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Sir G. So it is. I say, do you think she likes you?
Vin. To be candid, she has confessed as much.

Sir G. A sly jade!

Vin. Jade! Sir, that's a liberty

Sir G. Oh! true: nobody justified in calling a woman a jade but her husband. Well, well, I'll go-'Ecod, I'm so happy-tol de rol! [Exit, L. Vin. In the name of absurdity, what is he capering about?-What's my union with Rosine to him?-what right has he to be pleased?

Enter L. SUCKLING, who crosses the stage, to R. making faces. Every soul in this house is crazy. Why do you make an ugly face at me?

Suck. I can't make an ugly face; but I would if I could, you Tarquin Superbus.

Vin. Why, this booby's sulkiness is more inexplicable than Sir Guy's capers.

Suck. To part true lovers

Vin. Lovers! have you dared to lift your saucy eye?
Suck. Yes, and my saucy mouth too.

Vin. Mouth! Dam'me, I'll make mince meat of you. Suck. Mince meat! Perhaps some people know as much about making mince meat as some people.

Vin. I must have this explained. Sir, I am calm, and will thank you for such information

Suck. Information! Oh! when man was created, and before the alembic of ratiocination had amalgamated opposing passions, and neutralized deleterious affections, and, before the social compact had received the indentation of common consent, and—

Vin. Buz, buz, buz-In love with you!-ha! ha!

Enter SIR GUY, L.

Sir G. Mr. Templeton-[To Suckling.] Now, pray stand out of the way-your bride waits.

Vin. Sir Guy [To Suckling.] Now, pray stand out of the way-I attend you with joy.

Sir G. Allow me to lead you to her presence.
Vin. Lead me where you please, Sir Guy.

[Exit, pulling out Sir Guy, L. Suck. Oh, dear, I'm faint! I foresee the most dreadful consequences; I should not wonder if it affected my appetite. Oh, Bonny! Bonny! where can you fly for comfort?

to philosophy.-When man was created [Crics violently.] and before the alembic of ratiocination had- [Exit, L.

SCENE IV.-Another Apartment in Tantivy Hall.Table and two Chairs.

ROSINE, R., and ELLEN, L., discovered seated.

Ell. Oh, dear! oh, dear! which is to be most pitied ! the lady who has lost her lover, or she that has found one? [They rise. Ros. (R.) My sweet friend, let not your kind sympathy for ine influence your determination, I resign my pretensions.

Ell. (L.) Without a sigh?

Ros. [Sighing.] Yes. Can he know that I am here? Ell. He shall know it. So soon to forget your rights! Ros. So soon to forget my wrongs! They come.-Ah, this agitation! Daughter of St. Clermont, where sleeps your pride? If the blood must stain your cheek, let it be the glow of just resentment; if the heart will throb, let its impulse be the consciousness of innate honour. [Exit, R.

Ell. How shall I contrive to make him dislike me! Vain girl! will it be difficult with him, whom Rosine's chains could not fetter? He is said to possess talents of the first order: so I'll appear to him as vulgar, gawky, and as pert a miss as ever stood ou boarding-school stocks.

[Seats herself, and draws a veil over her face.


l'in. There she sits!-[Eagerly.] Oh, my dear Rosine! Ell. Sir!

Vin. Oh, Ro-[Ellen withdraws her veil, Vincent is petrified.]-[Aside.]-Whose damned scheme is this? Fool! to think Rosine was here!-What shall I say?-Won't you be seated, Ma'am-Miss

Ell. If you please, Sir. [Aside.] Make him dislike me! 'Ecod, the difficulty would lie the other way.

Vin. She speaks. No, thank you, Ma'am. My father to join in deceiving!-Hold! perhaps this opulent connection was planned to save him from ruin;-it must be so. Then, cruel as the sacrifice is, I devote myself. If I cannot love, at least let me behave like a gentleman. [Throws himself into a chair, L. his back towards Ellen.] She is said to be highly accomplished, and

Ell. (R.) Hubby!

Vin. (L.) Eh!

Ell. He he he!--Hubby!

Vin. [Starting up.] Hubby! Oh, my cursed stars!

Ell. Did you speak, Sir?

Vin. Yes, Ma'am ; I was blessing my happy stars. Ell. Your stars! why, la! I know all the stars, but they never told me that any of them were your'n.

Vin. Accomplish'd! was there ever such a gawky idiot! Never mind, the more misery the better. [Crosses, R.

Ell. [Poutingly.] You don't love me.

Vin. Not love you, my-my charmer! Have not I flown to you on the wings of love?

Ell. Flown on the wings of love! Trotted three miles on a pony, you mean. Why, father will gallop fifty miles after a fox; and some folks would think that not such good sport, either. [Peeping through her hands.

Vin. I'll fly the country.

Ell. Come, come, no shirking! Will you flop down on your knees, and swear you love me?

