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of our hearts, we will hope to attain Caroline ! O, my beloved mother, a wisdom which will prove a cure. how constantly you care for your The fact is, my dear sister, it ap- poor Jane! and 0, my blessed Sapears to me, that you have not viour, I pour out my thanksgiving sufficiently thought of the necessity to thee, for the gift of such a moof applying the word of God to the ther! She fell on her knees, her government of your heart; and I sister involuntarily bending with hope you will not think me pre- her, and sobbed out her confession sumptuous in seeming as if I judged of weakness and sorrow, and her you; I know the word of God says, fervent petition for a renewed heart “ Judge yourselves,and “ Pull in the spirit of holiness. out the beam that is in thine own She soon became more calm and eye.”

peaceful, and looking again at the Jane threw her arms round her object which had, by grace, carried sister's neck, and said, No, iny home the conviction, so as to direct dear sister, that I do not. I am her to the Cross, she was no longer sure, by your kindness and patience, alarmed, but taking the little inanthat you have done what that Word imate witness into her hand, she has taught you; and if you had not turned it often round, with her eyes first pulled out the mote in thine intently fixed upon it, as if loving eye, thou wouldest not have seen it as a faithful monitor. But look, the beam in mine.

she said, I see a slip of paper within Caroline quickly replied, Do not the leaves of the Bible! Ah! change the order of the word of dear mother, you will not permit God, my dear Jane. Let the beam me to gaze upon the insignificant belong to me, and the mote to thee, instrument, but I do not doubt you

In this kind of mutual confidence, direct me to the word for that in. the two sisters held a long conver- struction which comes direct from sation, in which it was evident that the Holy Ghost. Jane was gaining more confirmed So saying, she opened the book, experience of her own conduct, and and found the slip of paper cut as an more powerful conviction of the index, with a point touching upon necessity of applying the scripture the 23rd. verse of the xiv. of John, for her rule and text; and that, “Jesus answered and said unto though having been taught, even hiin, If a man love me, he will so assiduously as she had been, it keep my words, and iny Father will would end in nothing, producing love him, and we will come unto no fruit, unless she found the grace him, and make our abode with him," within to bring her into obedience See, Caroline, here is a pencil line of love. Caroline, at length, ob- drawn under keep my words, and serving her heart to be overpower- most certainly this is a fruit which ingly affected at the examination of every one who loves the Lord herself, proposed they should return should produce, into the house, and that whilst she Yes, if we love the Speaker, we finished a little work she had with shall love the word spoken by him ; her, Jane should read the book their and it is a sweet sanctification from mother had left for them. She con- the Spirit when we keep the word, sented and they went together.

It was indeed true, that the book On the dressing table they found left by their mother was an interno other book than the Bible : but esting one, and they continued to upon it was placed, what appeared read the rich lessons of the Lord as an apparition to the already self out of that Bible, in preference to condemned Jane-the well-known leaving it at that time for their own, apple from the Nursery garden. She Early in the evening their friends started, and exclaimed, See! see! returned, and the affectionate mother hastened to inform her daugh of obedience, and dependance on ters, that they should be able to my God alone. Happy shall I be return home the next day, as the to return home with you, and to whole business on which they had listen to your instructions, with a come had unexpectedly terminated view to the effect on my heart, and in a satisfactory manner.

a watching for fruit, such as is acBut now, I hope, my dear girls, cording to the Spirit. all has been well ?

Her mother perceived something All is well, Jane replied, with impressive had happened: but as emphasis, and I trust by you the Jane did not seem disposed, at that day has passed, as you wished, time, to communicate more, she profitably and pleasantly, though · asked no questions. She glanced the sinful heart of your child had her eye towards her dressing table, well nigh made it otherwise! And she saw the Bible removed, and you may believe I shall in future observed the apple was not there. understand, how much more wisely It was sufficient for her : 'she you can judge for me than I for earnestly prayed her children might myself. I am convinced. And I be “ taught of God;" and wished see that you will never be able to they should be drawn into closer trust me, until you see the fruits communion with Him every day.


MY DEAR FRIEND-Allow me, for
a few moments, to engage your
serious attention upon the most
glorious, and yet, at the same time,
the most awful subject that ever
took place upon earth. What a
stupendous work was transacted in
the week we now commemorate.
What sufferings did our adorable
Redeemer then endure. In con-
templating them may our minds be
fixed upon their cause, and may the
view create in us a holy indignation
against sin, and an earnest desire to
seek more after holiness, and be
daily more conformed to the image
of the Saviour. How great was
the love of God to man ! poor,
guilty, miserable, hell-deserving
man,-" He so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth on him
should not perish, but have ever.
lasting life." John iii. 16. Jenova
passed by the fallen Angels; for the
voice of mercy, free, unmerited
mercy, was never heard in their
doleful regions of despair. No; they
are reserved in everlasting chains
under darkness unto the Judgment

