THE "Buddy Plan" in the schools of Tulsa, Oklahoma, enables two boys to hold the same job and thereby attend school alternate weeks. Ambitious boys who have not had the opportunity to obtain as much schooling as they desired because of the need of making a living now have an opportunity to obtain the desired instruction. The Western Union Telegraph Company has adopted the plan of giving the boys who desire to enroll in the school preferred routes, so that they can earn more in their alternate weeks of work than they have been able to earn each week heretofore. THE March report of Thomas Francis, Supervisor of the Grade Evening Schools of Scranton, shows splendid Americanization work done in the foreign classes. 549 men and 145 women attend these classes. Of this number 459 are enrolled in an Americanization school for the first time. THE Westinghouse Technical Night School has established a department called the Westinghouse Technical Night School Press which will furnish information on technical, commercial and industrial subjects to educational institutions and corporation schools. IN Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Altoona, Harrisburg, Reading, New Castle, Erie and many other districts, unit shops have been provided in a variety of industrial arts activities. Such occupations as woodworking, sheet metal working, machine shop, electrical construction, printing, auto repair and cement work are to be found in some combination in the districts named. A small district requiring but one shop is faced with the responsibility of providing a variety of occupational try-outs within one shop. This arrangement is known as a "general shop." In order to assist school people in providing for general shops the Department of Public Instruction has issued a bulletin containing suggestions as to equipment and courses. This is available upon ap plication to the Bureau of Vocational Education. CZECHOSLOVAKIA has 1,646 industrial and technical schools with an enrollment of almost 200,000. IN London lip reading is taught to all deaf children of normal intelligence. THE rural school project of continental United States consists in educating over 18 millions of young people between the ages of 5 and 20 who live in small towns or in the open country. Two years ago one-fourth of the rural school enrollment and 45 per cent of the teaching force were in 187,951 one-room schools. A hopeful sign for the future is set forth in the Bulletin "Consolidation of Schools and Transportation of Pupils" published by the Bureau of Education which states that in 1920, 389,783 pupils were enrolled in 12,000 consolidated schools. THE Camden teachers, numbering 700, have joined the Philadelphia Teachers Association as associate members. PENNSYLVANIA has approximately 125 school bands and between 600 and 700 orchestras. Some districts have more than one band or orchestra, Harrisburg for example, has 3 bands and 14 orchestras. THE design of Paul Cret, head of the art school of the University of Pennsylvania, has been selected for the "Peace Tower" to be erected in Washington by the National Carillon Association as a memorial to the sacrifices and ideals of the American people in the World War. Dr. Cret's conception is a carillon tower 360 feet high with a 60 foot base. It will contain 54 bells capable of producing 270 tones and will cost $3,000,000. When completed, concerts will be given on appropriate occasions by masters of carillon performance. FIVE paintings, the work of G. Richmond, C. Clark, A. Heckman, K. Calvin and E. Roddy -all Meadville artists, have been presented to the Meadville school district to be hung in the corridors of the new high school which was recently dedicated. LAFAYETTE COLLEGE gets $50,000 through. the will of the late Calvin Pardee. KATHARINE A. PRITCHETT, Supervisor of Nutrition for the Department of Public Instruction the last four years, has been transferred to the Department of Welfare to serve as Consultant in Administrative Nutrition for the various State institutions under the supervision of the Department of Welfare. IN the national competition held by the Beaux Arts Institute of Design, New York, students from the Philadelphia School of Design for Women captured 11 awards. The honors included first and second medals and nine honorable mentions. How does music educate? By stimulating mental alertness; by reaching, awak- Try these lessons in discrimination One of these selections says "busy," one "quiet, Have you secured attention, interest, concentration, discrimination? Have you aroused the imagination, the sense of beauty, the joy of discovery, the power of expression? Then you have contributed to the education of the children. Don't forget to mention the Pennsylvania School Journal when writing to advertisers. It will be appreciated. THE Lancaster School Board has appropriated $6,000 for an educational survey and has engaged Professor Paul Hanus of Harvard University to direct the work. EDWIN E. BACH, formerly director of Americanization, Department of Public Instruction, is now assistant to the director of the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce. TEACHERS and bankers at the Eastern District Savings Conference held in New York, April 24 agreed that education and finance had found in the school savings movement ground for development of better citizenship not only among the young, but also, through the children, among the foreign born adults. RUDYARD KIPLING at a banquet of the Rhodes Scholarship Fund in Oxford put the formula of college association into words peculiarly understandable to students. "The style of a man's play, plus the normal range of his vices, divided by the square of his work and multiplied by the coefficient of his nationality, gives not only his potential resistance under breaking strain, but indicates, within a few points, how far he may be trusted to pull off a losing game. This knowledge can only be acquired in the merciless intimacy of one's early days." -Literary Digest. SUPER-NORMAL children form habits of laziness and carelessness because the work in the classroom does not stimulate their energy and ambition. Professor Terman is making a study of 1,000 gifted children. These children have as much general information at eight as other children have at twelve. They are more conscientious and less boastful than other children. Their heredity is demonstrably superior. Their racial ancestry is chiefly northern and western European and Jewish. Sharon, Lebanon, Washington, Erie, Reading, Homestead, Norristown, Dunmore and Butler have systematic plans for special promotion of these gifted children. New Castle, Allentown, Altoona and Philadelphia are trying out individual plans. On the basis of present differential birth rates, 1,000 present Harvard graduates will have in 200 years but 50 living descendants, while 1,000 South Italians will have multiplied to 100,000.