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This project will provide essential power required for the everexpanding demand of the New England area by putting to beneficial use a wasting resource of the tides in the flow of the St. John River.

It will provide substantial area redevelopment benefits and national economic benefits consisting of 15,000 man-years of on-site employment for skilled and semiskilled workers, many thousands of additional man-years of employment in the manufacturing and transportation of materials and equipment, and sustained economic benefit derived from the availability of abundant relatively low-cost power, as well as an unparalleled international recreaton attraction.

The Department's Passamaquoddy-St. John River Study Commit

tee recommends:

(1) Early authorization of the international Passamaquoddy tidal power project, the Upper St. John River developments, and the transmission system, for construction by the United States.

(2) Early construction of the project to develop low cost firm power for Maine and peaking power for the remainder of the New England States, combat poverty, develop recreation resources, and utilize the now wasted water resources of Maine.

The race for the moon has many scientific ramifications, but none so challenging in terms of immediate benefit to man than the harnessing of the ever-wasting tides-with the help of the moon, incidentally-to generate electricity. This endeavor and the utilization of nuclear energy to desalt the ocean's waters will be important tests of our ability to create a great scientific society.

I would like now as part of my testimony to have slide presentation if we could. I think this will give the members of the committee, Mr. Chairman, a very clear and concise, quick picture of the main elements of this plan.

Senator MUSKIE. Thank you, Mr. Secretary.

(The following is a transcription of the sound track of the slide presentation given by the Department of the Interior describing the Passamaquoddy project. The slides are on file in the office of the Committee on Public Works.)

Slide. Quoddy title.

Slide 1. In 1961, following a request of the late President John F. Kennedy, the Department of the Interior initiated a study of:

Slide 2. Changing patterns in electric generation and transmission technology, fuel costs, and electric demand which might make the long proposed Passamaquoddy tidal power project economically feasible.

Slide 3. Two years later, the Department reported that four basic changes now made Quoddy engineeringly and economically sound.

1. The load growth of the New England-New Brunswick market area; 2. Extra high voltage transmission;

3. Peaking capacity required with large, modern thermal units; and 4. The advent of horizontal flow turbines.

Slide 4. The Passamaquoddy area is located in northeastern Maine on the Bay of Fundy, where tides as high as 40 to 50 feet have been measured.

Slide 5. At Eastport, Maine, the maximum tidal range reaches 26 feet with an average of 18.1 feet. This is the tidal range that makes the development of the Passamaquoddy tidal power project possible and desirable.

Slide 6. Here is a stylized projection of the Quoddy area, after completion. Slide 7. Starting from the top right and moving left, we see Passamaquoddy Bay. This is the high pool where incoming tides will be trapped, as water rushes through filling gates at Letite Passage and Deer Island. At center left is the first powerhouse and the site of the potential second powerhouse. Below them is Cobscook Bay-the low pool that will receive the water as it pours through turbines. The water then passes out through the emptying gates with the tide at low ebb.

Slide 8. Here is a closer view of the powerhouses.

Slide 9. To simplify the operation, this slide visualizes both the high and low pools as if they were empty.

Slide 10. As the filling gates are opened at high tide, the high pool fills. Slide 11. When peaking power is required, the water is released through turbines into the low pool and then into the ocean through the emptying gates, when the tide is at low ebb.

Slide 12. This slide shows the projected load growth of the New EnglandNew Brunswick market area. In 1950, 7.2 million kilowatts, including 800,000 kilowatts of peaking power, was required. In 1960, 11.7 million peaking demand. By 1970, 22 million kilowatts and a 2 million peaking ability will be needed. And, by 1980, 36 million kilowatts with a peaking demand of 4 million. Slide 13. What causes peaking demand? During the daylight hours, a fairly constant load is caused by normal and industrial demand. But, from about 4 to 6 p.m., the turning on of lights, television, radios, ranges, and many other electrical appliances causes a sudden need for more power. As you know, this peak demand must be met, or a danger of a blackout and a loss of power will result throughout the entire area.

