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the portrait of a man who has a wen upon his face, and who therefore is easily known. If a man hops upon one leg, Foote can hop upon one leg. But he has not that nice discrimination which your friend seems to possess. Foote is, however, very entertaining with a kind of conversation between wit and buffoonery."

On Monday, March 23., I found him busy, preparing a fourth edition of his folio Dictionary. Mr. Peyton, one of his original amanuenses, was writing for him. I put him in mind of a meaning of the word side, which he had omitted, viz. relationship; as father's side, mother's side. He inserted it. I asked him if humiliating was a good word. He said, he had seen it frequently used, but he did not know it to be legitimate English. He would not admit civilization, but only civility. With great deference to him I thought civilization, from to civilize, better in the sense opposed to barbarity, than civility; as it is better to have a distinct word for each sense, than one word with two senses, which civility is, in his way of using it. (1)

He seemed also to be intent on some sort of chemical operation. I was entertained by observing how

egotism, and a daring contempt of absurdity, that fairly outfaced imitation. George prosecuted Foote for lampooning him on the Dublin stage: his counsel, the prime-serjeant, compared him to Socrates, and his libeller to Aristophanes; this, I believe, was all George got by his course of law. He died in 1775."-CUMBERLAND.]

(1) [Civilization has been introduced into Todd's edition of the Dictionary; but he gives no older authorities than Robertson and Warton.]

he contrived to send Mr. Peyton (1) on an errand, without seeming to degrade him :- " Mr. Peyton, Mr. Peyton, will you be so good as to take a walk to Temple-Bar? You will there see a chemist's shop, at which you will be pleased to buy for me an ounce of oil of vitriol; not spirit of vitriol, but oil of vitriol. It will cost three half-pence." Peyton immediately went, and returned with it, and told him it cost but a penny.

I then reminded him of the Schoolmaster's cause, and proposed to read to him the printed papers concerning it. "No, Sir,” said he, “I can read quicker than I can hear." So he read them to himself.

After he had read for some time, we were interrupted by the entrance of Mr. Kristrom, a Swede, who was tutor to some young gentlemen in the city. He told me, that there was a very good History of Sweden by Daline. Having at that time an intention of writing the history of that country, I asked Dr. Johnson whether one might write a history of Sweden without going thither. "Yes, Sir," said he, "one for common use."

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We talked of languages. Johnson observed that Leibnitz had made some progress in a work tracing all languages up to the Hebrew. Why, Sir," said he, “ you would not imagine that the French jour, day, is derived from the Latin dies, and yet nothing is more certain; and the intermediate steps are very clear. From dies, comes diurnus. Diu is, by inaccurate ears, or inaccurate pronunciation,

(1) [See antè, Vol. I. p. 216.]

easily confounded with giu; then the Italians form a substantive of the ablative of an adjective, and thence giurno, or, as they make it giorno: which is readily contracted into giour, or jour." He observed, that the Bohemian language was true Sclavonic. The Swede said, it had some similarity with the German. JOHNSON. " Why, Sir, to be sure, such parts of Sclavonia as confine with Germany will borrow German words; and such parts as confine with Tartary will borrow Tartar words.

He said, he never had it properly ascertained that the Scotch Highlanders and the Irish understood each other. (') I told him that my cousin, Colonel Graham, of the Royal Highlanders, whom I met at Drogheda, told me they did. JOHNSON. "Sir, if the Highlanders understood Irish, why translate the New Testament into Erse, as was lately done at Edinburgh, when there is an Irish translation." BosWELL. Although the Erse and Irish are both dialects of the same language, there may be a good deal of diversity between them, as between the dif ferent dialects in Italy." The Swede went away, and Mr. Johnson continued his reading of the papers. I said, "I am afraid, Sir, it is troublesome." Sir," said he, "I do not take much delight in it; but I'll go through it."




We went to the Mitre, and dined in the room where he and I first supped together. He gave me

(1) There is no doubt the languages are the same, and the difference in pronunciation and construction not very considerable. The Erse or Earish is the Irish; and the race called Scots came originally from Ulster.". SIR WALTER SCOTT.

great hopes of my cause. "Sir," said he, "the government of a schoolmaster is somewhat of the nature of military government; that is to say, it must be arbitrary, it must be exercised by the will of one man, according to particular circumstances. You must show some learning upon this occasion. You must show, that a schoolmaster has a prescriptive right to beat; and that an action of assault and battery cannot be admitted against him unless there is some great excess, some barbarity. This man has maimed none of his boys. They are all left with the full exercise of their corporeal faculties. In our schools in England, many boys have been maimed ; yet I never heard of an action against a schoolmaster on that account. Puffendorff, I think, maintains the right of a schoolmaster to beat his scholars."



Sir A. Macdonald. Choice of Chancellors. - Lord

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Ranelagh. Luxury. Inequality of Livings. Hon. Thomas Erskine. - Fielding and Richardson. Coriat's Crudities.

Gaming. · Earl of Buchan.-Attachment in Families.-Feudal System. -Cave's Ghost Story.-Witches.

ON Saturday, March 27., I introduced to him Sir Alexander Macdonald (1), with whom he had expressed a wish to be acquainted. He received him very courteously.

Sir Alexander observed, that the Chancellors in England are chosen from views much inferior

(1) Next brother of Sir James Macdonald, whom Mr. Boswell calls the Marcellus of Scotland, and whom the concurrent testimony of his contemporaries proves to have been a very extraordinary young man. He died at Rome in 1766. (See post, Sept. 5. 1773.) Sir Alexander succeeded his brother as eighth Baronet, and was created an Irish Baron, by the title of Lord Macdonald, in 1776. The late Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Sir Archibald Macdonald, was their youngest brother. We shall see more of Sir Alexander under the year 1773, during the Tour to the Hebrides.-C.

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