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The Executive Committee of the State Association of School Board Secretaries met in Harrisburg on November 19 and outlined the program for the February meeting which will be held in the Technical High School, Harrisburg, Tuesday, February 10, 1925.

President Wenner of Allentown is making every effort to prepare a program that will repay the time and money spent in attending the meeting.

He strongly urges that every Secretary present to his Board a request to be sent to this meeting of the Association.


On November 24, 1924, Johnstown dedicated to her boys and girls of junior high school age a plant consisting of six buildings: academic, manual arts, domestic arts, auditorium, gymnasium and boiler house. The red brick buildings, all of fire-proof construction, are located about one mile from the business district on land reclaimed from the flood plain of Stony Creek. The approximate cost, including site but excluding furnishings, is $1,250,000.

At the afternoon program presided over by Dale McMaster, Principal, the speakers were Superintendent Samuel J. Slawson, Johnstown and A. E. Winship, Editor Journal of Education, Boston. At the evening program the following spoke: James M. Glass, Director of Junior High Schools, Harrisburg; John Martin Thomas, President of Pennsylvania State College and A. E. Winship.

This magnificent plant, which Doctor Winship pronounced America's "latest best," will be used for these four specific purposes: 1. To recognize and make provision for the individual differences in children.

2. To provide for the varying rates of progress so that pupils may advance as rapidly as their abilities permit.

3. To provide for educational and vocational exploration and guidance.

4. To reduce school mortality.

Plans are well under way for a fine new senior high school building in Johnstown.



The World Federation of Education Associations through its officers extends good wishes to all nations and a cordial invitation to educational organizations world-wide to send delegates, to ministers of education in all countries to be present or to be represented, and to educators generally to attend the coming biennial meeting of the Federation, July 20-28, 1925 at Edinburgh, Scotland.

The Federation seeks to promote international understanding and to bring the peoples of the earth together on the common ground of education in a greater bond of brotherhood to the end that justice and good will may prevail.-Augustus O. Thomas, President, Augusta, Maine.



Leechburg, Armstrong County, a town of 5,000 inhabitants, dedicated a new high school building on the evening of September 26. The building cost $250,000, the equipment $25,000. It contains 23 class rooms, a large gymnasium, a domestic science department, a library, an emergency hospital and an auditorium with a seating capacity of 1,000. The manual training department is in a separate building.

The equipment of the gymnasium was furnished by a former pupil of the school at a cost of over $5,000. The pupils equipped the stage in the auditorium at a cost of approximately $2,000. The alumni association contributed the major part of the expense of the seating of the auditorium. The local banks equipped the manual training and domestic science departments.

A patron of the school sent his check for $500 to procure a moving picture outfit. Other donations such as pictures and statuary were received, valued at $15,000. The Mother's Club, one of the most helpful organizations in the town, is trying to raise sufficient money to furnish the model dining room. The Board of Directors has gone the limit of its borrowing capacity. Its appeal to the school patrons to help out in paying for modern equipment has met with good results. S. M. Negley is supervising principal of the Leechburg schools.


Through the efficient leadership of Superintendent George A. Grim, who is a student and lover of the beautiful, art is functioning effectively in the schools of Northampton County. The following are some of the achievements:

(a) Art Supervisors-All progressive bor. oughs employ supervisors. Their good influ ence has reached many rural districts.

(b) Art Appreciation-Local teachers' institutes devoted a portion of the session to a discussion of suitable pictures for school rooms; farmers' institutes devoted some time to a discussion of proper pictures for the home; pupils and patrons were urged to assist in raising funds and selecting pictures; at least a dozen splendid pictures were properly framed and distributed; directors were requested to purchase some pictures. In several cases each school within the district has received a picture purchased by the school directors; art exhibits were encouraged and have netted some beautiful pictures: high school classes have purchased memorial pictures; several public spirited patrons have presented splendid pictures to the schools: publishers of art calendars have given some of their best products.

The slogan has been "at least one suitable picture properly framed in each school room."

Teacher to philosophic pupil: "What is a hypocrite?"

Pupil: "A boy who comes to school with a smile on his face."



The Deans of Women of the State of Pennsylvania convened in their fourth annual session at the Penn-Harris in Harrisburg on November seventh and eighth with Dean Laura H. Carnell of Temple University presiding. Sixty deans were in attendance.

