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Lunatic Asylums (Ireland) (Advances).

ence, &c. of Asylums to cer

Council the whole of the Sums expended. 1 & 2 G. 4. c. 33.

as aforesaid shall have been already handed over or shall be here- for General after handed over to the Governors of such Asylum fit for the Control and Reception of the Lunatic Poor, as provided by the Act First and CorrespondSecond George the Fourth, Chapter Thirty-three, it shall be lawful for the Commissioners for General Control and Correspondence, tify to the Lord and for superintending and directing the Erection and Establish- Lieutenant in ment of Asylums for the Lunatic Poor in Ireland, and they are hereby required, to transmit to the Clerk of Her Majesty's Privy Council in Ireland a certified Return of all the Moneys which shall have been expended from Time to Time in such Erection, Enlargement, or Extension of such Asylum as aforesaid, and a certified Copy of the said Returns to the Governors of such Asylum, and also One to the Secretary of the Grand Jury of each of the Counties associated in each of such Asylums, and the said Clerk of the Council shall lay the said Return before the Lord Lieutenant in Council as soon as conveniently may be; pro. vided that in case any Difference of Opinion shall arise as to the Fitness of any Asylum for the Reception of the Lunatic Poor between the Governors and the Board of Works, it shall be lawful for the Governors to refer the Question to the Lord Lieutenant in Council, who is hereby empowered to decide between them.

II. It shall and may be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant and Council, on such certified Return being laid before them, to make an Order or Orders for the Repayment by the Counties within the District in and for which such Asylum shall be erected and established of the Sums so certified to have been expended, in such Manner, and at such Times, and in such Proportions as shall be fixed by said Order.

Lord Lieutenant to order Repayment of Sums expended.

the County to make Present

ment for the Repayment of the Money so ordered to be repaid.

III. It shall be lawful for the Grand Jury of any and every Grand Jury of County in Ireland in or for which, either wholly or in part, any such Asylum hath been or shall be erected and established, and such Grand Jury is hereby required, without any previous Proceedings, at any Presentment Sessions, to present the Sum or Sums to be fixed and ascertained by any such Order or Orders accordingly, or in default thereof the same shall be inserted in and raised by an Order of the Judge of Assize, or of the Court at any Presenting Term, which Order shall have the Force of a Presentment, and the Sum or Sums therein mentioned shall be applotted and raised and levied accordingly, as if the same had been inserted in a Presentment duly made at the Assizes or Presenting Term at which such Order shall be made, any Act or Acts to the contrary notwithstanding.

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IV. And whereas it is expedient to amend so much of an Act

passed in the Ninth and Tenth Years of the Reign of Her pre

sent Majesty, intituled An Act to amend the Laws as to Dis- 9 & 10 Vict.

trict Lunatic Asylums in Ireland, to provide for the Expense of c. 115.

the Maintenance of certain Lunatic Poor removed from the Richmond Lunatic Asylum, Dublin, for Want of Room therein, and to provide for the Salaries and Expenses incident to the Office of Inspector of Lunatics in Ireland, as relates to the Re'payments which, in case of Change of old Districts and Esta18 & 19 VICT.



Manner of proceeding in case of Change of District.

Lunatic Asylums (Ireland) (Advances.)

'blishment of new Districts, any County or Counties remaining within the old Districts are liable to make to any County or 'Counties transferred to such new Districts of the whole of the Sums raised off such County or Counties so transferred as afore'said for erecting and establishing any Lunatic Asylum in whose District such County shall have been theretofore situate:' Be it enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act so much of the said recited Act as provides that the whole of such Sums so raised off any County or Counties shall be repaid to such County or Counties so transferred to a new District as aforesaid shall be and the same is hereby repealed; and it shall and may be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council, if they shall so think fit, to ascertain and fix the equitable Amount so to be repaid, and the Proportions and Instalments of such Repayments: Provided always, that before finally fixing and ascertaining the equitable. Amount so to be repaid, the Chief or Under Secretary of the Lord Lieutenant shall transmit a Copy of the proposed Order for fixing and ascertaining suclf Amount, and the Proportions and Instalments of such Repayments, to the Secretary of the Grand Jury of every County affected by or interested in such Order, and such Secretary shall lay the same before the Grand Jury of such County on the First Day of their Meeting for fiscal Business; and in case any such Grand Jury shall think proper to object to such proposed Order, or any Part thereof, such Grand Jury shall, at such Assizes, be authorized to do so, and transmit the Particulars of their Objections to the said Chief or Under Secretary of the Lord Lieutenant, and the Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council shall at any Time after such Assizes (upon Notice to the Secretary of the Grand Jury of every or any County so objecting) proceed to consider the Objections which shall have been so made by or on the Part of any such Grand Jury, or, in the Absence of any such Objections, make an Order finally fixing and ascertaining the equitable Amount so to be repaid, and the Proportions and Instalments of such Repayments, which shall, when fixed as aforesaid, be presented, levied, and repaid in the like Manner as in the said recited Act is enacted and provided.

