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at WILLIS. I am sure he is extremely entertaining and they say he is about to return."


"Oh let him stay, let him stay," said Harriet, there is nothing American about him, with his Thalaba and his Gipsy of Sardis; let him stay where he enjoys so much, seeing a real live lord can eat his toast like other folks and actually

stood with his hands behind him."


"Talent he has most certainly," replied Harriet," but there is a sort of sentiment-run-mad in his tales, and he often goes a step beyond the sublime."

Indian Mounds.

I never at any time approached the Indian mounds, those relics of a people and of a time of which no recollection or tradition has been preserved, without interest and feeling. That the hands that reared them should long ago have been mingled with the clay of which they formed these

simple, but enduring monuments excites no wonder: generation departs after generation-one They all laughed, and Louisa said "Well, pour dynasty follows another-one nation perishes, moi, I have trifled away many an hour very agree-and its place is filled by another; but it is seldom ably accompanying him in his "First Impres- that all memory, all tradition is lost of a people. sions" etc. Every thing is conleur de rose with him, A name alone may remain, without any other disfor him Italia's skies are ever blue, and enjoyment tinctive feature, but that is yet a name, and under meets him at every step. I think he has much it the existence of a distinct division of the human race may yet stand recorded in the book of the world's history. But here, on this vast continent, dispersed over a great extent of territory, you find the relics of an utterly forgotten race. They must have been a numerous one, for the magnitude of the works they have left behind them attest it. You see mounds raised upon the rich level plains of the west, which will ever remain a marvel. They must have attained to a certain degree of civilization and sedentary habits, superior to the races whom the present age has seen in turn displaced by those of our own hue and blood:-they were more civilized, more powerful, more enlightened than the Indian races of our day. We read this truth in the vestiges of their towns and fortifications, and the lands once cultivated by them; yet it is in vain you pry into the secret of their deeds; time of existence, or history. You dig into their places of sepulture-you handle their bones; but they are silent and tell you nothing; and the utensils that you unearth only show you that they were numerous, and, however powerful, simple in their habits.

"Ah" said Adelaide, "you have been so much accustomed to your own matter-of-fact natives." "Ah least,” Harriet replied," you would not approve his want of moral sense which appears so often; it ought not to be overlooked in our writers where domestic life shows us so much happiness from our purest and noblest feelings. Where the peaceful calm is never disturbed by the tempests of passion, until homes are desolated and virtue shipwrecked. Yes, I believe in no country is there so much domestic happiness as in our own; every one lives for his own family. Perhaps one great reason is the custom of marrying early, which every one can do where it is no disgrace to work. They marry before the feelings are worn out or changed by a long trial of hope deferred,' or the necessity of worldly considerations. Yes, with all its faults it is a happy land; if there is no turbot, and people will eat eggs out of wine glasses, and married ladies will not flirt."

her home;

"Yes, it is a happy land" said Louisa, casting a glance over the costly furniture which decorated “where the luxuries and comforts of every country are preserved, and Paris, even dear delightful Paris, the centre of civilization ever supplies us with the latest creations of fashion and taste."

"Yes it is a happy land," reiterated Cornelia, quietly reposing on a crimson velvet spring-seated Boston rocking chair, whose gentle motion and well balanced swing seemed to relieve the inmate from the trouble of existing, and even appeared to aid the labor of respiration.

Man is less perfect for the time being, and subject to greater vicissitudes than even the birds of the air and the beasts of the fields, whom he affects to govern and despise. And this is impressed on my mind as I listen to the song of these sweet birds. There are voices yet abroad in the land of those forgotten tribes, at this moment singing the same sweet strain as rung through the oak groves two thousand years ago! They have not forgotten the lessons taught the parents of their race in Paradise. God has stamped them with the species of perfection for which he designed them, and they have not departed from it. Their kind has suffered no vicissitude-they have probably neither deteriorated nor attained greater perfection in any respect since the day of their creation, but have

"It is a happy land," repeated Adelaide, parta-carolled, and nestled, and paired, from generaking of their enthusiasm :—

"Is there a man with soul so dead

Who never to himself hath said

This is my own, my native land."

tion to generation; fulfilling the end for which they were apparently created; while race after race of human beings has arisen and passed away, and the earth has been alternately filled and deMany and various were the subjects discussed serted by individuals perfect in nothing. Without by these ladies: literature, religion, fashion, cook-the certainty of immortality, and the sweet hope ery and politics; yea, even politics did they dare of being restored, through God's mercy, to that venture upon now none of the other sex were pre-estate from which we have fallen, might we not be sent to laugh at their mistakes-detect their igno- well tempted to despair.-Latrobe's travels in Amer. rance or ridicule their fallacy—and if from the specimen above, the reader wishes to partake of their Tea Table Chat, they shall hear more anon.

