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LA'RUM. n. 5. [from alarum or alarm.] 1. Alarm; noise noting danger.

His larum bell might loud and wide be heard, When cause requir'd, but never out of time.

Spenser. The speaking cornute, her husband, dwelling in a continual larum of jealousy, comes to me in the instant of our encounter. Shaksp.

How far off lie these armies?

-Within a mile and half.

-Then shall we hear their larum, and they ours. Shakspeare. She is become formidable to all her neighbours, 2s she puts every one to stand upon his guard, and have a continual larum bell in his ears. Horvel.

2. An instrument that makes a noise at a certain hour.

Of this nature was that larum, which, though it were but three inches big, yet would both wake a man, and of itself light a candle for him at any set hour. Wilkins.

I see men as lusty and strong that eat but two meals a-day, as others, that have set their stomachs, like larums, to call on them for four or



The young Æneas, all at once let down, Stunn'd with his giddy larum half the town.

Pope. LARYNGOTOMY. n. 5. [λάρυγξ and τέμνω; laryngotomie, French.) An operation where the forepart of the larynx is divided to assist respiration, during large tumours upon the upper parts; as in a quinsy. Quincy. LA'RYNX. n. 5. [λαρυγξ.] The upper part of the trachea, which lies below the root of the tongue, before the pharynx. Quincy. There are thirteen muscles for the motion of the five cartilages of the larynx. Derbam. LASCIVIENT. adj. [lasciviens, Latin.] Frolicksome; wantoning. LASCIVIOUS. adj. [lascivus, Latin.] 1 Lewd; lustful.

In what habit will you go along? -Not like a woman; for I would prevent The loose encounters of lascivious men. Sbaksp.

He on Eve

Began to cast lascivious eyes; she him
As wantonly repaid; in lust they burn. Milton.
Notwithstanding all their talk of reason and
thilosophy, and those unanswerable difficulties


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Grim visag'd war hath smooth'd his wrinkl'd front;

And now, instead of mounting barbed steeds,
To fright the souls of fearful adversaries,
He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber,
To the lascivious pleasing of a lute.


LASCIVIOUSLY. adv. [from lascivious.)

Lewdly; wantonly; loosely. LASCIVIOUSNESS.n.s. [from lascivious.]

Wantonness; looseness.

The reason pretended by Augustus was the lasciviousness of his Elegies, and his Art of Love. Dryden. LASH. n. 5. [The most probable etymology of this word seems to be that of Skinner, from schlagen, Dutch, to strike; whence slash and lash.]

1. A stroke with any thing pliant and tough.

From hence are heard the groans of ghosts, the pains

Of sounding lashes, and of dragging chains. Dryd. Rous'd by the lash of his own stubborn tail, Our lion now will foreign foes assail. Dryden. 2. The thong or point of the whip which gives the cut or blow.

Her whip of cricket's bone, her lash of film, Her waggoner a small grey-coated gnat. Sbaksp.. I observed that your whip wanted a lash to it. Addison.

3. A leash, or string in which an animal is held; a snare. Out of use. The farmer they leave in the lasb, With losses on every side. Tasser's Husbandry. 4. A stroke of satire; a sarcasm. The moral is a lash at the vanity of arrogating that to ourselves which succeeds well.


To LASH. v. a. [from the noun.] 1. To strike with any thing pliant; to


Let's whip these stragglers o'er the seas again, Lash hence these over-weening rags of France.

Shakspeare He charg'd the flames, and those that disobey'd He lash'd to duty with his sword of ght. Dryd. And limping death, lash'd on by fate, Comes up to shorten half our date. Dryd. Hor. Stern as tutors, and as uncles hard, We lash the pupil, and defraud the ward. Dryd. Leaning on his lance, he mounts his can His fiery coursers lashing through the air. Garth. 2. To move with a sudden spring or jirk. The club hung round his ears, and batter'd brows;

He falls; and lashing up his heels, his rider throws. Dryden 3. To beat; to strike with a sharp sound, The winds grow high, Impending tempests charge the sky; The lightning flies, the thunder roars, And big waves lash the frighted shores. Prior. 4. To scourge with satire.

Could pension'd Boileau lash in honest strain, Flatt'rers and bigots ev'n in Louis' reign. Pope. 5. To tie any thing down to the side or mast of a ship; properly to lace. To LASH. v. n. To ply the whip,




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Wheels clash with wheels, and bar the narrow street;

The lashing whip resounds. Gay's Trivia. LA'SHER. N. s. (from lash.] One that whips or lashes.