Mrs. Ella W. Brown, Dean of Women of East Stroudsburg State Normal School, discussed "The Broader Outlook of the Graduates of our Colleges, Normals and High Schools." She raised the question of how many graduates measure up to the "fullness of the riches" which their college or school has to offer. She stated that the college girl should come out with perfect health, with poise, with the wealth that comes from contacts with big people and with a knowledge of how to maintain proper relations with her own family and add richness to the church, school and civic life of her community. She pointed out that only teachers who have wealth of soul, who have that tremendous earnestness and seriousness upon which souls grow, can expect to send out strong graduates.

Dr. Robert C. Shaw, District Director from the Department of Public Instruction, presented the subject of the personal element in education. He stated that the greatest defect in American education today is underestimating our own ability and the ability of those we teach. Specific instances showing the power of a teacher to inspire students were cited.

"The College Youth as Presented in Some

of Our Current Fiction and Newspaper Articles" was discussed by Miss Thyrsa W. Amos, Dean of Women of the University of Pittsburgh. She briefly reviewed numerous books of current fiction and recent articles in The Century and The Atlantic dealing with college life, and in evaluating them said, "No sincere person fears truth, but he is afraid of half-truths. It is the partial truths in 'Dancers in the Dark,' in 'This Side of Paradise,' in "The Plastic Age,' in 'Big Year,' in "Town and Gown,' in such articles as 'Unpreparing Students for Life,' it is these half-truths that damage college, student and public. If all these pictures were true, and if they were true for all students and in all institutions, colleges and universities would better close." To counteract the effect of such publications, Dean Amos suggested that college administrators, deans and officials could do much through the literature they put out and through public addresses to inform the public of the ennobling influences of college life. The discussion of the address was led by Lillian Rosenkranz, Dean of Women, Wilson College.

In the High School section Dr. Ellen C. Potter, Secretary of Welfare, in discussing the subject, "The Health of the High School Girl," explained the new idea of what health means and the teacher's responsibility in promoting a health program. She discussed both physical and mental health explaining points concerning both of which the teacher should be aware and presenting a criterion for judging them.

An excellent explanation of "The Dalton Plan" was given by Miss Anna W. Nock, South Philadelphia High School for Girls. She exhibited samples of "contracts" and explained their use. The different checks being used in testing the efficiency of the plan were outlined. One of the most outstanding was the library record. The number of students using the library has been three times as large per month as last year under the old system of instruction, and the number of books drawn out has increased threefold. The discussion was led by Miss Stella Cullen, West Philadelphia High School for Girls.

In the Normal School, College and University section, Dean Ruth A. L. Dorsey of Drexel Institute gave an address upon the "Teaching of the Appreciation of Art in Our Schools." She said that art appreciation is a matter of spirit rather than technical knowledge. Art should be used primarily to make life more beautiful rather than to advance industrial interests. A plea was made to salvage the creative spirit in the children; to have children familiar with the works of art in our own country.

Dean Florence Kunkel of Edinboro State Normal gave a comprehensive report of the meeting of the National Association of Deans of Women.

Dean Lois Cory-Thompson of Grove City College reported on an extensive questionnaire sent out to colleges and universities. A spirited discussion was led by Dean Grace Hunton of Thiel College.


In the general session Miss E. Marie Lentz, Dean of Girls of Altoona High School, gave a resumé of the course for deans of women given at Columbia University in the 1924 summer session.

Three speakers contributed to the interest of the association dinner on Friday evening. Dr. C. F. Hoban of the State Department_of Public Instruction brought greetings from Dr. J. George Becht and spoke about Pennsylvania's contribution to the fields of art and music. Mrs. John B. Hamme, president of the State Federation of Women's Clubs, brought assurance of the interest of the club women in the work of the dean of women. Sarah M. Sturtevant of Columbia University discussed "The Professional Training of a Dean." She explained the native equipment which she believed a dean should possess, stressing particularly the "human" elements.


The committee in charge of the business of the Association for the ensuing year is composed of Laura H. Carnell, Dean Temple University, Philadelphia, Chairman; Gertrude E. Bradt, Dean of Women of Mansfield State Normal, Secretary; and Elizabeth Lewis, Dean of Girls, Nesquehoning High School, Nesquehoning, Treasurer.

THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Those of us who have read "Little Lord Fauntleroy" recall how the young paragon grieved that England with all her ancestral glories had nothing to equal the splendor of the United States torchlight campaign parade.

Gone are those gorgeous elections where torchlights and violent oratory roused the befogged voter to his duty. England seems to have more enthusiastic election demonstrations nowadays than we on this side of the pond. Heckling and fisticuffs, personal attacks and the like are as obsolete as are plaster casts of Admiral Dewey.

The November 1924 election was quiet and orderly. Election night we grouped ourselves about the giant telautographs and watched the Coolidge returns go over the top and the bottom drop out of the La Follette dinner pail. Band pieces and movies interspersed the returns. Or perhaps we were included in the great throng who for the first time in our history listened to presidential election returns over the radio. It was an orderly and proper November 4.


