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WITH more than usual self-distrust, I give this book to the world, and under circumstances of a new and trying nature. The voice of affectionate encouragement, which used to animate me to my task, I can hear no more; and when, from the force of habit, I have sometimes turned round, while writing, to ask as in former times for counsel and advice, I have been painfully reminded, that the judicious critic, as well as tender parent, was removed from me forever. But I have the consolation of knowing, that should this work excite severe animadversion, he will not share in this expected pain;-I say "expected," because detraction is as common as the air we breathe, and to some, from long indulgence in it, it is now almost as necessary; and an endeavour to substitute profitable discourse for talking-over and laughing at one's friends and neighbours,

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will be thought nearly as cruel as to exclude the air necessary for respiration.

Nor have I been encouraged to my labours by any sanguine expectation of doing good: for so rare is self-knowledge, that though I am often told that Detraction abounds, that my work is necessary, and will, no doubt, benefit others, scarcely any one says, "I hope it will be of benefit to me;" yet, general improvement can only be the result of individual reformation. Besides, even those persons, who complain that the sin is universal, speak in a careless, indifferent tone, as if they thought it had acquired a prescriptive right to remain so, and that the endeavour to make it less common must be Utopian Reverie.

I have, however, been cheered in my labours by one conviction,-namely, that though what I have written may offend many of my readers, and benefit but few, it will at least, as I humbly trust, warn and amend MYSELF.




IT is a generally admitted truth, that OBSERVATION is one of the most effectual methods of improving the mind-observation, therefore, may be justly reckoned amongst the most valuable faculties which we possess. But, like all other gifts, it is liable to be abused, especially when it is exercised on the character of others; for then, if not under the directing and restraining power of religious principles, it leads to that pernicious vice in society, known by the name of DETRACTION.

To observe (that is to discover) the faults and vices of those with whom we associate, is often a measure necessary for self-defence. But if the observers of the frailties of their friends and acquaintances make those frailties the theme of backbiting conversation, they pervert the useful faculty of observation to the pernicious purposes of DETRACTION.

All who have lived in the world with any consciousness of their own besetting sins, or those of others, must readily admit, that in every class or rank in society, from the peer to the peasant, from the master to the valet, from the mistress to the maid, from the most learned to the most ignorant, from the man of genius to the man of the meanest capacity, detraction is amongst the most common of all vices, and is one in which persons indulge with perfect self-complacency as well as evident enjoyment.

Should self-reproach and moral disgust at a long continued detracting conversation lead any individual to endeavour to change the subject, and raise its tone to a more intellectual pitch, how often is the virtuous effort wholly fruitless-how often do the conversers seize the first opportunity of escaping from the useful consideration of things, to the mischievous discussion of persons; till, to the mental eye, the scene of this petty warfare against absent. friends and acquaintances seems strewed with mutilated qualities, mangled talents and shattered reputations.

It is my intention to point out the deformity of this common vice, in the following pages; though I am well aware, that no small degree of unpopularity attends on all authors who hold up to their readers, as in a mirror, their darling and daily sins. But to excuse my presumption to them as well as to myself, I beg leave to add that, in writing this book, I have been influenced by the wish to effect my own

reformation as well as that of others; for, being conscious of falling frequently into the sin of detraction, I could in no surer way arm myself against myself, than by publishing precepts which it will be incumbent upon me to enforce by my own example.

I intend to show the origin of this besetting sin; to describe its habitual style, and the situations which are most likely to lead into the practice of it; to divide into classes the different species of detractors; and humbly to suggest such hints for self-government in conversation, as may, if acted upon, preclude even the desire to indulge in detraction.

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