THE PLEDGE. DRINK to me only with thine eyes, Or leave a kiss within the cup, The thirst, that from the soul doth spring, Doth ask a draught divine; But might I from Jove's nectar sip, I'd change it not for thine. BEN JONSON. PILLYCOCK. OLD Pillycock sat on a grassy hill, And if he's not gone, he sits there still. GAMMER GURTON. THE MARKS OF LOVE. COME here, fond youth, whoe'er thou be, And if thy breast have felt so wide a wound, And by what marks true passion may be found. It is to be all bathed in tears, To live upon a smile for years, To kneel, to languish, to implore, It is to do all this, and think thy sufferings sweet. PROPINATIO. LUMINIBUS solis oro mihi, vita, propines; Luminibus reddam mox ego, crede, vices: PILLICOCCIUS. LACERPICIFERO jugo sedebat, G. K. H. D. INDICIA AMORIS. FERRE parem nostris qui te, puer, ignibus ignem Est, unum in totos risum depascier annos: 1 A It is to gaze upon her eyes Yet temper'd with such chaste and awful fear, It is to hope, though hope were lost, That folds his flock upon the plain, Yet if thou darest not hope, thou dost not love. It is to quench thy joy in tears, If pangs of jealousy thou hast not proved, O never dream again that thou hast loved. If, when the darling maid is gone, 1 Est, in virgineis hærere ardenter ocellis; Est, spe dimissa non desperare; resistant Si votis homines, si Deus ipse, tuis: Illa licet Venerem superet, tuque infimus Ægon, Ni te spes foveat-non tibi notus Amor. Est, lacrymas inter gaudere et gaudia luctu 1 Dumque absit, ni percupias tecum esse, viasque Or any cares but his thy breast enthral, And reigns a tyrant, if he reigns at all. Now if thou art so lost a thing, Hither thy tender sorrows bring, And prove whose patience longest can endure : For if thou thus hast loved, oh never hope a cure! LITTLE JACK HORNER. LITTLE Jack Horner Sat in a corner Eating a Christmas pie : He put in his thumb And pulled out a plum, And cried, What a good boy am I!' GAMMER GURTON. |