XIX. CRYPTOGRAPH. OUR SPHINX. NUMBERED CHARADE. I am composed of eleven letters. 7, 5, 10, 3, is a female. 8, 4, 9, 10, 2, the goddess of flowers. 10, 5, 6, 7, is worn on the finger. 8, 9, 7, is a mist. 7, 9, 6, 7, is a bell. 1, 2, 6, 11, is a stick. 10, 9, 11, is used in fishing. 3, 9, 10, 11, is a title. 1, 2, 3, 4, is part of a house. 4, 5, 6, 7, is a fish. 8, 5, 6, is part of a fish. 11, 9, 7, is an animal. My whole is a town in Berks. XXIV. QUARTETS. W. PERCIVAL. My first is a colour. XXV. My first is an animal. XXVI. NUMBERED CHARADE. I am composed of ten letters. My 1, 6, 7, is a conjunction. My 1, 2, 3, is a drink. My 10, 4, 3, is an implement used in war. My 8, 5, 9, 6, is that which nourishes the earth. My 8, 3, 5, 2, 3, is a Spanish coin. And my whole is a city in Egypt. HADRIAN'S EPITAPH ON HIS CHARGER. Here is placed, in sorry plight, Cæsar's pet charger. Along Etruscan marsh and plain, Nor did any dusky boar, With glist'ning teeth, attempt to gore Of Paunonian swine. As oft occurred from tail to head, Faultless in symmetry.-J. COATES, JUN. Translations have also been received from Fredk. Monk, William Jones, Henry Morris, and T. W.F. ANSWERS TO QUERIES. Who When was the first newspaper printed? published the periodical paper, The Public Intelligencer, ," and in what year? In what year did the first number of the Oxford Gazette" appear?-The first printed newspaper appears to have been a pamphlet of small quarto size, entitled "News out of Holland," published for N. Newbery, in 1619. Isaac D'Israeli, in the "Curiosities of Literature," gives a detailed account of a curious sheet bearing the name of " The English Mercurie," three numbers of which have found a place in the British Museum. These papers bear the date of 1588, and their principal contents are with reference to the Spanish Armada. Later scrutiny has conclusively revealed "The English Mercurie" to be a forgery, probably of the eighteenth century. The Intelligencer, "published for the satisfaction and information of the people," was conducted by Roger L'Estrange, an ardent royalist. It was commenced in 1663. In February, 1665, the "Oxford Gazette" appeared; it was printed in Oxford, owing to the seat of parliament being temporarily placed at that town. The name of this publication was afterwards changed to the "London Gazette," on its head-quarters' removal to the metropolis. In what year was the rebuilding of St. Paul's Cathedral?-A commission was appointed in 1663, for supervising the reparation of the dilapidated pile of St. Paul's. A large sum was expended in pursuing this work, but the great fire, which commenced in September, 1666, demolished the repairs, though it did not utterly destroy the building. When the rebuilding of the city was hegun, it was attempted to renew the repairs of the Cathedral, but the undertaking was soon abandoned, and the total reconstruction of the edifice resolved on by the king and his advisers. The first stone was laid on the 21st of June, 1675; the last, by Christopher Wren, son of the venerable architect, in 1710, the eighth of Queen Anne. A. N. COUPLAND. The necessary steps for entering the medical profession, and the expenses of an education at King's College or other of the medical schools?-Full information on this subject may be had in the Student's number of the "Lancet," September, 1866. The best book on Phrenology?--For the study of this useful science very few books are necessary. However, to assure himself of the utility of phrenology, he should read carefully "The Con stitution of Man," by George Combe, of Edin- Who was John Pym?-" John Pym was a leading man against Charles I., member of Parliament for Tavistock, and on account of his great influence with the popular party was called "King Pym." He was a furious demagogue; but it is questioned whether he intended the revolution which he had excited should go to the extent it afterwards did. He died of an imposthume in his bowels, in 1643."-Clarendon. JAMES R. CARSON. How to make a Magic Lantern.-Get a tin box with a bent funnel at the top. It must have a door at the side, a polished tin concave reflector at the back of the inside, and a powerful light placed in the focus of the reflector. The light may be supplied by an Argand-oil or gas-lamp. Opposite to the light and focus of the reflector is a moveable or telescopic tube, containing a hemispherical illuminating lens, near the reflector, and a convex lens at the extremity of the tube, and between the two lenses is a slit for the introduction of the painted glass slides. JOHN COATES, JUN. Where can I obtain a Guide to the Civil Service?A Guide to the Civil Service may be obtained from Mr. P. S. King, bookseller, 34, Parliamentstreet, Westminster, price 2s. 6d. FRANCIS W. WARD. Who was the founder of the sect called Quakers? -George Fox, the son of a weaver of Drayton, in Leicestershire, who in 1646 began to promulgate his peculiar sentiments, which seemed to constitute the last, and probably the extremest, of those protests which the Reformation lodged against the ritualistic religion of the Church of S. G. WILLS. Rome. Where can I buy a good, cheap Electrotyping Apparatus?