-Pennsylvania's Children. THE report submitted by the Dawes Committee to the Reparations Committee contained 44,000 words-a sizable book-and was the longest dispatch ever cabled. In nine hours every word was transmitted from Paris to the Associated Press, Manhattan. Within 24 hours it was delivered to six American newspapers. It was sent by regenerating repeaters over four cables. A cable streams along from an inked "syphon" pen in angles and curves. The operator reads in words, not letters.— Time. Fred W. Hixson, president of Allegheny College, died at his home in Meadville, Pennsylvania on November 23, aged fifty years. Doctor Hixson became president of Allegheny College in 1920, succeeding William H. Crawford. He was president of the University of Chattanooga from 1914 to 1920. Doctor Hixson was a graduate of De Pauw University and was ordained in the Methodist Church in 1899. He served for fifteen years as a minister in churches in Terre Haute, South Bend, Crawfordsville and other Indiana cities and was a well known lecturer and a frequent contributor on educational topics to magazines. Helen G. Moyer, a teacher in the Forney School, West Hanover Township, Dauphin County, died November 22, aged twenty-three years. Catherine A. McGuigan, one of the oldest teachers in point of service in York city public schools, died at her home in York on December 9. Miss McGuigan began teaching when eighteen years old and taught for a period of more than forty years. Most of her work was done in the Cherry Street building. When Tired or Depressed the efficiency necessary in your work It is easily and quickly assimilated; Its tonic action increases your resistance, energy and endurance. Horsford's Acid Phosphate is not a habit-forming medicine. It is just a superior nourishing food. All Druggists Rumford Chemical Works V-49 3-24 Mrs. Gene Stratton Porter was killed in an automobile accident on December 6 at Los Angeles, California. Mrs. Porter is the author of the popular novels "A Girl of the Limberlost," "Michael O'Halloran," "Freckles" and "The Fire Bird." She had been engaged recently in adapting her books for motion pictures. Giacomo Puccini, composer of Tosca, Manon Lescaut, La Boheme and Madame Butterfly, died at Brussels, November 29. His operas which have sung themselves into the public's heart will be his eternal monument. Pennsylvanians have an additional interest in that his "Madame Butterfly" was founded on a magazine story by John Lutter Long of Philadelphia. CONTRIBUTORS' COLUMN Bruce M. Watson, author of "The Truth About the Proposed Federal Child Labor Amendment” appearing in this issue of the JOURNAL, is the editor of the semi-monthly publication "Pennsylvania's Children in School and at Work" and has been managing director of the Pennsylvania Public Education and Child Labor Association since 1916. Mr. Watson has an established reputation as an educator and an author of textbooks and educational articles. He was head of the mathematics department of the Central High School, Syracuse, N. Y., 1904-1908 and superintendent of the schools of Spokane, Washington from 1908 to 1916. He is co-author with Charles Edward White of Watson and White's Arithmetical Series (3 books) and Watson and White's Modern Arithmetics (3 books). His knowledge of the child labor situation is authoritative. Adeline B. Zachert, author of "The Relation Between the Public Library and the School," has given us a new viewpoint on the changed relations between these two types of libraries. Miss Zachert's article is the result of careful study of both public and school library conditions. She has served as Director of Children's Work in the Louisville Free Public Library, as Superintendent of Library Extension in Rochester, New York, and as Organizer of the public library system in our newest possessions, the Virgin Islands. As State Director of School Libraries, Miss Zachert is promoting the establishment of school libraries in Pennsylvania with zeal and enthusiasm. C Price, $32.50 The Little Giant is a modern hygienic device that should be in every school. Put this accepted aristocrat of blackboard eraser cleaners to work in your school under our guarantee of satisfaction. Put the Guaranteed LITTLE GIANT T ELECTRIC ERASER CLEANER to Work in Your School HE Little Giant has been tested by continuous use in thousands of schools throughout the country. It has proved to be efficient in all respects, noiseless, dustless, simple and swift in its operation. It is guaranteed to clean blackboard erasers to your entire satisfaction-or your money will be refunded. The Little Giant is operated by a Universal motor, adapted to all electric currents; it is provided with nine feet of Underwriters' lamp cord with Universal plug ready to attach to any convenient lamp socket. Strongly made of malleable iron and aluminum, its weight is but eight pounds and it can be shipped by parcel post. Address Dept. S JAMES LYNN CO., 14 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago BUILDER'S BLUEPRINTS How to read them A PRACTICAL, helpful book suitable for class room study. Written by William S. Lowndes, Ph.B. 184 pages, 97 illustrations. Ten full-size blueprints are furnished free. These blueprints are at the size and scale of working drawings that are employed in the erection of buildings, plumbing work, sheet metal work, heating equipment, etc. Note this partial list of contents Drawings, blueprints and specifications; drawings used to represent buildings; use of the scale and the rule; indications of interior woodwork, plumbing work, sheet metal work, heating equipment; plans of frame building; basement plans; third wall plan; north, south, east and west elevations; plans of school building, etc. Just mail the coupon and we'll send you an attractive leaflet describing this book in detail. Educational discount allowed INTERNATIONAL TEXTBOOK COMPANY Box 6904, Scranton, Penna. Please send me a copy of your leaflet describing the book, "BUILDER'S BLUEPRINTS-How to Read Them," written by William S. Lowndes. Name... Address. Don't forget to mention the Pennsylvania School Journal when writing to advertisers. It will be appreciated. |