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David Starr Jordan, chancellor emeritus of Leland Stanford University, has been awarded the prize of $25,000 offered by Raphael Herman of Washington for the best educational plan for maintaining world peace. Augustus O. Thomas, Commissioner of Education for Maine and president of the World Federation of Education Associations which directed the contest, made the announcement on December 7.

Dr. Jordan is well known as an educator, naturalist and author and his plan will be widely discussed. This contest and those of Bok and Filene and the Wilson Peace Award are bound to keep the subject of peace before the people of the world. Such publicity will result in a serious consideration of the subject by people who would not ordinarily have considered it. The results will doubtless be_more far-reaching than we can realize.

Dr. Jordan recommended that "the World Federation make intensive studies of certain matters pertinent to world amity through the continuous operation of appropriate committees on education for peace, these to report at stated meetings of the Federation and to the various national organizations corresponding to and including our own National Education Association, indicating lines of action likely to contribute toward international concord." Dr. Jordan suggested the formation of a number of committees, among them a committee to investigate the present teaching of history the world over; a committee on the teaching of patriotism; a committee to consider the possibility of better relations through the international use of athletic sports and a committee to consider without prejudice the question of military training in school and college.

The award does not call for legislative action and will not be submitted to referendum vote. The commission of award included Henry Noble McCracken, president of Vassar College; Olive M. Jones, New York; J. W. Crabtree, secretary of the N. E. A., Washington; Cora Wilson Stewart, Frankfort, Kentucky; William Gibbs McAdoo, Los Angeles; and R. A. Milliken, Pasadena, California.


The National University of Mexico, Mexico City, will hold a summer session during July and August. Many teachers want to do some professional study during their vacation yet they feel the need of the stimulus which comes from travel in new surroundings. A summer at the University of Mexico will give both the necessary relaxation and splendid facilities for study. The summer course at the University affords opportunity for the student to study Spanish in a native atmosphere and in spare moments to make sightseeing trips to the famous old archaeological ruins. formation regarding the school may be secured from Sr. Manuel Romero de Terreros, Secretary of the Summer School, Universidad Nacional de Mexico, Mexico City, D. F.


INTERNATIONAL DEBATING Olympic contests, yacht races, even horse races are weaving closer the bonds of international union for athletes and sportsmen. We are as familiar today with the endurance of Finnish runners, the speed of Sir Thomas Lipton's yachts and of Epinard, the French racehorse, as we are with the results of a World's Series or an Alma Mater football


World federations of clubs and associations, Near East Relief, Nobel prizes and international peace awards are cementing closer the more serious interests in our lives.

Yesterday's paper tells that a Zepplin crossed the Atlantic in thirty-four hours; today's that London is dancing to radio jazz broadcasted from the United States.

The tours which debaters from the Cambridge and the Oxford Debating Unions make through the United States every fall, debating with teams representing many of our universities, is a factor decidedly important in drawing together the student life of American and English Universities. The past fall on such a tour the Cambridge team debated with the University of Pennsylvania team on the subject, Resolved, That all countries should recognize the present government in Russia. On

a similar tour the Oxford team debated with Columbia University students the subject, Resolved, That this House is opposed to the principles of prohibition. Malcolm McDonald, son of the former British Prime Minister, was one of the Oxford debaters.

Arguments, viewpoint and method of delivery of the English debaters are naturally very different from those of the American teams, but both teams of men maintain an unprejudiced, almost detached, manner of reasoning without which international debating would be impossible. Each man is broadening his outlook, accepting the best his opponent offers, rejecting the chaff.

Judges do not render decisions at the inter. national debates, but the audience is permitted to indicate the argument which meets with its approval. The late Colonel Theodore Roosevelt disliked the overemphasis placed upon victory in American collegiate debating. This is a step away from such a tendency, not only a step which recognizes such a victory as ephemeral, but a step toward better fellowship and a practical training for future life.

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Vol. 73, No. 5

The bizarre theory that all men should be
chloroformed at forty was, of course, never
enunciated by the distinguished man to whom
it was attributed. Dr. Osler was not guilty.
The idea still
But small good that did him.
clings to his name; and it will be many long
years before it is forgotten.

