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Cheveaux-de-frise (shev'-o-de- Couteau (koo-tó), a kind of

freeze), a kind of spiked fence. Chiaro-oscuro (ke-ar'-o-os-coo'ro), It., lights and shades in painting.

Cicerone (tchee-tchǎi-rō-ny), It., a guide or conductor; one who oratorizes in his descriptions. Cicisbeo (tche-tchis-bay'-o), It., a gallant tending a lady. Ci-devant (see-de-vang), formerly, former.

Clique (cleek), a party or gang. Cogniac (cone-yåck), brandy, properly from the town so called.

Comme il faut (com-ee-fo'), as

it should be; quite the thing. Con amore, It., with love; with all one's heart. Congé d'élire (con-jay-dai-leer), permission to elect. Connoisseur (con-a-sehr), a skilful judge.

Contour (con-toor'), the outline of a figure.

Corps diplomatique (core diplo-ma-teek'), the body of ambassadors.

Corregidor (cor-red'-je-dor), Sp., the chief magistrate in a Spanish town. Cotillon (co-til-yoang), a brisk, lively dance. Coup de grace (coo-deh-grass'), the finishing blow. Coup d'état (coo-deh-tah), a bold measure on the part of the state; a master-stroke of policy. Coup de main (coo-deh-măhng), a sudden or bold enterprise. Coup d'œil (coo-deuhl'), a glance of the eye.

knife, a hanger.

Coute que coute (coot-ke-coot), cost what it will. Cuisine (kwe-zeen), the kitchen, the cooking department. Cul de sac (literally, the bottom of a sack or bag), a street closed at one end.

Da capo, It., again, or repeat from the beginning. Debouch (de-boosh'), to issue or march out of a narrow place or defile.

Débris (de-brée), broken remains; ruins.

Debu (de-boó), first appearance. Déjeuner à la fourchette (dezheu-ne-ah-lah-foor-shayt), a breakfast with meats, fowls, &c.; a public breakfast. Depot (deh-pó), a store or magazine.

Dénouement(de-noo-mong'), the winding up; an explanation. Dernier ressort (dairn-yair-res

sor), the last shift or resource. Dieu et mon droit (dieu-ai-mon

drwau), God and my right. Dilletan'te (pl. Dilletanti), one who delights in promoting the fine arts.

Dolce (dol'-che), It., sweetly and softly.

Doloro'so, It., in music, soft and pathetic.

Domicile (dom-e-seel), an abode Double entendre (doo'-bl-ongtong"-dr), a phrase with a double meaning. Eclaircissement (ec-lair'-cismong), a clearing up or explanation of an affair. Eclat (e-claw), splendour, a burst of applause.

flower of the lily.

Elève (ai-lave), one brought up | Fleur-de-lis (flehr-deh-lee), the by another; a pupil. Embonpoint (ahn-bon-pwawn), in good condition. Encore (ahn-córe), again. Ennui (ŏng-wee'), wearisomeness, lassitude.

En passant (on pas'song), in passing, by the way. En route (ang-root"), on the

road. Entrée (ong-tray), entrance. Entremets (ong'-tr-may), one

of the small dishes set between the principal ones at dinner. Entre nous (ong'-tr-noo), between ourselves.


Entrepôt (ong-tr-po'), a warehouse or magazine. Equivoque (á-ke-voke"), equivocation. Esprit de corps (es-pree-dehcore), the spirit of the body or party. Expose' (ecks-po'-zy), an expo

sition or formal statement. Famille (fa-meel'), family; "en famille," in the family way. Fantoccinni (fan'-to-tche"-ne), It., puppets.

Faux-pas (fo-pah), a false step. Femme couverte (fam-coo-vairt),

a protected or married woman. Femme sole, a single woman. Fête (fate), a feast or festival. Feu de joie (feu-de-zhwaw), a discharge of fire-arms; a rejoicing.

Fiacre (fe-ah'kr), a hackney coach. Fille-de-chambre (feel-de-shambr), a chamber-maid.

Fracas (fra-cá), a noisy quarrel. Friseur (fre-zur') a hairdresser. Gaucherie (gōsh-re), left-handedness, awkwardness. Gendarmes(jang-darm),soldiers,


Gout (goo), taste. Grisette (gree-zet'), literally, a young woman dressed in gray, that is, homely stuff; a tradesman's wife or daughter; a shop-girl.

Gusto, It., the relish of any thing; liking,

Harico (har'-e-co), a kind of ragout.

Honi soit qui mal y pense (hone-swaw-kee-mahl-e-pahns), evil to him that evil thinks. Hors de combat (hōr-deh-cohnbah), disabled. Hôtel-Dieu (o-tel'-deuh), an hospital.

Ich dien (ik-deen), I serve. Incógnito (incog.), in disguise. In petto, in the breast or mind; in reserve.

