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Some Maps are inserted in this volume; and the careful student will probably find them the most useful parts of it. By continually referring to them, and by frequently copying them, he will get the main features of the geography of our Empire mapped upon his brain; and he will then acquire historical, statistical, and political knowledge respecting each part of that Empire with ease, perspicacity, and retentiveness. Otherwise he may experience the truth of the remarks of the old Greek historian Polybius, in the thirty-seventh section of his third book, that 'when the student has no geographical knowledge of the places mentioned, a talk about places is to him as if his would-be informant spoke in an unknown tongue, or uttered mere gibberish.'


December 6, 1871.



Geographical Position of India-Extent-Climate-Population-

State of India when the English first came there-Asiatic

Civilisation-First Charter of the East India Company-First

Voyage-First Factory- Madras, Calcutta, Bombay-Rivals of

the East India Company-Denial of the Right of the Crown to

grant Exclusive Privileges of Foreign Trade-The reunited East

India Company-Renewals of the Charter by Act of Parliament

-Decay of the Dutch and Portuguese Powers in India, growth

of the French-Long and arduous Struggle there between the

French and English—Dupleix, his Genius and Ambition— Clive

-Misery of India before the Predominance of the English-

Character of Mogul Rule-Debasement of the Hindoos-Chief

Native Power-The Mahrattas-The Nizam, the Soubahadar of

Bengal, &c.-War between French and English-French Capture

of Madras-Clive's Defence of Arcot-The Seven Years' War-

Surajah Dowlah takes Calcutta-Clive's Victory at Plassy-

Lally Tolendal-French Power in India crushed at Wanderwash

-Regulating Act passed-Indian Judicature-Warren Hastings

-The Cornwallis Regulations-Fox's India Bill-Pitt's-The

Double Government-High Character of the Governors-General

-Subsidiary Allied States-Lord Wellesley's Conquests--His

Schemes for Education--The North-Western Provinces-The

Burman Conquests-Changes of the East India Company in

1833-The Afghan War-Conquest of Sindh-Conquest of the

Punjab-The Sepoy Mutiny-The immediate Dominion of India

vested in the Crown-Statute of Transfer-Royal Proclamation-

Principles of Government for India-Present State of British

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