-A good, cheap set of materials may be obtained from Mr. W. E. Statham's, 111B, Strand, London, W.C. The prices vary from 58. 6d. to 21s. The lowest price for a Camera ?-47s. 6d., at W. E. Statham's, Strand. What is the price of the cheapest Electrical Machine?-A very good machine may be purchased for 30s. above, and backed by the bricklayers behind, What is a good cheap book on Chemical Experiments?-The Book of Chemistry, Is., published by Ward, Lock, and Tyler; and Statham's First Steps in Chemistry, 6d. F. RYLAND. When was the guinea first coined?-Guineas were first coined in the reign of Charles II., C. R. F. 1664. What was the origin of the name of this coin? -The name is from Guinea, in Africa, where the gold was obtained of which the first speciC. R. F. mens were made. When was the Thames Tunnel first projected?--The Thames Tunnel was designed and executed by Sir I. Brunel. It was commenced in March, 1825; was closed for seven years by the irruption of the river into the works in 1828; was resumed in 1835, and opened for traffic in 1843. It could only have been accomplished by means of the shield, of Brunel's invention. This contrivance consisted of twelve separate parts, each containing three cells. In these cells the miners worked protected by the shield in front and How to play Backgammon.-See Beeton's Book What was the Year of the Battle of Marston Moor, and who were the contending parties?--In April, 1641, York was blockaded by a combined Scots and English army. In the following June, the Earl of Manchester joined the blockaders, and regular siege was laid to the city. York was defended by a garrison of 6,000 men, under the command of the Marquis of Newcastle, who wrote to Charles for assistance, promising to hold out for six weeks or two months. Charles instructed Prince Rupert to advance to the relief of York, and unfortunately made use of such a form of expression, that Rupert misunderstood it, and believed that to relieve York and defeat the Parliamentarians was what he was expected to achieve. On June 30th the besiegers drew off from before the city, and took up a position on Marston Moor, about five miles from the city. On July 1st the army of Rupert, 2000 strong, poured into the city. On the 2nd, Rupert led his army out of the city, and leaving his foot behind, followed the Parliamentarians, who were advancing upon Tadcaster, fell upon their rear, and arrested their movement. Both armies prepared for the battle, and by 2 P.M. were drawn up facing each other, but divided by a deep ditch. The right wing of the Parliamentarians was commanded by Sir Thomas Fairfax, and was opposed to the Royalists left under Rupert ;* the centre, under Lords Fairfax and Leslie, confronted the Royalist centre under General Goring, whilst their left, under the Earl of Manchester and Lieutenant-General Oliver Cromwell, was opposed by the Royalist right under Sir Charles Lucas and Colonel Hurry. Between 6 and 7 the battle commenced. Rupert bore the cavalry on the Parliamentarian left off the field, and hotly followed it. The Royalist infantry was also victorious, and Lords Fairfax, Manchester, and Leslie fled, with their routed troops. But Cromwell by his desperate valour overthrew the victorious Royalists, and when Rupert returned from the pursuit of the Parliamentarian right, renewed the battle with him. The fight was continued, but Cromwell's Ironsides were irresistible, and as the gray twilight merged into ing walls of York, leaving 3000 men upon the night, the scattered cavaliers fled for the shelterfield. The Parliamentarian loss was computed at 300 only, which is scarcely reliable if we remember the rout of their right and centre. Rupert evacuated York, which surrendered on the 11th, and was entered by Cromwell on the 16th July, 1644. ED. L. How to get Admission to the Reading Room of the principal librarian, and stating profession or British Museum.