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JULY, 1843.

Parliamentary Papers. Correspondence relating to Affghanistan. Bombay Times, 1842, 1843.

Narratice of the War in Afghanistan. By Captain H. HAVELOCK. The Expedition into Afghanistan. By Dr. J. ATKINSON, Superintending Surgeon of the Bengal Division.

Rough Notes of the Campaign in Scinde and Afghanistan.


Campaign of the Army of the Indus. By R. H. KENNEDY, M.D. Superintending Surgeon to the Bombay column of the Force. Outline of the Operations of the British Troops in Scinde and Afghanistan, betwixt November 1838, and November 1842; Bombay Monthly Times, published February 1st, March 1st, April 1st, 1843.

Narrative of a Journey to Kalât, including an Account of the Insurrection at that place in 1840. By CHARLES MASSON, Esq. The Military Operations at Cabul, with a Journal of Imprisonment in Afghanistan. By Lieut. VINCENT EYRE.

A Journal of the Disasters in Afghanistan, in 1841, 1842. By LADY SALE.

IN our May Number we entered into an examination of the reasons upon which the invasion of Affghanistan was founded, and expressed the opinion to which that examination had conducted us. We now proceed to redeem our promise of offering some notice of the manner in which the great and unjust scheme was carried out; and, if our space will allow it, something like a sketch of the beginning, middle, and end,-if the end is yet come, of that strange and tragic drama. The incidents themselves are sufficiently exciting to attract the attention of those even who read merely for the gratification of curiosity, or for amusement; and for all those who find any meaning in the course of human events, few passages in recent history contain a deeper moral.

The interest which attaches to the late events in Affghanistan has in some degree extended to the earlier progress of the war,

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