of the great day, Jude 6. but man,
depraved and sinful man, was made
the subject of elective love in the
Councils of Eternity. “I have
loved thee with an everlasting love :
therefore with loving-kindness have
I drawn thee.” Jer. xxxi. 3. Yet,
alas! in the fulness of time, when
the Saviour appeared upon the
earth, to perform the stupendous
work which was given him to do,
how was that love requited ? How
was his errand of mercy received ?
Follow this gracious Saviour from
the manger to the cross-was he
not indeed as the prophet (Isa. lii.
3.) pathetically describes him, " a
man of sorrows and acquainted
with grief?” and in order that he
might bear every part of the curse
denounced against sin, (wonder, O
Heavens! and be astonished, O
Earth! the Lord, the mighty God,
the everlasting Father, the Prince
of Peace, in his manhood) actually
ate his brcad in the sweat of his
brow. Gen. iii. 19. See him just
entering upon his public ministry,
assailed by devils and by men.
Look at him again riding in

triumph into Jerusalem, and listen why hast thou forsaken me?' to the voluntary acclamations of Matt. xxvii. 46. Renew thy conthe multitude rending the air templations at the closing awful with hosannas. Listen again, as scene, Now hear his last expiring those acclamations are dying on the words, “ It is finished,” and see ear, and hark! O direful contrast ! him bow his sacred head and die. the horrible, the blasphemous cry Thus completing (though at a dreadfrom the same multitude is now, ful price) the salvation of his people! Crucify him ; crucify him!” The Christian, when approachCarry your contemplations stilling the confines of the eternal farther, and view him in the Gar- world, while death appears in view, den, contending with all the powers has the consolations of the Holy of darkness, and in an agony Spirit to support and comfort him praying “ Father, if thou be will in his trying hour, and the evering, remove this cup from me; lasting arms underneath and round nevertheless not my will, but thine about him. But the dear Redeemer be done,” Luke xxii. 42, and then was denied all these. He was desee him betrayed by one of his own serted by the Father, as suffering friends into the hands of his cruel in the sinner's stead, and was left murderers; thus adding another upon the cross the sport of devils bitter portion to the cup, which he and of men. And was sin the was about to drink, even to the cause of all these intense sufferings? dregs.-Go with him still further. Yes, my friend, your sins, and my see the meek and lowly Jesus sins caused the Saviour thus to before the tribunal of a partial and agonize-thus to die. wicked earthly judge, reviled, buf “ For us those pangs his soul assail, feted, spit upon ! and hear the dread For us this death is borne; ful sentence pronounced against

Our sins gave sharpness to the nail, him, in spite of every evidence

And pointed every thorn.” of innocence-pure, unsullied inno Oh that we may hate sin with a cence,—that he was not fit to live! perfect hatred, and fee from it as “ Yet as a Lamb before her shearers from the face of a serpent, is dumb, so be opened not his

" Those sins which crucified the Lord, mouth.” Isa. liii. 7. Stay with him May we in truth deplore; yet longer, for why should we leave And while his sufferings we record, this dear and gracious Saviour, even

Have grace to sin no more.” in our contemplations, though to I have thus attempted a faint some it may appear melancholy. description of the direful scenes Accompany him to the dreadful which took place, as at this time, scene-a scene at which nature at Jerusalem, the famed, the wicked herself sickened the memorable city of Jerusalem. Is it not profitMount of Calvary. See him ex- able to dwell at seasons like the tended upon the accursed tree, present on that glorious, that studeserted by all his friends, and his pendous work which wrought out in enemies—his cruel—his unfeeling time, what was planned in eternityenemies thirsting for his precious the salvation of Christ's people ? blood. Ştill hear his dying prayer, Stop not, however, in the mere “ Father, forgive them, for they contemplation of the sufferings of know not what they do.” Luke Christ, but extend your view to that xxiii. 34. O matchless love! Take scene of the whole, that proof of the one look more at the suffering Son Saviour's divinity, that testimony of God, when the complicated to the acceptance, the completion miseries heaped on his devoted of his sacrifice which so immedihead-extorted from him that ately followed. On the third day he dolorous cry “ My God, my God, burst the barriers of the tomb and


Prayer for the spread of Christ's Kingdom. rose triumphant from the dead : nor there is no repentance there; this longer could the silent grave, nor night thy soul may be required all the powers of earth and hell of thee; and then, if thou shouldest combined, detain the conquering die, with all that black catalogue Saviour. Behold the triumphs of of sins upon thine own head, that love which rose above every pro- which are recorded against thee : vocation, and commissioning his dis better it had been for thee that ciples to go into all the world and thou hadst never been born-" for preach the gospel to every creature, who can dwell with the, devourbeginning at Jerusalem. Yes, even ing flame? who can dwell with at Jerusalem, that his very mur- everlasting burnings ?” Isa. xxxiii. derers might have mercy offered to 14. Let me then earnestly entreat them, with this gracious promise thee to flee unto this Saviour, the “He that believeth and is baptized, once suffering, but now risen and shall be saved," Mark xvi. 16. exalted Saviour ;---flee from thyself, · See, O see, my friend, in the suf. from thy sins, from the wrath tů ferings and death of the incarnate come, in him alone thou canst be safe. Son of God, the dreadful nature He says, “Look unto me and be ye of sin; art thou still living in the saved all the ends of the earth, for indulgence of " the lust of the flesh, I am God, and there is none else.” the lust of the eyes, or the pride Isa, xlv. 22. “ He that believeth of life ? ” 1 John ii. 16.

