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HYMN 1. L. M.



Rothwell, Luther's Hymn.


HERE is a GOD, who reigns above, of the heav'n, and earth and


I fear his wrath, I ask his love,
And with my lips I sing his praise.

2 There is a law which he has writ,
To teach us all, what we must do;
My soul, to his commands submit,
For they are holy, just, and true.

3 There is a gospel rich in grace,
Whence sinners all their comforts draw;
Lord, I repent and seek thy face,
For I have often broke thy law.

4 There is an hour when I must die,
Nor do I know how soon 'twill come;
How many, younger much than I,
Have pass'd by death to hear their doom.

5 Let me improve the hours I have,
Before the day of grace is fled;
There's no repentance in the grave,
Nor pardon offer'd to the dead.


HYMN 2. C. м.

Colchester, St. Ann's.


His condescension. Isa. lxvi. 2.


HEN the Eternal bows the skies,
To visit earthly things;
With scorn divine he turns his eyes
From towers of haughty kings.

2 He bids his awful chariot roll,
Far downward from the skies,
To visit every humble soul,
With pleasure in his eyes.

s Why should the Lord, who reigns above, Disdain so lofty kings?

Say, Lord, and why such looks of love
Upon such worthless things ?

4 Mortals, be dumb ;-what creature dares.

Dispute his awful will?

Ask no account of his affairs,
But tremble, and be still.

5 Just like his nature is his grace,
All sovereign and all free;
Great God, how searchless are thy ways!
How deep thy judgments be!

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LORD, thou with an unerring beam


Surveyest all my powers;
y rising steps are watch'd by thee,
By thee, my resting hours.

2 My thoughts, scarce struggling into birth,
Great God, are known to thee;
Abroad, at home, still I'm inclos'd
With thine immensity.

3 To thee the labyrinths of life
In open view appear;
Nor steals a whisper from my lips,
Without thy listening ear.



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Walsal, Plymouth.

Prov. xv. 3.-Heb. iv. 13.

HE eye of God is every where
To watch the sinner's ways;
He sees who join in humble prayer,
And who in solemn praise.

2 One glance of thine, eternal Lord,
Can pierce and search us through;
Nor heav'n, nor earth, nor hell afford
A shelter from thy view!

3 The universe, in every part,
At once before thee lies;

And every thought of every heart
Is open to thine eyes.

4 Prepare us, Lord, to pray and praise
With fervent, holy love;
And fit us by thy word of grace
To worship thee above.


с. м.

Cambridge, Swanwick.


His glories in redemption. Isa. xliv. 23.

FATHER, how wide thy glory shines!

high thy wonders rise!

Known thro' the earth by thousand signs,
By thousands thro' the skies.

2 But when we view thy strange design,
To save rebellious worms;
Where vengeance and compassion join
In their divinest forms;-

3 Here the whole Deity is known;
Nor dares a creature guess-
Which of the glories brightest shone-
The justice or the grace.

4 Now the full glories of the Lamb
Adorn the heav'nly plains :
Bright seraphs learn Emmanuel's name,
And try their choicest strains.

5 Oh, may I bear some humble part,
In that immortal song!
Wonder and joy shall tune my heart,
And love command my tongue.

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Halifax, Braintree.

INDULGENT Father, how divine,
thy beauties are !

Thro' nature's ample round they shine,
Thy goodness to declare.

2 But in thy nobler work of grace,
What brighter mercy smiles
In our benign Redeemer's face,
And every fear beguiles !

3 Such wonders, Lord, while we survey,
To thee our thanks shall rise,
When morning ushers in the day,
Or evening veils the skies.

4 When glimmering life resigns its flame,
Thy praise shall tune our breath;
The dear memorials of thy name
Shall gild the shades of death.

5 But oh, how sweet our song shall rise,
When freed from feeble clay;
And all thy glories meet our eyes

In one eternal da


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Love of God. 1 John iv. 8.

COME, ye that know and fear the Lord,

And lift your souls above; Let every heart and voice accord,

To sing, that God is love.

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