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J. K. TOWNSEND of Wilkinsburg, president of the State School Directors' Association, has suffered a paralytic stroke and at present is seriously ill at the Columbia Hospital, Wilkinsburg.

WALTER LEFFERTS, principal of the Hanna School, Philadelphia, has been elected president of the Philadelphia Teachers Association to fill out the unexpired term of Albert W. Dudley, who resigned recently.

L. RALSTON THOMAS, principal of the Friends' Central School, Philadelphia for the past two years, has accepted the principalship of the Moses Brown School, Providence, R. I. where he was formerly a teacher.

BARCLAY L. JONES, who recently received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, is the new principal of the Friends' Central School, Philadelphia.

SUPERINTENDENT JAMES J. BEVAN of Carbon County announced to the Lansford School Board on November 17 that a free scholarship covering all expenses of a two-year course in the Keystone State Normal School has been given to the Lansford High School by a public spirited citizen who withheld his name. The most deserving student in the class of 1925 of the Lansford High School will be awarded the scholarship. Superintendent Bevan is trustee of the Scholarship Fund.

NORA STERRY, principal of a school in that section of Los Angeles recently quarantined for pneumonic plague, raised the American flag over the schoolhouse and made the school the center for 1,500 Mexicans who, shut off from the rest of the city, were panicstricken. She established a kitchen and provided food for the needy. When the quarantine was lifted Miss Sterry found herself a heroine. Mexicans gave her a gold medal in gratitude for her work. Certainly the high test of heroism is to carry on at one's post of duty in time of danger.


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WILLIAM L. EINOLF of Lancaster has been awarded a Faculty Scholarship in the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Mr. Einolf is a first year man.

PRESIDENT THOMAS of Pennsylvania State College delivered the principal address at the annual banquet of the Delaware Vocational Society at Dover, Delaware on November 14.

WALTER L. PHILIPS, acting superintendent of Delaware County public schools, has resigned in order to accept the superintendency of the West Chester public schools. Mr. Philips succeeds the late Addison L. Jones.

W. H. SWANK of Springfield, formerly second. assistant superintendent, has been advanced to the position of acting superintendent of Delaware County. A. G. C. Smith, former superintendent, was retired by the State Retirement Board.

H. H. ROUNDS, formerly of the Jermyn public schools, is now associated with the schools of Lanesboro, Susquehanna County.

MAY E. RYAN and Fidelis R. Ryan, sisters, of Sheriden won the $200 prize offered by the Pennsylvania State Chamber of Commerce for the best slogan descriptive of the Keystone State. The winning slogans are "Forty thousand square miles beautiful" and "Modern highways and historic byways."

JOHN J. TIGERT, United States Commissioner of Education, addressing the Berks County School Directors' Association at Reading, said that the greatest problem in education today is to get a square deal for the country boy and girl and that it is hard of solution because of the economic factors involved.

MARTHA OSTENSE, 24, school teacher from the Northwest, has been awarded $13,500 in the contest conducted by Dodd, Mead and Company, publishers, Pictorial Review and Famous Players-Lasky Corporation, for her first novel "The Passionate Flight." The judges declared her story far superior to the other 1,500 manuscripts submitted. Miss Ostense is a native of Norway. She came to this country when two years old. Her novel deals with the farmers of the Northwest.

CORA M. MCKEEHAN, Secretary of the Franklin County Local Branch of the P. S. E. A., reports an institute in that county which gave the teachers information and recreation blended in just the proper proportions.

JOHN LISKA, a student in a Wood County High School, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, won the prize of four thousand dollars for the four years' University Scholarship offered by H. S. Firestone through the Highway Education Board for the best essay on "The Relation of Improved Highways to Home Life."

At a meeting of the Scottdale School Board held on the evening of October 6th, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: "That the borough schools withdraw from the county organization and that the board elect a district superintendent." The supervising principal, J. Nevin Waugaman was elected superintendent by the Board. The Department of Public Instruction issued his commission November 14, 1924.

