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I have given you the library of a painter, and a catalogue of such books as he ought to read. Dryden. To LIBRATE. v. a. [libro, Latin.] To poise; to balance; to hold in equipoise. LIBRATION. n.s. [libratio, Lat. libration, French.]

1. The state of being balanced.

This is what may be said of the balance, and the libration of the body. Dryden's Dufresnoy. Their pinions still In loose librations stretch'd, to trust the void Trembling refuse. Thomson's Spring.

s. [In astronomy.]

Libration is the balancing motion or trepidation in the firmament, whereby the declination of the sun, and the latitude of the stars, change from time to time. Astronomers likewise ascribe to the moon a libratory motion, or motion of trepidation, which they pretend is from east to west, and from north to south, because that at full moon they sometimes discover parts of her disk which are not discovered at other times. These kinds are called, the one a libration in longitude, and the other a libration in latitude. Besides this, there is a third kind, which they call an apparent libration, and which consists in this, that when the moon is at her greatest elongation from the south, her axis being then almost perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptick, the sun must enlighten towards the north pole of the moon some parts which he did not before, and that, on the contrary, some parts of those which he enlightened towards the opposite pole are obscured; and this produces the same effect which the libration in latitude does. Dict. Trev. Those planets which move upon their axis, do not all make intire revolutions; for the moon maketh only a kind of libration, or a reciprocated motion on her own axis.


LIBRATORY. adj. [from libro, Lat.] Balancing; playing like a balance.

LICE, the plural of louse.

Red blisters rising on their paps appear, And flaming carbuncles, and noisome sweat, And clammy dews, that loathsome lice beget; Till the slow creeping evil eats his way. Dryden. LICEBANE.n.s. [lice and bane.] A plant. LICENSE. n.s. [licentia, Lat. licence, Fr.] 1. Exorbitant liberty; contempt of legal and necessary restraint.

Some of the wiser seeing that a popular licence is indeed the many-headed tyranny, prevailed

with the rest to make Musidorus their chief.

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- We procured a licence of the duke of Parma to enter the theatre and gallery. Addison on Italy. 3. Liberty; permission.

It is not the manner of the Romans to deliver any man to die, before that he which is accused have the accusers face to face, and have licence to answer for himself.

To LICENSE. v. a. [licencier, Fr.] 1. To permit by a legal grant.


Wit's Titans brav'd the skies, And the press groan'd with licens'd blasphemiec Pope. 2. To dismiss; to send away. Not in use. He would play well, and willingly, at some games of greatest attention, which shewed, that when he listed ne could license his thoughts.

Wotton. LICENSER. N. s. [from license.] A granter of permission; commonly a tool of power.

LICENTIATE.n.s. [licentiatus, low Lat.] 1. A man who uses license. Not in use. The licentiates somewhat licentiously, lest they should prejudice poetical liberty, will pardon thernselves for doubling or rejecting a letter, if the sense fall aptly. 2. A degree in Spanish universities.


A man might, after that time, sue for the degree of licentiate or master in this faculty. Ayliffe. To LICENTIATE. v. a. [licentier, Fr.] To permit; to encourage by license.

We may not hazard either the stifling of generous inclinations, or the licentiating of any thing that is coarse. L'Estrange. LICENTIOUS. adj. [licencieux, French; licenciosus, Latin.]

1. Unrestrained by law or morality.
Later ages pride, like corn-fed steed,
Abus'd her plenty, and fat swoln encrease,
To all licentious lust, and 'gan exceed
The measure of her mean, and natural first need,
Fairy Queen.

How would it touch thee to the quick,
Should'st thou but hear I were licentious?
And that this body, consecrate to thee,
With ruffian lust should be contaminate? Sbak,
2. Presumptuous, unconfined.

The Tyber, whose licentious waves,
So often overnow'd the neighbouring fields,
Now runs a smooth and inoffensive course.

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magna parens. Lichwake is still retained in Scotland in the same sense.

LICHOWL. n. s. [lich and orul.] A sort of owl, by the vulgar supposed to foretel death.

To LICK. v. a. [licean, Saxon; lecken, Dutch.]

1. To pass over with the tongue.

Æsculapius went about with a dog and a shegoat, both which he used much in his cures; the first for licking all ulcerated wounds, and the goat's milk for the diseases of the stomach and lungs. Temple.

A bear's a savage beast; Whelp'd without form, until the dam Has lick'd it into shape and frame. Hudibras. He with his tepid rays the sose renews, And licks the drooping leaves, and dries the dews. Dryden.

I have seen an antiquary lick an old coin, among other trials, to distinguish the age of it by its taste.


