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If these things were given away in the acknowledgment of omnipresent abundance, they would send back joy, love, thanksgiving, and thus help the giver. Don't give with the idea of charity, for everything belongs to God. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.' Ask for wisdom and you will become a steward, equalizing God's supply. God gives of himself without stint. 'Child, all that I have is thine.' The sun shines on all alike, the rain descends on the just and on the unjust.

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"God is love, life, health, peace, prosperity, all good, but we can only have by using, by keeping the channel open. Say often, Manifest thyself in me as a loving presence. Manifest thyself in me as a healing presence. Manifest thyself in me as a strengthening presence.' Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven, become as a little child, or ye cannot enter in. It means obedience, obedience, obedience. Say, 'I delight to do thy will.' Look within yourself. Everything you are is derived from ideas you hold in mind. Help me to know the power thou hast.' 'As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.' When the thoughts of love and joy, of peace and plenty, keep coming, you will know what Jesus meant when he said, 'The water I shall give you shall be in you a well of water, springing up into everlasting life.'

"Our great teacher showed us many examples of the all-abundance of his love, for he loved little children, the beggar, the rich young man. Always in perfect peace, he stilled the tempest in the thoughts of those about him, and on the material seas. He had plenty, and fed the thousands by blessing what he had. Now, if you have been saving, take a lesson and change your ideas and give. From experience I find the best investment is to give. We want divine order in all things. God must be supreme. He who seeth me in all things, and all things in me, looseneth not his hold on me, and I forsake him not.'

"Let none say this abundant supply is not for

me. Say, 'It is for me. It is for whosoever will. I hear the voice of the Spirit and

It is for everyone. I will be obedient to it.' It says, Love, love, to the lonely; joy, joy, to the sorrowful; peace, peace, to the weary; health, health, to the sick; plenty, plenty, to the poor. 'Come unto me, all ye that are weary, and heavy laden and I will give you rest.' 'Come unto me and rest. Lay down, thou weary one, thy head upon my breast.' The Spirit is always saying, 'Come unto me. Become as a little child and learn of me. My yoke is easy and my burden is light. Come out of the material into the spiritual part of yourself, and see with the prophet the new heavens and the new earth. Former things are passed away.' C. A. SHAFER, Secretary.

Truth is within ourselves; it takes no rise
From outward things, whate'er you may believe;
There is an inmost center in us all

Where truth abides in fullness; and around,
Wall upon wall, the gross flesh hems it in,

This perfect, clear perception - which is truth;
A baffling and perverting carnal mesh,

Blinds it, and makes all error; and "to know"
Rather consists in opening out a way

Whence the imprisoned splendor may escape,
Than in effecting entry for a light
Supposed to be without..

-Jewish Record.

Is it possible to believe that the steadfast faith and love of a good woman may uplift the departed spirit of an unworthy man out of an uttermost hell by its force and purity? Surely in these days, when we are discovering what marvelous properties there are in simple light, and the passing of sound through space, it would be foolish to deny the probability of noble thought radiating to unmeasured distances, and affecting for good those who are gone from us, whom we loved on earth, and whose present state and form of life we are not as yet permitted to behold. An extract from Boy.

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Entered in the postoffice at Kansas City, Mo., as second-class matter.

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Unity is issued on the 15th, and Wee Wisdom on the 1st of the month.


Our next course of lessons in Kansas City will begin at 1315 McGee Street, 8 P. M., Monday, June 3d. The course consists of twelve lessons, one each evening for two weeks. Terms: Freewill offerings. CHARLES and MYRTLE FILLMORE.

Beginning May 12th, the Unity Society of Practical Christianity will hold its Sunday meetings in Arlington Hall, Tenth and Walnut Streets, II A. M. Entrance on Tenth Street. The Wednesday meetings, and all other meetings, will continue to be held at 1315 McGee Street, Kansas City, Mo.

After reading a sample copy of UNITY and "Faith," a dear unknown friend sent us a list of names with this postscript: "I am a Methodist, and strictly opposed to any isms or fads in religion that would shake my faith in the orthodox views. But I believe your lessons have done me good. They set forth and explain the Bible truths so clearly and beautifully that I am sure you are doing great good."

It is interesting to note the awakening of thought forces in all parts of the world. A christianity that is practical is demanded by all classes. There is a magazine published in Madras, India, devoted to a comparative study of religions, philosophy, morals, psychology, science, etc., that will hereafter translate the leading articles in UNITY for the benefit of its readers there. The magazine is 7he Viveka Bhanu, and is edited by Swami Vallinayakam.