Je ne sais quoi(je-ne-say-kwaw'), I know not what. Jet d'eau(zhai-do'), an ornamental water-spout or fountain. Jeu de mots (zheu-de-mo'), play upon words.

Jeu d'esprit (zheu-des-prée), play of wit; a witticism. Juste milieu (zhūst mil-yú), the

exact or just middle. Levée (lev-ay), a morning visit. Liqueur (le-quehr), a cordial. Mademoiselle (mad'-em-wazel"), a young lady; Miss.

Finale (fee-nah'-ly), It., the Maître d'hotel (maytr-do-tel'), a

end; the close.

hotel keeper or manager.

Mal-a-pro-pos (mal-ap-ro-po'), | Restaurateur (re-stor-ah-tehr'),

out of time; unseasonable.Malaria, It., Noxious vapours or exhalations. Malicho (măl-it-cho), the corruption of a Spanish word signifying mischief. Mauvaise honte (mo-vais-hōnt), false modesty.

Melee (may-lay'), a confused fight; a scuffle. Ménage (men-azh'), a menagerie Messieurs (mess-yers), gentlemen; the plural of Mr. Monsieur (mo'-seu), Sir, Mr., a gentleman.

Naïveté (nah-eev-tay'), ingenuousness, simplicity. Niaiserie (nee-ais-ree), silliness. Nom-de-guerre (nong-deh-gair'), an assumed name. Nonchalance(nohn-shah-lahnce) coolness, indifference. Noyau (nó-yo), a liqueur. On dit (ohn-dée), a flying report. Outré (00-tray'), extraordinary, eccentric.

Parole (par-óle), word of honour. Pas (pah), a step; precedence. Patois (pat-waw), provincialism. Penchant (pan-shahn), a leaning

or inclination towards. Petit-maître (pet'ty may'tr), a little master; a fop. Protégé (protégée, fem.) (protay-jáy), one that is patronized and protected.

Qui va là? (kee-vah-la), who goes there?

Qui vive? (kee-veev'), (who goes there?); on the alert. Ragout (rah-góo), a highlyseasoned dish. Rencontre (rahn-contr') an unexpected meeting; an encounter.

a tavern keeper. Rouge (rooge), red paint. Ruse de guerre (roos-deh-gair') a trick or stratagem of war. Riant (reé-ang), smiling. Sang froid (sahn-frwaw), coolness; literally, cold blood. Sans (sang), without. Sans-culottes (sang-cu-lot'), the tag-rag; the rabble. Savant (sav-ang), a learned man. Sobriquet (so-bre-kay), a nick


Soi-disant (swaw-dée-zang), self

styled, pretended.

Soirée (swaw'ry), an evening party.

Souvenir (soov-neer'), remembrance.

Table-d'hote (tabl-dōte), an or

dinary at which the master of the hotel presides.

Tête-à-tête (tait-ah-tait), head to head; a private conversa tion between two persons. Tirade (tee-rad'), a long invective speech.

Ton (toang), the full fashion.
Torso, It., the trunk of a statue.
Tour (toor), a journey.
Tout ensemble(too-tahn-sahnbl),
the whole taken together.
Valet-de-chambre (val-e-deh-

shambr), a footman. Vetturino (vet-too-ree'n-o), It. the owner or driver of an Italian travelling carriage. Vis-à-vis (veez-ah-vee), face to face; a small carriage for two persons, with seats opposite. Vive la bagatelle (veev-la-baga-tel'), success to trifles. Vive le roi (veev-ler-waw), long live the king.

[blocks in formation]

Custos Sigilli,


Doctor Divinitatis,

[blocks in formation]

Jesus Hominum Salvator,
Legum Doctor,

Locus Sigilli,

L.S.D. Libræ, Solidi, Denarii,




Medicinæ Doctor,


Memoriæ Sacrum,


Nota Bene,

Nem con. Nemine Contradicente,

Per Cent. Per Centum,

S.C. Senatus Consulti,
Sacræ Theologiæ Doctor,
Post Meridiem,


Q.E.D. Quod erat demonstrandum,





Post Scriptum,



[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Doctor of Divinity.

God willing.
For example.
In the same place.

The same (author).
That is.
Unknown, concealed.
Jesus the Saviour of men.
Doctor of Laws.

The place of the Seal.
Pounds, Shillings, Pence.

Doctor of Medicine.
Sacred to the Memory.
Not well; take notice.
No one opposing it.
By the hundred.

A decree of the Senate.
Doctor of Divinity.
In the afternoon.
Next (month or term).
Postscript (written after).
Which was to be proved.
To wit; understood.
In the last (month).
Queen Victoria.
See thou; refer to.
To wit; namely.

And the rest; and so forth.

[blocks in formation]
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