5 SEP 1923 LIBRARY SCHOOLARY Vol. LXXII No. 1 Published monthly, except July, and August, by the PENNSYLVANIA STATE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Editorial and Business Offices 10 South Market Square HARRISBURG, PA. Entered as second-class matter September 1, 1921, at the post office at Lebanon, Pa., under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided ELEMENTARY LATIN With Correlated Studies in English for Junior and Senior High Schools BY B. L. ULLMAN, Ph.D. and NORMAN E. HENRY, M.A. "The up-to-dateness of the book is its most striking characteristic. The word study, the superior and almost exhaustive photographs illustrative of Roman life, and the many phrases commonly used in English make this the most interesting first-year book of the year." This book meets the suggestions and requirements of the Pennsylvania Syllabus in Latin (1923) in the unusual amount of space devoted to Word Study, Connected Latin Reading, Historical Background, Methods and Teaching Devices, and its adaptation to the Junior High Schools. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Don't forget to mention the Pennsylvania School Journal when writing to advertisers. It will be appreciated. |