Boys' Life, owned and published by the Boy Scouts of America, Fifth Avenue Bldg., New York City, purposes to appeal not only to the Boy Scouts of America but to all boys in America. The Editors of Boys' Life desire to make it so full of interesting and worth-while things that all American boys will want to become subscribers.

THE Nobel Prize in literature was awarded to one Wladislaw Reymont of Poland who, whatever his attainments in his own country, is little known in America.

THE Annual Meeting of the Central Arts Association was held in Lancaster on November 22. L. H. Dennis, State Director of Vocational Education, and H. E. Gress, superintendent of Lancaster City Schools, spoke at che luncheon which the Association held at the Stevens House. The Central Arts Association includes the teachers of vocational education in Lancaster, York, Adams, Dauphin, Lebanon, Cumberland, Franklin and Schuylkill counties.

ALLENTOWN has a school building program which involves more than half a million dollars. The contract has been awarded for a new building in the fifteenth ward which will cost approximately $235,000.

THE late W. A. Phillips of Mount Carmel left a bequest of $10,000 to Dickinson College.

A NEW two room schoolhouse is to be erected in the fourth ward of Bristol on a piece of ground given for that purpose by Joseph R. Grundy. The building is to be of stucco and built according to plans approved by the State Department of Public Instruction. It will be built free of cost by Angelo Di Renzo. These two citizens are performing a real service for at the present time four departments of the Bristol schools are working on five hour time.

THE College of Education of the University of Minnesota, under the direction of Fred Engelhardt, Professor of Educational Administration, is making a school building and financial survey of Robbinsdale, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis. Dr. Engelhardt was formerly director of administration, Department of Public Instruction for Pennsylvania.

THE total eclipse of the sun on January 24 will be visible in the eastern part of the United States if the weather is favorable. The shadowy path of the total eclipse will be visible at practically the same time in the eastern and western part of Pennsylvania: Allegheny from 7:55 to 10:18 A. M.; Harrisburg from 7:57 to 10:24 A. M.; Philadelphia from 7:58 to 10:26 A. M.

AMERICA'S educational center is moving westward, President Thomas of Pennsylvania State College told delegates to the sixteenth annual session of the Inter-Fraternity Conference today. "The fraternity world cannot afford to be indifferent to the expansion of public higher education," he said. "No fraternity claiming to be national can keep the geographical center of its chapters east of the Allegheny mountains or ignore the state colleges and universities. If it adopts such a provincial or prejudiced policy it will find in a few years that it is outside of the educational life of the nation."

A MEMORIAL booklet on the late Edwin Erle Sparks, former president of Pennsylvania State College, is to be published. The committee responsible for carrying out the plan includes Fred L. Pattee, head of the English department of the college, Erwin W. Bunkle, for many years college librarian, and Eugene C. Woodruff of the electrical engineering department.

THE National Society of Vocational Education met in Indianapolis December 11-13. L. H. Dennis, State Director of Vocational Education in Pennsylvania, president, presided at the convention.

SUNBURY'S first grade received a box which children of the fifth grade of Melissa, Texas had filled with manufactured and agricultural products. The box will be returned filled with Northumberland County products. The plan fosters direct study of conditions in different parts of the country.

THE William Penn Charter of Liberties with the seal and signature of the founder is to be saved for the State through the enterprise of the Philadelphia Public Ledger. Twenty-five thousand dollars, the purchase price, is to be raised by popular subscription.

THE value of music in education has just received special recognition in Germany. The amount of time devoted to music in the schools has been increased from one hour per week to between three and four hours.

LITTLE BRITAIN, Colerain and Drumore township, Lancaster County, have provided stabling at their high school buildings which will accommodate from ten to fifteen horses each. A visitor recently counted thirty horses in these stables. The roads leading to these high schools are quite muddy. Parents have been willing to spare a horse daily that their children may receive the benefits of a high school education.