2. To lap; to take in by the tongue.

At once pluck out

The multitudinous tongue; let them not lick The sweet which is their poison. Shakspeare. 3. To LICK up. To devour.

Now shall this company lick up all that are round about us, as the ox licketh up the grass. Numbers.

When luxury has lick'd up all thy pelf, Curs'd by thy neighbours, thy trustees, thyself: Think how posterity will treat thy name. Pope. LICK. n.s. [from the verb.] A blow; rough usage: a low word.

He turned upon me as round as a chafed boar, and gave me a lick across the face.


LICKERISH. adj. [liccena, a glutton, LICKEROUS. S Saxon. This seems to be the proper way of spelling the word, which has no affinity with liquour, but with like.]

1. Nice in the choice of food.

Voluptuous men sacrifice all substantial satisfactions to a liquorish palate. L'Estrange.

2. Eager; greedy to swallow; eager not with hunger but gust.

It is never tongue-tied, where fit commendation, whereof womankind is so lickerish, is offered unto it.

Sidney. Strephon, fond boy, delighted, did not know That it was love that shin'd in shining maid; But lick'rous, poison'd, fain to her would go.


Certain rare manuscripts, sought in the most remote parts by Erpenius, the most excellent linguist, had been left to his widow, and were upon sale to the jesuits, liquorish chapmen of all such ware. Wotton.

In vain he proffer'd all his goods to save His body, destin'd to that living grave; The liquorish hag rejects the pelf with scorn, And nothing but the man would serve her turn.

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LICORICE. n. 5. [γλυκυῤῥιζα; liquoricia, Italian.] A root of sweet taste.

Liquorice root is long and slender, externally of a dusky reddish brown, but within of a fine yellow, full of juice, and of a taste sweeter than sugar; it grows wild in many parts of France, Italy, Spain, and Germany. The inspissated juice of this root is brought to us from Spain and Holland; from the first of which places it obtained the name of Spanish juice.

Hill's Materia Medica, LICTOR. n. s. (Latin.) A beadle that attended the consuls to apprehend or punish criminals.


Saucy lictors Will catch at us like strumpets. Proconsuls to their provinces Hasting, or on return, in robes of state, Lictors and rods the ensigns of their power.


Democritus could feed his spleen, and shake His sides and shoulders till he felt 'em ake; Though in his country-town no lictors were, Nor rods, nor ax, nor tribune.

Dryden. LID. n. s. [hlid, Saxon; lied, German.] 1. A cover; any thing that shuts down over a vessel; any stopple that covers the mouth, but not enters it.

Hope, instead of flying off with the rest, stuck so close to the lid of the cup, that it was shut down upon her.


2. The membrane that, when we sleep or wink, is drawn over the eye.

Do not for ever with thy veiled lids, Seek for thy noble father in the dust. Shaksp. Our eyes have lids, our ears still ope we keep. Davies.

That eye dropp'd sense distinct and clear, As any muse's tongue could speak; When from its lid a pearly tear. Ran trickling down her beauteous cheek. Prior.

The rod of Hermes
To sleep could mortal eye-lids fix,
And drive departed souls to Styx:
That rod was just a type of Sid's,
Which o'er a British senate's lids

Could scatter opium full as well,
And drive as many souls to hell.

Swift LIE. n. s. [lie, French.] Any thing impregnated with some other body; as, soap or salt.

Chamber-lie breeds fleas like a loach.

Sbakspears. All liquid things concocted by heat become yellow, lye, wort, &c. Peacham on Drawing. LIE. n. s. [lize, Saxon.] 1. A criminal falshood.

Thou liest, abhorred tyrant; with my sword I'll prove the lie thou speak'st. Sbakspeare. A lye is properly an outward signification of something contrary to, or at least beside, the inward sense of the mind; so that when one thing is signified or expressed, and the same thing not meant or intended, that is properly a lye.


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2. A charge of falsehood: to give the lie, 9. To be placed or situate, with respect

is a formulary phrase.

That lie shall lye so heavy on my sword, That it shall render vengeance and revenge; Till thou the lie giver, and that lie, rest In earth as quiet as thy father's skull. Shakspeare.

It is a contradiction to suppose, that whole nations of men should unanimously give the lie to what, by the most invincible evidence, every one of them knew to be true.


Men will give their own experience the lie, rather than admit of any thing disagreeing with these tenets. Locke.

3. A fiction. This sense is ludicrous. The cock and fox, the fool and knave imply; The truth is moral, though the tale a lie.


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Epitaph on Vanburgh.

3. To be reposited in the grave. reposited

All the kings of the nations lie in glory, every one in his own house. Isaiab.

