Dialogue. The Discharge. E 108 Jordan. Efter-wings. 34,33 Justice. H 91 Home. 99 71 Hope. 114 107 Humility. 61 138 A true Hymn. 162 161 The Invitation. 174 48.95 153 33 Fudgement. 182 88.135 tc. 128 Love. 45, 46, 183 Even-fong. 55 Love-joy. 179 F Love unknown. 121 Perirrhanterium. The Pearl, Matth. 13.81. Sins round. 53,140,151 The Son. 117 Sin, 37.55 114 1 The Sinner. 30 135 Sion. 99 177 The Size. 131 162 Prayer. 43.95 The Star 65 The Priesthood. The Storm. 154 Providence The 23. Pfalm. Q 61 103 R 40 28 172 He Sacrifice. 5 Schifmes, Church-rents. H. Scripture. The Search. The Pulley. T He Quiddity. The Quip. R Edemption. Repentance. The Reprifal. S 109 Submiffion. 167 Sunday. 153 Superliminare. Taints, vide Angels. vide Ungratefulness. TWhitsunday. He Watercoufe. 164 50 The World. 156 A Wreath. 51 76 179 T 31 Trinity-Sunday. Sunday: 115 59 V 74 19 Unkindness. 86 W The T CHURCH-PORCH. Perirrbanterium. Hou, whose sweet youth and early hopes inhance Thy rate and price,and mark thee for a treasure; (chance Hearken unto a Verfer, who may Rhyme thee to good, and make a bait Beware of laft, it doth pollute and foul How dare thofe eyes upon a Bible look, (book? If God had laid all common, certainly Man breaks the fence, and every grief will plow. A Drink Drink not the third glass, which thou canst not tame He that is drunken, may his mother kill The drunkard forfeits Man, and doth devest Shall I, to please anothers wine-fprung mind, If reafon move not Gallants, quit the room, Stay at the third cup, or forgo the place. Yet, if thou fin in wine or wantonness, T |