SIXTY years of continuous service as a school director in the same district is the proud record of Septimus E. Nevin, until quite recently treasurer of the London Britain Township School District in Chester County. It was only recently, because of advanced years, that he retired from school board service, although he still maintains an active interest in school affairs.

Two important resolutions were recently passed by the Lancaster County school directors, one recommending that the county commissioners furnish an office clerk for the county superintendent, in order that his office may be open every day; and a second protesting against the exploitation of country schools for the sale of magazines and candy and the soliciting of orders for books and magazines during school hours.

A LINCOLN pilgrimage special in three sections carried 1,800 Iowa and Missouri school children to do homage at the tomb of Lincoln on November 28. The Shenandoah (Iowa) Kiwanis club sponsored the pilgrimage.

THE "Penn State Players," a student theatrical production organization at Pennsylvania State College, will assist without charge Pennsylvania schools in selecting suitable plays for presentation. More than 400 schools have been assisted. For further information address A. C. Cloetingh, State College, Pa.

THAT Hummelstown voted a $63,000 bond issue at the election November 4 was due largely to the excellent publicity campaign of Supervising Principal E. Guy Greenawalt. Plans for the new building were prepared and displayed before November 4. Dotted maps on exhibition informed the public of the location of the school population. Folders explained how the present need could be met and a large mass meeting under the auspices of the Parent-Teacher Association focused attention

upon the issue by means of lantern slides of the proposed building and by speeches of educators and townspeople.

THE cornerstone of the new Wilson Borough Junior-Senior High School was laid on November 8. When entirely completed the high school will contain twenty-six classrooms, a manual training room, gymnasium and auditorium. The Wilson school has expanded rapidly. In 1912 the high school was rated third grade, having but a two-year course and one properly qualified teacher. In 1914 the standard was raised to second grade with a three-year course and two teachers. In 1919 the high school became first class with a fouryear course. In 1923 the 6-3-3 plan was approved and a junior high school was established. At the present time there are 5 teachers and 250 pupils in the junior high school and 6 teachers and 150 pupils in the senior high school. M. Alton Richards is supervising prinIcipal of the Wilson schools.

REGISTRATION in the Institute for Volunteer Recreation Leaders held annually at Reading has been limited to 100 according to Recreation Director Earle A. Pritchard. Students are to be taught how to conduct recreational stunts at parties and public gatherings.

CARBONDALE High School Library which opened the first of December is one of the most complete in that section of the State, according to Adeline B. Zachert, State Director of School Libraries. The school board offered to give as much for the library equipment as the students could raise. The library now contains 2,000 volumes. Harry W. Coleman, a member of the faculty of the Carbondale High School, is in charge of the library.

GIRL SCOUT TROOP 38 of Paxtang won a silver cup because its members gathered more Tussock moth cocoons than any other troop in Harrisburg. Troop 38 had twenty-four quarts and one pint of the cocoons to use as fuel for the bonfire on which the Girl Scouts of the city burned their booty. George H. Ashley, State Geologist, on presenting the cup spoke of the destruction caused by the Tussock moth to trees in town. In the country, said he, the danger is not so great, for birds and other natural enemies destroy them.

THE Rose Avenue School at New Castle was dedicated November 21. J. Linwood Eisenberg, Principal Slippery Rock State Normal School, made the dedicatory address. The school, which has been used for classes since September 2, is in the congested East Side of New Castle. It contains fifteen classrooms and one large gymnasium and playroom which can be used as an auditorium. The cost of the building was $200,693.

MARION County, Oregon has been selected as the community for the Far Western Child Health Demonstration, the fourth in the Commonwealth Fund Child Health Demonstration


Program. Earlier demonstrations are under
way in Fargo, North Dakota; Athens, Georgia,
and Rutherford County, Tennessee.


BOY SCOUT WEEK, February 8-14, is the fifteenth anniversary of the founding of the Boy Scout Movement in this country. active membership of 686,000 men and boys as well as 2,000,000 former scouts and all the parents and relatives and friends of these many boys will unite in interest and good wishes in marking the occasion.