Current History says that the total vote was greater than in any vote before in the history of the world. The same source gives the approximate incomplete ballot against 26,674,171 in 1920. Coolidge received 29,000,000 approximately 15,500,000 votes; Davis 8,500,000 votes; and La Follette 4,500,000 votes. The republicans received a clear majority in the House and Senate over the combined democrat, farm-labor and La Follette blocs.

And yet we were all tremendously surprised at the returns. Somehow we had been led to believe that it would be a close election; that La Follette would succeed in getting enough

January, 1925

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La Follette forces failed to register a big vote. At one time shortly before the election -says Current History-it seemed likely that La Follette would carry the states west and north of Illinois as far as the Pacific. But even the support of the American Federation of Labor and of the Socialists failed to bolster up his strength. With the exception of New York City he had little following outside his own state, Wisconsin.

It was impossible to refrain from making comparisons between the elections in England and in the United States. It was on November 4 that King George asked Stanley Baldwin to form a new government. The English election gave the conservatives an overwhelming majority-412 seats. Labor lost 41, but still has a creditable showing-152. The liberalists, the party of Gladstone, Asquith and Lloyd George, which might be classified as midway between the conservative and labor parties had a falling off of 118. This was due to the fact that because of the Zienoviev letter the liberalists joined conservative forces in defeating the laborites who they were fearful might be "intriguing with the Moscow government."

But the elections seem to indicate that neither England nor America is ready to give full control of the government to a fledgling party representing progressive labor.

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On February 1 Dr. Hollis E. Dann will sever his connection with the State Department of Public Instruction to become Professor and Head of the Department of Music Education in the School of Education of New York University.

Dr. Dann's service as Director of Music in the Department of Public Instruction began September 1, 1921 following the passage by the legislature of the act which made the teaching of vocal music mandatory in the schools of the State. At the time of his appointment, Dr. Dann was the head of the music department of Cornell University, a department that had won national recognition because of its excellence. It was under his leadership that the Cornell University Music Festival, Sage Chapel Choir and Cornell Glee Club came into prominence and it was through his personal work and his ability to select competent assistants that the Cornell Summer School of Music became one of the greatest centers in the country for the training of music supervisors.

Immediately upon his coming to the Department of Public Instruction in 1921, Dr. Dann formulated a comprehensive music program. It included a complete course of study for the schools of the State, the fixing of standards for teachers and supervisors and the organization of extension classes for teachers in service.

The plans made and put into operation by Doctor Dann and his assistants are now successfully serving the two million school children in the State; the fourteen normal schools

are effectively training prospective teachers; through extension classes and summer courses teachers in service have been gradually qualifying; effective work is being done in the rural schools; supervisors' courses have been established at the Indiana, Mansfield and West Chester Normal Schools; musical organizations -vocal and instrumental-have rapidly multiplied; and through the State Wide Music Weeks and Music Memory Contests an appreciation of music is being developed not only among teachers and school children but among the people as a whole.

The West Chester Summer School of Music, which he organized and personally directed, is one of Dr. Dann's outstanding achievements in the State. This school, during each of the past three summers, has had an enrollment of more than 500 music supervisors from Pennsylvania and thirty other states.

Dr. Dann has rendered Pennsylvania a distinctive service. He has placed school music on a solid foundation and has so organized the machinery that Pennsylvania's advance musically is sure to be steady and effective.

The Department of Public Instruction sincerely regrets the departure of Dr. Dann.


A well-known weekly magazine is advocating the teaching of morals in the public schools. So long as we permit the present methods of conducting interscholastic athletics to prevail, the formal teaching of morals or ethics is a "saving at the spigot and wasting at the bung" process.

Boards of Education hire professional coaches regardless of their ethical or educational qualifications, paying them more than regular teachers; they build expansive stadiums and then foster a wretched type of athletic competition in order to draw large crowds that they may pay for the construction. Superintendents and principals permit boys to play who are over-age, and wink at the falsification of records. Students and alumni boldly and baldly proselyte outside their legitimate territory in order to draw in more and stronger gladiators.

The sporting element, who are mostly "sports" but not sportsmen, use the contests as a medium of open, public betting, the situation being so bad in the capital city of a great state that the local newspapers commented editorially upon the evil.

To make the situation worse, this cheap sporting element in some cities is advocating interscholastic football for junior high schools. The average age of junior high school boys is less than fourteen years.

