PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL JOURNAL Published monthly, except July and August, by the Pennsylvania State Education Association JAMES HERBERT KELLEY, Editor RACHEL SARAH TURNER, Assistant Editor JOHN PIERSOL MCCASKEY, Editor Emeritus The Pennsylvania School Journal is a member of the Educational Press Association of America and is published in accordance with the Standards of that Organization. The Journal is also a member of the Service Bureau of the National Association of Secretaries of State Education Associations, which is its direct representative in the national advertising field. The payment of the annual dues of $1.00 entitles a member to attend all the meetings of the Association and its departments, to vote for delegates to the House of Delegates, to hold office and to receive the JOURNAL monthly, and other publications and services approved by the Executive Council. Subscription to non-members is $2.00 a year; single copies, 25 cents. Advertising rates on application. .. Ezra Lehman, Shippensburg William M. Davidson, Pittsburgh First Vice President, Ex Officio. THE MUTABILITY OF EDUCATION. Joseph F. Noonan.......... NITY. Edith D. Davidson 459 465 467 .... 470 472 474 EVENING CLASSES IN HOME MAKING. Genevieve Fisher... NIA SCHOOL JOURNAL. U. L. Gordy. ORGANIZATION OF SPECIAL CLASSES AT ERIE. John C. Diehl.. 475 EDITORIAL SECTION Pritchett Report--Charles S. Davis-Meetings of Associations-Education Bill- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION... 478 479 ..... 487 The Teaching of the Constitution, J. Lynn Barnard-Classroom Libraries, When classes are over -see Europe! See the British Empire Exhibition-the foremost event of its kind ever held in. England. See Europe's marvelous art treasures, her gay, fascinating cities, her wealth of historic associations. Gain the breadth of vision that only travel gives. The champions of the British turf will race at Epsom and Ascot. Deauville will set new fashions. Paris will entertain you with sparkling gayeties. 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PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL JOURNAL Published monthly, except July and August, by the Pennsylvania State Education Association JAMES HERBERT KELLEY, Editor RACHEL SARAH TURNER, Assistant Editor JOHN PIERSOL MCCASKEY, Editor Emeritus EZRA LEHMAN, WILLIAM M. DAVIDSON, J. GEORGE BECHT, U. L. GORDY The Pennsylvania School Journal is a member of the Educational Press Association of America and is published in accordance with the Standards of that Organization. "The Journal is also a member of the Service Bureau of State Education Associations, 505 Youngerman Building, Des Moines, Iowa, which is its direct representative in the national advertising field." The payment of the annual dues of $1.00 entitles a member to attend all the meetings of the Association and its departments, to vote for delegates to the House of Delegates, to hold office and to receive the JOURNAL monthly, and other publications and services approved by the Executive Council. Subscription to non-members is $2.00 a year; single copies, 25 cents. Advertising rates on application. VALUE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL JOURNAL IN PREVENTING AND THE VALUE OF LATIN IN EDUCATION. Carter W. Trow 525 527 WHAT SHALL TAKE THE PLACE OF THE INSTITUTE? Nelson P. Benson... 535 537 A STUDENT COUNCIL PROJECT-SCHOOL NIGHT. Harry C. McKown. 538 AN EXPERIMENT IN CROSS GRADING. F. A. Frear... 539 George Payne 540 THE PART THE GENERAL SHOP SHOULD PLAY IN OUR ECONOMIC AND Forward March-The P. S. E. A. - Schoolmen's Week-On To Washington- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION.. Professional Examinations Traveling Mental Clinic-A Course in Art Apprecia- PERTINENT PAMPHLETS NEW BOOKS NOTES AND NEWS READING NOTICES CONTRIBUTORS' COLUMN NECROLOGY CALENDAR 562 565 566 572 580 580 582 582 PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL JOURNAL Published monthly, except July and August, by the Pennsylvania State Education Association JAMES HERBERT KELLEY, Editor RACHEL SARAH TURNER, Assistant Editor JOHN PIERSOL MCCASKEY, Editor Emeritus EZRA LEHMAN, WILLIAM M. DAVIDSON, J. GEORGE BECHT, U. L. GORDY The Pennsylvania School Journal is a member of the Educational Press Association of America and is published in accordance with the Standards of that Organization. The Journal is also a member of the Service Bureau of State Education Associations, 505 Youngerman Building, Des Moines, Iowa, which is its direct representative in the national advertising field. The payment of the annual dues of $1.00 entitles a member to attend all the meetings of the Association and its departments, to vote for delegates to the House of Delegates, to hold office and to receive the JOURNAL monthly, and other publications and services approved by the Executive Council. Subscription to non-members is $2.00 a year; single copies, 25 cents. Advertising rates on application. TEACHER RATING AS A MEANS OF IMPROVING INSTRUCTION. Albert Lindsay Rowland 601 COUNTY INSTITUTES 604 THE SERVICE OF THE CHEYNEY STATE NORMAL SCHOOL TO THE COMMON- 605 THE FLAG: HOW TO DISPLAY IT AND HOW TO RESPECT IT 609 611 WHAT WOULD YOU DO? 612 Joseph B. Reynolds, M. Alice Johnston, R. M. Patterson, Earl E. Stover, THE SCHOOL YEAR BOOK: LITERATURE OR HISTORY? Harry C. McKown Has Your Salary Been Increased? - Sabbatical Year Plan-Erie Convention- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Survey Committees-Exceptions to Compulsory Attendance-Examination Dates PERTINENT PAMPHLETS NEW BOOKS NOTES AND NEWS CONTRIBUTORS' COLUMN NECROLOGY CALENDAR INDEX 629 631 632 635 638 638 638 639 |