S. E.

He who postpones the hour of living rightly, is like the rustic who waited till the river should have flowed past him.





on each side, into which its owner's hands were deeply inserted, and so close did his arms lay to his sides, that they appeared nothing more than as would battens nailed to a topsail yard. The only deviation from the perpendicular was from the insertion of a speaking trumpet under his left arm at right angles with his body. It had evidently seen much service, was battered, and the black Japan Mr. Vanslyperken walked his quarter-deck. He worn off in most parts of it. As we said before, was in a brown study, yet looked blue. Six strides brought him to the taffrail of the vessel, six more to the bows, such was the length of his tether-and he turned, and turned again.

Introduction of divers parties, and a red herring. Ir was in the winter of 1699, that a one-masted vessel, with black sides, was running along the coast near Belchy Head, at the rate of about five miles per hour. The wind was from the northward and blew keenly, the vessel was under easy sail, and the water was smooth. It was now broad daylight, and the sun rose clear of clouds and vapor but he threw out light without heat. The upper parts of the spars, the hammock rails, and the small iron guns which were mounted on the vessel's decks, were covered with a white frost. The But there was another personage on deck, a perman at the helm stood muffled up in a thick peajacket and mittens, which made his hands appear sonage of no small importance, as he was all in all to Mr. Vanslyperken, and Mr. Vanslyperken was as large as his feet. His nose was a pug of an intense bluish red, one tint arising from the pre- all in all to him; moreover, we may say, that he is This was one of the ugliest sent cold, and the other from the preventive checks the hero of the TAIL. which he had been so long accustomed to take to and most ill-conditioned curs which had ever been drive out such an unpleasant intruder. His griz- produced from promiscuous intercourse—ugly in zled hair waved its locks gently to the wind, and color, for he was of a dirty yellow, like the paint his face was distorted with an immoderate quid of served out to decorate our men-of-war by his Matobacco which protruded his right cheek. This jesty's dock-yards. Ugly in face, for he had one personage was second officer and steersman on wall eye, and was so far under-jawed as to prove board of the vessel, and his name was Obadiah that a bull-dog had had something to do with his Coble. He had been baptized Obadiah about six-creation-ugly in shape; for although larger than ty years before, that is to say, if he had been bap- a pointer, and strongly built, he was coarse and tized at all. He stood so motionless at the helm, shambling in his make, with his forelegs bowed His ears and tail had never been docked, that you might have imagined him to have been out. frozen there as he stood, were it not that his eyes which was a pity, as the more you curtailed his occasionally wandered from the compass on the proportions, the better looking the cur would have binnacle to the bows of the vessel, and that the been. But his ears, although not cut, were torn breath from his mouth, when it was thrown out to ribands by the various encounters with dogs on into the clear frosty air, formed a smoke like to shore, arising from the acidity of his temper. His tail had lost its hair from an inveterate mange, and that from the spout of a half-boiling tea-kettle. The crew belonging to the cutter, for she was a reminded you of the same appendage in a rat. vessel in the service of his Majesty, King William Many parts of his body were bared from the same the Third, at this time employed in protecting his disease. He carried his head and tail low, and Majesty's revenue against the importation of ala- had a villanous sour look. To the eye of the camodes and lutestrings, were all down below at sual observer, there was not one redeeming qualitheir breakfasts, with the exception of the steers- ty that would warrant his keep; to those who man and lieutenant-commandant, who now walked knew him well, there were a thousand reasons the quarter-deck, if so small an extent of plank why he should be hanged. He followed his mascould be dignified with such a name. He was ter with the greatest precision and exactitude, a Mr. Cornelius Vanslyperken, a tall, meagre-look- walking aft as he walked aft, and walking forward ing personage, with very narrow shoulders and with the same motion, turning when his master very small head-perfectly straight up and down, turned, and moreover, turning in the same direcprotruding in no part, he reminded you of some tion; and, like his master, he appeared to be not a tall parish pump, with a great knob at its top. His little nipped with the cold, and, as well as he, in a face was gaunt, cheeks hollow, nose and chin state of profound meditation. The name of this showing an affection for each other, and evidently uncouth animal was very appropriate to his aplamenting the gulf between them which prevent-pearance, and to his temper. It was Snarleyyow. ed their meeting, both appeared to have fretted At last, Mr. Vanslyperken gave vent to his pentthemselves to the utmost degree of tenuity from disappointment in love: as for the nose, it had a pearly round tear hanging at its tip, as if it wept. The dress of Mr. Vanslyperken was hidden in a great coat, which was very long, and buttoned straight down. This great coat had two pockets

