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SHOULD auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to min'?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days o' lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.

We twa hae run about the braes,
And pu't the gowans fine;

But we've wandered mony a weary foot
Sin' auld lang syne.

We twa hae paidl't in the burn

From morning sun till dine;

But seas between us braid hae roared

Sin' auld lang syne.

And here's a hand, my trusty fier,

And gie's a hand o' thine;

And we'll tak a right good willie waught,
For auld lang syne.

And surely ye'll be your pint-stoup,
And surely I'll be mine;

And we'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.


PRISCORUM immemores esse sodalium,
Lapsis ex animo quos adamavimus,
Priscorum immemores esse sodalium et

Acti temporis-hoc decet?

Acti, care comes, temporis ob dies,
Acti, fide comes, temporis ob dies,
Spumantis pateram combibe Cæcubi
Acti temporis ob dies.

Flores in calathis nos amaranthinos
Una per juga quot devia legimus !
Sed lassos peregre traximus heu! pedes
Acti temporis a die.

Quin solem ad medium margine fontium
Certatim vitreo flumine lusimus :
Atqui inter fremuit nos mare fluctuum
Acti temporis a die.

Amplexum, comes o fide, morabimur
Dulcem-labra labris et manibus manum ?
Depromptæ quis erit jam modus amphoræ
Acti temporis ob dies!

Potantes cyathi lege videbimus
Uter Threiciam siccet amystidem :
Plenum fundite, Io, fundite Cæcubum
Acti temporis ob dies!

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.



Four and twenty tailors
Went to kill a snail;
The best man among them

Durst not touch its tail!

She put out her horns

Like a little dun cow;

Run, tailors, run,

Or she'll kill you all now!



O LADIE faire,

When by that holie Boke I see thee sweare,

Thinketh mine hearte,

Oh what an ever blessed Page thou art!

Marrie, give me that kisse,

The drie regardlesse Prynte wotteth not what it is.


Acti, care comes, temporis ob dies,
Acti, fide comes, temporis ob dies,
Spumantis pateram combibe Cæcubi
Acti temporis ob dies.

H. D.


Sex quater exibant sartores impete magno,
Viribus ut junctis limax spumosa periret:
Nec fuit e numero qui auderet tangere caudam !
Cornua nam extrudens sævissima, sicut in agris
Vacca rubens et nigra, croci contincta colore,
Illa suos hostes tremefecit-Abite fugaces
Sartores! vos dira manent dispendia vitæ,
Præsentemque viris intentant omnia mortem !

F. H.


Cum labra imponens sacrum premis ore libellum,
Præstans juratam, pulcra Maria, fidem;
Quam vellem liber iste forem!-mihi basia serva;
Non capit illecebras arida charta tuas.


BILLY TAILOR was a brisk young fellow,

Full of mirth and full of glee,

And his heart he did discover

To a maiden fair and free.

Four and twenty press gang fellows,
Dressed they was in blue array,
Laid cruel hands on Billy Tailor :
Him they caught and sent to sea.

But his true love followed a'ter

By the name of Robert Carr,
Her lily-white hands were daubed all over
With the nasty pitch and tar.

And in the very first engagement,
Manfully she fought among the rest;
Till a bullet blew her jacket open,

And discovered her snow-white breast :

Which when the Captain saw- What squall, pray,

Hath blown you hither, Ma'am?'-says he.

'Sir, I seeks my Billy Tailor,

Whom you pressed and sent to sea.'

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