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From here we drove to Haddon Hall, the home o Dorothy Vernon. This is by far the most picturesqu ruin I have seen outside. It is absolutely bare insid The rooms, especially bedrooms, are small. It is a ran bling old place, having numerous bay windows, an these, as all other windows, have small diamond pand of plain and colored glass. Nothing beautiful in th house, as the few pieces of furniture left in it are wor and faded. The ballroom is quite large. Dorothy's roo is of fair size and has a large bay window opening ou on the terrace. Opposite this is the door and fligh of steps, down which Dorothy escaped. These step lead to her walk, shaded with trees, and from this wal are steps down to the terrace. On the side towar the stream or river there are a series of terraces dow to its bank. The hall is built on a high bluff, an is ivy covered. Beautiful views of the surroundin country are had from all sides. Chatsworth's Hous must be visible from here, as I had a glimpse of th Haddon turrets when near Chatsworth. This latte belongs to the Duke of Devonshire. It is modern an magnificently furnished. We saw a bust of Napoleo by Carnova. Beautiful wood carving by Grinling Gib bons. There are too many other rare and beautifu works of art to even try to enumerate.

From Chatsworth we drove back to Chesterfield in time to take the afternoon train to Peterboro. Passing through Nottingham, where lace curtains are made

ve arrived at Peterborough at 6:30 P. M., stopping at he Great Northern Hotel.


Wednesday, June 29, we called a carriage and drove to the cathedral, which is inside a large court of its own. Here also is the bishop's palace, and houses of the order, belonging to the cathedral. The walls and tower of this cathedral were found to be in an unsafe condition, so it was all taken down, each part numbered, and was rebuilt exactly as it stood at first. It was in rebuilding that the walls of the cathedral were found not solid. Why it was built in this way is not known. The altar and choir screen are of white marble, beautifully carved. The stained glass is modern, but lovely in coloring. The dome and vaulting are very handsome, being inlaid with gold and brilliant colors.


We left Peterborough at 10 A. M., taking a through train to London. Here we stopped, as before, at the Morley House. After lunch, we shopped for a while, then visited the British Museum. Here we saw the old Greek sculpture in marbles, much finer than any work of the kind now done. One can spend days there and feel well repaid.

Thursday, June 30, we found it raining in the morning, and this kept up with occasional thunder showers

during the day, and in fact during our entire st in London this time. We had intended going to Gua Mount, but it rained so hard that we went instead Tate's Gallery. This is a gallery of modern Engl art. We saw portraits of celebrities of present da After lunch we drove across London Bridge, Tow Bridge and saw St. Sepulchres Church, where Capta John Smith is buried. Our chauffeur did not kno where to find it, though a London man, and Gus had to direct him. Leaving here, we drove to the o Toffy Shop, which still makes the toothsome Engli toffy. Of course, we stopped and bought some. Yu yum! but it is good. From here we went over to t National Gallery, spending an hour or so with the o masters. Going from here around the corner to t National Portrait Gallery, we saw a fine portrait Oliver Cromwell, my ancestor. There is a famo portrait of Shakespeare in here. These and oth celebrities and Englishmen of note down to the prese time make a fine collection.

Friday, July 1, we went to Liberties. Gusty had to: me what beautiful things I would find there. I had r idea it was so extensive. They manufacture silks an art goods of every kind and description. The stor must occupy a block. I went wild with delight ove the beautiful silks, laces, etc. I saw elegant jewelry arts and crafts work, all most novel and artistic. Silk are, of course, their specialty. Gusty could hardl tear me away from here, but finally succeeded in ge ting me to Morleys in time to dress for dinner.

Saturday, July 2. We called a hansom cab and rove to the Parliament Houses, in a downpour of in. These are magnificent. The House of Lords is orgeous in red and gold furnishings. The House of Commons is in somber browns. The Crypt Chapel is ery old, being erected by King Stephen originally. This had fallen into decay, but has recently been retored, and is very beautiful in its rich colorings, mingled with gold. Westminster Hall, the grand old all of state, the oldest part of the building, is the largest hall in the world having a wooden roof unsupDorted. Coronation festivals used to be held in this hall. This is where the body of King Edward II lay in state after its removal from Buckingham Palace.

We called a motor at I P. M., which was quite a swell affair in gray and black, with chauffeur in livery, and drove down to Hampton Court. We went all through this historic old palace, seeing its picture galleries, music-rooms, bedrooms of state, etc. It is very large and the rooms are almost without number. By the time you have gone through the picture galleries you are tired out. In passing the numerous windows and doors, you catch fine views of the beautiful gardens and surrounding country. The gardens are vast and there are lakes and fountains through them. I did not try to go over them, as the grounds were damp, and having been on my feet most of the day, I was tired. I missed seeing the celebrated old grapevine, as it, was too far off. The enameled clock in the tower that faces the quadrangle still keeps time as in the days of old.

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The approach through the grounds, over broad wal where grand trees arch overhead, is most charming. we left the grounds, we stopped at a tea garden Gusty's afternoon tea. Little summer houses were around, with a center walk, the green grass being carpet. I took cake for company's sake, so Gu would not feel lonesome. A small orchestra play

some really good music. Two young women sang ve well. Several people were in the different summ houses, drinking their afternoon tea. Presently a lit old man came waltzing in at the gate with a beauti bunch of American beauty roses in his hand, his ar extended, as if he were holding a partner. He w quite graceful. The head waiter hurried up to him, a I supposed he was a friend, but soon found he was tr ing to make him leave the garden, but did not succee After much talking and arguing, he ordered some le onade, and when it was brought he took the full gla in his hand and commenced waltzing around with The waiter was in great distress, as ladies were preser The man evidently had partaken of some strong drin just enough to make him feel good but stubborn. Ti waiter finally succeeded, with the help of an assistan in getting him out.

From here we drove to Old Twickenham Tow and by the old ferry of song fame, and I only wish could have heard the ferryman sing, "And 'tis but penny to Twickenham Town." This ferry is still i use, being merely a very large rowboat. We saw land some passengers. The river is quite narrow

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