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What is the Cape Horn Current?

This current flows from the Pacific Ocean round the southern extremity of America, towards the north-east, and is supposed to communicate with the southern connecting current.

What is the usual time of a voyage from the English Channel to the Cape?

Seventy days.

What is the course on leaving the British Channel? Usually to the south-south-west, the first point to be reached being the Canary Isles in the vicinity of which, the north-east passage winds usually commence.


What are the prevailing winds between these points? They are either west, or west by south, or north, north-east, seldom blowing from any other point. What is the best longitude for crossing the equator? Between the meridians of 18° and 23° west.

What is the course on arriving in the region of the south-east trade-wind?

By sailing as close to it as its direction will permit, which course is usually south-west by south.

Where does this bring the voyager?

Off the coast of Brazil, about the parallel of Cape San Agustin, whence the coast can be navigated in any direction.

What is the course of vessels bound to the Cape of Good Hope and India, or Australia ?

From the equator, they steer for the Rocky Island of Trinidad, and passing it on the west, they sail with easterly winds and easterly currents towards the south point of Africa, so as to cut the parallel of 30° south somewhere about longitude 20° west.

What is the course of vessels sailing from the Cape of Good Hope to England?

They sail with the south-east trade-wind to the Island of St. Helena, and crossing the line at about 20° west of Greenwich, steer for the Azores, which are passed on the west side; northwards from the Azores, the vessel falls into the great tracks from the West Indies to Europe.

What was the commencement of a novel and expe

ditious mode of intercourse between England and the United States?

The arrival of the Great Western Steam Packet at New York, on the 23rd April, 1838, having left Bristol in England, on the 8th of the same month.

What is the direction of the " Overland Mail Route," as it is called, to India?

From London to Marseiles, and Malta to Bombay, the distance being 5378 nautical miles.

What is the average number of days this takes?

What is the distance from Southampton to Bombay ? 6254 nautical miles.

What is the average time?

The average time in which the voyage is made, is from two to eight days longer than by the mail route. What is the mail route by steamers from Southampton to Calcutta?

By Aden, Point de Galle (in Ceylon), and Madras What is the distance to Calcutta?

8024 nautical miles.

What is the average number of days?
Forty-two and a-half.

What is the mail route, (by steamers) from Southampton to Hong Kong?

By Point de Galle, Pulo Penang, and Singapore.
What is the distance?

9774 nautical miles.

In what time is the voyage accomplished?

In, from 50 to 60 days.

What is the distance from Calcutta to Singapore?

1440 nautical miles.

What time is required for the voyage?

Fifteen days.

What is the distance from Singapore to Batavia? 480 nautical miles.



Name the provinces of South America on the Eastern shore of the Pacific?

Patagonia, Chili, Peru and Colombia.
What is the principal port of Chili?

Valparaiso, which is the port of Santiago the Capital.
How far is Santiago inland?

105 miles of direct distance.

What is the distance from Santiago to the main ridge of the Andes ?

Fifty miles.

How is it watered?

Water is distributed by conduits through the streets, into its numerous gardens.

What inland commerce is carried on by Santiago?

Between this city and Buenos Ayres, an extensive commerce is carried on, the distance being 1062 miles. Is the road difficult across the Andes?

For about 40 leagues the road passes through snows, amid the precipices of the Andes; yet it is found safer and cheaper to send goods by this road, than by the circuitous passage round Cape Horn.

What is the most southern port of Chili?

What is the most northern?

What district of Chili is most productive?

The country around Concepcion; the southern port. For what sort of productions is it favorable?

For wheat, barley, maize, pulse, and all kinds of vegetables; also a sweet wine said to equal Frontignac, and considered the best made in America, for which the demand at Lima was almost unlimited. Jerked beef is also exported, and hides, wool, and other minor articles. What is the name of the port of Concepcion?

Talcahuano, on a large bay, with good and secure anchorage.

Of what do they make Chili vinegar?

Chili vinegar is made from a grape peculiar to the country.

What is the character of the horses?

They are small, but, for their form, temper and spirit, they are preferred to the horses of Buenos Ayres.

What kind of oxen and mules have they in Chili? The horses and mules are equal to any in the world. What are the articles of productive industry?

Ponchos, hats, shoes, coarse shifts, coarse earthenwares and jars of fine clay.

For what branch of industry has Chili been most celebrated?

For mining.

Where do the minerals chiefly occur?

In the interior from Coquimbo, a barren tract in the northern part of the country.

What metals are wrought?

Lead, tin, copper, silver and gold.
What is the most abundant?

Where is copper chiefly exported to?

To the East Indies and China.

What semi-metals are found in Chili?

Arsenic, cobalt, bismuth, zinc, antimony, and quicksilver, both virgin and cinnabar.

Where has coal been found?

A very fine seam has been found near Concepcion, whence it has already been shipped to other parts of Chili, and even to Peru.

What islands are attached to Chili?

The large islands of Chiloe with others surrounding it; and the Island of Juan Fernandez.

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What is the height of the range of the Andes where it traverses Peru?

The peaks of Sorata and Illimanni: the first being 25,400 feet, the latter 29,350 feet, above the level of the sea.

Where is cinnabar or sulphuret of mercury found? In Guanca-Velica, at no great distance south-west of Lima.

What is the character of the coast country of Peru? The plain along the sea-coast is a sandy desert, but it was formerly well irrigated by canals made by the

ancient Peruvians.

What grain is chiefly produced?

Maize for wheat, the province is dependent on Chili. Are vines cultivated?

The neighbourhood of Pisco is covered with vines, from which brandy is chiefly made.

What vegetable productions are exported?

Ipecacuanha, balsams, medicinal plants, and valuable dye-woods.

Whence do the Peruvians obtain all their finer manufactures?

From Europe.

What has constituted the unrivalled wealth of Peru? The mines.

Where are they situated?

They are seated in the inmost depths of the Andes, and in mountains which reach the limits of perpetual


Where is the silver mountain of Potosi?

In Bolivia, or upper Peru.

What is its height and extent?

It rises to the height of 16,000 feet, is eighteen miles in circumference, and forms one entire mass of ore. Where are the silver mines of Pasco ?

On the knot where the Andes lock into each other, at a height of more than 13,000 feet above the sea. What is the nature of the ore?

It is situated in a bed of brown iron-stone, from every ton of which, two or three marks of silver are extracted. Where are the gold mines?

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