The grasshopper gnat and fly Grace said, we dance awhile, And so the time beguile : And if the moon doth hide her head, The glow-worm lights us home to bed. On tops of dewy grass So nimbly we do pass, The young and tender stalk Ne'er bends when we do walk: Oft in the morning may be seen Where we the night before have been. PERCY'S RELIQUES. BIBO. WHEN Bibo thought fit from this world to retreat, As full of champagne as an egg's full of meat, He turned in the boat and to Charon he said'I will be rowed back, for I am not yet dead'. 'Trim the boat and sit quiet', stern Charon replied, You may have forgot you were drunk when you died.' PRIOR. Cicada culices simulque muscæ Et nos ad cubitum domum reducit. Herbæ vertice roscido virentis Qua nos lusimus in priore nocte. F. H. BIBO. CUM Bibo de terris tandem dignatus abire est, 'Heus! cave, cymbam agitas'—cui portitor; 'O bone, nescis Multo prolutum te periisse mero?' B. ARETHUSA. AND now from their fountains In Enna's mountains Down one vale where the morning basks, Grown single-hearted, From their cradles steep In the curve of the shelving hill; Through the woods below, And the meadows of Asphodel; Like spirits that lie In the azure sky, When they love but live no more. SHELLEY. THE CLOWN'S REPLY. JOHN TROTT was desired by two witty peers GOLDSMITH. ARETHUSA. GRATA jacet vallis sub amoenæ montibus Ennæ, Hanc Arethusa colit; colit amnis amator eandem ; Dulce sodalitium-rediit mens una duobus ; CATUS QUANTUMVIS RUSTICUS. 'NOVISTINE' duo proceres dixere faceti— 'Auriculis cur gaudet Asellus, Optime Trottorum? Sum plane indoctior', ille; 'Nec vobis plus scire decorum est: 'At mihi Asellorum, cum vos vidisse, Magistri, Contigerit, referetur imago'. H. D. THE QUEEN OF HEARTS. THE Queen of Hearts, She made some tarts All on a summer's day; The Knave of Hearts, He stole those tarts And took them quite away. The King of Hearts, He missed those tarts, And beat the knave full sore; The Knave of Hearts Brought back those tarts, And stole them never more. CANNING. POOR LUBIN. On his death-bed poor Lubin lies, A different cause,' says Doctor Sly, 'The same effect may give: Poor Lubin fears that he may die,— His wife that he may live.' PRIOR. |