Page images

See baby feed the cow.
See John milk the cow.
I like to see you milk, John.
Papa can milk the cow.

I like to see papa milk the cow.
I can feed papa's horse.

The cow can see baby.

The cow likes baby.

Baby likes to feed the cow.
I like the pretty cow.

[blocks in formation]


Willie, can you milk a cow?
Yes, I can milk a cow.
I can ride on a horse.
I can feed the horse.

See kitty in the tree.

A little bird is in the tree.
The little bird can see kitty.
The little bird can fly.

The bird has a pretty nest.
The nest is in the big tree.
The bird is on the nest.
I can feed the pretty bird.
I give milk to kitty.
See the little mouse, kitty.
Run, little mouse!

See the little mouse, baby.
See kitty run.


Al'içe gō do and ăm it school

Alice and I go to school.

Alice is little. I am big.

See my slate.

Alice has a book and slate.

I like to go to school.

Do you see my school?

It is a little school.

Do you go to a little school?

[graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Can you sew, Alice?
Yes, I can sew a little.
I sew for my doll.

Mamma sews for me.
Mamma sews for baby.

I can sew for mamma.
I like to sew.

Do you sew in school, Alice?
Yes, I sew in school.
Look at my doll.

Do you see my doll?
Look at me. See me sew.

[graphic][merged small]

I have a pretty white dove. Do you wish to see my dove?

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