LASS. n. s. (from lad is formed laddess, by contraction lass. Hickes.] A girl; a maid; a young woman: used now only of mean girls.

Now was the time for vig'rous lads to show What love or honour could invite them to; A goodly theatre, where rocks are round With reverend age, and lovely lasses crown'd.


A girl was worth forty of our widows; and an honest, downright, plain dealing lass it was. L'Estrange.

They sometimes an hasty kiss Steal from unwary lasses; they with scorn, And neck reclin'd, resent. Philips. LA'SSITUDE. n. s. [lassitudo, Latin, lassitude, French.]

1. Weariness; fatigue; the pain arising from hard labour.

Lassitude is remedied by bathing, or anointing with oil and warm water; for all lassitude is a kind of contusion and compression of the parts; and bathing and anointing give a relaxation or emollition.


Assiduity in cogitation is more than our embodied souls can bear without Jassitude or distemGlanville. per.

She lives and breeds in air; the largeness and lightness of her wings and tail sustain her without lassitude. More's Antidote against Atheism. Do not overfatigue the spirits, lest the mind be seized with a lassitude, and thereby be tempted to nauseate, and grow tired.


From mouth and nose the briny torrent ran, And lost in lassitude lay all the man. Pope's Odys. 2. [In physick.]

Lassitude generally expresses that weariness which proceeds from a distempered state, and not from exercise, which wants no remedy but rest: it proceeds from an increase of bulk, from a diminution of proper evacuation, or from too great a consumption of the fluid necessary to maintain the spring of the solids, as in fevers; or from a vitiated secretion of that juice whereby the fibres are not supplied. Quincy. LASSLORN. n. s. [lass and lorn.] Forsaken by his mistress. Not used.

Brown groves, Whose shadow the dismissed batchelor loves, Being lass-lorn. Shakspeare.

LAST. adj. (latest, Saxon; laetste, Dutch.]

1. Latest; that follows all the rest in time. Why are ye the last to bring the king back?


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Here, last of Britons, let your names be read.

Wit not alone has shone on ages past,
But lights the present, and shall warm the last.

4. Lowest; meanest.


Takes the last prize, and takes it with a jest. Pope. 5. Next before the present; as, last week. 6. Utmost.

Fools ambitiously contend

For wit and pow'r; their last endeavours bend T' outshine each other. Dryden's Lucretius. 7. At Last. In conclusion; at the end. Gad, a troop shall overcome him; but he shall overcome at the last. Genesis.

Thus weather-cocks, that for a while
Have turn'd about with ev'ry blast,
Grown old, and destitute of oil,
Rust to a point, and fix at last.
8. The LAST; the end.



All politicians chew on wisdom past, And blunder on in business to the last. LAST. adv. 1. The last time; the time next before the present.

How long is't now since last yourself and I Were in a mask? Shakspeare.

When last I dy'd, and, dear! I die
As often as from thee I go,
I can remember yet that I

Something did say, and something did bestow.

2. In conclusion.


Pleas'd with his idol, he commends, admires, Adores; and last, the thing ador'd desires. Dryd. To LAST. v. n. [lærtan, Saxon.] To endure; to continue; to persevere.


All more lasting than beautiful. I thought it more agreeable to my affection to your grace, to prefix your name before the essays: for the Latin volume of them, being in the universal language, may last as long as books Bacon.


With several degrees of lasting, ideas are imprinted on the memory.


These are standing marks of facts delivered by those who were eye-witnesses to them, and which were contrived with great wisdom to last till time should be no more.


LAST. n. s. [læst, Saxon.] 1. The mould on which shoes are formed. The cobler is not to go beyond his last.

L'Estrange. A cobler produced several new grins, having been used to cut faces over his last. Spectator. Should the big last extend the shoe too wide, Each stone would wrench th' unwary step aside.

Gay. 2. [last, German.) A load; a certain weight or measure. LA'STERY. n. 5. A red colour.

The bashful blood her snowy cheeks did spread, That her became as polish'd ivory, Which cupring craftsman's hand hath overlaid, With fair vermilion, or pure lastery.


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He had strength to reach his father's house: the door was only latched; and, when he had the latch in his hand, he turned about his head to see his pursuer.

2. [lecher, French.] To smear.


But hast thou yet latch'd the Athenian's eyes With the love juice, as I did bid thee do? Shaksp. LA'TCHES. n. S.

