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Himself to sing and build the lofty rhime. Milt. 4. Proud; haughty.

The eyes of the lofty shall be humbled. Isai. Lofty and sour to them that lov'd him not; But to those men that sought him, sweet as Shakspeare.


Man, the tyrant of our sex, I hate, A lowly servant, but a lofty mate. Dryden. Loc. n.s. [The original of this word is not known. Skinner derives it from lizzan, Sax. to lie; Junius from logge, Dutch, sluggish; perhaps the Latin, lignum, is the true original.] 1. A shapeless bulky piece of wood. Would the lightning had Burnt up those logs that thou'rt injoin'd to pile. Sbakspeare.

The worms with many feet are bred under logs of timber, and many times in gardens, where no logs are. Bacon.

Some log, perhaps, upon the waters swam, An useless drift, which rudely cut within,

And hollow'd, first a floating trough became, And cross some riv'let passage did begin. Dryd. 2. An Hebrew measure, which held a quarter of a cab, and consequently fivesixths of a pint. According to Dr. Arbuthnot it was a liquid measure, the seventy-second part of the bath or ephah, and twelfth part of the hin.


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01 2345 6 7 12 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 Where the numbers above, beginning with (0), and arithmetically proportional, are called logarithms. The addition and subtraction of logarithms answers to the muktiplication and division of the numbers they correspond with; and this saves an infinite deal of trouble. In like manner will the extraction of roots be performed, by dissecting the logarithms of any numbers for the square root, and trisecting them for the cube, and so on. Harris. LO'GGATS. N. 5.

Loggats is the ancient name of a play or game, which is one of the unlawful games enumerated in the thirty-third statute of Henry VIII. It is the same which is now called kittle-pins, in which boys often make use of bones instead of wooden pine, throwing at them with another bone instead of bowling.


Did these bones cost no more the breeding, but to play at loggats with them. Sbaksp. LO'GGERHEAD. n. s. [logge, Dut. stupid, and head; or rather from log, a heavy

motionless mass, as blockhead,] A dolt; A blockhead; a thickskull.

Where hast been, Hal? -With three or four loggerbeads, amongst three or fourscore hogsheads. Shaksp. Henry IV. Says this loggerbead, what have we to do to quench other people's fires? L'Estrange.

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A couple of travellers that took up an ass, fell to loggerheads which should be his master.

L'Estrange. LOʻGGERHEADED. adj. [from loggerhead.] Dull; stupid; doltish.

You loggerbeaded and unpolish'd groom, what!

no attendance?

LOGICK. n. s. [logique, Fr. logica, Lat. from λόγος.] The art of reasoning. One of the seven sciences.

Logick is the art of using reason well in our enquiries after truth, and the communication of it to others. Watts' Logick.

Talk logisk with acquaintance, And practise rhetorick in your common talk. Shakspeare. By a logick that left no man any thing which he might call his own, they no more looked upon it as the case of one man, but the case of the Clarendon. kingdom.

Here foam'd rebellious logick, gagg'd and bound, There stript fair rhetorick languish'd on the ground. Pope.

LOGICAL. adj. [from logick.] 1. Pertaining to logick; taught in logick. The heretick complained greatly of St. Augustine, as being too full of logical subtilties. Hooker. Those who in a logical dispute keep in general terms, would hide a fallacy. Dryden. We ought not to value ourselves upon our ability, in giving subtile rules, and finding out lo gical arguments, since it would be more perfec tion not to want them.


2. Skilled in logick; furnished with logick.

A man who sets up for a judge in criticism, should have a clear and logical head. Spectator. LOGICALLY. adv. [from logical.] According to the laws of logick.

How can her old good man
With honour take her back again?
From hence I logically gather,
The woman cannot live with either.


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For your sake Am I this patient logman. Shaksp. Tempest. LOGOMACHY.N. 5. [λογομαχία.] A contention in words; a contention about words.

Forced terms of art did much puzzle sacred theology with distinctions, cavils, quiddities; and so transformed her to a meer kind of sophistry and legomachy. LOGWOOD. n. S.


Legrvood is of a very dense and firm texture; and is the heart only of the tree which produces it. It is very heavy, and remarkably hard, and of a deep, strong, red colour. It grows both in the East and West Indies, but no where so plentifully as on the coast of the bay of Campeachy. Hill's Math. Med.

To make a light purple, mingle ceruse with logwood water. Peacham. Lo HOCK. n. S.

Lobeck is an Arabian name for those forms of medicines which are now commonly called eclegmas, lambatives, or linctuses.


