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The nationality and registration marks shall be displayed to the best possible advantage, taking into consideration the constructional features of the aircraft. The marks must always be kept clean and visible.


Register and Certificate of Registration

The entry in the register and the certificate of registration shall contain a description of the aircraft and shall indicate the number or other identification mark given to it by the constructor; the nationality and registration marks mentioned above; the full name, nationality, and residence of the owner, and the date of registration.

The certificate of registration will be drawn up in accordance with the following form:

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Whereas it has been declared that the above-mentioned aircraft is not registered in any other State, it is hereby certified that the said aircraft has been duly en tered on the register of .



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in accordance with the (title of applicable convention or other instrument), and with.

allocated the nationality and registration marks

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Registration Certificate

The aircraft registration certificate shall be carried in the aircraft at all times and shall be prominently displayed in a position accessible to all passengers or persons lawfully entitled to an examination and inspection thereof.


Table of Marks

The marks allocated to each State apply to the aircraft of its colonies, protectorates, and dependencies unless individual marks are allocated to them in the Table of Aircraft Nationality Marks.

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The nationality and registration marks of an aircraft and its call sign shall be identical, as far as practicable.

The call sign shall be chosen from the international series assigned, in the Table of Allocation,* to the contracting State in which the aircraft is registered, provided that any State may adopt additional letters to the group assigned it if necessary, and shall advise all other parties to the Convention of the additional letters so adopted.*

* See Table of Allocation of Call Signs of the International Telecommunications Convention (Madrid 1932) (as revised at Cairo 1938).

** This provision will necessitate a modification of the International Telecommunications Convention (Madrid 1932) (as revised at Cairo 1938).





The terms defined below have the meanings given for the purpose of this Annex only:

Electronic Observations. The use of electro-magnetic and/or electrostatic principles for obtaining meteorological observations.

Forecast. A statement of future meteorological conditions that are expected to exist in given areas at specified times at the earth's surface or in the free air. The statement may be presented in plain language or in code, or by means of charts, forms or diagrams.

Forecaster. A meteorologist qualified to prepare forecasts.

Initial Meteorological Office. The meteorological office responsible for providing meteorological information to an aircraft prior to its departure on a flight.

Meteorological Information. All classes of meteorological reports, analyses, forecasts, warnings, advices, and revisions or amendments thereto, which may be required in connection with air route technical services and procedures.

Meteorological Minima. The minimum values of meteorological elements prescribed for specified types of flight operation.

Meteorological Observation. The measurement by instrumental means or estimation of the values of one or more meteorological elements.

Meteorological Office. An office staffed and equipped to provide meteorological information for aircraft operations.

Meteorological Reconnaissance Flights. The flights of aircraft carrying trained meteorological observers and special meteorological equipment for the purpose of taking and recording meteorological observations.

Meteorological Report. A statement of past and/or present meteorological conditions observed at a given place on the earth's surface, or in the free air. The statement may be presented in plain language or in code, or by means of charts, forms or diagrams.

Meteorological Service. Á state agency charged with the collection and dissemination of meteorological information.

Meteorological Station. A station equipped to take meteorological observations.

Observer. Anyone qualified to take meteorological observations. Route Meteorological Chart. A meteorological chart showing fronts and pressure distribution along and for a limited distance to each side of an air route.



Classification of Meteorological Information

The meteorological information necessary for meteorological protection of aeronautics may be divided, in a general way, into three categories, viz:

1. Current Information, which is based upon reports of surface and upper air observations transmitted to local, regional, or national meteorological centers. This information may be divided into two classes:

(a) Information necessary for the preparation of synoptic and upper air charts.

(b) Information necessary for the operation of air routes.

2. Forecasts, which are statements of future meteorological conditions expected to exist in a given area for specified periods of time at the earth's surface or in the free air.

3. Climatological Information, which is based upon past meteorological records analyzed and summarized to show the meteorological conditions which are experienced in the long run at a given place or in a given area.

It is required:

(a) In connection with the selection of air routes.

(b) For indicating the diurnal and annual variations according to place and altitude of the meteorological conditions affecting flights. (c) For indicating the places at which stations should be established for furnishing current information.


General Organization for Meteorological Protection of International Aeronautics

4. Object of Protection. The object of the meteorological protection of aeronautics as set forth herein shall be to assure the safety of the aircraft, the economic and regular operation of aircraft along air routes, and the comfort of passengers, as far as they are affected by the meteorological elements.

5. Those Concerned With Protection. Meteorological information shall be supplied according to its various categories, to persons in command of aircraft, to personnel charged with the operation and control of aircraft and of airports, and to the administrations of aeronautics. 6. Responsibility for Protection. The provisions prescribed hereunder shall be international in application. They shall necessitate the participation of a contracting State even when the air route does not cross that State. They are also applicable to the oceans, the interior seas, and the uninhabited areas of continents.

7. Universality of the Provisions. Meteorological protection of aeronautics shall be provided in conformity with the standards and procedures defined hereunder in the territory of a contracting State, over the oceans, the interior seas, and the uninhabited areas of continents.

8. Services and Personnel Charged With Protection. Meteorological protection of aeronautics shall be arranged by an official meteorological service in each contracting State.

9. Procedure to Follow for Requests for Meteorological Protection. The contracting States concerned shall arrange to notify the interested meteorological services of the creation of an air route sufficiently beforehand to permit the organization of meteorological protection for the regions covered. The notice shall contain detailed information concerning the air route and the proposed schedules.

All alterations to the schedules for an air route shall be notified to the meteorological services concerned sufficiently in advance to permit the necessary reorganization involved.

All notices shall be transmitted through the channels prescribed by the Convention.


Networks of Meteorological Stations

10. Object of the Networks. The operation of official meteorological services of the contracting States requires the establishment of networks of meteorological stations for the purpose of taking surface and upper air observations and also requires the collection and distribution of these observations.

11. Universal Provisions Concerning Observations. The observations shall be taken by meteorological observers with the aid of equipment whose quality and dependability are such that they would be endorsed by the International Meteorological Organization. The observations shall be taken at hours fixed by international agreement and shall be collected at regional or national centers. The reports shall be drawn up in the forms and according to the code tables specified by the International Meteorological Organization.

12. Classification of Observations and Requirements. Observations shall be provided in the following categories, which show the requirements for frequency of observations for the meteorological protection of aeronautics:

(a) Surface Synoptic Observations. These observations are for the purpose of recording the meteorological elements and showing their distribution over large areas. They provide the basic material for forecasts. Requirements are four complete surface synoptic observations per station daily at the internationally agreed synoptic times; this number shall be increased to eight as required.

(b) Supplemental Surface Observations. These observations shall complete the preceding category by filling in its gaps, either in time or in space. They may include only a selection of the elements which form a complete surface synoptic observation. They are taken either at fixed times or at the request of a meteorological office, or at times of marked changes in weather, or to cover the appearance or disappearance of important phenomena. Requirements are a sufficient number of supplemental surface observations to provide meteorological offices with complete and continuous information on the progress and development of meteorological conditions observed in the surface synoptic observations.

(c) Upper Wind Observations. These observations shall provide information of the wind direction and speed at various altitudes above

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