Latches or laskets, in a ship, are small lines like loeps, fastened by sewing into the bonnets and drablers of a ship, in order to lace the bonnets to the courses, or the drablers to the bonnets. Har. LA'TCHET. N. s. [lacet, French.] The string that fastens the shoe.

There cometh one mightier than I, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose.


LATE. adj. [lær, Saxon; laet, Dutch; in the comparative latter or later, in the superlative latest or last. Last is absolute and definite, more than latest.] 1. Contrary to early; slow; tardy; long delayed.

My hasting days fly on with full career, But my late spring no bud nor blossom sheweth.


Just was the vengeance, and to latest days Shall long posterity resound thy praise. Pope. 2. Last in any place, office, or character. All the difference between the late servants, and those who staid in the family, was, that those latter were finer gentlemen. Spectator.

3. The deceased: as, the works of the late Mr. Pope.

4. Far in the day or night.. LATE. adv.

1. After long delays; after a long time. It is used often with too, when the proper time is past.

O boy! thy father gave thee life too soon, And hath bereft thee of thy life too late. Shaksp. A second Silvius after these appears, Silvius Æneas, for thy name he bears: For arms and justice equally renown'd, Who late restor'd in Alba shall be crown'd. Dryd. He laughs at all the giddy turns of state, When mortals search too soon, and fear too late. Dryden.

The later it is before any one comes to have these ideas, the later also will it be before he comes to those maxims. Locke.

I might have spar'd his life, But now it is too late. Phillips' Distrest Mother. 2. In a later season.

To make roses, or other flowers, come late, is an experiment of pleasure; for the ancients esteemed much of the rosa sera.

Bacon's Natural History.

There be some flowers which come more early, and otherswhich come more late in the year. Bac. 3. Lately; not long ago.

They arrived in that pleasant isle, Where sleeping late, she left her other knight. In reason's absence fancy wakes, Ill-matching words and deeds long past or late.



The goddess with indulgent cares, And social joys, the late transform'd repairs. Pope. From fresh pastures, and the dewy field, The lowing herds return, and round them throng With leaps and bounds the late imprison'd young. Pope.

4. Far in the day or night.

Was it so late, friend, ere you went to bed, That you do lie so late?

-Sir, we were carousing till the second cock. Shakspeare.

Late the nocturnal sacrifice begun, Nor ended till the next returning sun. Dryden. 5. Of late; lately; in times past; near the present. Late in this phrase seems to be an adjective.

Who but felt of late?



Men have of late made use of a pendulum, as a more steady regulator. LA'TED. adj. [from late.] Belated; surprised by the night.

I am so lated in the world, that I Have lost my way for ever. Shakspeare. The west yet glimmers with some streaks of


Now spurs the lated traveller apace To gain the timely inn. Shakspeare's Macbeth. LATELY.adv. [from lass.] Not long ago. Paul found a certain Jew named Aquila, lately come from Italy. LA'TENESS. n.s. [from late.] Time far advanced.


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LATERALLY. adv. [from lateral.] By the side; sidewise.

The days are set laterally against the columns of the golden number.

Holder on Time. LA'TEWARD. adv. [late and beard, Sax.] Somewhat late.

LATH. n. 5. [larra, Sax. late, latte, Fr.] A small long piece of wood used to support the tiles of houses.

With dagger of lath. Shakspeare. Penny-royal and orpin they use in the country to trim their houses; binding it with a lath or stick, and setting it against a wall. Bacon's Natural History.

Laths are made of heart of oak, for outside work, as tiling and plaistering; and of fir for inside plaistering, and pantile lathing. Moxon. The god who frights away, With his lath sword, the thieves and birds 'of Dryden. TO LATH. v. a. [latter, Fr. from the noun.] To fit up with laths.


A small kiln consists of an oaken frame, lathed en every side. Mortimer's Husbandry.

The plaisterer's work is commonly done by the yard square for lathing. Mortimer's Husbandry. LATH. n. s. [læð, Saxon. It is explained by Du Cange, I suppose from Spelman, Portio comitatus major tres vel plures bundredas continens: this is apparently contrary to Spenser, in the following example.] A part of a county.

If all that tything failed, then all that lath was charged for that tything; and if the lath failed, than all that hundred was demanded for them; and if the hundred, then the shire, who would

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Oldham was considered as a good Latinist.
Oldbam's Life.

LATINITY. n.s. [latinité, French; latinitas, Lat.] Purity of Latin style; the Latin tongue.