Lobocks and pectorals were prescribed, and venesection repeated. Wiseman's Surgery. LOIN. n. s. [Ilawyn, Welsh.]

1. The back of an animal carved out by the butcher.

2. Loins; the reins.

My face I'll grime with filth,

Blanket my loins.

Shaksp. King Lear.

Thou slander of thy heavy mother's womb! Thou loathed issue of thy father's loins! Shak.

Virgin mother, hail! High in the love of heav'n! yet from my loins Thou shalt proceed, and from thy womb the Son Of God most high. Milton's Par. Lost.


A multitude! like which the populous north Pour'd never from her frozen lains, to pass Rhene, or the Danaw, when her barbarous sons Came like a deluge on the south. Το LOTTER. v. n. [loteren, Dutch.] To linger; to spend time carelessly; to idle.

Sir John, you leiter here too long, being you are to take soldiers up in the countries. Shaksp. Whence this long delay?

You loiter, while the spoils are thrown away. Mark how he spends his time, whether he Dryden. unactively loiters it away.


If we have gone wrong, let us redeem the mistake; if we have loitered, let us quicken our pace, and make the most of the present opportunity. LOITERER. N. s. [from loiter.] A linRogers. gerer; an idler; a lazy wretch; one who lives without business; one who is sluggish and dilatory.

Give gloves to thy reapers a largess to cry, And daily to leiterers have a good eye. Tusser. The poor, by idlenessor unthriftiness, are rietaus spenders, vagabonds, and loiterers. Hayw. Where hast thou been, thou loiterer? Though my eyes clos'd, my arms have still been


To search if thou wert come.


Providence would only enter mankind into the useful knowledge of her treasures, leaving the rest to employ our industry, that we live not like idle loiterers and truants.

Ever listless loit'rers, that attend



No cause, no trust, no duty, and no friend.

To LOLL. v. n. [Of this word the etymology is not known. Perhaps it might

be contemptuously derived from lollard, a name of great reproach before the reformation; of whom one tenet was, that all trades not necessary to life are unlawful.]

1. To lean idly; to rest lazily against any thing.

So hangs, and lolls, and weeps upon me; so
shakes and pulls me.
Shaksp. Othello.

He is not folling on a lewd love bed,
But on his knees at meditation.
Close by a softly murm'ring stream,
Where lovers us'd to loll and dream. Hudibras.
To loll on couches, rich with cytron steds,
And lay your guilty limbs in Tyrian beds.


Void of care he lolls supine in state, And leaves his business to be done by fate. Dryd. But wanton now, and lolling at our ease, We suffer all the invet'rate ills of peace. Dryd. A lazy, lolling sørt

Of ever listless loit'rers.


2. To hang out: used of the tongue hanging out in weariness or play. The triple porter of the Stygian seat, With lelling tongue lay fawning at thy feet.


With harmless play amidst the bowls he pass'd,

And with his lolling tongue assay'd the taste.


To LOLL. v. a. To put out: used of the tongue exerted.

All authors to their own defects are blind; Hadst thou but, Janus-like, a face behind, To see the people, when splay mouths they


To mark their fingers pointed at thy back, Their tongues loll'd out a foot. Dryd. Persius. By Strymon's freezing streams he sat alone, Trees bent their heads to hear him sing his


Fierce tygers couch'd around, and loll'd their
fawning tongues.
Dryd. Virgil,
A kind of roundish fish.

LOMP. n. s.

LONE. adj. [contracted from alone.]
1. Solitary; unfrequented; having no

Here the lone hour a blank of life displays.

Thus vanish sceptres, coronets, and balls, And leave you in lone woods, or empty walls. Pope.

2. Single; not conjoined or neighbouring

to others.

No lone house in Wales, with a mountain and a rookery, is more contemplative than this court. Pope.

LONELINESS. n.s. [from lonely.] 1. Solitude; want of company.

The huge and sportful assembly grew to him a tedious loneliness, esteeming nobody since Daiphantus was lost.

2. Disposition to solitude.

I see

The mystery of your loneliness, and find
Your salt tears head.

LONELY. adj. [from lone.]
1. Solitary.

I go alone,



Like to a lonely dragon; that his fen Makes fear'd and talk'd of more than seen.

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With mighty barres of long-enduring brass.

When the trumpet soundeth long, they shall


come up to the mount.


The martial Ancus Furbish'd the rusty sword again, Resum'd the long-forgotten shield. g-forgotten



of these advantages, which Corneille has laid down, is the making choice of some signal and long-expected day, whereon the action of the play is to depend.


