Deme quot rerum videt alta Luna, Sole fervente aut veteris sub antri Rupe morari; Aut in umbroso nemorum recessu, Fertur ut montis per amata rura, aut Abditos fontes petit in ruentis Margine rivi. H. J. H. ARTURI SEPULCRUM. O UBI nunc recubant Arturi nobilis ossa? A. B. H. RIDE A COCK HORSE. RIDE a cock-horse To Banbury Cross, To see an old woman upon a black horse: With rings on her fingers And bells on her toes, She shall have music wherever she goes. GAMMER GURTON. HINX MINX. HINX, Minx! the old witch winks The fat begins to fry: There's nobody at home but jumping Joan, And father, mother, and I! GAMMER GURTON. I PUER. I, PUER, acer eques: rapiat te mobile lignum, F. H. ALTERA VERSIO. INFANS, quadrivium ad Banburiensium Felix, dulce melos, quod ciet undique, B. HINC HECATE. "HINC et abhinc, Hecate !'-mala anus præ limine nictat; Sibilat inferni conscius ignis adeps 'Sola domi invenies salientia crura Joannæ' Meque ipsam et matrem cum genitore meam. H. D. TO MISTER LAWRENCE. LAWRENCE, of virtuous fathers virtuous son, The frozen earth, and clothe in fresh attire Of Attic taste with wine, whence we may rise To hear the lute well touched, or artful voice Warble immortal notes of Tuscan air. He, who of these delight can judge and spare To interpose them of, is not unwise. MILTON. AD LAURENTIUM. O CASTA casti progenies patris, Dun bruma campos occupat et vias, Longo auferemus tœdia de die? Quod hora nobis cunque dabit lucri Verna novo decorarit aura. Quæ munda nobis cæna parabitur ? Post calices bene tacta noctem Sidereæ propiora chordis. Prudensque parca mente frui sapit, Scit ille, ni fallor, Deorum Muneribus sapienter uti. H. J. K. |