Slide 14. For example here you can see the vast daily changes in New England power loads for 1 week in December of 1980-as estimated by the Federal Power Commission.

Slide 15. This slide illustrates the ability of combined powerplants to meet New England baseload requirements in 1980. At the bottom in gray are baseload thermal plants. In blue, all of the older thermal and hydroelectric plants. And, in red, the additional needed peaking power including Quoddy. As large, efficient baseload thermal plants-fossil fuel or nuclear-are constructed, the need for efficient hydroelectric peaking projects—such as Quoddy—will increase in New England.

Slide 16. The final, and the most important advance, that makes Quoddy feasible is the advent of the horizontal reversible flow turbine. Notice that while the propeller is under water, the shaft runs at an angle to the generator which is high and dry in its own concrete housing out of the water. Four of these units can take the place of three conventional Kaplan units with lower installation costs.

Slide 17. Power generated at Quoddy and the auxiliary Dickey Dam on the St. John River will be transmitted to Bangor. Power will then move to the Boston area through two 345,000-volt lines. Other lines will feed New Brunswick with its share of power. And, power can also be fed in either direction-north to south, or vice versa.

Slide 18. In order to achieve the maximum benefit from water resource development, Dickey Dam should be constructed as an auxiliary hydroelectric plant on the St. John River immediately above the confluence with the Allagash River as shown on this slide.

Slide 19. The main dam across the St. John River would be of the earth filled type:

Slide 20. With a center of compacted impervious fill-that is to say fill that would repel water seepage;

Slide 21. Compacted pervious fill or compacted earth would make up the bulk of the dam;

Slide 22. To prevent erosion, 2 feet of gravel would face the pervious fill; and to prevent the washing away of gravel, a 4-foot

Slide 23. Covering of rock would surface the water side of the dam all structural features would be located on the right bank and in general founded on rock.

Slide 24. The dam height would be 925 feet above sea level with ground level at 583 feet above sea level.

Slide 25. The maximum reservoir elevations, indicated above sea level, would be 910 feet.

Slide 26. The minimum elevation, above sea level, 870 feet. This would provide a 40-foot drawdown and still leave the dam operable.

Slide 27. At maximum elevation of 910 feet, the reservoir area would be 88,600 acres and its capacity 8,008,000 acre-feet. At drawdown level of 870 feet, the reservoir area would be 58,500 acres and its capacity 5,180,000 acre-feet. The current engineering study takes into consideration the 3-year drought of 1955 through 1958 and the greatest flood, that of May 1960.

Slide 28. This is a simplified top view of Dickey Dam. The powerhouse is located in the center.

Slide 29. Here we see the flow of water, in red, when water is released for power, or when the overflow chute is used.


Slide 30. Because of the tremendous volume of water when it is released, it will be necessary to relocate the Allagash River Channel by eliminating the loop shown here and allowing the water to glide back into the St. John River. loop will encompass about 3,000 yards of the Allagash but the straight channel will prevent flooding of the Allagash.

Slide 31. The Dickey site was chosen over the Rankin Rapids site so that the Allagash would be preserved.

Slide 32. This famed canoe waterway should remain as one of the great scenic wilderness routes for all time while Dickey serves the economy of Maine and New England.

Slide 33. The Dickey site is located in Aroostook County.

Slide 34. The Passamaquoddy international tidal powerplant will be constructed in Washington County. Washington County's population declined from 1950 to 1960, while Aroostook County's population increased at a much slower rate in contrast to the national average.

Slide 35. Economic opportunity has been denied to the youth of both countiesSlide 36. With subsequent migration to other cities and States, breaking down the traditional family solidarity characteristic of New England.

Slide 37. Industry has moved to other areas, causing many retail and service establishments to close. High electric costs have been a significant factor in the industrial decline of the area.

Slide 38. Fish canneries have gone out of business.

Slide 39. Agriculture is uncertain, and the lumber industry fluctuates widely. Slide 40. A national sampling conducted by the Federal Government in 1959 shows that a typical family of four needs an annual income of $6,000 a year to maintain a modest but adequate standard of living.

Slide 41. Yet, in Washington County, 34 percent of the families have incomes of less than $3,000.

