from Raumer, VIII, 216.
Religious Instruction, from Raumer, VII. 401.
Religious and Moral Instruction in Public Schools;
Discussion by the American Association, II, 153.
Importance and Methods of Moral Training, by G. F.
Thayer, III. 71.

Moral Education, by W. Russell, IX. 19-48: Fellen-
berg, III. 595; Krüsi, V, 193; Lalor. XVI. 48;
Locke, XI, 473; XIII, 548; Spencer, XI. 496.
Aphorisms on Religious and Moral Training, X. 166;
XII. 407.

Best Methods of Moral Teaching, by C. Brooks, I, 336.
Moral and Mental Discipline, by Z. Richards, I,

Prayers in Colleges, by F. D. Huntington, IV, 23.
Catholic Educational Establishments in the United
States, II. 435.

The Hieronymians; from Raumer, IV, 622.
Jesuits and their Schools, XIV, 455–482. From
Raumer, V, 213; VI. 615.

Formation of Moral Character, the Main Object of The Christian Brothers, (Freres Chrétiens,) III.

[blocks in formation]


Aphorisms upon Female Education, XIII, 232.
Views of German Authorities, XIII, 495.

Girls in the Public Schools of Boston, XIII, 243.
Female Colleges in the State of Ohio, XIII, 267.

St. Jerome Letter to Læta on the Education of her New York Grammar School for Girls, I, 408. Packer
Daughter, V, 593.

E. Everett, Female Education, IX, 635; XII. 721.
Education of Girls, from Raumer, X, 227, 613.
Mental Education of Women, by C. McKeen. I. 567.
Training of Women for Social Employments, III, 485.
Sisters of Charity-Mrs. Jameson. III, 495.
Female Adult Education in Ireland, I, 634.
School for Girls in Paris, I, 394.

Collegiate Institute for Girls, I, 579. Young Ladies'
High School, Providence, R. I., V. 14. Troy Fe-
male Seminary, VI, 145. Mt. Holyoke Female
Seminary, X. 670. Bailey's Young Ladies' High
School, Boston, XII. 435. Ohio Female College,
College Hill, XIII. 503. Girls' High School,
Charleston, S. C., XIII, 620. Vassar College, XI.
55. XVII.


Aphorisms and Suggestions upon Physical Training, Physical and Military Exercises in Schools a National
VIII. 75.

Physical Education; by Raumer. VIII. 185. By
Locke, XI. 462. By Lalor, XVI. 34. By Spen-
cer, XI, 485.

Health of Teachers, by Miss C. E. Beecher, II, 399.
Physical Exercises, by S. W. Mason, XIV, 61.
New Gymnastics, by Dio Lewis, XI, 531; XII, 665.

Necessity, by E. L. Molineux, XI. 513.

Plays, Pastimes, and Holidays of Children, by Horace
Bushnell, XIII. 93.

Progressive Development of Physical Culture in the
United States, XV, 231.

Military Gymnastic School at Vincennes, France,
XII, 265.


Hints on Reading; Selections from Authors, by T. H.
Vail, II, 215.

Advice to Students and Young Men on Education,
Studies, and Conduct, XV, 377; XVI. 187, 216,

Pestalozzi-Address on Christmas Eve, VII, 701. On
New Year's, VII, 712. Paternal Instructions,
VII, 722.

Home Education; Labors of Rev. W. Burton, II, 333.
College and Self-education, by D. Masson, IV, 262.
Lowell Lectures, V, 439.

Mechanics' Institutes, VIII, 250.

Origin of Lyceums, VIII, 249. The American Ly-
ceum, XIV, 535-558.

Lyceums, Mechanics' Institutes and Libraries in Eng-
land, I. 388; II. 712; III. 241–272.
Statistics of Libraries in Europe, I, 370; II. 214. In
the United States in 1850, I, 369.
Libraries for Teachers in France, XIII, 293. Econ-
omic Library, England, III, 271.

Astor Library, I, 648. Boston Public Library, II.
203; VII, 252. Baltimore Public Library, III.
226. Worcester Free Public Library, XIII, 606.
Providence Atheneum, III, 308. Lawrence Li-
brary for Factory Operatives, I, 649.
Management of Libraries-Edward's Library Manual,
II. 210.

Books of Reference, VIII, 315.

[blocks in formation]

Association for Educational Purposes, by H. Barnard, American Sunday School Union, XV, 705
XIV, 366; XV, 819.

American Women's Educational Asso., XV, 273.
American Association for the Advancement of Edu- Baltimore County and City Association, XVI, 377.
cation, L, 3-136, 234; XV, 267.

Board of National Popular Education, XV, 271.
American Association for the Advancement of Sci- Boston Associated Instructors of Youth, XV, 527.
ence, III, 147.

British and Foreign School Society, X, 371-459.

American Association for the Supply of Teachers, College Delegates (New England) Association, XVII.
XV. 237.

American Common School Society, XV, 247.
American Education Society, XIV, 367.
American Institute of Instruction, II, 19, 234. Index
to Lecturers and Subjects, II, 241. Memorial on
State School Superintendence, V, 653. Biographi-
cal Sketches of Presidents, XV, 211.
American Lyceum, XIV, 535.
American School Society, XV, 118.
American Social Science Association, XVI, 391.

Guild of Schoolmasters, XV, 337.

Home and Colonial Infant and Juvenile Society, IX.

Literary and Scientific Convention; New York, 1830,
XV. 221.

National Associations, XV, 237, 823.
National Association (England) for Promotion of
Social Science, IV, 818.

National Convention and Association of Superintend
ents of Schools, XVI, 389.

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