A broken ALTAR, Lord, thy fervant rears, Made of a heart, and cemented with tears, Whofe parts are as thy hand did frame ; No Workmans tool hath touch'd the fame. Thy power doth cut. Wherefore each part of my hard heart To praife thy name: That if I chance to hold my peace, These ftones to praife thee may not cease. O let thy bleffed SACRIFICE be mine, And fan&ifie this ALTAR to be thine." The The Sacrifice. OH all ye, who pass by, whofe eyes and mind Was ever grief like mine? 5 The Princes of my people make a head Against their Maker: they do with me dead, Who cannot wifh, except I give them bread. Was ever grief like mine? Without me each one, who doth now me brave, 10 Had to this day been an Egyptian flave. They use that power against me, which I gave. Was ever grief like mine? Mine own Apoftle, who the bag did bear, Though he had all I had, did not forbear 15 To fell me alfo, and to put me there. Was ever grief, &c. For thirty pence he did my death devise, 20 Was ever grief, &c. Therefore my foul melts, and my hearts dear treasure Drops bloud (the only beads) my words to measure. Oh let this cup pafs, if it be thy pleasure. Was ever grief, &c. 25 Thefe drops being temper'd with a finners tears, A Balfam are for both the Hemifpheres, Curing all wounds, but mine; all, but my fears. Was ever grief, &c. . Yet my Disciples fleep: I cannot gain Arife, arife, they come, look how they run! With clubs and ftaves they feek me as a thief, Judas, dost thou betray me with a kiffe? Was ever grief like mine? See, they lay hold on me, not with the hands All my Difciples flee; fear puts a bar Betwixt my friends and me. They leave that ftar Was ever grief, &c. Then from one ruler to another bound They lead me; urging, that it was not found What I taught: Comments would the text confound. Was ever grief, E. The prieft and rulers all falfe witness seek 'Gainft him, who feeks not life, but is the meek And ready Pafchal Lamb of this great week. Was ever grief, &c. 30 Then Then they accufe me of great blafphemy, Was ever grief like mine? 3 Some faid, that I the Temple to the floor Then they condemn me all with that fame breath, Was ever grief, &c. They bind, and lead me unto Herod: he Pilate Sends me to Pilate. This makes them agree; Herod 15 But yet their friendship is my enmity. Was ever grief,&c. Herod and all his bands do fet me light, 20 Was ever grief, &c. Herod in judgment fits, while I do ftand Was ever grief, &c. 25 The Jews accufe me with defpitefulness; Was ever grief, dc. Ianfwer nothing, but with patience prove Was ever grief like mine? My filence rather doth augment their cry; Was ever grief like mine? Heark how they cry aloud ftill, Crucifie: Was ever grief, &c. Pilate, a stranger, holdeth off; but they, Was ever grief, &c. Yet ftill they shout, and cry, and ftop their ears, Was ever grief, &c. See how fpite cankers things! These words aright Was ever grief, &c. They chufe a murderer, and all agree - Was ever grief, &c. And a feditious murderer he was: But I the Prince of peace; peace that doth pafs Was ever grief,&c. Why, Cefar is their only King, not I: He clave the ftony rock, when they were dry; But furely not their hearts, as I well try. Was ever grief, &c. 30 Ah! |