So stood the pious prince unmov'd, and long Sustain'd the madness of the noisy throng. Dryd. The muse resumes her long-forgotten lays, And love, restor'd, his ancient realm surveys.

Dryden. No man has complained that you have discoursed too long on any subject, for you leave us in an eagerness of learning more. Dryden. Persia left for you The realm of Candahar for dow'r I brought, That long-contended prize for which you fought. Dryden.

It may help to put an end to that long-agitated and unreasonable question, whether man's will be free or no? Locke

Heav'n restores

To thy fond wish the long-expected shores. Pope. 3. In the comparative, it signifies for more time; and in the superlative, for

most time.

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Eldest parents signifies either the eldest men and women that have had children, or those who have longest had issue.

4. Not soon.


Not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind.

5. At a point of duration far distant.


If the world had been eternal, those would have been found in it, and generally spread long ago, and beyond the memory of all ages.


Say, that you once were virtuous long ago?

A frugal, hardy people.

Philips Briten.

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the fault; by the failure. A word now out of use, but truly English.

Respective and wary men had rather seak quietly their own, and wish that the world may zo well, so it be not long of them, than with pains

aud hazard make themselves advisers for the common good. Hooker.

Maine, Blois, Poictiers, and Tours are won


Long all of Somerset, and his delay. Shaksp. Mistress, all this coil is long of you. Shaksp. If we owe it to him that we know so much, it is perhaps long of his fond adorers that we know so little more. Glanville.

To LONG. .n. [gelangen, German, to ask. Skinner.] To desire earnestly; to wish with eagerness continued: with for or after before the thing desired. Fresh expectation troubled not the land With any long'd for change, or better state.

Sbakspeare. And thine eyes shall look, and fail with longing for them. Deuteronomy. If erst he wished, now he longed sore. Fairf. The great master perceived, that Rhodes was the place the Turkish tyrant longer after. Knol. If the report be good, it causeth love, And longing hope, and well assured joy. Davies. Hisons, who seek the tyrant to sustain,

And leng for arbitrary lord again,

He dooms to death deserv'd. Dryden's Æneid. Glad of the gut, the new-made warrior goes, And arms among the Greeks, and longs for Dryden. Else whence this pleasing hope, this fond desire,

equal foes.

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Through stormy seas I courted dangers, and I long'd for death. A. Pbil. LONGANIMITY. n.s. [longanimitas, Lat. longanimité, Fr.] Forbearance; patience of offences.

It had overcome the patience of Job, as it did the meekness of Moses, and surely had mastered any but the longanimity and lasting sufferance of God. Brown's Vulgar Errours.

That innocent and holy matron had rather go clad in the snowy white robes of meekness and langanimity, than in the purple mantle of blood. Horvel's England's Tears. The largest boat be


longing to a ship.

At the first descent on shore, he did countenance the landing in his longboat. Wotton. They first betray their masters, and then, when they find the vessel sinking, save themselves in the longbeat.

ver so longimanous as to reach the soul of their enemies, or to extend unto the exile of their Brorun. elysiums. LONGIMETRY. n. s. [longus and μετράω : longimetrie, Fr.] The art or practice of measuring distances.

Our two eyes are like two different stations in longemitry, by the assistance of which the distance between two objects is measured.

Cheyne. LO'NGING.n.s. [from long.] Earnest desire; continual wish.

When within short time I came to the degree of uncertain wishes, and that those wishes grew to unquiet Lingings, when I would fix my thoughts upon nothing, but that within little varying they should end with Philoclea. Sidney.

I have a woman's longing, An appetite that I am sick withal, To see great Hector in the weeds of peace. Shakspeare.

The will is left to the pursuit of nearer satisfactions, and to the removal of those uneasinesses which it then feels in its want of, and longings after them. LONGINGLY. adv. [from longing.] With incessant wishes.


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The variety of the alphabet was in mere longitude only; but the thousand parts of our bodies may be diversified by situation in all the dimensions of solid bodies; which multiplies all over and over again, and overwhelms the fancy in a new abyss of unfathomable number. Bentley.

This universal gravitation is an incessant and uniform action by certain and established laws, according to quantity of matter and longitude of distance, that it cannot be destroyed nor impaired. Bentley.

2. The circumference of the earth measured from any meridian.

Some of Magellanus's company were the first that did compass the world through all the degrees of longitude. Abbot.

3. The distance of any part of the earth to the east or west of any place.

To conclude;

Of longitudes, what other way have we,
But to i nark when and where the dark eclipses
His was the method of discovering the longi-
tude by bo mb vessels.

