Undique per plateas vicinia tota cucurrit, Si qua fides oculis avida sapientibus urbis, Sed nova decurrens prodit miracula tempus, H. J. H. SOL EQUINOCTIALIS. B. H. D. EACH BOWER. EACH bower has beauty for me, There's a charm in each blossom that blows; And, if absent the Lily should be, I shall do very well with the Rose: I love each exotic, that deigns In a climate like this to expand; And my heart its affection retains For the bloom of my dear native land: In summer's gay mansions I dwell, And since summer so soon will be past, Though I love her first bud very well, I have love in reserve for her last. Yes! yes! 'tis my pleasure to chase Each pretty bud under the sun : Why should I offend the whole race By a silly selection of one? HAYNES BAYLEY. HORTUS QUISQUE. HORTUS mihi quisque placet, Memet recreare Rosis: Totum genus cur irritem? Flos quisque mi ridet, oris Est, qui mihi non rideat: Unum seligens stolide, Totum genus cur cruciem? F. W. THE WISE MEN OF GOTHAM. THREE wise men of Gotham Went to sea in a bowl; And if the bowl had been stronger, My song had been longer. GAMMER GURTON. MIRA. WHEN first the Siren Beauty's face That round th' enchantress played : And still, with careless mien elate, As ambushed in a look he sate, And still to rove I madly vowed Along the dangerous way, Secure, where other boasters bowed Nor learned my breast to heave the sigh, Or pour the secret heart; Till Mira from her beamy eye Despatched th' unerring dart. TRES PHILOSOPHI GOTAMIENSES. TRES Gotami quondam sapientes spiritus audax Impulit Oceanum parvo transcurrere labro; Fortius hoc fuerat si vas, magis utile ponto, Tu plura audires, ego carmina plura dedissem. F. H. MIRA. LUMINA cum primum, memini, juvenilia cepit Hinc animo audaci nimium vultuque superbo Seu roseo insidias struxit male fidus in ore, Sæpe quidem dixi, fallacis nescius auræ, Nam neque adhuc noram tristi suspiria cura |