up feelings. "I can't-I won't stand this any longer," muttered the lieutenant, as he took his six strides forward. At this first sound of his master's voice the dog pricked up the remnants of his ears, and they both turned aft. "She has been now fooling me for six years;" and as he concluded

this sentence, Mr. Vanslyperken and Snarleyyow | laid it down on the deck preparatory to commenhad reached the taffrail, and the dog raised his cing his meal. A fight ensued, Smallbones receivtail to the half cock. ed a severe bite in the leg, which induced him to seize a handspike, and make a blow with it at the dog's head, which, if it had been well aimed, would have probably put an end to all further pilfering. As it was, the handspike descended upon one of the dog's fore toes, and Snarleyyow retreated, yelling, to the other side of the forecastle, and as soon as he was out of reach, like all curs, bayed in defiance.

They turned and Mr. Vanslyperken paused a moment or two, and compressed his thin lips-the dog did the same. "I will have an answer, by all that's blue!" was the ejaculation of the next six strides. The lieutenant stopped again, and the dog looked up in his master's face; but it appeared as if the current of his master's thoughts was changed, for the current of keen air reminded Mr. Vanslyperken that he had not yet had his break


The lieutenant leant over the hatchway, took his battered speaking trumpet from under his arm, and putting it to his mouth, the deck reverberated with, "Pass the word for Smallbones forward." The dog put himself in a baying attitude, with his forefeet on the combings of the hatchway, and enforced his master's orders with a deep-toned and measured bow, wow, wow.

Smallbones picked up the herring, pulled up his trowsers to examine the bite, poured down an anathema upon the dog, which was, "May you be starved, as I am, you beast!" and then turned round to go aft, when he struck against the spare form of Mr. Vanslyperken, who, with his hands in his pocket, and his trumpet under his arm, looked unutterably savage.

"How dare you beat my dog, you villain?” said the lieutenant at last, choaking with passion. “He's a-bitten my leg through and through, sir,” replied Smallbones, with a face of alarm. "Well, sir, why have you such thin legs then?" "Cause I gets nothing to fill 'm up with." "Have you not a herring there, you herring-gutted scoundrel? which, in defiance of all the rules of the service, you have brought on his Majesty's quarter-deck, you greedy rascal, and for which I intend"

Smallbones soon made his appearance, rising from the hatchway like a ghost; a thin, shambling personage, apparantly about twenty years old-a pale, cadeverous face, high cheek bones, goggle eyes, with lank hair very thinly sown upon a head, which, like bad soil, would return but a scanty harvest. He looked like Famine's eldest son just arriving to years of discretion. His long lanky legs were pulled so far through his trowsers, that his bare feet, and half way up to his knees, were exposed to the chilling blast. The sleeves of his jacket were so short, that four inches of bone above his wrist were bared to view-hat he had nonehis ears were very large, and the rims of them red with cold, and his neck was so immeasurably long and thin, that his head appeared to topple for want" of support. When he had come on deck, he stood with one hand raised to his forehead, touching his hair instead of his hat, and the other occupied with a half-roasted red herring. "Yes, sir," said Smallbones, standing before his master.