L'Estrange. 4. The position of any thing to east or

LONGEVITY. n. s. [longavus, Latin.] Length of life.

That those are countries suitable to the natue of man, and convenient to live in, appears from the longevity of the natives.

The instances of es of longevity are chiefly amongst

the abstemious.

Ray. Arbuthnot on Aliments.

LONGI MANOus. adj. [longuemain, Fr. longimanus, Lat.] Longhanded; having long hands.

The villainy of this Christian exceeded the persecution of heathens, whose malice was ne

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LONGLY. adv. [from long.] Longingly; with great liking.

Master, you look'd so longly on the maid, Perhaps, you mark not what's the pith of all. Shakspeare. LO'NGSOME. adj. [from iong.] Tedious; wearisome by its length.

They found the war so churlish and longsome, as they grew then to a resolution, that, as long as England stood in state to succour those countries, they should but consume themselves in an endless war. Bacon's War with Spain.

When chill'd by adverse snows, and beating rain,

We tread with wearied steps the longsome plain. Prior. LO'NGSUFFERING. adj. [long and suffering] Patient; not easily provoked. The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness. Exodus.


fence; clemency.

Patience of of

We infer from the mercy and long-suffering of God, that they were themselves sufficiently secure of his favour. Rogers. LONGTAIL. n.s. [long and tail.] Cut and longtail: a canting term for one or another. A phrase, I believe, taken from dogs, which, belonging to men not qualified to hunt, had their tails cut.

He will maintain you like a gentlewoman. -Aye, that I will come cut and longtail under the degree of a squire. Sbakspeare. LO'NGWAYS. adv. [This and many other words so terminated are corrupted from wise.] In the longitudinal direction.

This island stands as a vast mole, which lies longways, almost in a parallel line to Naples.

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She once being looft, Antony Claps on his sea-wing, like a doating mallard, Leaving the fight. Shakspeare.

To Look. v. n. [locan, Sax.] 1. To direct the eye to or from any object: when the present object is mentioned, the preposition after look is either on or at; if it is absent, we use for; if distant, after: to was sometimes used anciently for at.

Your queen died, she was more worth such

Than what you look on now.
The gods look down, and the unnat'ral scene
They laugh at.
Sbaksp. Coriolanus.
Abimelech looked out at a window, and saw

Mine iniquities have taken hold upon me, so that I am not able to look up. Psalms. He was ruddy, and of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to.

1 Samuel.

The fathers shall not look back to their children. Jeremiab.

He had looked round about on them with anger.

The state would cast the eye, and look about to see whether there were any head under whom it might unite. Bacon. Fine devices of

arching water without spilling, be pretty things to look on, but nothing to Addison on Itely. health. Bacon's Essays.

LONGWINDED. adj. [long and wind.] Long breathed; tedious.

My simile you minded, Which, I confess, is too longwinded. Swift. LONGWISE. adv. [long and wise.] In the longitudinal direction.

They make a little cross of a quill, longwise of that part of the quill which hath the pith, and crosswise of that piece of the quill without pith. Bacon.

He was laid upon two beds, the one joined longwise unto the other, both which he filled with his length.

LOO. N. S. A game at cards.


A secret indignation, that all those affections of the mind should be thus vilely thrown away upon a hand at loo.

In the fights of loo.



LO'OBILY. adj. [looby and like.] Awkward; clumsy.

The plot of the farce was a grammar school, the master setting his boys their lessons, and a loobily country fellow putting in for a part among the scholars. L'Estrange. LO'OBY. N. S. [Of this word the derivation is unsettled. Skinner mentions lapp, German, foolish; and Junius, llabe, a clown, Welsh, which seem to be the true original, unless it come from lob.] A lubber; a clumsy clown.

The viees trace From the father's scoundrel race.

Froth appears white, whether the sun be in the meridian, or any where between it and the horizon, and from what place soever the beholders look upon it. Boyle on Colours. They 'll rather wait the running of the river dry, than take pains to look about for a bridge. L'Estrange. Thus pond'ring, he looked under with his eyes, And saw the woman's tears.

Bertran; if thou dar'st, look out Upon yon slaughter'd host.



I cannot, without some indignation, look on an ill copy of an excellent original; much less can I behold with patience Virgil and Homer abused to their faces, by a botching interpreter. Dryd. Intellectual beings, in their constant endeavours after true felicity, can suspend this prosecution in particular cases, till they have looked before them, and informed themselves, whether that particular thing lie in their way to their main end.


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