V. And whereas by an Act passed in the First and Second Years of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, 1 & 2 G. 4. c. 33. intituled An Act to make more effectual Provision for the 'Establishment of Asylums for the Lunatic Poor, and for the Cus

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tody of Insane Persons charged with Offences, in Ireland, it is, amongst other things, provided and enacted, that it shall and may be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, by and with the Advice of His Ma'jesty's Privy Council in Ireland, to nominate and appoint any Persons, not exceeding Eight in Number, to be Commissioners for General Control and Correspondence and for the superintending and directing the Erection, Establishment, and Regu Appointment of lation of all Asylums for the Lunatic Poor in Ireland: Be it Commissioners. enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act it shall

and may be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant in Council to revoke any Appointment heretofore made or purporting to have been


Lunatic Asylums (Ireland) (Advances.)

made under the said recited Act as the Lord Lieutenant in Council may think fit, and to appoint from Time to Time as Vacancies may occur any other Persons (of whom the Chairman of the Commissioners of Public Works for the Time being shall be One) to be Commissioners for General Control and Correspondence, and for the superintending and directing the Erection, Establishment, and Regulation of Asylums for the Lunatic Poor in Ireland; and all Lands and Hereditaments and Property, of what Nature or Kind whatsoever, which may have been acquired by or vested in the said Commissioners for General Control and Cor respondence, and for the superintending and directing the Erection, Establishment, and Regulation of Asylums for the Lunatic Poor, or any of them, appointed or purporting to have been appointed under the said recited Act of the First and Second Years of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, shall be and are hereby to all Intents and Purposes vested in the Commissioners for the Time being appointed and to be appointed under this Act.

VI. It shall be lawful for the Commissioners of the Treasury, if upon any Inquiries made under their Directions it shall appear to them just that the County or Counties liable to be charged in respect of any such Asylum should be relieved from a Portion of the Amount of the Expenses incurred in the building of such Asylum, to authorize and direct that Remission shall be made accordingly to such Amount as to the said Commissioners of the Treasury may appear just and reasonable.

Treasury may relieve Counties of a Portion of the Expenses if

it should appear just.

VII. In the Construction of this Act the Expression "Lord Interpretation Lieutenant" shall mean the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief of Terms. Governor or Governors of Ireland; the Expression "Lord Lieutenant in Council" shall mean the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, by and with the Advice of Her Majesty's Privy Council in Ireland; and the Word "County' shall include a County of a City or County of a Town.

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VIII. This Act may be cited for all Purposes as the "Lunatic Short Title. Asylums Repayment of Advances (Ireland) Act, 1855."


An Act to authorize the Application of certain Sums granted by Parliament for Drainage and other Works of public Utility in Ireland, towards the Completion of certain Navigations undertaken in connexion with Drainages, and to amend the Acts for promoting the Drainage of Lands and Improvements in connexion therewith in Ireland.

[14th August 1855.]

WH HEREAS an Act was passed in the Session of Parliament

holden in the Fifth and Sixth Years of Her Majesty, 5 & 6 Vict. c. 89. Chapter Eighty-nine, "to promote the Drainage of Lands and "Improvement of Navigation and Water Power in connexion "with such Drainage in Ireland:" And whereas the said Act was amended by an Act passed in the Session of Parliament

Sixtyholden in the Eighth and Ninth Years of Her Majesty, Chapter 8&9 Vict. c. 69.

Kk 2

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9 & 10 Vict.

cc. 4. and 86.

10 & 11 Vict.

c. 79.

16 & 17 Vict.

c. 130.

9 & 10 Vict. c. 4.

10 & 11 Vict. c. 79.


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Navigation Works (Ireland).

