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Zenas Wise Oglesby, Sr.

HE name of Oglesby is inseparably connected with the

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growth and development, the manufacturing, the indus

trial enterprise and prosperity, in fact with all the new conditions that make South Georgia active, populous and pros


Zenas W. Oglesby, Sr., is the elder of two brothers who have worked hand in glove in developing their section. They have builded railroads, to the increase of both wealth and population; they have manufactured cotton gins, and promoted various enterprises especially in lumber and cotton manufacturing, backed financial institutions of vast benefit to the whole community, and been to their people in every way of vast, and, in fact, inestimable benefit. They are native Georgians, originully of Scotch and English ancestry.

Zenas Wise Oglesby, Sr., was born in Marietta, September 8, 1850, his father being Thomas I. Oglesby, and hii mother Elizabeth Johnson Wood. His earliest known uncestors in America were Thomas Ogle«by, one of two brother* who lame from Anandale. Scotland, and settled in Campbell eounty, Va.; and on his mother's side Thomas Wood, who also settled in Vir> ginia, and was of English stock. The first Ogtaiby of tbia line who came to Georgia wa* Thoma* Oglesby, the great grandfather of the subject of tbi* sketch, who wa# granted Iands in Elbert county for serrice* in th* Revolutionary War, and settled and made hi* honv at what is now known an Ogteaby, Ga. Here Thoma, Ogle*br *p**t tiw most of hi* life rearing a family of ten dbildren, viz: William, Leroy, Doury, Garrett,

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