I have decided to answer calls to lecture at points in other localities during the summer. THERESA B. H. BROWN,

1711 Oregon Ave., St. Louis, Mo.

Camp Lamoreaux, Lake Geneva, Wis., will this season be in charge of A. G. Walton. It is located in close proximity to Vrilla Heights and affords every opportunity for those desiring metaphysical teaching and healing. Tents and cottages can be rented by the week or for the season. Several well-known teachers will conduct classes there this summer. For terms and all particulars write A. G. Walton, 38 Pearson Street, Chicago, Ill. After June Ist, Camp Lamoreaux, Williams Bay, Wis.


Simplified Lessons in the Science of Being, by Fanny M. Harley, show how to study man. By deductions which are selfevident, they show what Man is; what his nature; what his origin; what his irreversible destiny and how and by what means and when this destiny will be attained. The beautiful method of teaching truth by this writer will reveal untold power and good to every reader. Cloth $1.25; paper, 50 cents; 357 pages.

The Arena for May is an especially fine number. It has, as frontispeice, the portrait of a man now conspicuons in the public eye - Prof. George D. Herron, late of Grinnell College, Iowa. The issue contains an interview with him on "The New Social Apostolate," and the Rev. Wm. T. Brown contributes a most interesting character sketch of Dr. Herron that will repay perusal. Editor Patterson has a signed essay on the "Parting of the Ways," in which some excellent advice is offered to the modern orthodox church. There are many other interesting features, and Editor' McLean announces a symposium on Christian Science for the June number. The Alliance Publishing Company, New York.

$2.50 a year; 25 cents a copy, at news stands.

The Spirit, in its unfolding and progressive manifestations, seems to have again directed us to move onward on the visible plane, and we believe that again it is a step upward, a change for the better. Outwardly the change is suggestive of more freedom, expansiveness, roominess, and mentally it will bring freedom from some burdens and encumbrances, which we think show clearly the leadings of the Spirit. Friends who are moved to come to see or stay with us will find a quite and pleasant place with roomy grounds and pleasant surroundings in a very pretty little village, easy of access via two railroads. A cow and chickens will add their usefulness. MR. and MRS. MURRAY, Churchville, New York.


SOCIETY OF SILENT UNITY: I feel so thankful that I have had the privilege of reading UNITY and WEE WISDOM the last seven years. The truth is in every word. I visited the Home of Truth in Portland, Oregon, last January. I had been bothered with stomach trouble all my life until I commenced to take UNITY. I know I was healed; I was so well for a long time. My people, especially my mother, was opposed to this Truth and she held the thought of fear over me. I did not know how, or at least did not hold myself against her thought as I should, so last winter I almost passed out. Then I was treated by Mrs. Minard, of the Home" in Portland, Oregon, and am well now, thanks be to God who has led us out of darkness into light! Mr. and Mrs. Minard are doing a good work. My oldest girl was always very small and said to be nervous. She was treated at the Home " and is now quite well, and large as the average girl of her age. She is in the eighth grade at school, although she missed three whole years since she was seven years old. I know my faith has helped her, as well as her treatments. Since Mrs. Minard has visited us in our home, and I have been healed, my husband seems much more liberal in his actions. I have faith that we will both be working for the truth ere long. I hope this is not too long, and may be the words that will cheer someone. Your sister in truth, E. T. C., Woodland, Wash.


DEAR FRIENDS: I can no longer refrain from telling you what an instrument for good precious UNITY is to me. It seems to me that each number is still more precious than the last one. Oh, how much I needed that "Powerful Statement," by Walter DeVoe! This has been my weak point ever since I came into this blessed truth - I saw the evil as a hideous reality all around me. In myself the "old man" seemed warring against the pure Spirit within me, but I am thankful to state in spite of all this I have made good progress. Last summer I wrote you a sorrowful letter, telling you of my husband's fall and departure to South Africa without saying good-bye. He squandered (only to appearance) our means of support and also, to appearance, left me a fleshly wreck with taxes and other debts to pay, and this cottage of six rooms to clean up, paint and paper. For two months after he left I bled from my kidneys, and sleep was out of the question as I had to get up every few minutes. I took just these statements: "I am filled with Divine Purity," and also Mrs. Annie Rix Militz powerful statement, "I am whole and well in every part. I am strong with the strength of the Spirit. I am alive with the life of the Spirit. I trust thee, O Christ, utterly." The result was (he left in July) by November I was well, all my debts paid, my house in good order and let out in rooms, and I have now plenty and abundance of every good thing. No doctor, no drugs. About the

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