"Be quick!"-commenced the lieutenant; but here his attention was directed to the red herring by Snarleyyow, who raised his head and snuffed at its fumes. Among other disqualifications of the animal, be it observed, that he had no nose except for a red herring, or a post by the way side. Mr. Vansly perken discontinued his orders, took his hand out of his great coat pocket, wiped the drop from off his nose, and then roared out, "How dare you appear on the quarter-deck of a king's ship, sir. with a red herring in your fist?"

If you please, sir," replied Smallbones, “if I were to come for to go to leave it in the galley, I shouldn't find it when I went back."

"What do I care for that, sir?" It's contrary to all the rules and regulations of the service. Now sir, hear me"

"O Lord, sir! let me off this time, it's only a soldier," replied Smallbones deprecatingly; but Snarleyyow's appetite had been very much sharpened by his morning's walk; it rose with the smell of the red herring, so he rose on his hind legs, snapped the herring out of Smallbones' hand, bolted forward by the lee gangway, and would soon have bolted the herring, had not Smallbones bolted after him and overtook him just as he had

"It ar❜n't my herring, sir, it be your's-for your breakfast-the only one that is left out of the half dozen."

This last remark appeared to somewhat pacify Mr. Vanslyperken.

"Go down below, sir," said he, after a pause, and let me know when my breakfast is ready." Smallbones obeyed immediately, too glad to escape so easily.

"Snarleyyow," said his master, looking at the dog, who remained on the other side of the forecastle. "O Snarleyyow, for shame. Come here, sir. Come here, sir, directly."

But Snarleyyow, who was very sulky at the loss of his anticipated breakfast, was contumacious, and would not come. He stood at the other side of the forecastle, while his master apostrophised him, looking him in the face. Then, after a pause of indecision, gave a howling sort of bark, and trotted away to the main hatchway, and disappeared below. Mr. Vanslyperken returned to the quarter-deck, and turned, and turned as before.


Showing what became of the red herring.

Smallbones soon made his re-appearance, informing Mr. Vanslyperken that his breakfast was ready for him, and Mr. Vanslyperken feeling himself quite ready for his breakfast, went down below. A minute after he had disappeared, another man came up to relieve the one at the wheel, who, as soon as he had surrendered up the spokes, commenced warming himself after the most approved method, by flapping his arms round his body.

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'The skipper's out o' sorts again this morning," said Obadiah. “ After a time I heard him muttering about the woman at the Lust Haus."

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Then, by Got, we will have de breeze," replied Jansen, who was a Dutch seaman of huge proportions, rendered still more preposterous by the multiplicity of his nether clothing.

"Yes, as sure as Mother Carey's chickens raise the gale, so does the name of Frau Vandersloosh. I'll be down and get my breakfast, there may be keel-hauling before noon."

"Mine Got-dat is de tyfel."

"O God!" screamed Smallbones, falling down on his knees," mercy-mercy!"

But there was none. Snarleyyow, when he saw the lad go down on his knees, flew at him, and threw him on his back, growling over him, and occasionally looking at his master.

"Come here, Snarleyyow," said Mr. Vanslyperken. "Come here, sir, and lie down." But Snarleyyow had not forgotten the red herring, so in "Keep her nor-east, Jansen, and keep a sharp revenge he first bit Smallbones in the thigh, and look out for the boats." then obeyed his master.

"Got for dam-how must I steer the chip and look for de boats at de same time?-not possible." "That's no consarn o' mine. Those are the orders, and I passes them-you must get over the unpossibility how you can." So saying Obadiah Coble walked below.

We must do the same, and introduce the reader to the cabin of Lieutenant Vansly perken, which was not very splendid in its furniture. One small table, one chair, a matrass in a standing bed-place, with curtains made of bunting, an open cupboard, containing three plates, one tea-cup and saucer, two drinking glasses, and two knives. More was not required, as Mr. Vanslyperken never indulged in company. There was another cupboard, but it was carefully locked. On the table before the lieutenant was a white wash-hand basin, nearly half full of burgoo, a composition of boiled oatmeal and water, very wholesome, and very hot. It was the allowance from the ship's coppers, of Mr. Vanslyperken and his servant Smallbones. Mr. Vanslyperken was busy stirring it about to cool it a little, with a leaden spoon. Snarleyyow sat close to him, waiting for his share, and Smallbones stood by, waiting for orders.