Slide 42. And, in Aroostook County, over 30 percent of the families earn less than $3,000.

Slide 43. In Washington County, nearly 17 percent of the family units receive public assistance.

Slide 44. On Aroostook County, about 12 percent of the families receive public assistance.

Slide 45. Using this yardstick, one-third of the people of the area live in poverty, as contrasted to a national poverty level of one-fifth.

Slide 46. In 60 years of water resource development the Department of the Interior has learned conclusively that each dollar of Federal water resource investment means that

Slide 47. An additional $2 of private business is stimulated. Through on-site employment, through jobs generated in the manufacturing and transportation of materials and equipment, and through the sustained economic benefit of abundant, relatively low cost power—

Slide 48. Factories reopen and local business thrives.

Slide 49. New employment opportunity is created, a new ray of hope is instilled in people who live now with a mounting sense of despair, and this exit from poverty gives new opportunity for self-reliant people to advance themselves to the limits of their capabilities.

Slide 50. What would the Quoddy-Dickey project cost, and what are its power benefits?

Slide 51. Quoddy, $582 million; Dickey Dam, $210.4 million; Lincoln School reregulating dam, $16.6 million; the transmission system, $87 million; a total of $896 million, and, using

Slide 52. Reversible axial flow turbines, 50 generators at Quoddy combined with generation at Dickey can produce the same peaking power benefits that 100 generators could have produced only a year ago-another example of skillful, efficient, and imaginative engineering.

Slide 53. Annual benefits in dollars are as follows: Power, $42.4 million; recreation, $2.3 million; area redevelopment, $2.2 million; total, $46.9 million, as contrasted with annual costs of $31.9 million. How will the project pay for itself?

Slide 54. Power revenues of $19.75 per kilowatt-year for capacity and 3 mills per kilowatt-hour for energy will repay the entire cost of Quoddy and Dickey, including interest, within 50 years after each power unit becomes revenue producing-a normal requirement for all Federal water resource development. Equivalent private costs would be:

Slide 55. Fossil fuel, $27.70 for capacity and 3 mills for energy; nuclear fuel, $30.89 for capacity and 188 mills for energy; pumped storage, $25.32 for capacity and 6 mills for energy. Careful and rigorous analysis of all possible alternatives to Quoddy were studied. The conclusions:

Slide 56. Economic analysis alone precludes all privately financed fossil fuel, nuclear or pumped storage projects as an alternative to Quoddy in New England. Realistic private alternatives cannot produce equivalent power at lower costs, ignoring all other resource values of Quoddy. Now-considering only power costs, and other economic alternatives:

Slide 57. Basic legislative authority to construct Federal steamplants does not exist for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or the Department of the Interior, although they would be cheaper. But, they could not provide maximum regional benefits as required in Senate Document No. 97-which specifies conditions to be met in all water resource development. Another less expensive alternative is a Federal atomic plant, but

Slide 58. Legislative history indicates conclusively that Congress does not envision federally financed and federally operated nuclear power projects. Also, a Federal nuclear plant-as well as Federal fossil fuel plant-would have to be operated inefficiently to produce the equivalent, efficient peaking power of Quoddy. A third cheaper alternative would be Federal pumped storage plants in New England. But

Slide 59. This type of development does not offer as does Quoddy and Dickey-equivalent benefits in water resource development, in flood control, in outdoor recreation, and in the war against poverty. Pumped storage unitsunless they contain a builtin source of abundant, low-cost power, such as Quoddy-use more energy than they create. Finally:

Slide 60. There is no alternative to Passamaquoddy to conserve the everwasting energy of the tides and to put this tremendous source of energy to work for man.

Slide 61. In the years ahead, conventional pumped storage and hydroelectric power-and particularly privately owned fossil fuel and nuclear plants-will be absolutely essential.

Slide 62 (projection of Quoddy). But, Quoddy is a first and necessary step toward vitally needed economic rejuvenation in New England [pause] you have seen the Quoddy-Dickey story.