Once Dr. Osler actually did say this: "Oral hygiene, the hygiene of the mouth, is the one single thing most important to the public. There is nothing more important in the whole range of hygiene than this." Vital words, those. And well worth bearing in mind. But what happened? The world-eager for the sensational, the striking-passed them by. Most of us promptly forgot all about them.

Collier's has long realized the importance of Dr. Osler's pronouncement on "oral hygiene." We have dramatized it, preached it, demonstrated it by object lessons from schools that are practicing it and adding to the health and happiness of a vast army of children. Now comes another striking evidence of the fruits of the gospel of mouth hygiene.

This time New York City shows the way. Beginning November 10 and continuing to December 5, inclusive, the Allied Dental Council will have a Mouth Hygiene and Health Exhibit in New York City's Astor Library building. To that exhibit more than three thousand dentists-members of the council-will give their time and money to show Father Knickerbocker what's the matter with his mouth.

Why can't somewhat similar exhibits be staged wherever they will do good-which, of course, means everywhere? Why can't every city and town in America have one?

Think it over, you who are interested. Collier's will gladly show you how to get to work in your town.-Collier's Magazine, October 25.


The American's Creed Fellowship wishes to give every graduate of the elementary schools of the United States a copy of the Book of the American's Creed as a summary of our political faith and as a basis for explaining the principles of constitutional government. Each graduate who can recite the following Creed is to receive a copy of the book:

I believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign Nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union, one and inseparable, established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.

I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws; to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

The headquarters of the fellowship are at 849 Park avenue, Baltimore, Md.


School papers are distinct assets to the
as clearing
school community. They serve
houses for announcements, broadcast school
news, are an incentive to school spirit and
give the school pupils splendid drill in the
teamwork necessary to conduct a paper or
magazine successfully.

receives many such school magazines and pa-
pers from senior, junior and occasionally grade
schools throughout the State. In going through
these files it is surprising what good work
The staff
the young journalists are doing.
is usually composed entirely of students who
Often the
are under faculty supervision.
printing is done in the industrial department
of the school. The papers in general show
good proportion: a little literary work, some
humor, timely editorials and much school news.

Schools that are ambitious to make their school papers the very best possible should write to the Central Interscholastic Press AsThis Association at Madison, Wisconsin.

sociation was founded in 1921 for the purpose of helping secondary school papers to secure the best results in form, style and general make-up.

Certain features of these school publications are worth mentioning.

The Ben Franklin, published twice a month by the Benjamin Franklin Junior High School, New Castle, always has an attractive and individual cover. The paper is given over largely to school news items and editorials but features literary work, jokes and sports also. The publication is printed at the school.

Canary and Blue is published monthly by the students of the Allentown High School. It is printed by the printing department under the direction of James E. Gaffney, instructor of printing. The November issue is devoted to football and features cuts of the team. The format of the magazine is creditable.

The Coker is published monthly by the Connellsville High School, of which W. G. Davis is principal. One interesting section is devoted to poetry contributed by students. The amount of advertising indicates an able business department.

The Echo is published by the Douglass and Weiser Junior High School at Reading and is printed by the Department of Practical Arts of the Reading High School for Boys. The June Promotion Number contains a number of interesting cuts which makes the number a worth-while souvenir for the pupils.

The Garnet and White is published monthly by the students of West Chester High School. The October number is a memorial number to Addison L. Jones, Superintendent of West Chester Schools, who died on October 4.

THE Bellevue High School, of which T. E. Garber is Supervising Principal, edits a paper

called The Gleeman which contains some good literary contributions and some really funny jokes and cartoons. Best of all, the alumni seem to be interested in its success.

THE High Post published every two weeks by the Latrobe High School is a newspaper in the real sense of the word for there is much news of interest and value to the student in its columns. Its make-up is creditable and its style is clearcut.

The Irwinner is published by the students of Irwin Avenue Junior High School, Pittsburgh. It is devoted largely to school news. Quoting from its March 28 issue

"As I'm a sinner

It surely is an A-1 school that puts out this Irwinner."

Latimer Life is published and printed by the students of Latimer Junior High School, Pittsburgh. The first cover is always an attractive piece of art work and the fourth cover features student drawn cartoons on school life. Special numbers are dedicated to such subjects as American Writers, Seeing America, Festival, Better Speech, Armistice.