Smallbones," said the lieutenant, after trying the hot mess before him, and finding that he was still in danger of burning his mouth, "bring me the red herring."

"Red herring, sir?" stammered Smallbones. "Yes," replied his master, fixing his little grey eye sternly on him, "the red herring."

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Its gone, sir," replied Smallbones, with alarm.
Gone-gone where?"

If you please; sir, I didn't a think that you would have touched it after the dog had had it in his nasty mouth; and so, sir-if you please sir

"And so what?" said Vanslyperken, compressing his thin lips.

"I eat it myself-if you please-O dear-O dear."

"You did, did you-you gluttonous scarecrowyou did, did you? Are you aware that you have committed a theft-are you aware of the punishment attending it?"

"Get up, sir," cried the lieutenant.

Smallbones rose, but his temper now rose also; he forgot all that he was to suffer, from indignation against the dog; with flashing eyes, and whimpering with rage, he cried out, as the tears fell, and his arms swung round, "I'll not stand this-I'll jump overboard-that I will: fourteen times has that ere dog a bitten me this week. I'd sooner die at once, than be made dog's meat of in this here way."

"Silence, you mutinous rascal, or I'll put you in irons."

"I wish you would-irons don't bite, if they do hold fast. I'll run away-I don't mind being hung, that I don't-starved to death, and bitten to death in this here way—"

"Silence, sir. It's over feeding that makes you saucy."

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"The Lord forgive you!" cried Smallbones, with surprise; "I've not had a full meal———” "A full meal, you rascal! there's no filling a thing like you-hollow from top to bottom, like a bamboo."

"And what I does get," continued Smallbones with energy, "I pays dear for; that ere dog flies at me, if I takes a bit o' biscuit. I never gets a bite without getting a bite, and its all my own allowance."

"A proof of his fidelity, and an example to you, you wretch." replied the lieutenant, fondly patting the dog on the head.


"Well, I wish you'd discharge me or hang me, don't care which. You eats so hearty, and the dog eats so hearty, that I gets nothing. We are only victualled for two."

"You insolent fellow, recollect the thief's cat." "It's very hard," continued Smallbones, unmindful of the threat, "that that ere beast is to eat my allowance, and be allowed to half eat me too.” You forgot the keel-hauling, you scarecrow." “Well, I hope I may never come up again, that's



"Leave the cabin, sir."

This order Smallbones obeyed.

Snarleyyow," said the lieutenant, “you are hungry, my poor beast." Snarleyyow put his “O sir—it was a mistake-dear sir," cried Small-fore paw up on his master's knee. "You shall bones, whimpering.

have your breakfast soon," continued his master, eating the burgoo between his addresses to the animal. "6 Yes, Snarleyyow, you have done wrong this morning-you ought to have no breakfast." Snarleyyow growled. "We are only four years acquainted, and how many scrapes you have got me into, Snarleyyow?" Snarleyyow here put both his paws upon his master's knee. "Well, "And after the flogging-you shall be keel-you are sorry, my poor dog, and you shall have some breakfast," and Mr. Vanslyperken put the

"In the first place, I will cut you to ribbons with the cat

Mercy, sir-O sir," cried the lad, the tears streaming from his eyes.

"The thief's cat, with three knots in each tail." Smallbones raised up his thin arms, and clasped his hands, pleading for mercy.



basin of bugoo on the floor, which the dog tumbled | even in these days, that would cause powerful down his throat most rapidly. "Nay, my dog, interest. Previous to the revolution he had been not so fast; you must leave some for Smallbones, laid on the shelf for cowardice in one of the enhe will require some breakfast before his punish-gagements between the Dutch and the English, he ment. There, that will do," and Mr. Vanslyperken wished to remove the basin with a little of the burgoo remaining in it. Snarleyyow growled, would have snapped at his master, but Mr. Vanslyperken shoved him away with the bell mouth of his speaking trumpet, and recovering a portion of the mess, put it on the table for the use of poor Smallbones. "Now then, my dog, we will go on deck." Mr. Vanslyperken left the cabin, followed by Snarleyyow, but as soon as his master was half way up the ladder, Snarleyyow turned back, leaped on the chair, from the chair to the table, and then finished the whole of the breakfast ap-service was such as would astonish the modern propriated for Smallbones. Having effected this, the dog followed his master.


