Eighth DayXulon Press, 2001 - 180 էջ |
The Covenant Psalm | 1 |
Another Day | 27 |
Sacrifices and Offerings | 51 |
A Man After Gods Own Heart | 75 |
Acceptance and Dawning of The Eighth Day | 93 |
Resurrection and Judgment | 105 |
Going On Into Perfection | 127 |
Seeing Our Hope | 149 |
165 | |
Common terms and phrases
8th Day Abraham Adam apostle baptized behold believe Blessing blood body of Christ book of Revelation born bring burnt offering Chap children of Israel Chron church circumcised cleansed coming Commandment Covenant creation curse darkness David dead death Derek Prince descendants dwell earth eight Eighth Day enter ephod eternal everlasting evil faith Father flesh forever fruit fulfilled Gentiles give glory God's New Day God's presence heart heaven heavenly Hebrews holy of holies Holy Spirit hyssop Isaac Jehoiachin Jehoiakim Jerusalem Jesus Christ Judah judgment king kingdom land living Lord Jesus Matt Messiah Moses nation of Israel natural obedience obey Parousia Paul peace perfect Peter praise pray promise prophet Psalm receive Resurrection reveals righteousness salvation saying seventh day Solomon speak stone suffering tabernacle temple temptation testament testimony things throne tongues tree tribes verse walk