shall be saved." Mark xvi. 16. Stop, poor sinner ! stop and think,

O despise not this admonition, Before you further go;

remember the awful alternative, Will you sport upon the brink

He that believeth not shall be Of everlasting woe ?

damned." Mark xvi. 16. The Lord O remember the streams of mercy grant thee repentance unto life, are still flowing from the wounded through him who is now at the side of Jesus, but not even the right hand of God, making inter$ount of mercy is heard in the cession for the sins of his people. grave whither thou art hastening Amen. ,


SINH 10:11.

PRAYER FOR THE SPREAD OF CHRIST'S KINGDOM. ' The following Prayer for the exten- Lord shall cover the earth as the sion and prosperity of the Redeem. waters cover the sea; when Ethi. er's kingdom upon earth, may opia shall stretch out her hand unto possibly be found acceptable at God, when the veil shall be remosome of the meetings of Bible, ved from thine ancient people, the or Missionary Associations.

Jews, the fulness of the Gentiles

ZELOTES. be gathered in, and that gloriO eternal and ever blessed Lord ous song be sung, “ The king. God, who hast made of one blood doms of this world are become the all the nations upon earth, and hast kingdoms of our Lord and of his taught us by thy holy apostle to Christ, and he shall reign for ever make supplications and prayers, and ever. Hallelujah. Amen." intercessions and giving of thanks Hasten that blessed period, we for all men; we pray that thy king. beseech thee, O Lord.; and to this dom may come, and that thy will end give thy special blessing to may be done on earth as it is all Christian Missions; to the British in heaven : that the period may and Foreign Bible Society; to all speedily arrive, so long foretold, our societies for establishing Day, and so graciously promised, when Sunday or Adult Schools, and espethe knowledge of the glory of the cially in Ireland; to our Religious APRIL 1828.


Tract and Book Societies, and to to their destined stations in peace every Institution wbich has for its and safety, and give them grace object the rescuing of men from and favour among those whom they the domination of ignorance and are going to serve in the gospel error,. of superstition and vice, of thy Son. Bless, we pray, the and the diffusion of knowledge and managers and corductors of these truth, righteousness, peace, and con- Institutions with that wisdom which solation, whether at home or abroad. is profitable to direct. May all

While, however, we implore their consultations tend to the adthy blessing on these establish- vancement of thy glory, and the ments (the glory of our land) thou spread of pure and undefiled relimayest justly upbraid and reproach gion in the world. And may all us as a nation, as thou didst Israel who assist in these undertakings, of old, and say, .To what purpose whether aiding them by their prayis the number of your religious ers, their counsels, or their pecuinstitutions unto me, while ye smite niary contributions, be divinely with the fist of wickedness, wbile influenced to seek and obtain a the heavy burdens are not removed, personal interest in the blood of the and the oppressed not suffered to go everlasting covenant : while waterfree, but while thousands are stilling others, let not their own souls fast bound in misery and vice, in be neglected :—and while many your Western Isles?' We are, o come from the east, and from the Lord, verily guilty concerning these west, from the north, and from our brethren. Avert, we beseech the south, and sit down with thee, from us and from our nation Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the punishment we deserve Have the kingdom of God, o let not any respect unto those in this our of us be cast out. land, who have long expostulated Forgive, O Lord, we pray thee, and protested against this iniqui. our enemies, and the enemies of tous system, but have not prevailed. these Institutions. Abate their pride, And excite, we pray thee, in the assuage their malice, confound their breasts of others such feelings of devices ; convert and save the souls mercy and compassion that our of all who gainsay or oppose. oppressed African brethren, may Diffuse, we intreat thee, a spirit be delivered from their cruel slavery; of mutual forbearance and Christian and make them, O Lord, partakers love, among all denominations. of the glorious liberty of thy chil. Hasten the time when those pasdren.

sions and prejudices which delude While thine holy word is and divide mankind, shall vanish conveyed to every nation, and away, and when there shall be one kindred, and people, and tongue, fold and one shepherd. be pleased to raise up and send O may that zeal which has been forth many faithful, zealous, and excited in Europe and America, on devoted ministers to preach among behalf of Christian Missions, extend the heathen, Jesus and the resurrec- throughout the world; and may that tion. Blessed be thy holy name, time soon come, when all the earth that some are already gone forth, shall sing, “Thou art the King of and that their labours have not glory, O Christ.” Hear us, O Lord, been in vain. O crown their future we humbly beseech thee, for his efforts with still more abundant sake, who hath loved us and given success. Be with those, we pray himself for us. To whom with thee, who are already on their thee, O Father, and thee O Holy way, or who are about to embark Ghost, be ascribed the kingdom, in this holy cause; preserve them the power, and the glory, now and on the mighty deep, conduct them for ever, Amen.

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