The Leader, a semi-monthly paper published by the students of Mahanoy Township High School, Mahanoy City, states that the policy of the paper is (1) To promote clean and strong manhood and womanhood. (2) To strengthen co-operation between home and school. (3) To enlarge athletic activities. (4) To stimulate good scholarship. (5) To stand firm for American institutions. That's splendid stand for a high school paper to take, isn't it?


The MUnite is published monthly by the students and faculty of Mount Union High School in the form of an eight-page newspaper. One 1924 issue has a news story of a chapel program which the alumni put on. Such an attitude on the part of the alumni shows proper school spirit.

The Northeaster is published monthly by the Northeast Junior High School at Reading and printed by the department of practical arts of the Reading High School for Boys. The June number contains cuts of faculty, organizations and pupils, making a satisfactory substitute for a year book.

The Oracle is a bimonthly magazine published by the students of Abington High School. The Oracle is a member of the Central Scholastic Press Association. The editorials, stories and poems are very well written. original drawings are attractive.


The Red and Blue published six times dur-. ing the school year by the students of the McKeesport High School covers the round of activities of the school in an able fashion. Items on faculty, courses of study, Education Week, etc. show that the more serious side of school life is not being neglected by this publication. This magazine is entirely self-supporting.

The Red and Black is published monthly by the senior class of the Boys' High School at Reading. An interesting magazine dealing largely with school activities. The stories and essays used are worth reading.

The Red and Blue Review published monthly by the Delta High School is now in its third volume.

School News is a four-page newspaper published biweekly by the Philipsburg Public Schools. This paper strikes an unusual note by including items of interest to the grades. Among other advantages to be found in including grade school items is the important fact that it widens the circle of readers of the school paper.

THE Sentinel, a monthly magazine published by the Dunbar Township High School, R. K. Smith, Superintendent, contains many interesting essays, stories and poems by high school students. Such a magazine reflects effective classroom work. The commencement number is a substitute for the customary year book.

The York High Weekly, published by the York High School, is a four-page newspaper which gives a weekly summary of the school life-athletics, clubs, programs, prizes. The editorial page contains a library corner which holds out constant invitation to students to read the books listed. The school calendar for the coming week is a good feature.


The Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh Station of the Department of the Interior, has prepared for free distribution a one-reel motion picture entitled "Play Safe." This film is being distributed to the schools of the State in the interest of street safety education. The picture shows vividly street traffic conditions and the hazards resulting from carelessness on the part of pedestrians and drivers.

The reel consists of slow burning material of standard size and perforation such as is used in motion picture theatres. It requires about fifteen minutes for a showing. It will be valuable as an aid in safety campaigns and in teaching school children and adults the necessity for care in order that we may walk or drive in safety.

The film may be procured on application to the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines Experiment Station, Pittsburgh.

R. S. V. P.

There was a young maid so benighted,
Who never knew when she was slighted;
She went to a party
And ate just as hearty,
As if she had been invited!



Charles A. Wagner, late superintendent of the schools of Chester, died at his home on November 21, 1924. Dr. Wagner was born at Hamburg, Pa., December 15, 1863.

He received his early education in the public schools of Hamburg and Gratersford. Later he attended Ursinus Academy, the West Chester State Normal School, Ursinus College and the University of Pennsylvania. From the last two he received degrees.

Dr. Wagner first taught in the rural schools of Montgomery County. In 1897 he became supervising principal of Cheltenham township schools and later instructor in pedagogy at West Chester State Normal School. He served as the first Commissioner of Education in the State of Delaware from 1913 to 1917, severing his connections there to become superintendent of the public schools of Chester. This position he held until his death.

Dr. Wagner taught in summer sessions of the University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania State College and St. Lawrence University. He spoke frequently at teachers' institutes and conventions.

Among his publications are: Outlines of the History of Education; Grouping by Similarity as a Factor in Spelling; Common Sense in School Supervision (published in 1921). Another book, Growing Conceptions of Supervision, was in process of development at the time of his death.


Cora E. Everett, a member of the faculty of the West Chester State Normal School, died of pneumonia on December 2.

Miss Everett had been at the head of the department of reading and later of public speaking at West Chester State Normal School for twenty-nine years. Many students have profited by her splendid teaching and fine character.