We spread before our children this mess of pottage of false standards, open betting, stealing players from other schools, lying regarding eligibility of players, and then talk of preaching ethics and morals. Even a glimmering of intelligence would convince us that children will do as we do rather than as we say. Charles H. Keene, M.D.

PRIZES AND SCHOLARSHIPS Interscholastic Scholarship Competition The Harvard Phi Beta Kappa Society has planned a novel interscholastic scholarship competition. A trophy will be awarded to the school whose scholarship team makes the best showing in the College Entrance Examination Board examinations next June. According to the plan, the members of the competing school teams take the examinations to enter Harvard under either its "old plan" or its "new plan," but all the competitors are "eligible to count, whether they go to Harvard or not." Robert S. Hale, chairman of the trophy committee of the Harvard Phi Beta Kappa Society, Boston, Mass., suggests that the principal plan scholastic season with the leading students of the school just as candidates for athletic teams now plan for football and baseball. Graduate Fellowships for Belgian Universities



The Commission for Relief in Belgium Educational Foundation has announced that limited number of American graduate fellowships for study in Belgium during the year 1925-26 will be awarded by April 1, 1925. The following are among the rules determining the candidate's eligibility: he must be an American citizen, must be able to speak and read French and must be a graduate of a college or professional school of recognized standing. Application blanks and further information may be secured by addressing the Fellowship Committee, C. R. B. Educational Foundation, Inc., 42 Broadway, N. Y.

Prizes for Spanish Students

The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and La Prensa are conducting contests in which ninety cash prizes amounting to $3,500 will be distributed in five groups. $1,325 will be awarded as prizes in secondary schools; $675 as prizes to those holding B. A. degrees; $500 to those holding M. A. degrees; $500 to those holding Doctors' degrees and $500 to teachers of Spanish. For particulars address La Prensa, 245 Canal Street, New York City.


The United States Civil Service Commission at Washington calls for the following: Teachers-high school, model primary; primary specialist-Philippine Service$1,500-$2,000.

Principal of Home Economics-Indian Service-$1,500.

Teacher of Home Economics (prevocational
grades) Indian Service-$1,200.
Assistant Scientific Aid (Museum History)—

Junior Librarian-$1,860.
Library Assistant-$1,680.

Junior Library Assistant-$1,500.
Under Library Assistant-$1,320.
Minor Library Assistant-$1,140.
Extension Home Economist-$3,800.
Junior Social Economist-$1,860.


American Education Week was generally observed throughout Pennsylvania. Reports from the different sections of the State indicate that education was advanced and citizenship elevated as a result of the organized efforts of the different agencies.

The hearty co-operation of such organizations as the American Legion, The Pennsylvania Bar Associations, The Mothers Congress and Parent-Teacher organizations, churches, clubs, societies and civic bodies should be a source of great gratification to all concerned.

Pennylvania's was a constructive program organized around the school needs of the State as a whole and the various local communities. The decision to stress a particular educational project of interest to the entire State proved popular and profitable. It stimulated interest in Education Week as an annual celebration and gave opportunity to focus attention on the subject of art, the teaching of which was made mandatory by the 1921 legislature.

The observance really extended over a three weeks' period, beginning November 9 when Tarentum, Brackenridge, Natrona, Harrison Township and East Deer Township united in a celebration that surpassed even the effective one of a year ago. This celebration was advanced because of Armistice Day and included daily programs touching special problems, art and industrial exhibits, window displays, the production of a pageant "The Newsie" and the publication of a 68-page program booklet containing the history of Allegheny Valley.

The celebration was brought to a close with the window exhibit of the Fifty-second Street Business Men's Association of Philadelphia, held November 22-29. There in the shop windows 300 paintings of Philadelphia artists were displayed in a manner that showed advanced taste in window dressing and served to develop an appreciation of the beautiful in those who traveled the street during that week.

The outstanding feature of Pennsylvania's celebration was the advance given art. The State's objectives are now better known and it is certain that a greater appreciation of art values will result from the programs carried out in practically every community. Art was made the subject of study in English classes and richly illustrated booklets were made by students. Addresses on art were delivered before school assemblies, clubs, community meetings and were broadcasted from various radio stations. Art pageants were part of several programs. Window displays, art collections, exhibits of paintings, sculpture, dishes, textiles, furniture, etc. featured programs in many districts. The poster and other art work done under the direction of the 600 art supervisors was easily the most intensive and constructive in the history of the State.

In Harrisburg the art of the Capitol was specially studied by the 125 art teachers of the city. They, in turn, accompanied their pupils -sixth grade and above-to the building where the architecture, the bronze doors, the paintings of Abbey, Violet Oakley and Van Ingen,

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