I will lie with my fathers, and thou shalt carry me out of Egypt, and bury me in your burying-place. Genesis.

4. To be in a state of decumbiture.

How many good young princes would do so; their fathers lying so sick as yours at this time is? Sbakspeare.

My little daughter lieth at the point of death; I pray thee come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed.

5. To pass the time of sleep. The watchful traveller,


That by the moon's mistaken light did rise, Lay down again, and clos'd his weary eyes.


Forlorn he must, and persecuted flie; Climb the steep mountain, in the cavern lie.

6. To be laid up or reposited.


I have seen, where copperas is made, great variety of them, divers of which I have yet lying by me. Boyle.

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to something else.

Deserts, where there lay no way. Wisdom.

I fly
To those happy climes that lie
Where day never shuts his eye,


There lies our way, and that our passage home.

Envy lies between beings equal in nature, though unequal in circumstances. Golfier of Envy. The business of a tutor, rightly employed, lies out of the road. Locke on Education.

What lies beyond our positive idea towards infinity, lies in obscurity, and has the undeterminate confusion of a negative idea. 10. To press upon afflictively.


Thy wrath lieth hard upon me, and thou hast afflicted me with all thy waves.

He that commits a sin shall find


The pressing guilt lie heavy on his mind, Though bribes or favour shall assert his cause.


Shew the power of religion, in abating that particular anguish which seems to lie so heavy on Leonora.

11. To be troublesome or tedious.


Suppose kings, besides the entertainment of luxury, should have spent their time, at least what lay upon their hands, in chemistry, it can not be denied but princes may pass their time advantageously that way.


I would recommend the studies of knowledge to the female world, that they may not be at a loss how to employ those hours that lie upon their hands. Addison's Guardian.

12. To be judicially imputed.

If he should intend his voyage towards my wife, I would turn her loose to him; and what he gets more of her than sharp words, let it lie on my head.


13. To be in any particular state.

If money go before, all ways do lie open.
The highways lie waste, the wayfaring man





The seventh year thou shalt let it rest and lie still. Exodus.

Do not think that the knowledge of any particular subject cannot be improved, merely because it has lain without improvement. Watts.

14. To be in a state of concealment.

Many things in them lie concealed to us, which they who were concerned understood at first sight. Locke.

15. To be in prison.

Your imprisonment shall not be long; I will deliver you, or else lie for you. Shaksp. 16. To be in a bad state.

Why will you lie pining and pinching yourself in such a lonesome, starving course of life?


The generality of mankind lie pecking at one another, till one by one they are all torn to pieces. L'Estrange's Fables.

Are the gods to do your drudgery, and you lis bellowing with your finger in your mouth?

L'Estrange. 17. To be in a helpless or exposed state. To see a hated person superior, and to lie under the anguish of a disadvantage, is far enough

from diversion.


It is but a very small comfort, that a plain man, lying under a sharp fit of the stone for a week, receives from this fine sentence. Tillotson.

As a man should always be upon his guard against the vices to which he is most exposed, so we should take a more than ordinary care not

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24. To LIE down. To rest; to go into a state of repose.

The leopard shall lie down with the kid.

The needy shall lie dorun in safety.

Isaiab. Isaiab.

25. To LIE down. To sink into the grave. His bones are full of the sin of his youth, which shall lie down with him in the dust. Job. 26. To L.IE in. To be in childbed.

As for all other good women that love to do but little work, how handsome it is to lie in and sleep, or to louse themselves in the sunshine, they that have been but a while in Ireland can well witness.

Spenser. You confine yourself most unreasonably. Come; you must go visit the lady that lies in. Shakspeare.

She had lain in, and her right breast had been apostemated. Wiseman's Surgery. The doctor has practised by sea and land, and therefore cures the green sickness and lyings in. Spectator. When Florimel design'd to lie privately in; She chose with such prudence her pangs to conThat her nurse, nay her midwife, scarce heard her once squeal. Prior. Hysterical affections are contracted by accidents in lying in. Arbuthnot on Diet.


27. To LIE under. To be subject to; to be oppressed by.

A generous person will lie under a great disadvantage. Smalridge's Sermons. This mistake never ought to be imputed to Dryden, but to those who suffered so noble a genius to lie under necessity. Pope. Europe lay then under a deep lethargy, and was no otherwise to be rescued but by one that would cry mightily. Atterbury.

28. To LIE upon. To become the matter of obligation or duty.

These are not places merely of favour, the charge of souls, lies upon them; the greatest ac count whereof will be required at their hands. Bacon.

It should lie upon him to make out how matter, by undirected motion, could at first necessarily fall, without ever erring or miscarrying, into such a curious formation of human bodies.