-By applying in writing to the avocation, place of abode, and if required, the application must be accompanied by a written purpose for which admission is sought. Every recommendation from personal knowledge of the applicant, and his or her intention and ability to make proper use of the reading room. principal librarian. More particulars may be had by writing to the H. R. W. ANSWERS REQUIRED. Who was Undine? What advantages accrue from Freemasonry? ARGUS. Where can I obtain an instructor to play a violin, and price? PHILLIP SMITH. Where can I buy a magpie, and the price; also, can it be taught to speak without its tongue being cut; if not, how to cut it? Can any of your subscribers tell me of a cheap, handy little book on Carpentering? and the price? What is the price of the cheapest revolver, and where to see it? Has the Koran ever been translated into English or French? If so, who is the publisher, and what is the price? What is the best book on Physiognomy, who is the author, and what is the price? What is the salary and the duties of a shorthand reporter? ARCHIBALD D. H. DURRANT. A good recipe for a cement for Plaster of Paris? Who invented Diving-bells ? Is there any memoir of the life of the Princess Charlotte, the daughter of George III., and if so, who is it by? What was the origin of the Star Chamber? How to make an Eolian Harp? TO CORRESPONDENTS. W. A. CALVERT.-Your communication reached us too late for insertion. W. PERCIVAL has our best thanks. WILLIAM J. DUCK.-Our list of Essays is complete for the present year. The subject you suggest shall not be forgotten in the next series. SELF-MADE MEN.-Several competitors for this prize expressed themselves as particularly interested in the subject. H. R. MCDERMOTT says"I must, however, say that the subject bears more interest and instruction to youth than the casual observer might perceive. I know it instructed me in an interesting way, and perhaps (I hope so at least) that it will have a good effect. I must endeavour and stick to my motto 'Perseverantia omnia vincit,' which So many great men have owned. I think I owe and so do all the competitors-to you, thanks for the choice of such an excellent subject." BARTHOLOMEW O'CALLAGHAN says-"You could hardly have chosen a subject, in my opinion, better suited for youth; and I am sure (I won't say I hope) there will be good competition." The Essays of the following competitors-subject, "Self-Made Men"-were unintentionally omitted last month : John Freeman Edward Dovaston, aged 14, West Felton, Shrewsbury. Richard Battersby, aged 15, 10, Devon-street, Liverpool. ROBERT HENRY HADDEN.-Your Essay on the Sunday School reached us too late for competi tion. It is very creditably written. Communications have been received from JAMES NASH, THOMAS TAYLOR, WILLIAM GUILDFORD, HENRY BELLENGER, JOHN PRICE, THOMAS WATSON, HENRY DUCKINFIELD, S. WATSON, BARTHOLOMEW O'CALLAGHAN, T. JONES, A YOUTH, G. M. F., H. R. MCDERMOT, W. PERCIVAL, JOHN COATES, FRANCIS W. WARD, E. A. O. R., A SUF FERER, JOHN LEEK, GUILLAUME, and others. W. T. ENRIGHT.-The treatment of the subject "A Visit to the Crystal Palace," is entirely at the option of the competitors. JAMES MAGUIRE.-The numbers of the Boy's Penny Magazine are published together in one volume, containing the story of "Crimson Pages," complete; the volume sells for 18. 6d. ADJUDICATION ON PRIZE ESSAY.-MAY. The selections sent in are all, without exception, well chosen. It is unnecessary to dwell on the peculiar merits of each, there being a strong family likeness in all; quotations are quotations, by whomsoever made. All our competitors must subscribe to the truth contained in the coupletWe have brought nothing of our own, Merely the string that binds them. The following list is arranged in order of merit. 1. William Willans Asquith, aged 15, 51, Lupusstreet, Pimlico, S. W. 2. John William Roberts, aged 16, Duke's Field, Runcorn, Cheshire. 3. Alfred Newton Coupland, aged 18, Upper Streatham. 4. Arthur William Jakeman, aged 17, Grimsby, Banbury, Oxon. 5. Frederick Bargman, aged 14, Dorking, Surrey. 6. Frank Canter, aged 16, Barnsley, Yorkshire. 7. James Ogden, aged 15, Little Bolton, Lancashire. 8. William James, aged 16, Leighton Buzzard, Beds. 9. Phillip Smith, aged 16, Swansea. 10. Henry Holding Jeff, aged 11, Birmingham. 11. Ernest H. Tayler, aged 16, Rosebank, Scone, N. B. 12. John Cassells, aged 142, Hamilton, N. B. 13. W. H. Popley, aged 17, Long Ditton, Surrey. 14. Ebenezer Josiah Newsett, aged 134, Horsleydown. 15. Albert John Wells, aged 14, Portlandroad, Notting Hill. 16. W. Sinclair, aged 16, Horsham. 17. Obed. Poole, aged 16, Weston-super-Mare. 18. Henry W. Henfrey, aged 14, Brighton. 19. John Moore, aged 14, Binfield, Berks. 20. Edward Cornwell, aged 14, Limehouse. 21. Henry Jackson Hassall, aged 13, Newtown, Devizes, Wilts. 22. George Walter Spicer, aged 17, Hagley. Birmingham. row, 23. William John Wilson, aged 16, Park-rowterrace, Forest Hill. 24. Samuel H. Hadgraft, aged 16, Southsca, Hants. 25. John C. Atkins, aged 15, Bristol. 26. William Smith, aged 15, Ayr, N. B. 27. J. Braddon McCallum, aged 144, 8, Bedford-terrace, Plymouth. 28. Last, but certainly not least, a contribution from Miss Emma Williamson, aged 16 in May. The selections are well chosen, and are creditable both to the taste and judgment of the young lady. |