[blocks in formation]

Slide 63 (Allagash shot). It will preserve the Allagash River-whose destruction or flooding would be a national fatality.

Slide 64 (open factory). Its area redevelopment benefits are enormous, and the value of its exodus from poverty immeasurable. Its low-cost power could mark the beginning of a second industrial revolution in New England-the cradle of this Nation's first advance toward economic progress.

Slide 65. Its construction would forge a new link of cooperation between the United States and Canada-creating the possibility of an international electric intertie, like that endorsed recently by President Johnson as "launching a new era of cooperation between private power and public power


Slide 66 (unlabeled Quoddy). Trillions of tons of water have passed the pilings of Eastport since the day Dexter Cooper, the father of Quoddy, shared a vision with his neighbor, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. France and Russia are moving ahead. And, the waters of Passamaquoddy Bay are still waiting to be put to beneficial use for man.

Silde 67 (no substitute slide). This is a different moon race. One that has more immediate benefit for mankind. One which adds to the sum total of human technology.

The race for the moon has many scientific ramifications, but none so challenging in terms of immediate benefit to man than the harnessing of the everwasting tides. This endeavor will be an important test of our Nation's ability to create a great scientific society.

Slide 68 (growth from intertie). Growth is a never-ending process which ultimately depends upon the use we make of our natural resources, and—

Slide 69 (man from intertie). One measure of the greatest of a society is the energy it holds in its hand. Conservation is the highest form of national thrift. Only by new and imaginative decisions can our Nation prosper.

Slide 70 (powerhouse). The Department of the Interior, a major conservation agency of the Federal Government, is devoted to the principle that expendable resources should be conserved, that renewable resources should be


managed to produce maximum benefits, and that all resources should contribute their full measure to enrich the lives of all Americans-now and in the future.

Slide (Department seal).

Senator MUSKIE. Thank you, Mr. Secretary, and I would like to express my appreciation not only to you but your technicians who produced that excellent presentation. I think it is as good a brief presentation as could be devised for the purpose of indicating in broad brush strokes exactly what it is that we are talking about here and what it is that we are trying to do.

I think it might be useful for the members of the committee-some of whom have had some exposure to this project in years past but most of whom perhaps know it only as a name to sketch in some of the history of this project since it was first conceived by Dexter Cooper, and as I sketch this out with you, Mr. Secretary, of course, you have Joe Guidry and Morgan Dubrow, and Ken Holum to add to the record.

As I recall, Dexter Cooper first conceived this idea about 1919. Am I correct there? And it was in the 1930's that President Roosevelt undertook to start the project using WPA funds in the early 1930's. At that time, because it was not possible to develop Canadian agreement for use of the international waters, it was decided to proceed with the so-called one-pool plan, built around Cobscook Bay and located entirely within the boundaries of the State of Maine. It was necessary for the President to go to Congress ultimately for authorization of the project in order to proceed beyond the preliminary phases which he found it possible to undertake with WPA funds. Congress never approved it. The feasibility of the project at that time was not established to the satisfaction of the Congress. And so the project apparently died at that time.

It was resurrected for practical purposes by the survey, economic survey, which was authorized in the mid-1950's under legislation introduced by the members of the Maine delegation to which Congressman McIntire has already made reference.

That study was undertaken by the International Joint Commission, and the IJC's report was filed with the President in April of


Now, this project was based on the two-pool plan which has been described here this morning. The IJC report in 1961 found that the project would not be economically feasible for reasons that are indicated in that report, and that report will be made a part of the record.

(NOTE. The summary of the "Report of the International Joint Commission," dated April 1961, is published in a separate volume to this hearing record, entitled "Appendix I." The IJC report in its entirety is on file in the office of the Committee on Public Works.)

Senator MUSKIE. That report left open certain posibilities for the project in the future and to study those possibilities, President Kennedy directed the Department of the Interior to undertake the efforts which culminated a year ago in the favorable report.

The favorable report of a year ago was not a final report because there were certain aspects of the project which still had to be studied, particularly the engineering aspects of the project on the upper St. John at Dickey and the powerhouse locations at Passamaquoddy Bay.

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