She was especially skilled in artistic staging and the presentation of amateur plays. The community as well as the school benefited by her genius.

Miss Everett was born in Norwood, Mass., but early in her girlhood moved to Colorado where she was graduated from the Denver High School. The family returned to the East about this time and she studied public speaking in Boston.

After completing her preparatory work Miss Everett became assistant professor of public speaking at Wellesley College where she remained for seven years, leaving there to go to West Chester State Normal.

Miss Everett kept abreast of new methods and broadening interests by university work and European travel. She received her degree from Columbia University.

Miss Everett was buried from the family home in Norwood, Mass.


THE NEW FIELD SF VICE During the four months in which the new Field Service has operated, the District Directors have visited every county in the State giving a service of from two to ten days to each.

Personal visits were made to more than six hundred different school buildings which included rural, elementary, high and consolidated schools. Over fifteen hundred different teachers were individually visited, approximately 100 projects worked out and over 300 special conferences with groups of teachers, school directors and patrons, conducted.

McKean County

The school board of Annin township is considering a consolidated school to be located at Turtle Point. The directors have acquired additional ground and have improved the school building that it might meet State standards. The transportation is reported as not over 21⁄2 miles.

Port Allegany has a well planned new high school building under construction.

Superintendent Lillibridge publishes a monthly school bulletin with which he keeps his teachers informed of new projects within the county. He includes pertinent educational announcements.

Elk County

A drive for rural school libraries and good framed pictures is being conducted by Superintendent Sweeney. Mimeographed bulletins from the central office are boosting the former while the superintendent is personally carrying a fine portrait of Roosevelt to every school house.

The Fox township high school at Kersey has been remodeled. A commercial course has been added and the high school faculty increased to four teachers.

Millstone township has just completed a new high school building of smaller type. It is located on a three-acre tract of ground that will be improved in the spring.

Ridgway borough is now using its fine new Century Memorial Building which houses its six year high school organization. The building cost about $200,000 and represents many modern ideas in schoolhouse planning. School Boards planning to build will find much of interest and value here.

Horton township has a well-planned consolidated school building nearly ready for occupancy. It includes a four-year high school. This building is worthy of a visit by school boards contemplating the erection of a consolidated school of six or eight rooms at a reasonable cost.

The public high school building at St. Marys was completely destroyed by fire on October 16. Principal J. J. Lynch succeeded-with the aid of firemen-in rescuing the high school

records of the past twenty years. The school board promptly secured temporary quarters and reopened the schools on the following Monday morning. A new high school building is under construction and will be ready for use in September, 1925.

Highland township has erected three portable buildings-two at Durant City and one at Russell City. A good district-owned bus is in use at Russell City.

Cameron County

Emporium borough is erecting a much needed high school building. Principal J. M. Lord and County Superintendent C. E. Plasterer have under consideration a recommendation to the School Board for the reorganization of the present high school on a 6-6 basis.

Chester County

County Superintendent Clyde T. Saylor has requested his assistants to visit all beginning teachers in rural schools once each month.

The joint board at Unionville has painted the interior walls of its big consolidated school building. One new truck has been added to its transportation equipment. An additional teacher of agriculture and one of home economics have been added to the faculty. The music instructor devotes part of his time to teaching instrumental music to individual pupils who desire this work and will furnish their own instruments. Under the leadership of Principal Floyd C. Fretz, the students and teachers are grading the school grounds and making volley ball and tennis courts.

Downingtown borough is now using its new elementary school building.

East Caln township has closed its one-room school and is transporting all its pupils to Downingtown borough.

South Coventry township is erecting a threeroom consolidated school on a three-acre plot of ground.

West Goshen township school board, of which Dr. S. C. Schmucker is president, has a contractor at work on a new three-room building with which to provide modern educational facilities for the children living adjacent to •West Chester borough.

Willistown township has replaced the old two-room consolidated school at Green Tree with a handsome stone building of four rooms. The school is developing a healthy educational interest through live community meetings. This district now has two consolidated schools. Sites for consolidated schools were recently approved in Charleston township and in East Coventry township.

A two-room annex to the South Pottstown building in North Coventry township has just been completed.

At the recent general election, Oxford borough voters authorized a $60,000 loan with which to provide a much needed annex to its high school building.

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