being then a lieutenant on board a two-decker ship, and of long standing in the service; but before he had been appointed to this vessel, he had served invariably in small craft, and his want of this necessary qualification had never been discovered. The interest used for him on the accession of the Dutch king was sufficient for his again obtaining command of a small vessel. In those days, the service was very different from what it is now. The commanders of vessels were also the pursers, and could save a great deal of money by defrauding the crew: and further the discipline of the

philanthrophist; there was no appeal for subordinates, and tyranny and oppression, even amounting to the destruction of life, were practised with impunity. Smollet has given his readers some

A retrospect, and short description of a new idea of the state of the service some years after the


But we must leave poor Smallbones to lament his hard fate in the fore peak of the vessel, and Mr. Vanslyperken and his dog to walk the quarterdeck, while we make our readers a little better acquainted with the times in which the scenes passed which we are now describing, as well as with the history of Mr. Vanslyperken.

time of which we are now writing, when it was infinitely worse, for the system of the Dutch, notorious for their cruelty, had been grafted upon that of the English; the consequence was, a combination of all that was revolting to humanity was practised without any notice being taken of it by the superior powers, provided that the commanders of the vessels did their duty when called upon, and showed the necessary talent and courage.

The date of our first chapter, that of the year 1699, will, if they refer back to history, show them Lieutenant Vanslyperken's character may be that William of Nassau had been a few years on summed up in the three vices of avarice, cowardthe English throne, and that peace had just been ice, and cruelty. A miser in the extreme, he had concluded between England with its allies and saved up much money by his having had the comFrance. The king occasionally passed his time mand of a vessel for so many years, during which in Holland, among his Dutch countrymen, and the he had defrauded and pilfered both from the men English and Dutch fleets, which but a few years and the government. Friends and connexions be before were engaging with such an obstinacy of had none on this side of the water, and, when on courage, had lately sailed together, and turned shore, he had lived in a state of abject misery, altheir guns agains the French. William, like all though he had the means of comfortable support. those continental princes who have been called to He was now fifty-five years of age. Since he had the English throne, showed much favor to his own been appointed to the Yungfrau, he had been emcountryinen, and England was over-run with ployed in carrying despatches to the State-GenerDutch favorites, Dutch courtiers, and peers of al from King William, and had, during his repeatDutch extraction. He would not even part with ed visits to the Hague, made acquaintance with his Dutch guards, and was at issue with the Com- the widow Vandersloosh, who kept a Lust Haus, mons of England on that very account. But the a place of resort for sailors where they drank and war was now over, and most of the English and danced. Discovering that the comfortable fat Dutch navy lay dismantled in port, a few small landlady was also very comfortably rich, Mr. vessels only being in commission to intercept the Vanslyperken had made advances with the hope smuggling from France that was carrying on, much of her hand and handling her money. The to the detriment of English manufacture, of certain widow had, however, no idea of accepting the articles then denominated alamodes and lute-offer, but was too wise to give him a decided refustrings. The cutter we have described was on this service, and was named the Yungfrau, although built in England, and forming a part of the English naval force.

sal, as she knew it would be attended with his preventing the crew of the cutter from frequenting her house, and thereby losing much custom. Thus did she, at every return, receive him kindly It may be readily supposed that Dutch interest, and give him hopes, but nothing more. Since the during this period, was on the ascendant. Such peace, as we before observed, the cutter had been was the case: and the Dutch officers and seamen ordered for the prevention of smuggling. who could not be employed in their own marine When and how Mr. Vanslyperken had picked were appointed in the English vessels, to the pre-up his favorite Snarleyvow cannot be discovered, judice of our own countrymen. Mr. Vanslyper- and must remain a secret. The men said that the ken was of Dutch extraction, but born in England dog had appeared on the deck of the cutter in a long before the Prince of Orange had ever dreamt supernatural way, and most of them looked upon of being called to the English throne. He was a │him with as much awe as ill-will. near relation of King William's own nurse, and

This is certain, that the cutter had been a little

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