If Shakspeare was able to read Plautus with ease, nothing in Latinity could be hard to him. Dennis. To LATINIZE. v. a. [latiniser, French; from Latin.] To use words or phrases borrowed from the Latin.

I am liable to be charged that I latinize to much. Dryden

To LATINIZE. v. n. To give names a Latin termination, to make them Latin. He uses coarse and vulgar words, or terms and phrases that are latinized, scholastick, and hard to be understood. Watts.

LA'TISH. adj. [from late.] Somewhat late.

LATIRO'STROus. adj. [latus and rostrum, Latin.] Broad-beaked.

In quadrupeds, in regard of the figure of their heads the eyes are placed at some distance; in latirestrous and flat-billed birds, they are more laterally seated. Brown. LA'TITANCY. n. s. [from latitans, Lat.] Delitescence; the state of lying bid.

In vipers she has abridged their malignity by their succession or latitanoy. Brown's Vulg. Etr.

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titudo, Latin]

LATRIA. n. s. [Latin; λατρεία; latrie Fr.] The highest kind of worship: distinguished by the papists from dulia, or inferiour worship.

The practice of the catholick church makes genuflections, prostrations, supplications, and other acts of latria to the cross. Stillingfleet. LATTEN. N. s. [leton, French; latoen, Dutch; lattown, Welsh.] Brass; a mixture of copper and calaminaris stone.

To make lamp-black, take a torch or link, and hold it under the bottom of a latten bason, and, as it groweth black within, strike it with a feather into some shell. Peacham.

1. Breadth; width; in bodies of unequal LA'TTER. adj. [This is the compara

dimensions the shorter axis; equal bodies the line drawn from right to left. Whether the exact quadrat, or the long square, be the better, I find not well determined; though I must prefer the latter, provided the length do not exceed the latitude above one third part.

2. Room; space; extent.


There is a difference of degrees in men's understandings, to so great a latitude, that one may affirm, that there is a greater difference between some men and others, than between some men and beasts.


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I pretend not to treat of them in their full latitude; it suffices to shew how the mind receives them, from sensation and reflection.

Locke LATITUDINARIAN. adj. [latitudinaire, French; latitudinarius, low Latin.] Not restrained; not confined; thinking or acting at large.

Latitudinarian love will be expensive, and therefore I would be informed what is to be gotten by it. Collier on Kindness. LATITUDINA RIAN. n. S. One who departs from orthodoxy.


tive of late, though universally written with tt, contrary to analogy, and to our own practice in the superlative latest. When the thing of which the comparison is made is mentioned, we use later; as, this fruit is later than the rest; but latter when no comparison is expressed, but the reference is merely to time; as, those are latter fruits.

Volet usus

Quem penes arb trium est, & vis, & norma loquendi.]

Happening after something else. 2. Modern; lately done or past.

Hath not navigation discovered, in these latter ages, whole nations at the bay of Soldania? Loche. 3. Mentioned last of two.

The difference between reason and revelation, and in what sense the latter is superior. Watts. LATTERLY.adv. [from latter.] Of late; in the last part of life: a low word lately hatched.

Latterly Milton was short and thick. Rich.

LATTICE. n.s. [lattis, French; by Junius written lettice, and derived from lerr iern, a hindring iron, or iron stop; by Skinner imagined to be derived from latte, Dutch, a lath, or to be corrupted from nettice or network: I have sometimes derived it from let and eye; leteyes, that which lets the eye. It may be deduced from laterculus.] A reticulated window, a window made with sticks or irons crossing each other at small distances.

My good window of lattice, fare thee well; thy casement I need not open, I look through thee.

Shakspeare. The mother of Sisera looked out at a window, and cried through the lattess. Judges.

Up into the watch-tower, get, And see all things despoil'd of fallacies: Thou shalt not peen through lattices of eyes, Nor hear througn labyrinths of ears, nor learn By circuit or collections to discern.


The trembling leaves through which he play'd, Dappling the walk with light and shade, Like lattice windows, give the spy

Room but to peep wili hali an eye. Cleaveland.

To LATTICE. v. a [from the noun.] To decussate, or cross; to mark with cross parts like a lattice.

LATRANT. adj (lairans, Lat.] Barking.. LAVATION.n.s [lavatio, Latin.] The

Thy care be first the various gifts to trace, The minds and genius of the latrant race. Ticketl.

act of washing.

Such filthy stuff was by loose lewd varlets

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