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And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to
Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads ;-





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DISTRICT OF CONNECTICUT, SS. ******** BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the fifL. S. teenth day of March, in the forty-eighth year of

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********* the Independence of the United States ica, CALVIN CHAPIN, of the said District, hath deposited in this office the title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words following-to wit:

"Village Hymns for social worship, selected and original: "designed as a supplement to Dr. Watts's Psalms and "Hymns. By Asahel Nettleton.

"And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come "to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their "heads."-Isaiah.

In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, "An Act for the encouragement of learning, "by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the " Authors and Proprietors of such copies, during the times "therein mentioned."

CHARLES A. INGERSOLL, Clerk of the District of Connecticut.

A true copy of Record, examined and sealed by me. CHARLES A. INGERSOLL, Clerk of the District of Connecticut.

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WITH great satisfaction and pleasure have I often heard the friends of the Redeemer express - their unqualified attachment to the sacred poetry of Dr. Watts. Most cordially do I unite with them in the hope, that no Selection of Hymns which has ever yet appeared may be suffered to take the place of his inimitable productions.

Deficiencies, however, he unquestionably has. Numerous have been the attempts to supply them; but, hitherto, the judicious have been constrained to regret, that these attempts have succeeded only in part. Whether the book here published will add something to that supply, is submitted to the decision of the religious community.

The compiler does not overlook the valuable labors of those who have preceded him in this department; while he concurs in the opinion, very generally adopted by his brethren in the ministry, that the various benevolent operations, and espe. cially the prevalence of revivals, which are so characteristic of the present day, demand a New Selection of Hymns.

In the year 1820, the General Association of Connecticut appointed a committee to devise measures for the prosperity of religion within their

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