Sixty-nine, and by an Act passed in the Session of Parliament holden in the Ninth and Tenth Years of Her Majesty, Chapter 'Four, and by an Act passed in the same Session of Parliament, Chapter Eighty-six, and by an Act passed in the Session of Parliament holden in the Tenth and Eleventh Years of Her Majesty, Chapter Seventy-nine, and by an Act passed in a Session of Parliament holden in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Years of Her Majesty, Chapter One hundred and thirty: And whereas by the said Act of the Ninth and Tenth Years of Her Majesty, Chapter Four, it is enacted, that in all Cases where, for the Purposes of Navigation connected with Drainage, a free Grant of a Moiety or more of the Expense of making or improving any 'such Navigation should or might be made under the Authority ' of Parliament, and the other Moiety or Residue of the Expense of making or improving such Navigation should or might be ' raised or advanced by way of Loan under the Provisions of the 'therein recited Acts or the said Act now in recital, then such Moiety or Residue so raised or advanced should, with Interest 'from the Date of such Loan, be charged upon the District which, by the Declaration to be made in such Case by the said Com'missioners under the Provisions of the therein first-recited Act, 'it should be declared would be benefited by the making or improving of such Navigation, and the several Baronies, Half 'Baronies, and Townlands in such District, and should be repaid by and levied from such Baronies, Half Baronies, and Town'lands in the Proportions in which it should be so declared that such Baronies, Half Baronies, and Townlands would be respectively benefited, in One Sum or by Instalments, under and subject 'to the several Provisions and Regulations in the therein recited Acts or the Act now in recital contained in relation to the 'Levy and Recovery of any Sums which under the Final Award of the said Commissioners should be payable by the Grand Jury of any County in respect of the Improvement of the Navigation of any River: And whereas by the said Act of the Tenth and Eleventh Years of Her Majesty, it is enacted, that in all Cases where, for the Purposes of Navigation connected ' with Drainage, a free Grant of a Moiety or more of the Expenses of making or improving any such Navigation should be or should have been made by the Authority of Parliament, and the other Moiety or Residue of the Expense of making or improving such Navigation should be or should have been raised or advanced by way of Loan, then such Moiety or Residue so raised or advanced should be charged upon the District 'therein mentioned, and the several Baronies, Half Baronies, and Townlands in such District, and should be repaid by and levied from such Baronies, Half Baronies, and Townlands, 'without any Declaration of the Justices and associated Cesspayers, and without any Presentment previously made by the Grand Jury of the County or any of the Counties wherein such District as aforesaid should be situate; and in all such Cases all Proceedings hitherto taken by or before the Commissioners for the Execution of the said Acts under the therein

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' recited

Navigation Works (Ireland).

' recited Provision, and all Loans, if any, made to them, and all
'Securities given by them for the same under such Provision,
'should be valid and effectual, notwithstanding any Omission or
'Defect as regards any such Declaration or Presentment as afore-
said: And whereas in connexion with the Drainage of Lands in
' certain Districts the Four several Navigations herein-after men-
'tioned have been undertaken and in part executed under the
'Provisions of the said recited Acts of the Ninth and Tenth and
Tenth and Eleventh Years of Her Majesty; (that is to say,)
'1st. In the District of Lough Neagh, situate in the Counties of
Antrim, Derry, Tyrone, Armagh, and Down, the Navi-
'gation of the Lower Bann River from the Bridge of
Coleraine in the tidal Part of the said River to Lough
Neagh, and extending thence to the First Lock or
Entrance of the Lagan, Newry, Ulster, and Coal Island

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2d. In the District of Loughs Oughter and Gowna and River Erne, situate in the Counties of Fermanagh and Cavan, the Navigation from Beleek by the Course of Upper and 'Lower Lough Erne, Lough Oughter and the River Erne, and the Towns of Enniskillen and Belturbet to Killes'handra and near to the Town of Cavan:


3d. In the District of Ballynamore and Ballyconnell, situate
in the Counties of Leitrim, Cavan, and Fermanagh, the
Junction Navigation by the Course of the Woodford
'River and Lakes, from Lough Erne, at the Mouth of the
'said River, to the River Shannon near the Village of


4th. In the District of Loughs Corrib, Mask, and Carra, in
'the County of the Town of Galway and Counties of Gal-
way and Mayo, the Navigation by the River and Lake
Corrib, and Loughs Corrib, Mask, and Carra from the
'Sea at Galway to the Northern Extremity of the said
'Lough Mask and Carra, and to Cloon Lough in the River

And whereas free Grants to the Amount of One hundred and thirty-five thousand five hundred and seventy-three Pounds Three Shillings and Sevenpence have been heretofore made by the Authority of Parliament for the Purposes of the said Navigations: And whereas it is expedient to make further Provision by way of free Grant for the Completion of the said Naviga'tions respectively, or such of them or such Portions of them or 'any of them as, upon Inquiries already made or to be hereafter 'made under the Directions of the Commissioners of the Treasury, ⚫ it may be deemed expedient to complete: Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows:

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I. It shall be lawful for the Commissioners of Her Majesty's The Treasury Treasury, out of the Sum of Eight hundred thousand Pounds may issue Mowhich, by an Act passed in the Session of Parliament holden in ney for the Purposes of

Kk 3


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