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FORTIS in apricæ Gulielmus flore juventæ
Oris erat lepidi lætitiæque satur;
Celatamque diu flammam detexit amicæ,
Quæ pulcra atque animi liberioris erat.

Sex quater insiliunt Caci crudeliter illum,
Cærulea Oceani veste notante gregem;
Vique coegerunt celsam conscendere navim,
Proh scelus! et rigidis imposuere foris.

Sed sua, de cunctis longe fidissima nautis,
Susanna est habitu pone secuta mari:
Candida in imberbi maculantur lilia vultu,
Et manus in nigram vertitur alba picem.

Illa, virum ritu, furit in certamine primo
Obsita sulphureis, nec tremefacta, globis,
Horrisonos ignes inter; dum, veste soluta,
Purior intacta est prodita mamma nive:

Qua visa Ductor-Quisnam huc te ventus adegit?'
Postulat; 'Ereptum quærimus,' illa, 'procum;
Quem tu prendisti fecistique ire per altum!'—
'Hunccine amas? eheu, quam tibi læsus amor!

'If you seeks your Billy Tailor,

Know he's inconstant and severe.' (Poor Sukey's heart beat high and heavy, And she dropped one very big tear.)

'Rise up early in the morning,

At rise of sun and break of day, And you'll see your Billy Tailor Dancing with a lady gay.'

Then she called for sword and pistol,
Which did come at her command,

And she shot young Billy Tailor
With his lady in his hand.

Which when the Captain came for to know o' it,

He very much applauded what she had done; And he made her the First Lieutenant

Of the gallant Thunderbomb.



BONNIE lass, bonnie lass, will you be mine?
Thou shalt neither wash dishes nor serve the swine ;
But sit on a cushion and sew up a seam,

And thou shalt have strawberries sugar and cream.


Nam scito, infelix, inconstantem atque severum, Pro quo tot tuleris semivir, esse virum.' (Vix se continuit Susannæ pectus anhelum, Lacrymaque ex oculis repperit una viam.)

'Surge age, et Auroræ primo sub lumine flavæ,
Desere pendentem, sole oriente, torum;
Quem sequeris, cantu et fidibus saltare videbis
Ad Dominæ motus, candida et illa, suæ.'

Continuo sibi tela furens letalia poscit:
Itur-et in digitis ignis et ensis erant ;
Stravit et atroci plumbique et sulphuris ictu
Prensantem, interitus quæ sibi causa, manu.

Virtutis Dux magnanimæ non immemor illi Plausus, quos cuperet Penthesilea, dedit : Nec mora; fulmineæ præfecit Amazona puppi, Ut Legatorum de grege prima foret.

H. D.


PULCRA puella, velis fieri mea, pulcra puella? Pascere non porcos tibi non detergere lances Curæ erit; at vestem suere et requiescere sella; Mellaque erunt epulis et lacte fluentia fraga.


No forest fell

When thou would'st build; no quarry sent its stores
To enrich thy walls; but thou didst hew the floods,
And make thy marble of the glassy wave.
In such a palace Aristæus found
Cyrene, when he bore the plaintive tale
Of his lost bees to her maternal ear :
In such a palace poetry might place
The armoury of winter, where his troops,
The gloomy clouds, find weapons, arrowy sleet,
Skin-piercing volley, blossom-bruising hail,

And snow that often blinds the traveller's course,
And wraps him in an unexpected tomb.
Silently as a dream the fabric rose,

No sound of hammer or of saw was there,
Ice upon ice, the well-adjusted parts
Were soon conjoined, nor other cement asked
Than water interfused to make them one.
Lamps gracefully disposed and of all hues
Illumined every side; a watery light

Gleamed through the clear transparency, that seemed
Another moon new-risen, or meteor fallen
From heaven to earth, of lambent flame serene.



Non tibi, cum tantas auderes tollere moles,
Sylvæ cessit honos, non vivis hausta metallis
Saxa nec effossæ crevere in mœnia quadræ:
Ecce, tibi vitrei riguerunt marmore fluctus !
Qualis Aristæum Cyrenes regia matris
Cepit, apum strages infectaque mella querentem ;
Aut qualem sibi munit Hyems (ita fingere vates
Crediderim) diris ut servet in ædibus arma,
Si poscant sibi tela dari Ventique Nivesque,
Si jaculum glaciale pruiniferasque pharetras.
Surrexit tacite, ceu muta insomnia, moles ;
Non crepitus serræ, sonuit non verbere surdo
Malleus: ipsa super glacies illisa coactam
Firmavit glaciem, numerosaque fluxit in unum ;
Lympharumque domus lympharum aspergine crevit.
Lampades hinc intus multisque coloribus ignes
Fulgere; transmissæ pallescere lucis imago :
Nempe aliam in terris credas consurgere lunam,

Delapsasque polo stellas atque uvida signa.

С. М.

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