1 Sique tuum pectus contingat spesve metusve, Quæ tibi non dederit blandus et asper amor, Hinc procul, erro levis! nondum urere-cuncta tyrannus Nam regit imperio, cum regit, iste fero. Atqui si fueris, puer, ah! tam proditus, adsis ; Ut, quid uterque gemat, discere uterque queat. Quisquis enim quamcunque ita perdite amaveris, eheu ! Invenies nullam, quæ tibi prosit, opem. F. W. QUOD FECERIT IOANNES HORNER. ANGULUS in camera quam conspicis ille tenebat VERSIO ALTERA. HORNER IACCULO sedit in angulo Vorans, ceu serias ageret ferias, Crustum dulce et amabile: Inquit et unum extrahens prunum 'Horner, quam fueris nobile pueris F. H. H. D. SWEET ECHO. SWEET Echo, sweetest nymph, that livest unseen Within thy aery shell, By slow Meander's margent green, That likest thy Narcissus are? O! if thou have Hid them in some flowery cave, Sweet queen of parley, daughter of the sphere ! So may'st thou be translated to the skies, And give resounding grace to all heaven's harmonies. MILTON. MARMION TO CLARE. O WOMAN, in our hours of ease By the light quivering aspen made; Scott. DULCIS ECHO. NYMPHA, quam leni refluentis amne Sive te valles potius morantur Ecqua, Narcissi referens figuram, Furta recondis, Dic mihi qua nunc, male te secuti, Filia cœli! Sic et in sedem redeas paternam, Gaudia Divis. Ε. Η. MARMIO AD CLARAM. FEMINA, quæ, resides si quando carpimus horas, H. J. T. D. OFT IN THE STILLY NIGHT. OFT in the stilly night, Ere slumber's chain has bound me, Fond Memory brings the light Of other days around me. The smiles, the tears, of boyhood's years, The words of love then spoken ; The eyes that shone, now dimmed and gone; Oh oft as I remember all The friends thus linked together, 1 MOORE. BABY BUNTING. BYE baby bunting, Mother's gone a milking, Brother's gone to buy a skin To wrap Baby Bunting in. GAMMER GURTON. -- AD ABSENTES AMICOS. SÆPE mihi, dum nox late silet, ante catena Ah quoties animo veteres reminiscor amicos, Quam nuper festi perstrepuere chori; Β. Η. Κ. AD INFANTEM. VENANDO pater est intentus: parve, quiesce; Mulgendo mater: parve, quiesce, puer. Mercatum soror it bombycina syrmata: frater Vellus emit tenerum quod tua membra tegat. F. H. |