Love's tongue proves dainty Bacchus gross in taste And when love speaks, the voice of all the gods, Oft have I heard both youth and virgins say, But mercy is above this sceptred sway, It is enthroned in the hearts of kings, Learn from the birds what food the thickets yield, Learn of the mole to plough, the worm to weave; Spread the thin oar, and catch the driving gale. Sweet bird, that shun'st the noise of folly, Doors creak, and windows clap, And night's foul bird, rook'd in the spire, The Fifth vowel sound is marked by a, arm; ea, heart; au, laugh. ARM, harm, farm; armour, armed, army, armory, harmful, harmless, harmlessly, harmony, harmonize, harmonizing, harmonical, harmoniously; farmer, farmed, pharmacy; charm, charming, charmed, charmingly; alarm, alarming, alarmed, alarmingly. PART, partner, particle, parting; cart, carter, carting, darting; smart, smartness, smarting; HEART, hearty, heartful, heartless, heartiness, heartning; LAUGH, laughing, laughter, laughingly. Why thy Godhead laid apart War'st thou with a woman's heart! -When I did hear, The motley fool thus moral on the time, Let me play the fool, With mirth and laughter; let old wrinkles come, And laughter, holding both his sides. The Sixth Vowel sound is marked by a man, many MAN, many; fan, pan, tan, can, (an) anchor, anchorite, anchoring, anchorage; anger, angry, angrily, ancle; fancy, fanciful, fanciless; (ban) banner, bannerol, banneret, bantling, bandy, bandbox, bandage, banish, banishing, banished, banishment, banter, bantling, bankrupt, banter, bantering, banking, banquet, annoy, annoying, annoyance, (tran) transform, translate, transfer, transformer, transforming, transformation; transpose, transposing, transposer, transposes, transposition. Lessons on the Sixth Vowel sound. Were it not better, Because that I am more than common tall, We'll have a swashing and a martial outside, That do outface it with their semblances. What shall I call thee when thou art a man? As many arrows loosed different ways Come to one mark; as many ways meet in one town, As many fresh streams meet in one salt sea; As many lines close in the dial's centre, So many a thousand actions once a foot, End in one purpose. And then to count the minutes how they run, How many makes the hour full complete, How many hours bring about the day, How many days will finish up the year, When this is known, then to divide the times: So many hours must I tend my flock, So many hours must I sport myself. The Seventh Vowel sound is marked by e as in bed, bred; also by ea in bread, &c. BED, wed, sped; bedding, wedding; bedlam, bed-time; meddle, peddle; pedlar, medlar; credit, creditor, credible, creditable; dejected, suspected. dissected, elected, rejected. To bed, to bed, to bed.-Macbeth. Tell me where is fancy bred, Or in the heart, or in the head? Bread, tread, dread; death, breath; treading, spreading, dreading, dreadful, dreadnought; treasure, pleasure, treasured, pleasurable. Bread, Gentlemen, bread is the staff of life; In bread is contained, inclusive, the quintessence of beef, veal, mutton, partridge, plumb-pudding, and custard; and to render all complete, there is intermingled a due quantity of water, whose crudities are corrected by yeast. Therefore, he who eats bread, at the same time eats the best of food, and drinks the best of liquors. Come on, brothers; the cause is good; fall to, and spare not. Here is a shoulder of excellent Banstead mutton, [pointing to a brown loaf,] as ever was cut with knife.