Bentley's Sermons. 29. To LIE with. To converse in bed. Pardon me, Bassanio,

For by this ring she lay with me. Shakspeare. 30. It may be observed of this word in general, that it commonly implies something of sluggishness, inaction, or steadiness, applied to persons; and some gravity or permanency of condition, applied to things.

LIEF. adj. [leor, Saxon; lief, Dute]
Dear; beloved. Obsolete.
My liefest lord she thus bege

For he was flesh; all fresh doth rainy, ta

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LIEGE. adj. [lige, Fr. ligio, Italian; ligius, low Latin.]

1. Bound by some feudal tenure; subject: whence liegeman for subject. 2. Sovereign. (This signification seems to have accidentally risen from the former, the lord of liege men, being by mistake called liege lord.]

Did not the whole realm acknowledge Henry VIII. for their king and liege lord? Spenser.

My lady liege, said he, What all your sex desire is sovereignty. Dryden.

So much of it as is founded on the law of nature, may be stiled natural religion; that is to say, a devotedness unto God our liege lord, so as to act in all things according to his will.

Grow's Cosmography. LIEGE. n. 5. Sovereign; superiour lord: scarcely in use. O pardon me, my liege! but for my tears I had forestall'd this dear and deep rebuke. Sbakspeare

The other part reserv'd I by consent,
For that my sovereign liege was in my debt.

The natives, dubious whom
They must obey, in consternation wait
Till rigid conquest will pronounce their liegt.

Prilips. LIEGEMAN. N. s. [from liege and man.] A subject. Not in use.

This liegeman 'gan to wax more bold, And when he felt the folly of his lord, In his own kind, he 'gan himself unfold. Spenser

Sith then the ancestors of those that now live, yielded themselves then subjects and liegemen, shall it not tye their children to the same subjection? Spenser on Ireland,

Stand, ho! who is there? -Friends to this ground, and liegemen to the Dane, Shakspeare

LIEGER. n.s. [more properly legier, or
leger.] A resident ambassadour.
His passions and his fears
Lie liegers for you in his breast, and there
Negotiate your affairs.
Denham's Sophy.

LIEN. The participle of lie.

One of the people might lightly have lien with thy wife.


LIENTE'RICK. adj. [from lientery.] Pertaining to a lientery.

There are many medicinal preparations of iron, but none equal to the tincture made without acids; especially in obstructions, and to strengthen the tone of the parts; as in lienterich and other like cases. Grew's Museum.

LIENTERY.n.s. [from λειον, leve, smooth, and ενλέρον, intestinum, gut; lienterie, Fr.] A particular looseness or diarrhea, wherein the food passes so suddenly through the stomach and guts, as to be thrown out by stool with little or no alteration.

Quincy. LIER. n. 5. [from to lie.] One that rests or lies down; or remains concealed. There were liers in ambush against him behind the city. Joshua. LIEU.n.5. [Fr.] Place; room: it is only used with in: in lieu, instead.

God, of his great liberality, had determined, in lieu of man's endeavours, to bestow the same by the rule of that justice which best beseemeth him. Hooker.

In lieu of such an increase of dominion, it is our business to extend our trade.

Addison's Freeholder.

LIEVE. adv. [See LIEF.) Willingly.

Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounced it to you, trippingly on the tongue: but if you mouth it, as many of our players do, I had as lieve the town-crier had spoke my lines. Shaksp.

Action is death to some sort of people, and they would as lieve hang as work. L'Estrange. LIEUTENANCY. n. s. [lieutenance, Fr. from lieutenant.]

1. The office of a lieutenant.

If such tricks as these strip you out of your lieutenancy, it had been better you had not kissed your three fingers so oft. Shakspeare. 2. The body of lieutenants.

The list of undisputed masters, is hardly so long as the list of the lieutenancy of our metropolis. Felton on the Classics.

LIEUTENANT. n. s. [lieutenant, Fr.] 1. A deputy; one who acts by vicarious authority.

Whither away so fast?

-No farther than the tower.
We'll enter all together,

And in good time here the lieutenant comes.


I must put you in mind of the lords lieutenants, and deputy lieutenants, of the counties: their proper use is for ordering the military affairs, in order to oppose an invasion from abroad, or a rebellion or sedition at home.


Killing, as it is considered in itself without all undue circumstances, was never prohibited to the lawful magistrate, who is the viceregent or lieutenant of God, from whom he derives his power of life and death. Bramball against Hobbes. Sent by our new lieutenant, who in Rome, And since from me, has heard of your renown: I come to offer peace. Philip's Briton.

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3. Enjoyment, or possession of existence, as opposed to death.

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