JUST off Fifth Avenue, 1,000 feet from the busiest corner in the world, at 20 West 47th Street, New York City are the new offices of the Gregg Publishing Company. They have more room and more daylight than in their former quarters and are "on their toes" to serve the cause of education.

THE Pennsylvania Academy of Science met in Harrisburg on November 28. H. C. Cowles of the University of Chicago and Edward Hart of Lafayette College addressed the evening meeting.

AT a special school election held by the Glassboro Board of Education on November 12 the purchase of a new school site on the Chestnut Ridge tract was approved. The new school site which includes 24 building lots was purchased for $12,000.

FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL COLLEGE graduates are planning a drive for $250,000. The money is needed to carry forward the college building program.

THE Junior High Schools of Richmond, Indiana have found one way to solve the problem of how to approach the election of a foreign language in the secondary schools. Four years ago they began to teach a course in General Language, with the purpose of revealing to the pupil that his personal connection with language is as vital as any other of his school activities. The general idea is to surround him with the atmosphere of language in the making, as seen correlative with race evolution. He comes then to realize that it is living and growing, that it is not static but subject to change. His interest moves from the general to the concrete and by the end of the course he is able to arrive at a more or less definite understanding, as to his ability to master a foreign tongue, and if a language is decided upon, whether it shall be modern or classical. If no language is elected, he still finds the course has enriched every phase of his future studies in English and kindred


1,043,000 automobile licenses have been issued for pleasure cars in 1924. The Department of Highways, Harrisburg, issues on request a booklet entitled Facts Every Motorist Should Know.

THE Board of Trustees of Wilson College has announced that the assets of that institution have passed the million dollar mark.

January, 1925

The present endowment of the college is $424,000 represented by invested funds.

A FILM of "still" pictures, "Boys and Girls and Books" has been prepared with the cooperation of the A. L. A. and produced and distributed by the Bray Screen Products, Inc., 130 West 46th Street, New York City. The series of 64 pictures dramatizes the part books can play in the life of boys and girls.

JOHN DEWEY, who on the invitation of the Turkish government spent the summer in Turkey investigating the educational system, will do a similar work for Russia on the invitation of Madame Lenine, widow of the Soviet leader.

DIMITR I. KONOMOFF has endowed a chair at the Free University of Sofia, Bulgaria for the study of President Wilson's fourteen points. The eleventh point dealing with freedom of minorities and self-determination will receive special attention.

THE Lansdowne School Board offers an original plan for financing the erection of the new high school building which will cost $450,000. They have available $250,000. There are 10 districts in the vicinity without high school facilities of their own which are anxious to arrange high school tuition for their pupils for some years to come. president of the Yeadon School Board, has George G. Geyer, vice suggested that the $200,000 difference between the cost and the available fund be divided between these 10 districts according to individual agreements which should terminate at the end of a five-year period, to be renewed at the end of that period if the outside district desire and the Lansdowne facilities be adequate. In case the contract terminate with any district at the end of the five-year period Lansdowne would provide for the refund of the $20,000 less two per cent per annum. The plan provides for suitable district representation.

448,267 students attended colleges and professional schools during the school year 192021. New York State takes care of 55,130 students, more than one-tenth of the total. Pennsylvania ranks second, with 36,262 students attending its colleges. These two with Illinois, Ohio, Massachusetts and California have a total of 201,145 nearly one-half of the total collegiate enrollment for the United States.

THE Cost of education for each school child in England is £11 8s. 9d (about $55). This is a very slight decrease over the two previous years. The latest figures available for the United States are in the Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1923 No. 16. This shows a per capita cost of $59.69 in 1920. The same year the per capita cost in public elementary schools was $39.12 and in high schools $127.20.

DEAN RAYMOND WALTERS of Swarthmore College has worked out an interesting table comparing a number of colleges with regard

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Prevent this waste by protecting and reinforcing the books during the full school year.



Miles C. Holden, President

Springfield, Massachusetts

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