-Swift. The Eighth Vowel Sound is marked by— a, as in Kate, phrase, brave, &c. Nay, your name is Kate, And bonny Kate, and Kate the curs't! But Kate, the prettiest Kate in Christendom, Kate of Kate-hall, my dainty Kate, (For cates are dainties) Hearing thy virtues prais'd, O that's a brave man, he writes brave verses, Speaks brave words, swears brave oaths, and breaks It is also marked by ai, ei, and ey, ay, &c., as in the following words and examples, 66 Pleas'd with the sound the King grew vain, Fought all his battles o'er again, And thrice he routed all his foes, and thrice he slew the slain. REIGN, feign, feignwell, feigning, reigning, Better to reign in hell, then serve in heav'n, By thee divided empire, with heaven's king I'll hold, As mankind soon, and this new world shall know. The grey ey'd morn breaks on the frowning night, Heaven first taught letters for some wretches' aid, They live, they speak, -Pair, fair, air, Happy, happy, happy pair, None but the brave, None but the brave, None but the brave deserve the fair. Call you me fair? that fair again unsay, Demetrius loves your fair; O, happy fair! Your eyes are loadstars, and your tongue's sweet air, It is also marked by— ea, speak eo, people ei or ie, yield, believe, i, machine. FEAR, rear; sea, tea, lea; seal, heal, meal; fearing, fearful, fearless; rcaring; seaman, seamanship; sealing, sealed, healing; heat, meat, beat, seat; seam, beam; beating, heating, seating; heated, seated, retreated; people, peopled, peopling; field, yield, wield, yielded, yielding; deity, deist; machine, routine, tontine, vaccine, marine, submarine, transmarine; magazine, quarantine, ultramarine. Lesons on the Eighth Vowel Sound. To me you speak not: If you can look into the seeds of time, And say which grain will grow, and which will not; Your favors, nor your hate,— Speak;-I charge you, what are ye ? Some people can see other peoples' faults, and not see their own; yet if people would mind their own business instead of other peoples', it would be better for them. Let's muster men, my council is my shield; We must be brief, when traitors brave the field; The list'ning crowd admire the lofty sound A present deity, the vaulted roofs rebound. If man were born without free will, he would be a mere machine, incapable of acting for himself; and as being a machine, could not be accountable to his Maker. The Ninth Vowel sound is marked by— e, ee, as in me, ye, we, see, tree, three. CERATE, cerecloth; secret, secrete, secreting, secretly; hereby, herewith, heretofore; precept, predal, prefect, prefix, premier, premium, prestige, precinct, preclude, precise; preferring, preferred, precisely, preciseness, precision, preamble, preambulate, precipitate, predestinate, predestinarian; seeing, freeing; threefold, freehold, freeholder; sweet, sweetly, sweetheart, (with rin) beer, deer, fleer, geer; fleering, geering, jeeringly, (with ee in) feel, feeling, feelingly. Lessons on the Ninth Vowel Sound. My footstool earth, my canopy the skies. Ye glittering towns, with wealth and plunder crown'd Ye bending streams, that dress the flowery vale, We are in God's hand brother, not in theirs ; We will your tawny ground, with your red blood, The sum of all our answer is but this; We would not seek a battle as we are, Nor as we are, we say we will not shun it. My pretty, pretty little spirit, come see, come see, In thunder, lightning, or in rain? COMBINED VOWEL SOUNDS. There are two vowel sounds. The first combined vowel sound is marked by i, white i, kind. y, why, fly, WHITE, sight, rite, might; mind, bind, find, hind, grind; minding, mindful, mindless, minded; binding, binder; kindly, kindness: grinding, grinder; lind, lining; light, lightsome, life, lifeless; confine, confining, confinement; unkind, unkindness, unkindly; mankind, womankind, humankind, gravelkind; behind, behindhand; delight, twilight, daylight, starlight; highlife, lowlife; confide, decide, divide, coincide; regicide, homicide, tyranicide, parricide, matracide, fratricide, infanticide, suicide; sly, why, dry, my, try, sky; slyly, slyness; drying, dryly, dryness; skyey, skycolor, skycolored, skylight, skylark, skyrocket; justify, rectify, testify, purify, pacify, crucify, terrify, fortify, beautify, sanctify, signify, fructify, qualify, glorify; justifying, justified; purifying, rectifying, testifying, pacifying, crucifying, multiplying, notifying, terrifying, fortifying, beautifying. Lessons on the First Combined Vowel Sound. See; the white moon shines on high; Whiter is my true love's shroud, Whiter than the morning sky, Whiter than the evening cloud. -Now, for your answer: As there is no firm reason to be render'd Why he cannot abide a gaping pig ; |