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Standing on the promenade deck, and port side, of ne good ship Baltic, White Star Line, I waved adieu O friends on the dock, with the flag of my country hich had been presented by one of them, as she left ne when the call, "All ashore," came.

After leaving the harbor, I went to my stateroom to nish replying by postcards to the very numerous leters, cards, telegrams, fruit, flowers, etc., sent by loving elatives and friends. I was anxious to get them on ne pilot boat before she left us, so completed, stamped hem, and hurried to the office only to find I was about ave minutes too late, and, glancing shoreward, could ee in the distance the rapidly receding boat. I was old they would be mailed at Queenstown, Ireland, but English stamps would be required. These I purchased nd had the extreme felicity of removing our own. tamps from my cards and replacing with English tamps. After luncheon, I went to the upper promeade deck and sat in my chair most of the afternoon, going to my stateroom only in time to dress for dinner.


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