Vin. Yes; there, [Kneels.] I do swear.

[Ellen beckons in Rosine, R.

Ell. And do you call the world to witness?
Vin. Yes; I call the world to witness that I love-

Ros. Proceed, sir.

[Seeing Rosine.

Vin. Rosine! [Starts up.] Joy, sorrow, shame, confound me. [Advancing to Rosine, she repels him.] Oh, do not fear


Ros, No, Vincent! I only feared while I loved.

Vin. While you loved!-Distraction! Why do you smile, Rosine?

Ros. Because all here is at peace. [Placing her hand on her breast.] Why don't you smile?

Vin. I own, appearances condemn me; but I was deceived, imposed upon.

Ros. Did not I behold you at that lady's feet? Vin. Yes; I was about to sacrifice my happiness; but 'twas to preserve a parent. Could I behold a father, respected and beloved, on the verge of ruin, and not devote myself to save him?

Ros. Could you behold a woman, a stranger, without a friend, and yet devote yourself to her destruction?

Vin. "Twas intemperance-'twas madness! If a life of repentance can atone, here will I hang for ever. Pity me, Rosine! [Kneels.

Enter Sir Guy, peeping, R.

Ell. Weeps.] Very well, Sir, "a man of words, and not of deeds.


Vin. To be jealous of a-a little prating cockatoo, that was forced on me by that old blockhead her father. [Seeing Sir Guy.] Now, 'tis all over with me.

Ell. I won't be called a cockatoo.

[They follow Vincent up and down the stage.

Sir G. Oh, you most tremendous of villains! Where are my servants? Load all the blunderbusses!

Vin. With all my heart-muzzle high.
Ell. I won't be called a cockatoo.
Vin. Will you leave me, Rosine?
Ros. Vincent, farewell!

Sir G. Sir, I will not be treated thus.

[Exit R.

Vin. Gone! I defy the malice of fate to add another



Suck. When man was created, and before the alembic of ratiocination

Vin. [Interrupting him with vehemence.] Fiends! tortures! my horses-servants[Rushes out, L.

Sir G. Dam'me, but I'll hunt him!

[Follows Vincent, L. Suckling and Ellen exeunt hand in hand laughing and pointing at Sir Guy, R.



SCENE 1.-Enter R. FARMER BROADCAST, with Whip, ana booted, meeting DAME BROADCAST, L.

Broad. (R.) Here, wife, take my whip, and put this receipt by safe.

Dame. (L.) Did you see Mr. Cleveland, or did the steward receive the rent?

Broad. When my landlord heard I was there, he sent for me, in his sick chamber, and asked kindly after the crops and cattle, and you, and so forth. Says he, " Your wife, when a girl, used to run wild about the park with my undutiful daughter." I had nearly popt out that the hated Count Villars was here; but a trembling came on the old man, followed by one of his fits.

Dame. "Tis not for the likes of me to judge; but perhaps his unkindness to his daughter lies heavy on his conscience.

Enter a FARMER, hastily, R.

Farm. (R.) Neighbour-dame-don't be frightened.

Broad. (c.) No, no, I bean't.

Farm. Your boy

Dame. (L.) Speak!

Broad. Is he alive?


Farm. Yes, and safe. In trying to save my child's life, who fell into the river, and nearly lost his own-but he's safe, I tell you-I ran before, least, seeing him in other clothes should alarm you.-He's here!

[Exit R. Enter GEORGE, R. who runs into his mother's arms. Dame. My dear babe!

Broad. What happened, my lamb?

Geo. Indeed, father, I was not to blame-the flood had left the footbridge wet and slippery; my schoolfellow ran, heedlessly, and fell in.-I caught him; but the stream was very strong, and I had not the heart to let him go, so I fell in too.

Dame. My kind brave, boy!

Geo. When I recovered, I found myself in the arms of a gentleman, who had plunged in.

[During this, Count Villars has entered, R. and placed himself behind Broadcast.] Broad. Where is he, that I may bless him? Geo. Here, father-this is my preserver !


[Running to Count Villars. Dame. A mother's blessing be upon you. Broad. [Oppressed with surprise, gratitude, and shame, attempts to express his feelings by pointing up to heaven, and striking his breast.]-You are a father-I need say no more. To shut my door against the saviour of my child-It don't signify-I can't look you in the face.

Count V. [Taking his hand.] Your feelings I honouryour prejudices I pardon.

Broad. Oh, thank you! thank you!-But you feel cold and anguish. Go, Dame, and get some garments to the fire, and heat some elder wine.-Run and help, boy! [Exeunt into the house, Dame and George.] If I had but the sense to hit on some way to sarve him!-Ah, sir, let me persuade you to go to Mr. Cleveland's, just to

Count V. Go to Cleveland! [Aside.] He will ask where's the proud Count Villars ?-Here, a wretched outcast and a beggar! Where his illustrious progeny ?--the degraded

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