VILLAGE HYMNS. GOD. HYMN 1. L. M. WATTS. 1 Rothwell, Luther's Hymn. THERE HERE is a GOD, who reigns above, of the heav'n, and earth and seas; I fear his wrath, I ask his love, 2 There is a law which he has writ, 3 There is a gospel rich in grace, 4 There is an hour when I must die, 5 Let me improve the hours I have, 1 HYMN 2. C. м. Colchester, St. Ann's. WATTS. His condescension. Isa. lxvi. 2. W HEN the Eternal bows the skies, 2 He bids his awful chariot roll, s Why should the Lord, who reigns above, Disdain so lofty kings? Say, Lord, and why such looks of love 4 Mortals, be dumb ;-what creature dares. Dispute his awful will? Ask no account of his affairs, 5 Just like his nature is his grace, LORD, thou with an unerring beam My Surveyest all my powers; 2 My thoughts, scarce struggling into birth, 3 To thee the labyrinths of life 1 T Walsal, Plymouth. Prov. xv. 3.-Heb. iv. 13. HE eye of God is every where 2 One glance of thine, eternal Lord, 3 The universe, in every part, And every thought of every heart 4 Prepare us, Lord, to pray and praise HYMN 5. с. м. メ Cambridge, Swanwick. WATTS.. His glories in redemption. Isa. xliv. 23. FATHER, how wide thy glory shines! high thy wonders rise! Known thro' the earth by thousand signs, 2 But when we view thy strange design, 3 Here the whole Deity is known; 4 Now the full glories of the Lamb 5 Oh, may I bear some humble part, 1 Halifax, Braintree. INDULGENT Father, how divine, Thro' nature's ample round they shine, 2 But in thy nobler work of grace, 3 Such wonders, Lord, while we survey, 4 When glimmering life resigns its flame, 5 But oh, how sweet our song shall rise, In one eternal da day! Love of God. 1 John iv. 8. COME, ye that know and fear the Lord, And lift your souls above; Let every heart and voice accord, To sing, that God is love. |